
Add data about connected realms (closes #1)

Phanx [08-03-14 - 17:50]
Add data about connected realms (closes #1)
Add API for looking up realms by name (closes #2)
Add API for looking up realms by unit (WoD only)
Remove API docs from README (see GitHub wiki)
diff --git a/LibRealmInfo.toc b/LibRealmInfo.toc
index 6c24871..b580a7b 100644
--- a/LibRealmInfo.toc
+++ b/LibRealmInfo.toc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ## Interface: 50400
-## Version: 3
+## Version: 4

 ## Title: Lib: Realm Info
 ## Notes: Library to provide information about realms.
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@

 ## Author: Phanx
 ## X-Email: addons@phanx.net
-## X-License: Public Domain via The Unlicense. See LICENSE file for details.
-## X-Website: https://github.com/phanx/wow-librealminfo
+## X-License: Public Domain. See LICENSE file for details.
+## X-Website: https://github.com/Phanx/LibRealmInfo
 ## X-Curse-Project-ID: librealminfo
 ## X-WoWI-ID: 22987

 ## OptionalDeps: LibStub

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LibRealmInfo/LibRealmInfo.lua b/LibRealmInfo/LibRealmInfo.lua
index 3b96e6b..793b38b 100644
--- a/LibRealmInfo/LibRealmInfo.lua
+++ b/LibRealmInfo/LibRealmInfo.lua
@@ -2,29 +2,137 @@
 	World of Warcraft library for obtaining information about realms.
 	by Phanx <addons@phanx.net>
-	https://github.com/phanx/wow-librealminfo
+	https://github.com/Phanx/LibRealmInfo
-	http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22987
+	http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22987-LibRealmInfo
 	This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

-local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibRealmInfo", 1
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibRealmInfo", 3
 assert(LibStub, MAJOR.." requires LibStub")
 local lib, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
 if not lib then return end

-local data
 local standalone = (...) == MAJOR
+local data, connections
+local Unpack

 function lib:GetRealmInfo(realmID)
-	local info = data[tonumber(realmID) or ""]
+	realmID = tonumber(realmID)
+	if not realmID then return end
+	if Unpack then
+		Unpack()
+	end
+	local info = data[realmID]
 	if info then
-		return strsplit(",", info)
+		return info.name, info.apiName, info.rules, info.locale, info.battlegroup, info.region, info.timezone, info.connected, info.latinName
 	elseif standalone then
 		return print("|cffff7f7f["..MAJOR.."]|r No info found for realm", realmID)

+local currentRegion
+local localeToRegion = { deDE = "EU", esES = "EU", esMX = "US", frFR = "EU", itIT = "EU", ruRU = "EU", koKR = "KR", enCN = "CN", zhCN = "CN", enTW = "TW", zhTW = "TW" }
+-- enGB client returns enUS, ptPT client returns ptBR, no way to tell what's what
+-- not actually sure if enCN and enTW return accurately
+local function GetCurrentRegion()
+	if not currentRegion then
+		local realmID, _ = tonumber(strmatch(UnitGUID("player"), "Player:(%d+)"))
+		if not realmID then
+			_, _, _, _, realmID = BNGetToonInfo(BNGetInfo() or 1)
+		end
+		if realmID then
+			_, _, _, _, currentRegion = self:GetRealmInfo(realmID)
+		end
+		if not currentRegion then
+			currentRegion = localeToRegion[GetLocale()]
+		end
+		if not currentRegion then
+			return standalone and print("|cffff7f7f["..MAJOR.."]|r Could not determine current region") or nil
+		end
+	end
+	return currentRegion
+function lib:GetRealmInfoByName(searchName, searchRegion)
+	searchName = gsub(searchName, "%s", "")
+	searchRegion = searchRegion or GetCurrentRegion()
+	if Unpack then
+		Unpack()
+	end
+	for id, info in pairs(data) do
+		if info.region == searchRegion and info.apiName == searchName then
+			return id, info.name, info.apiName, info.rules, info.locale, info.battlegroup, info.region, info.timezone, info.connected, info.latinName
+		end
+	end
+function lib:GetRealmInfoByUnit(unit)
+	local guid = unit and UnitGUID(unit)
+	if guid then
+		local realmID = tonumber(strmatch(guid, "Player:(%d+)"))
+		if realmID then
+			return self:GetRealmInfo(realmID)
+		end
+	end
+function Unpack()
+	if standalone then
+		print("|cffff7f7f["..MAJOR.."]|r Unpacking data...")
+	end
+	for id, info in pairs(data) do
+		local name, rules, locale, battlegroup, region, timezone = strsplit(",", info)
+		local name, translit = strsplit("|", name)
+		data[id] = {
+			name = name,
+			apiName = (gsub(name, "%s", "")),
+			latinName = translit, -- only for ruRU language realms
+			rules = rules,
+			locale = locale,
+			battlegroup = battlegroup,
+			region = region,
+			timezone = timezone, -- only for US region realms
+		}
+	end
+	for i = 1, #connections do
+		local t = { strsplit(",", connections[i]) }
+		for j = 1, #t do
+			local id = tonumber(t[j])
+			t[j] = id
+			local info = data[id]
+			if info then
+				info.connected = t
+			elseif standalone then
+				print("|cffff7f7f["..MAJOR.."]|r No data for connected realm", id, "from", connections[i])
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	connections = nil
+	Unpack = nil
+	collectgarbage()
+	if standalone then
+		print("|cffff7f7f["..MAJOR.."]|r Done unpacking data.")
+	end
 data = {
@@ -190,7 +298,6 @@ data = {
@@ -269,7 +376,6 @@ data = {
 [1369]="Wyrmrest Accord,RP,enUS,Cyclone,US,PST",
@@ -301,27 +407,27 @@ data = {
 [536]="Argent Dawn,RP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [578]="Arthas,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [1406]="Arygos,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
+[1923]="Ясеневый лес|Ashenvale,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
 [502]="Aszune,PVE,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [503]="Azjol-Nerub,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
 [579]="Azshara,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [1417]="Azuremyst,PVE,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [565]="Baelgun,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [566]="Blackhand,PVE,deDE,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
 [580]="Blackmoore,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [581]="Blackrock,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
+[1929]="Черный Шрам|Blackscar,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
 [1416]="Blade's Edge,PVE,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [521]="Bladefist,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
 [630]="Bloodfeather,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
 [504]="Bloodhoof,PVE,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [522]="Bloodscalp,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [1613]="Blutkessel,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
-[1924]="Booty Bay,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
-[1625]="Borean Tundra,PVE,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
+[1924]="Пиратская бухта|Booty Bay,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
+[1625]="Борейская тундра|Borean Tundra,PVE,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
 [1393]="Bronze Dragonflight,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
 [1081]="Bronzebeard,PVE,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
@@ -346,10 +452,10 @@ data = {
 [1389]="Darkspear,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
 [1619]="Das Konsortium,RPPVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [614]="Das Syndikat,RPPVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
+[1605]="Страж Смерти|Deathguard,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
+[1617]="Ткач Смерти|Deathweaver,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
-[1609]="Deepholm,PVP,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
+[1609]="Подземье|Deepholm,PVP,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
 [635]="Defias Brotherhood,RPPVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [1084]="Dentarg,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [1327]="Der Mithrilorden,RP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
@@ -382,34 +488,34 @@ data = {
 [1091]="Emeriss,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [1310]="Eonar,PVE,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [583]="Eredar,PVP,deDE,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
+[1925]="Вечная Песня|Eversong,PVE,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
 [1087]="Executus,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
 [1385]="Exodar,PVE,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
 [1611]="Festung der Stürme,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
-[1623]="Fordragon,PVE,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
+[1623]="Дракономор|Fordragon,PVE,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
 [516]="Forscherliga,RP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
 [584]="Frostmourne,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [632]="Frostwhisper,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
 [585]="Frostwolf,PVP,deDE,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
-[1614]="Galakrond,PVE,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
+[1614]="Галакронд|Galakrond,PVE,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
 [509]="Garona,PVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
 [1401]="Garrosh,PVE,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
 [606]="Genjuros,PVP,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
 [567]="Gilneas,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [586]="Gorgonnash,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [1303]="Grim Batol,PVP,enGB,Misery,EU",
 [587]="Gul'dan,PVP,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [646]="Hakkar,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [638]="Haomarush,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [619]="Hellscream,PVE,enGB,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
-[1615]="Howling Fjord,PVP,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
+[1615]="Ревущий фьорд|Howling Fjord,PVP,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
 [541]="Illidan,PVP,frFR,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
@@ -433,7 +539,7 @@ data = {
 [621]="Laughing Skull,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
 [1626]="Les Clairvoyants,RP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
 [647]="Les Sentinelles,RP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
-[1603]="Lich King,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
+[1603]="Король-лич|Lich King,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
 [1388]="Lightbringer,PVE,enGB,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
 [637]="Lightning's Blade,PVP,enGB,Vindication,EU",
 [1409]="Lordaeron,PVE,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
@@ -476,7 +582,7 @@ data = {
 [642]="Rashgarroth,PVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
 [554]="Ravencrest,PVP,enGB,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
 [1308]="Ravenholdt,RPPVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
-[1616]="Razuvious,PVP,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
+[1616]="Разувий|Razuvious,PVP,ruRU,Sturmangriff / Charge,EU",
 [1099]="Rexxar,PVE,deDE,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [1382]="Sanguino,PVP,esES,Cruelty / Crueldad,EU",
@@ -492,7 +598,7 @@ data = {
 [533]="Sinstralis,PVP,frFR,Vengeance / Rache,EU",
 [557]="Skullcrusher,PVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
+[1604]="Свежеватель Душ|Soulflayer,PVP,ruRU,Vindication,EU",
 [558]="Spinebreaker,PVP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [1606]="Sporeggar,RPPVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [1117]="Steamwheedle Cartel,RP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
@@ -514,7 +620,7 @@ data = {
 [1595]="The Sha'tar,RP,enGB,Reckoning / Abrechnung,EU",
 [636]="The Venture Co,RPPVP,enGB,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [605]="Theradras,PVP,deDE,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
 [604]="Thrall,PVE,deDE,Glutsturm / Emberstorm,EU",
 [643]="Throk'Feroth,PVP,frFR,Embuscade / Hinterhalt,EU",
@@ -909,29 +1015,181 @@ data = {
 [1215]="龙骨平原,PVP,zhCN,Battle Group 11,CN",
 --{{ TAIWAN
\ No newline at end of file
+connections = {
+"1129,56,1291,1559", -- 102 added Aug 14
+--"94,154", -- August 7
+--"72,157", -- "Future"
+--{{ EUROPE
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f405d9c..4f7604c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,62 +2,10 @@

 World of Warcraft library for obtaining information about realms.

-#### Download
-* [Curse](http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/librealminfo)
-* [WoWInterface](http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22987)
-#### Source & Issues
-* [GitHub](https://github.com/phanx/wow-librealminfo)
-## Usage
-    name, type, language, battlegroup, region, timezone = LibStub("LibRealmInfo"):GetRealmInfo(realmID)
-#### Arguments
-1. `realmID` - number/string: the ID for the realm to query (strings will be converted to numbers)
-#### Returns
-1. `name` - string: the realm name
-2. `type` - string: one of "PVE", "PVP", "RP" or "RPPVP"
-3. `language` - string: the official realm language, corresponds with [GetLocale](http://wowpedia.org/API_GetLocale)() values
-4. `battlegroup` - string: the battlegroup to which the realm belongs
-5. `region` - string: one of "US", "EU", "CN" or "TW" (Korean realms not yet supported)
-6. `timezone` - string/nil: for enUS realms, one of "PST", "MST", "CST", "EST" or "AEST"
-### Notes
-Realm IDs can be obtained on current 5.x live servers for the player, and the player's BattleTag and Real ID friends, using [BNGetToonInfo](http://wowpedia.org/API_BNGetToonInfo):
-    _, _, _, _, realmID = BNGetToonInfo(presenceID or toonID)
-or [BNGetFriendToonInfo](http://wowpedia.org/API_BNGetToonInfo):
-    _, _, _, _, realmID = BNGetFriendToonInfo(friendIndex, toonIndex)
-The player's own presenceID can be obtained using [BNGetInfo](http://wowpedia.org/API_BNGetInfo):
-    presenceID = BNGetInfo()
-These methods are only available while connected to Battle.net, and return no data on trial accounts, or on accounts for which Battle.net social features have been disabled via parental controls.
-#### Obtaining realm IDs in WoW 6.x
-In WoW 6.x (Warlords of Draenor) realm IDs can be obtained directly from GUIDs for all player units:
-    _, realmID = strsplit(":", UnitGUID("player"))
-Note that in 6.x the GUID format will change depending on the unit type; the above example will only work for player units. See [this WoWI thread](http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49503) for more information.
-## Author & Credits
-Library written by [Phanx](mailto:addons@phanx.net) with data collected by [Semlar](http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?p=294432#post294432), [TOM_RUS](http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?p=294512#post294512), and [Vlad](http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?p=294425#post294425).
+* **Download:** [Curse](http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/librealminfo)
+* **Download:** [WoWInterface](http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22987-LibRealmInfo)
+* **Source & Issues:** [GitHub](https://github.com/Phanx/LibRealmInfo)
+* **API Documentation:** [GitHub Wiki](https://github.com/Phanx/LibRealmInfo/wiki)

 ## License