
Add zone name to waypoint title

James Whitehead II [01-10-11 - 23:35]
Add zone name to waypoint title
diff --git a/sources/ArchaeologyDigSites.lua b/sources/ArchaeologyDigSites.lua
index 0772faf..fb6a713 100644
--- a/sources/ArchaeologyDigSites.lua
+++ b/sources/ArchaeologyDigSites.lua
@@ -39,11 +39,13 @@ local function UpdateDigSites()
     local sites = {}
     for idx = 1, GetNumMapLandmarks() do
         local name, desc, textureIdx, px, py = GetMapLandmarkInfo(idx)
+        local zoneName, mapFile, texPctX, texPctY, texX, texY, scrollX, scrollY = UpdateMapHighlight(px, py)
         if textureIdx == 177 then
             local key = string.format("%s:%f:%f:", name, px, py)
             if not waypoints[key] then
                 local waypoint = addon:AddWaypoint(continent, nil, px, py, {
-                    title = string.format(L["Dig site: %s"], name),
+                    title = string.format(L["Dig site: %s\n%s"], name, zoneName),
                     priority = 0,
                 sites[key] = waypoint