
fixed a bug for binary quest that prohibated to turn finished quest in

lure [01-27-12 - 08:47]
fixed a bug for binary quest that prohibated to turn finished quest in
diff --git a/AutoTurnIn.lua b/AutoTurnIn.lua
index b6a272a..d2753f6 100644
--- a/AutoTurnIn.lua
+++ b/AutoTurnIn.lua
@@ -76,21 +76,19 @@ function AutoTurnIn:GOSSIP_SHOW()

 		for i=1, #gaq, 4 do
 			if (gaq[i+3]) then
-				local quest = L.quests[gaq[i]]
-				if AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all or quest then
-					if quest then
-						if quest.amount then
-							local has = 0
-							if quest.currency then
-								_, has = GetCurrencyInfo(quest.item)
-							else
-								has = GetItemCount(quest.item, nil, true)
-							end
-							if has > quest.amount then
-								SelectGossipActiveQuest(math.floor(i/4)+1)
-								return
-							end
-						end
+				local quest = L.quests[gaq[i]]
+				if AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all or quest  then
+					if quest and quest.amount then
+						local has = 0
+						if quest.currency then
+							_, has = GetCurrencyInfo(quest.item)
+						else
+							has = GetItemCount(quest.item, nil, true)
+						end
+						if has > quest.amount then
+							SelectGossipActiveQuest(math.floor(i/4)+1)
+							return
+						end
diff --git a/AutoTurnIn.toc b/AutoTurnIn.toc
index 88365f9..0785f67 100644
--- a/AutoTurnIn.toc
+++ b/AutoTurnIn.toc
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ## Version: 1.0
 ## Author: Lur
 ## Notes: Auto accepting and autocomplete daily quests
-## Notes-ruRU: Автоматический приниматель и сдаватель квестов.
+## Notes-ruRU: Автоматически принимает и сдает ежедневные (либо все) задания
 ## OptionalDeps: Ace3
 ## SavedVariables: AutoTurninDB
 ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: AutoTurninCharacterDB