
Use a modified version of the tags element for the pet health

Adrian L Lange [12-26-14 - 22:29]
Use a modified version of the tags element for the pet health
diff --git a/elements/tags.lua b/elements/tags.lua
index 3ded96c..34a90ab 100644
--- a/elements/tags.lua
+++ b/elements/tags.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-local tags = select(2, ...).oUF.Tags
+local oUF = select(2, ...).oUF
+local tags = oUF.Tags
+local tagMethods = tags.Methods
+local tagEvents = tags.Events
+local tagSharedEvents = tags.SharedEvents

 local gsub = string.gsub
 local format = string.format
@@ -89,14 +93,14 @@ for tag, func in next, {
 			return floor(cur / max * 100)
-	pethp = function()
-		if(UnitIsUnit('pet', 'vehicle')) then return end
+	pethp = function(unit)
+		if(UnitIsUnit(unit, 'vehicle')) then return end

-		local cur = UnitHealth('pet')
-		local max = UnitHealthMax('pet')
+		local cur = UnitHealth(unit)
+		local max = UnitHealthMax(unit)
 		if(cur > 0) then
 			return format('%s%d%%|r', Hex(ColorGradient(cur, max, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)), cur / max * 100)
-		elseif(UnitIsDead('pet')) then
+		elseif(UnitIsDead(unit)) then
 			return DEAD_TEXTURE
@@ -187,10 +191,289 @@ for tag, func in next, {
 	status = Status
 } do
-	tags.Methods['p3lim:' .. tag] = func
-	tags.Events['p3lim:' .. tag] = events[tag]
+	tagMethods['p3lim:' .. tag] = func
+	tagEvents['p3lim:' .. tag] = events[tag]
+-- Modified version of the tags element
+local events = {}
+local frame = CreateFrame('Frame')
+frame:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self, event, unit)
+	local strings = events[event]
+	if(strings) then
+		for _, fs in next, strings do
+			if(fs:IsVisible() and (tagSharedEvents[event] or fs.parent.unit == unit or fs.overrideUnit == unit)) then
+				fs:UpdateTag()
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local OnUpdates = {}
+local eventlessUnits = {}
+local function createOnUpdate(timer)
+	local OnUpdate = OnUpdates[timer]
+	if(not OnUpdate) then
+		local total = timer
+		local strings = eventlessUnits[timer]
+		local frame = CreateFrame('Frame')
+		frame:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, elapsed)
+			if(total >= timer) then
+				for _, fs in next, strings do
+					if(fs.parent:IsShown() and (UnitExists(fs.parent.unit) or UnitExists(fs.overrideUnit))) then
+						fs:UpdateTag()
+					end
+				end
+				total = 0
+			end
+			total = total + elapsed
+		end)
+		OnUpdates[timer] = frame
+	end
+local function OnShow(self)
+	for _, fs in next, self.__tags do
+		fs:UpdateTag()
+	end
+local function getTagName(tag)
+	local s = (tag:match('>+()') or 2)
+	local e = tag:match('.*()<+')
+	e = (e and e - 1) or -2
+	return tag:sub(s, e), s, e
+local function RegisterEvent(fs, event)
+	if(not events[event]) then
+		events[event] = {}
+	end
+	frame:RegisterEvent(event)
+	table.insert(events[event], fs)
+local _PATTERN = '%[..-%]+'
+local function RegisterEvents(fs, tagStr)
+	for tag in tagStr:gmatch(_PATTERN) do
+		tag = getTagName(tag)
+		local events = tagEvents[tag]
+		if(events) then
+			for event in events:gmatch('%S+') do
+				RegisterEvent(fs, event)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local function UnregisterEvents(fs)
+	for event, data in next, events do
+		for key, fs2 in next, data do
+			if(fs2 == fs) then
+				if(#data == 1) then
+					frame:UnregisterEvent(event)
+				end
+				table.remove(data, key)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local tagPool = {}
+local funcPool = {}
+local tmp = {}
+local function Tag(self, fs, tagStr)
+	if(not fs or not tagStr) then
+		return
+	end
+	if(not self.__tags) then
+		self.__tags = {}
+		table.insert(self.__elements, OnShow)
+	else
+		-- Since people ignore everything that is good practice;
+		-- Unregister the tag if it already exists.
+		for _, tag in next, self.__tags do
+			if(fs == tag) then
+				-- We don't need to remove it from the __tags table as Untag
+				-- handles that for us.
+				self:Untag(fs)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	fs.parent = self
+	local func = tagPool[tagStr]
+	if(not func) then
+		local format, numTags = tagStr:gsub('%%', '%%%%'):gsub(_PATTERN, '%%s')
+		local args = {}
+		for bracket in tagStr:gmatch(_PATTERN) do
+			local tagFunc = funcPool[bracket] or tagMethods[bracket:sub(2, -2)]
+			if(not tagFunc) then
+				local tagName, s, e = getTagName(bracket)
+				local tag = tagMethods[tagName]
+				if(tag) then
+					s = s - 2
+					e = e + 2
+					if(s ~= 0 and e ~= 0) then
+						local pre = bracket:sub(2, s)
+						local ap = bracket:sub(e, -2)
+						tagFunc = function(u, r)
+							local str = tag(u, r)
+							if(str) then
+								return pre .. str .. ap
+							end
+						end
+					elseif(s ~= 0) then
+						local pre = bracket:sub(2, s)
+						tagFunc = function(u, r)
+							local str = tag(u, r)
+							if(str) then
+								return pre .. str
+							end
+						end
+					elseif(e ~= 0) then
+						local ap = bracket:sub(e, -2)
+						tagFunc = function(u, r)
+							local str = tag(u, r)
+							if(str) then
+								return str .. ap
+							end
+						end
+					end
+					funcPool[bracket] = tagFunc
+				end
+			end
+			if(tagFunc) then
+				table.insert(args, tagFunc)
+			else
+				return error(('Attempted to use invalid tag %s.'):format(bracket), 3)
+			end
+		end
+		if(numTags == 1) then
+			func = function(self)
+				local parent = self.parent
+				local unit = parent.unit
+				local overrideUnit = self.overrideUnit
+				-- _ENV._COLORS = parent.colors
+				return self:SetFormattedText(
+					format,
+					args[1](overrideUnit or unit, overrideUnit and unit) or ''
+				)
+			end
+		elseif(numTags == 2) then
+			func = function(self)
+				local parent = self.parent
+				local unit = parent.unit
+				local overrideUnit = self.overrideUnit
+				-- _ENV._COLORS = parent.colors
+				return self:SetFormattedText(
+					format,
+					args[1](overrideUnit or unit, overrideUnit and unit) or '',
+					args[2](overrideUnit or unit, overrideUnit and unit) or ''
+				)
+			end
+		elseif(numTags == 3) then
+			func = function(self)
+				local parent = self.parent
+				local unit = parent.unit
+				local overrideUnit = self.overrideUnit
+				-- _ENV._COLORS = parent.colors
+				return self:SetFormattedText(
+					format,
+					args[1](overrideUnit or unit, overrideUnit and unit) or '',
+					args[2](overrideUnit or unit, overrideUnit and unit) or '',
+					args[3](overrideUnit or unit, overrideUnit and unit) or ''
+				)
+			end
+		else
+			func = function(self)
+				local parent = self.parent
+				local unit = parent.unit
+				local overrideUnit = self.overrideUnit
+				-- _ENV._COLORS = parent.colors
+				for i, func in next, args do
+					tmp[i] = func(overrideUnit or unit, overrideUnit and unit) or ''
+				end
+				-- We do 1, numTags because tmp can hold several unneeded variables.
+				return self:SetFormattedText(format, unpack(tmp, 1, numTags))
+			end
+		end
+		tagPool[tagStr] = func
+	end
+	fs.UpdateTag = func
+	local unit = self.unit
+	if(self.__eventless or fs.frequentUpdates) then
+		local timer
+		if(type(fs.frequentUpdates) == 'number') then
+			timer = fs.frequentUpdates
+		else
+			timer = 1/2
+		end
+		if(not eventlessUnits[timer]) then
+			eventlessUnits = {}
+		end
+		table.insert(eventlessUnits[timer], fs)
+		createOnUpdate(timer)
+	else
+		RegisterEvents(fs, tagStr)
+	end
+	table.insert(self.__tags, fs)
+local function Untag(self, fs)
+	if(not fs) then
+		return
+	end
+	UnregisterEvents(fs)
+	for _, timers in next, eventlessUnits do
+		for key, fs2 in next, timers do
+			if(fs2 == fs) then
+				table.remove(timers, key)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	for key, fs2 in next, self.__tags do
+		if(fs2 == fs) then
+			table.remove(self.__tags, key)
+		end
+	end
+	fs.UpdateTag = nil

--- This is really bad haste
-tags.SharedEvents.UNIT_HEALTH_FREQUENT = true
-tags.SharedEvents.UNIT_MAXHEALTH = true
+oUF:RegisterMetaFunction('CustomTag', Tag)
+oUF:RegisterMetaFunction('CustomUntag', Untag)
diff --git a/oUF_P3lim.lua b/oUF_P3lim.lua
index 38d9384..e5c42d0 100644
--- a/oUF_P3lim.lua
+++ b/oUF_P3lim.lua
@@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ local UnitSpecific = {
 		PetHealth:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.HealthValue, 'LEFT', -2, 0)
 		PetHealth:SetFont(FONT, 8, 'OUTLINEMONOCHROME')
-		self:Tag(PetHealth, '[p3lim:pethp< :]')
+		PetHealth.overrideUnit = 'pet'
+		self:CustomTag(PetHealth, '[p3lim:pethp< :]')

 		local PowerValue = self.StringParent:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
 		PowerValue:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Health, 2, 0)