diff --git a/Modules/Text.lua b/Modules/Text.lua
index eba4628..46f5cf5 100644
--- a/Modules/Text.lua
+++ b/Modules/Text.lua
@@ -118,14 +118,7 @@ return c
[2] = {
name = "Target",
left = 'return "Target:"',
- right = [[
-if self.UnitExists("mouseovertarget") then
- local name = self.UnitName("mouseovertarget")
- return name
- return "None"
+ right = 'return UnitName("mouseovertarget") or "None"',
colorRight = [[
if self.UnitExists("mouseovertarget") then
local c
@@ -151,8 +144,7 @@ end
name = "Guild",
left = 'return "Guild:"',
right = [[
-local guild = self.GetGuildInfo("mouseover")
-if guild then return "<" .. guild .. ">" else return self.unitGuild end
+if guild then return "<" .. GetGuildInfo("mouseover") .. ">" else return self.unitGuild end
enabled = true
@@ -201,13 +193,7 @@ return lvl
name = "Race",
left = 'return "Race:"',
right = [[
-local race
-if self.UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") then
- race = self.UnitRace("mouseover")
- race = self.UnitCreatureFamily("mouseover") or self.UnitCreatureType("mouseover")
-return race
+return (UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and UnitRace("mouseover")) or UnitCreatureFamily("mouseover") or UnitCreatureType("mouseover")
enabled = true
@@ -215,9 +201,8 @@ return race
name = "Class",
left = 'return "Class:"',
right = [[
-local class = self.UnitClass("mouseover")
-if class == self.UnitName("mouseover") then return end
-return class
+if UnitClass("mouseover") == UnitName("mouseover") then return end
+return UnitClass("mouseover")
colorRight = [[
return self.UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and self.RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, self.UnitClass("mouseover"))]
@@ -335,7 +320,7 @@ end
right = [[
local mem, percent, memdiff, totalMem, totaldiff = GetMemUsage("StarTip")
if mem then
- self.memperc = memdiff / totaldiff * 100
+ self.memperc = memdiff / (totaldiff ~= 0 and totaldiff or 1) * 100
return memshort(tonumber(format("%.2f", mem))) .. " (" .. format("%.2f", self.memperc) .. "%)"
@@ -362,7 +347,7 @@ end
right = [[
local cpu, percent, cpudiff, totalCPU, totaldiff = GetCPUUsage("StarTip")
if cpu then
- self.cpuperc = cpudiff / totaldiff * 100
+ self.cpuperc = cpudiff / (totaldiff ~= 0 and totaldiff or 1) * 100;
return timeshort(cpu) .. " (" .. format("%.2f", self.cpuperc) .. "%)"
@@ -429,7 +414,7 @@ function mod:OnInitialize()
-- create our core object. Note that we must provide it with an LCD after it is created.
self.core = LibCore:New(mod, environment, self:GetName(), {[self:GetName()] = {}}, "text", StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel)
- self.lcd = LCDText:New(self.core, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.lcd = LCDText:New(self.core, 1, 40, 0, 0, 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel)
self.core.lcd = self.lcd
self.evaluator = LibEvaluator:New(environment, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel)
@@ -510,6 +495,7 @@ function draw()
+ StarTip.del(c)
linesToDraw = StarTip.new()
@@ -541,18 +527,14 @@ function mod:CreateLines()
if v.right then
GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(' ', ' ')
- if false and not v.leftObj or v.lineNum ~= lineNum then
+ if not v.leftObj or v.lineNum ~= lineNum then
if v.leftObj then v.leftObj:Del() end
v.value = v.left
local tmp = v.update
if not v.leftUpdating then v.update = 0 end
v.color = v.colorLeft
v.leftObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name .. "left", v, 0, 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.leftLines[lineNum])
- v.leftObj.visitor.lcd = self.lcd
- v.leftObj:Start()
v.update = tmp
- else
- v.leftObj:Start()
if not v.rightObj or v.lineNum ~= lineNum then
@@ -562,8 +544,6 @@ function mod:CreateLines()
if not v.rightUpdating then v.update = 0 end
v.color = v.colorRight
v.rightObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name .. "right", v, 0, 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.rightLines[lineNum])
- v.rightObj.visitor.lcd = self.lcd
- v.rightObj:Start()
v.update = tmp
tinsert(linesToDraw, {v.leftObj, mod.leftLines[lineNum]})
@@ -577,9 +557,7 @@ function mod:CreateLines()
local tmp = v.update
if not v.leftUpdating then v.update = 0 end
v.color = v.colorLeft
- v.leftObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name, v, 0, 0, 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.leftLines[lineNum])
- v.leftObj.visitor.lcd = lcd
- v.leftObj:Start()
+ v.leftObj = WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name, v, 0, 0, 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateFontString, mod.leftLines[lineNum])
v.lineNum = lineNum
v.update = tmp
diff --git a/config.lua b/config.lua
index 7df42e4..81e401e 100644
--- a/config.lua
+++ b/config.lua
@@ -27,27 +27,27 @@ StarTip.config = {
["layout_startip"] = {
["row1"] = {
["col1"] = "widget_name_label",
- ["col9"] = "widget_name"
+ ["col10"] = "widget_name"
["row2"] = {
["col1"] = "widget_class_label",
- ["col9"] = "widget_class"
+ ["col10"] = "widget_class"
["row3"] = {
["col1"] = "widget_race_label",
- ["col9"] = "widget_race",
+ ["col10"] = "widget_race",
["row4"] = {
["col1"] = "widget_level_label",
- ["col9"] = "widget_level",
+ ["col10"] = "widget_level",
["row5"] = {
["col1"] = "widget_mem_label",
- ["col9"] = "widget_mem"
+ ["col10"] = "widget_mem"
["row6"] = {
["col1"] = "widget_cpu_label",
- ["col9"] = "widget_cpu"
+ ["col10"] = "widget_cpu"
["transition"] = "U"
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ StarTip.config = {
["widget_name"] = {
type = "text",
value = "return UnitName('player')",
- cols = 30,
+ cols = 40,
update = 100000,
speed = 300,