
Added ability to filter auras by whitelist as well as blacklist.

Kith [02-16-17 - 05:45]
Added ability to filter auras by whitelist as well as blacklist.
Updated 'fake timer' duration for Earth Elemental for 7.1.5 (15>60)
diff --git a/Ellipsis/Aura.lua b/Ellipsis/Aura.lua
index f069f5d..ff21c19 100644
--- a/Ellipsis/Aura.lua
+++ b/Ellipsis/Aura.lua
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ local function OnClick(self, button)
 	elseif (button == 'RightButton') then
 		if (IsShiftKeyDown()) then
-			if (self.spellID > 0) then -- only allow blocking of actual spellIDs and not 'faked' ones
-				Ellipsis:BlacklistAdd(self.spellID)
+			if (self.spellID > 0) then -- only allow (un)blocking of actual spellIDs and not 'faked' ones
+				Ellipsis:FilterAura(self.spellID)
diff --git a/Ellipsis/AuraData.lua b/Ellipsis/AuraData.lua
index e1101e9..18737d3 100644
--- a/Ellipsis/AuraData.lua
+++ b/Ellipsis/AuraData.lua
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ local dataNoTargetFake = {			-- auras that need to be faked due to lack of API f
 	[51533]		= 15,	-- Feral Spirit
 	[192249]	= 60,	-- Storm Elemental
 	[198067]	= 60,	-- Fire Elemental
-	[198103]	= 15,	-- Earth Elemental
+	[198103]	= 60,	-- Earth Elemental
 	[1122]		= 25,	-- Summon Infernal
 	[5740]		= 8,	-- Rain of Fire
diff --git a/Ellipsis/Control.lua b/Ellipsis/Control.lua
index 419e06d..32f03c2 100644
--- a/Ellipsis/Control.lua
+++ b/Ellipsis/Control.lua
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ local activeUnits	= Ellipsis.activeUnits

 local controlDB
 local Aura, Unit
-local anchorLookup, priorityLookup, blacklist
+local anchorLookup, priorityLookup, blacklist, whitelist, filterByBlacklist
 local noTargetFake, noTargetFakeHasted, noTargetRedirect
 local isUniqueAura

@@ -55,21 +55,23 @@ function Ellipsis:InitializeControl()
 	noTargetFake, noTargetFakeHasted, noTargetRedirect = self:GetDataNoTarget()
 	isUniqueAura = self:GetDataUniqueAuras()

-	anchorLookup	= self.anchorLookup
-	priorityLookup	= self.priorityLookup
-	blacklist		= controlDB.blacklist
+	anchorLookup		= self.anchorLookup
+	priorityLookup		= self.priorityLookup
+	blacklist			= controlDB.blacklist
+	whitelist			= controlDB.whitelist

-	playerGUID		= UnitGUID('player')
-	petGUID			= UnitExists('pet') and UnitGUID('pet') or false
+	playerGUID			= UnitGUID('player')
+	petGUID				= UnitExists('pet') and UnitGUID('pet') or false


 function Ellipsis:ConfigureControl()
 	-- update aura limits
-	durationMin		= (controlDB.timeMinLimit) and controlDB.timeMinValue or -1			-- to make sure we don't block passives due to being to short
-	durationMax		= (controlDB.timeMaxLimit) and controlDB.timeMaxValue or 2764800	-- 32 days, anything longer than this is not likely to be an issue
-	blockPassive	= (not controlDB.showPassiveAuras)
+	durationMin			= (controlDB.timeMinLimit) and controlDB.timeMinValue or -1			-- to make sure we don't block passives due to being to short
+	durationMax			= (controlDB.timeMaxLimit) and controlDB.timeMaxValue or 2764800	-- 32 days, anything longer than this is not likely to be an issue
+	blockPassive		= (not controlDB.showPassiveAuras)
+	filterByBlacklist	= controlDB.filterByBlacklist

 	for group, options in pairs(controlDB.unitGroups) do
 		anchorLookup[group]		= options.anchor and self.anchors[options.anchor] or false
@@ -105,6 +107,16 @@ function Ellipsis:ApplyOptionsAuraRestrictions()
+		if (filterByBlacklist) then
+			if (blacklist[aura.spellID]) then -- filtering by blacklist, and on the list, remove
+				aura:Release()
+			end
+		else
+			if (not whitelist[aura.spellID]) then -- filtering by whitelist and NOT on the list, remove
+				aura:Release()
+			end
+		end

@@ -162,7 +174,7 @@ do ------------------------
 			if (not destGUID or bit_band(sourceFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_AFFILIATION_MINE) == 0) then return end -- abort if no target, or we're not the source

 			if (subEvent == 'SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS') then -- used for tracking notarget spell casts
-				if (noTargetFake[arg1] and not blacklist[arg1]) then -- this cast needs a 'fake' aura generated for timing
+				if (noTargetFake[arg1] and ((filterByBlacklist and not blacklist[spellID]) or (not filterByBlacklist and whitelist[spellID]))) then
 					local duration = noTargetFake[arg1]

 					if (duration <= durationMin or duration >= durationMax) then return end -- abort if duration is restricted
@@ -276,10 +288,11 @@ function Ellipsis:PLAYER_TOTEM_UPDATE(slot)
 		if (not summonSpellID) then return end -- not even enough info to fake it

 		totemTexture	= GetSpellTexture(summonSpellID)
-		spellID			= summonSpellID -- still needed for blacklist lookup
+		spellID			= summonSpellID -- still needed for filter list lookup

-	if (blacklist[spellID] or duration <= durationMin or duration >= durationMax) then return end
+	if (((filterByBlacklist and blacklist[spellID]) or (not filterByBlacklist and not whitelist[spellID])) or
+		(duration < durationMin or duration >= durationMax)) then return end

 	if (startTime > 0) then -- totem in this slot
 		if (duration == 0) then return end -- totem in this slot, but no duration (nothing to track)
@@ -488,8 +501,9 @@ function Ellipsis:UNIT_AURA(unitTag)

 	while (spellName) do -- only scanning our auras on target
 		if (unitCaster == 'player' or unitCaster == 'pet') then -- make sure player (or their pet) cast this aura
-			-- handle aura limitations, bit chunky due to special handling of passive auras and their limits
-			if (not (blacklist[spellID] or (duration == 0 and blockPassive) or (duration > 0 and (duration <= durationMin or duration >= durationMax)))) then
+			-- handle aura limitations, bit chunky due to special handling of passive auras and their limits as well as filter lists
+			if (((filterByBlacklist and not blacklist[spellID]) or (not filterByBlacklist and whitelist[spellID])) and
+				((duration > 0 and (duration > durationMin and duration < durationMax)) or (duration == 0 and not blockPassive))) then

 				-- handle notarget redirects for auras that appear on the player but make more sense to appear in notarget
 				if (noTargetRedirect[spellID]) then -- spell needs to be redirected to notarget unit
diff --git a/Ellipsis/Core.lua b/Ellipsis/Core.lua
index 4785ad7..1b89174 100644
--- a/Ellipsis/Core.lua
+++ b/Ellipsis/Core.lua
@@ -130,32 +130,54 @@ end

 -- ------------------------
 -- ------------------------
-function Ellipsis:BlacklistAdd(spellID)
-	if (type(spellID) == 'number' and spellID > 0) then -- just ensure its a (potentially legitimate) spellID
-		self.db.profile.control.blacklist[spellID] = true
+function Ellipsis:FilterAura(spellID)
+	if (type(spellID) == 'number' and spellID > 0) then -- ensure we're dealing with a (potentially) legitimate spellID
+		if (self.db.profile.control.filterByBlacklist) then	-- Filtering via BLACKLIST
+			if (self.db.profile.control.blacklist[spellID]) then -- aura already blocked, remove filter
+				self.db.profile.control.blacklist[spellID] = nil
+				local name = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
+				self:Printf(L.FilterBlackRemove, name or L.Aura_Unknown, spellID)
+			else -- aura not currently blocked, add to blacklist
+				self.db.profile.control.blacklist[spellID] = true
+				for _, aura in pairs(self.activeAuras) do
+					if (aura.spellID == spellID) then
+						aura:Release() -- kill any active auras with this newly blocked ID
+					end
+				end
+				local name = GetSpellInfo(spellID)

-		for _, aura in pairs(self.activeAuras) do
-			if (aura.spellID == spellID) then
-				aura:Release() -- kill any active auras with this newly blocked ID
+				self:Printf(L.FilterBlackAdd, name or L.Aura_Unknown, spellID)
-		end
+		else												-- Filtering via WHITELIST
+			if (self.db.profile.control.whitelist[spellID]) then -- aura already allowed, remove
+				self.db.profile.control.whitelist[spellID] = nil
+				for _, aura in pairs(self.activeAuras) do
+					if (aura.spellID == spellID) then
+						aura:Release() -- kill any active auras with this (now blocked) ID
+					end
+				end

-		local name = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
-		self:Printf(L.BlacklistAdd, name or L.BlacklistUnknown, spellID)
-	end
+				local name = GetSpellInfo(spellID)

-function Ellipsis:BlacklistRemove(spellID)
-	if (self.db.profile.control.blacklist[spellID]) then
-		self.db.profile.control.blacklist[spellID] = nil
+				self:Printf(L.FilterWhiteRemove, name or L.Aura_Unknown, spellID)
+			else -- aura not currently allowed, add to whitelist
+				self.db.profile.control.whitelist[spellID] = true

-		local name = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
-		self:Printf(L.BlacklistRemove, name or L.BlacklistUnknown, spellID)
-	end
+				local name = GetSpellInfo(spellID)

-	self:UNIT_AURA('player') -- update player auras (only unit we can reliably assume may need it after a removal)
+				self:Printf(L.FilterWhiteAdd, name or L.Aura_Unknown, spellID)
+			end
+		end
+		self:UNIT_AURA('player') -- update player auras (only unit we can reliably assume may need it after a removal)
+	end

 function Ellipsis:BlacklistCooldownAdd(group, timerID)
diff --git a/Ellipsis/Defaults.lua b/Ellipsis/Defaults.lua
index e20c5b4..2c79ea0 100644
--- a/Ellipsis/Defaults.lua
+++ b/Ellipsis/Defaults.lua
@@ -21,12 +21,14 @@ function Ellipsis:GetDefaults()
 			control = {
 				-- aura restrictions
-				blacklist 			= {},			-- blacklisted auras by spellID
 				showPassiveAuras	= true,
 				timeMinLimit		= false,
 				timeMinValue		= 4,
 				timeMaxLimit		= false,
 				timeMaxValue		= 60,
+				blacklist 			= {},			-- blacklisted auras by spellID
+				whitelist			= {},			-- whitelisted auras by spellID
+				filterByBlacklist	= true,			-- filter auras by using a blacklist
 				-- grouping and tracking
 				unitGroups = { -- set the anchor to display a group in (or false for 'do not show') and the priority (if enabled)
 					['target']		= {anchor = 1,		priority = 1},	-- override (priority cannot be changed)
diff --git a/Ellipsis/Ellipsis.toc b/Ellipsis/Ellipsis.toc
index 8729727..24b8056 100644
--- a/Ellipsis/Ellipsis.toc
+++ b/Ellipsis/Ellipsis.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: Ellipsis (|cff67b1e9K|cff4779ceith|cff67b1e9M|cff4779ceod|r)
 ## Notes: A full-featured, multi-target Aura (DoTs and HoTs) tracker.
 ## Author: Kith
-## Version: 4.2.5
+## Version: 4.2.6
 ## SavedVariables: EllipsisDB, EllipsisVersion
 ## OptionalDeps: Ace3, LibSharedMedia-3.0, LibSink-2.0
 ## X-Embeds: Ace3, LibSharedMedia-3.0, LibSink-2.0
diff --git a/Ellipsis/Locales/Local_enUS.lua b/Ellipsis/Locales/Local_enUS.lua
index 299095c..2911543 100644
--- a/Ellipsis/Locales/Local_enUS.lua
+++ b/Ellipsis/Locales/Local_enUS.lua
@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ local L = LibStub('AceLocale-3.0'):NewLocale('Ellipsis', 'enUS', true)

 L.OverlayCooldown = 'Cooldown Bar'

 L.VersionUpdated	= 'Version updated to v%s'
 L.VersionUpdatedNew	= 'Version updated to v%s - New settings are available!'
 L.ChatUsage			= 'Usage - /ellipsis [lock|unlock]\n   With no argument to open options, or lock or unlock to control positioning of the display windows.'
@@ -19,23 +16,26 @@ L.CannotLoadOptions	= 'Failed to load Ellipsis_Options, cannot open settings. Er

 -- aura & unit strings
 L.Aura_Passive		= ''
+L.Aura_Unknown		= 'Unknown Aura'
 L.UnitLevel_Boss	= 'B'
 L.UnitName_NoTarget	= 'Non-Targeted'

 -- aura tooltips
 L.AuraTooltip			= '|cff67b1e9<Left Click> to announce duration\n<Right Click> to cancel aura timer\n<Shift-Right Click> to block this aura|r'
-L.AuraTooltipNoBlock	= '|cff67b1e9<Left Click> to announce duration\n<Right Click> to cancel aura timer|r\n|cffd0d0d0Can only block using Blacklist options|r'
+L.AuraTooltipNoBlock	= '|cff67b1e9<Left Click> to announce duration\n<Right Click> to cancel aura timer|r\n|cffd0d0d0Manual block only using options|r'

 -- cooldown icon tooltips
 L.CooldownTimerTooltip			= '|cff67b1e9<Left Click> to announce cooldown\n<Right Click> to cancel cooldown timer\n<Shift-Right Click> to block this cooldown|r'
 L.CooldownTimerTooltipNoBlock	= '|cff67b1e9<Left Click> to announce cooldown\n<Right Click> to cancel cooldown timer|r\n|cffd0d0d0Can only block using Blacklist options|r'

--- blacklisting
-L.BlacklistAdd				= 'Aura Added To The Blacklist: %s [|cffffd100%d|r]'
-L.BlacklistRemove			= 'Aura Removed From The Blacklist: %s [|cffffd100%d|r]'
+-- filter lists
+L.FilterBlackAdd			= 'Aura Added To The Blacklist: %s [|cffffd100%d|r]'
+L.FilterBlackRemove			= 'Aura Removed From The Blacklist: %s [|cffffd100%d|r]'
+L.FilterWhiteAdd			= 'Aura Added To The Whitelist: %s [|cffffd100%d|r]'
+L.FilterWhiteRemove			= 'Aura Removed From The Whitelist: %s [|cffffd100%d|r]'
 L.BlacklistCooldownAdd		= 'Cooldown Added To The Blacklist: %s [|cffffd100%d|r]'
 L.BlacklistCooldownRemove	= 'Cooldown Removed From The Blacklist: %s [|cffffd100%d|r]'
-L.BlacklistUnknown			= 'Unknown Aura'

 -- announcements
 L.Announce_ActiveAura			= 'My [%s] will expire on [%s] in %s.'
diff --git a/Ellipsis_Options/ControlOptions.lua b/Ellipsis_Options/ControlOptions.lua
index fe68bcd..ac9e745 100644
--- a/Ellipsis_Options/ControlOptions.lua
+++ b/Ellipsis_Options/ControlOptions.lua
@@ -3,6 +3,28 @@ local L			= LibStub('AceLocale-3.0'):GetLocale('Ellipsis_Options')
 local LUG		= LibStub('AceLocale-3.0'):GetLocale('Ellipsis') -- used to get UnitGroup locales
 local LSM		= LibStub('LibSharedMedia-3.0')

+local filterAuraToAdd		= false
+local filterAuraToRemove	= false
+local filterAuraList		= {}
+local function GetFilteredAuras()
+	filterAuraList = wipe(filterAuraList)
+	local name
+	local ctrl = Ellipsis.db.profile.control
+	local filterList = ctrl.filterByBlacklist and ctrl.blacklist or ctrl.whitelist
+	for spellID in pairs(filterList) do
+		name = GetSpellInfo(spellID)
+		name = name or L.Aura_Unknown
+		filterAuraList[spellID] = format('[|cffffd100%d|r] %s', spellID, name)
+	end
+	return filterAuraList
 local blacklistAuraToAdd	= false
 local blacklistAuraToRemove	= false
 local blacklistAuraList		= {}
@@ -20,6 +42,7 @@ local function GetBlacklistedAuras()

 	return blacklistAuraList

 local dropUnitGroupAnchor = {			-- used for unitGroups that CANNOT be blocked from display
@@ -146,31 +169,92 @@ local control1Options = {
 				order = 6,
 				width = 'full',
-	groupBlacklist = {
-		name = L.Control1BlacklistHeader,
+	groupFilterList = {
+		name = L.Control1FilterHeader,
 		type = 'group',
 		inline = true,
 		order = 2,
 		args = {
-			groupAdd = {
+			groupFilterSelect = {
 				name = '',
 				type = 'group',
 				inline = true,
 				order = 1,
 				args = {
+					restrictBy = {
+						name = L.Control1FilterUsing,
+						type = 'description',
+						order = 1,
+						width = 'normal',
+						fontSize = 'medium',
+					},
+					blacklist = {
+						name = L.Control1FilterBlacklist,
+						desc = L.Control1FilterBlacklistDesc,
+						type = 'toggle',
+						order = 2,
+						width = 'half',
+						get = function()
+							return Ellipsis.db.profile.control.filterByBlacklist
+						end,
+						set = function(info, val)
+							if (not Ellipsis.db.profile.control.filterByBlacklist) then -- not already filtering by blacklist
+								Ellipsis.db.profile.control.filterByBlacklist = true
+ 								-- clean out local store so as not to cross-contaminate lists
+								filterAuraToAdd		= false
+								filterAuraToRemove	= false
+								Ellipsis:ConfigureControl()
+								Ellipsis:ApplyOptionsAuraRestrictions()
+								Ellipsis:UNIT_AURA('player')
+							end
+						end,
+					},
+					whitelist = {
+						name = L.Control1FilterWhitelist,
+						desc = L.Control1FilterWhitelistDesc,
+						type = 'toggle',
+						order = 3,
+						width = 'half',
+						get = function()
+							return not Ellipsis.db.profile.control.filterByBlacklist
+						end,
+						set = function(info, val)
+							if (Ellipsis.db.profile.control.filterByBlacklist) then -- already filtering by whitelist
+								Ellipsis.db.profile.control.filterByBlacklist = false
+ 								-- clean out local store so as not to cross-contaminate lists
+								filterAuraToAdd		= false
+								filterAuraToRemove	= false
+								Ellipsis:ConfigureControl()
+								Ellipsis:ApplyOptionsAuraRestrictions()
+								Ellipsis:UNIT_AURA('player')
+							end
+						end,
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			groupFilterAdd = {
+				name = '',
+				type = 'group',
+				inline = true,
+				order = 2,
+				args = {
 					addInput = {
-						name = L.Control1BlacklistAdd,
-						desc = L.Control1BlacklistAddDesc,
+						name = function()
+							return Ellipsis.db.profile.control.filterByBlacklist and L.Control1FilterAddBlack or L.Control1FilterAddWhite
+						end,
+						desc = L.Control1FilterAddDesc,
 						type = 'input',
 						order = 1,
 						multiline = false,
 						get = function()
-							if (blacklistAuraToAdd) then
-								return tostring(blacklistAuraToAdd)
+							if (filterAuraToAdd) then
+								return tostring(filterAuraToAdd)
 								return ''
@@ -179,35 +263,37 @@ local control1Options = {
 							val = tonumber(val)

 							if (val and val > 0) then
-								blacklistAuraToAdd = val
+								filterAuraToAdd = val
 					addExecute = {
-						name = L.Control1BlacklistAddButton,
+						name = L.Control1FilterAddBtn,
 						type = 'execute',
 						order = 2,
 						func = function()
-							Ellipsis:BlacklistAdd(blacklistAuraToAdd)
+							Ellipsis:FilterAura(filterAuraToAdd)

-							blacklistAuraToAdd = false -- spellID added, clear
+							filterAuraToAdd = false -- spellID added, clear
 						disabled = function() -- only enable if a valid spellID is waiting to be added
-							return not blacklistAuraToAdd
+							return not filterAuraToAdd
-			blacklistList = {
-				name = L.Control1BlacklistList,
-				desc = L.Control1BlacklistListDesc,
+			filterList = {
+				name = function()
+					return Ellipsis.db.profile.control.filterByBlacklist and L.Control1FilterListBlack or L.Control1FilterListWhite
+				end,
+				desc = L.Control1FilterListDesc,
 				type = 'select',
-				order = 2,
+				order = 3,
 				width = 'full',
-				values = GetBlacklistedAuras,
+				values = GetFilteredAuras,
 				get = function()
-					if (blacklistAuraToRemove) then
-						return blacklistAuraToRemove
+					if (filterAuraToRemove) then
+						return filterAuraToRemove
 						return nil
@@ -216,22 +302,22 @@ local control1Options = {
 					val = tonumber(val)

 					if (val and val > 0) then
-						blacklistAuraToRemove = val
+						filterAuraToRemove = val
-			blacklistRemove = {
-				name = L.Control1BlacklistRemoveButton,
+			filterListRemove = {
+				name = L.Control1FilterListRemoveBtn,
 				type = 'execute',
-				order = 3,
+				order = 4,
 				width = 'full',
 				func = function()
-					Ellipsis:BlacklistRemove(blacklistAuraToRemove)
+					Ellipsis:FilterAura(filterAuraToRemove)

-					blacklistAuraToRemove = false -- spellID removed, clear
+					filterAuraToRemove = false -- spellID removed, clear
 				disabled = function () -- only allow removable once a valid spellID has been chosen first
-					return not blacklistAuraToRemove
+					return not filterAuraToRemove
diff --git a/Ellipsis_Options/Ellipsis_Options.toc b/Ellipsis_Options/Ellipsis_Options.toc
index 2fb96bc..18d9527 100644
--- a/Ellipsis_Options/Ellipsis_Options.toc
+++ b/Ellipsis_Options/Ellipsis_Options.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: Ellipsis Options (|cff67b1e9K|cff4779ceith|cff67b1e9M|cff4779ceod|r)
 ## Notes: Options for Ellipsis. Must be enabled to alter settings.
 ## Author: Kith
-## Version: 4.2.5
+## Version: 4.2.6
 ## RequiredDeps: Ellipsis
 ## OptionalDeps: Ace3
 ## LoadOnDemand: 1
diff --git a/Ellipsis_Options/Locales/Local_enUS.lua b/Ellipsis_Options/Locales/Local_enUS.lua
index 0d2e4d2..1669a94 100644
--- a/Ellipsis_Options/Locales/Local_enUS.lua
+++ b/Ellipsis_Options/Locales/Local_enUS.lua
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ L.GeneralHelp			= '|cffffd200Terminology:|r\n|cffffd200Aura|r = Buffs & Debuffs

 -- ------------------------
--- CONTROL OPTIONS (ControlOptions.lua
+-- CONTROL OPTIONS (ControlOptions.lua)
 -- ------------------------
 L.Control1TimeHeader			= 'Restrict Auras By Duration'
 L.Control1TimeMinLimit			= 'Limit Minimum'
@@ -71,13 +71,23 @@ L.Control1TimeMaxValue			= 'Maximum Duration'
 L.Control1TimeMaxValueDesc		= 'Set the maximum duration (in seconds) an aura can have before it is blocked from display. All auras with a duration greater than, or equal to, this value will not be displayed.'
 L.Control1TimeHelp				= 'Minimum and Maximum duration restrictions apply to all auras displayed by Ellipsis. Passive auras ignore the above duration restrictions and their display is controlled using the option below.'
 L.Control1ShowPassiveAuras		= 'Show Passive (Infinite Duration) Auras'
-L.Control1BlacklistHeader		= 'Restrict Auras By Blacklisting'
-L.Control1BlacklistAdd			= 'Aura To Blacklist (by SpellID)'
-L.Control1BlacklistAddDesc		= 'Auras must be blacklisted by their SpellID rather than their name. For help finding the ID associated to a spell, you can use the databases on these sites:\n |cffffd100http://www.wowhead.com|r\n |cffffd100http://www.wowdb.com|r\n\nAlternatively, if auras are set to be Interactive (under |cffffd100Aura Configuration|r), you can blacklist an aura after casting it by using <Shift-Right Click> on the aura timer itself.'
-L.Control1BlacklistAddButton	= 'Add To Blacklist'
-L.Control1BlacklistList			= 'Blacklisted Auras'
-L.Control1BlacklistListDesc		= 'This is a list of all auras currently blacklisted from display, ordered by their SpellID.\n\nAuras can be removed from the list by selecting them and using the button below.'
-L.Control1BlacklistRemoveButton	= 'Remove Aura From Blacklist'
+L.Control1FilterHeader			= 'Restrict Auras By Filtering'
+L.Control1FilterUsing			= '   Restrict Auras Using A:'
+L.Control1FilterBlacklist		= 'Blacklist'
+L.Control1FilterBlacklistDesc	= 'All auras will be displayed except for those blocked by being added to the blacklist.'
+L.Control1FilterWhitelist		= 'Whitelist'
+L.Control1FilterWhitelistDesc	= 'No auras will be displayed except for those allowed by being added to the whitelist.'
+L.Control1FilterAddBlack		= 'Aura To Blacklist (by SpellID)'
+L.Control1FilterAddWhite		= 'Aura To Whitelist (by SpellID)'
+L.Control1FilterAddDesc			= 'Auras must be filtered by their SpellID rather than their name. For help finding the ID associated to a spell, you can use the databases on these sites:\n |cffffd100http://www.wowhead.com|r\n |cffffd100http://www.wowdb.com|r\n\nAlternatively, if auras are set to be Interactive (under |cffffd100Aura Configuration|r) they can be filtered after casting it by using <Shift-Right Click> on the aura timer itself.'
+L.Control1FilterAddBtn			= 'Add To Fiter List'
+L.Control1FilterListBlack		= 'Blacklisted Auras'
+L.Control1FilterListWhite		= 'Whitelisted Auras'
+L.Control1FilterListDesc		= 'This is a list of all currently filtered auras, ordered by their SpellID.\n\nAuras can be removed from the list by selecting them and using the button below.'
+L.Control1FilterListRemoveBtn	= 'Remove Aura From Filter List'

 L.Control2Drop_0 = 'Hidden'
 L.Control2Drop_1 = '[  |cffffd1001|r  ]'