Bug fix to prevent left and right segments from updating if leftUpdating and/or rightUpdating are/is true.
Scott Sibley [06-21-11 - 01:27]
Bug fix to prevent left and right segments from updating if leftUpdating and/or rightUpdating are/is true.
diff --git a/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua b/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
index 810ac91..77800de 100644
--- a/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
+++ b/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
@@ -698,16 +698,19 @@ return Colorize(format("%s: %d%% (%.2f%%)", L["Threat"], threatpct, rawthreatpct
[35] = {
name = L["Feats"],
- left = [[return L["Feats:"]; ]],
+ left = [[
+if not UnitIsPlayer(unit) then return end
+return L["Feats:"];
right = [[
-if not UnitIsPlayer(unit) then self:Stop(); return lastFeats end
+if not UnitIsPlayer(unit) then return lastFeats end
local feats = UnitFeats(unit)
local txt
if feats and feats > 0 then
txt = feats
- txt = "Loading Achievements..."
+ txt = L["Loading Achievements..."]
lastFeats = txt
return txt
@@ -718,9 +721,12 @@ return txt
[36] = {
name = L["PVP Rank"],
- left = [[return L["PVP Rank:"]; ]],
+ left = [[
+if not UnitExists(unit) or not UnitIsPlayer(unit) then lastPVPRank = nil; return end
+return L["PVP Rank:"];
right = [[
-if not UnitIsPlayer(unit) then self:Stop(); return lastPVPRank end
+if not UnitExists(unit) or not UnitIsPlayer(unit) then return lastPVPRank end
local pvp = UnitPVPStats(unit);
local txt;
if pvp then
@@ -849,8 +855,7 @@ return text
update = 300,
leftUpdating = true,
cols = 100
- },
+ }
for i, v in ipairs(defaultLines) do
@@ -989,9 +994,11 @@ function mod:CreateLines()
v.value = v.left
v.outlined = v.leftOutlined
llines[j].leftObj = v.left and WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name .. " (left)", copy(v), 0, 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateWidget)
+ if v.left and not v.leftUpdating then llines[j].leftObj.timer:Set(0) end
v.value = v.right
v.outlined = v.rightOutlined
llines[j].rightObj = v.right and WidgetText:New(mod.core, v.name .. " (right)", copy(v), 0, 0, v.layer or 0, StarTip.db.profile.errorLevel, updateWidget)
+ if v.right and not v.rightUpdating then llines[j].rightObj.timer:Set(0) end