diff --git a/SpeakerBee.toc b/SpeakerBee.toc
index 1677400..da22956 100644
--- a/SpeakerBee.toc
+++ b/SpeakerBee.toc
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
## Title: Speaker Bee
## Version: 1.0
## Author: Christopher Tse
-## Interface: 100100
+## Interface: 100105
## Notes: Immersive Chat Bubbles
-## IconTexture: Interface\AddOns\speakerBee\logo\Bee.blp
+## IconTexture: Interface\AddOns\SpeakerBee\logo\Bee.blp
## OptionalDeps: totalRP3
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: settings
diff --git a/TotalRP3.lua b/TotalRP3.lua
index dec6293..ab03d0c 100644
--- a/TotalRP3.lua
+++ b/TotalRP3.lua
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ local function makeBubbleForNPCChat(_, event, message, ...)
if message:find(talkType) then
local color;
local myMessage = message;
- local normalColor = ColorManager.getChatColorForChannel(talkChannel);
- local normalColorAsString = normalColor:GetColorCodeStartSequence();
+ local normalColor = TRP3_API.GetChatTypeColor(talkChannel);
+ local normalColorAsString = normalColor:GenerateHexColor();
local nameColor;
--Detect colour alterations. We need to remove it temporarily to remove the start.
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ local function makeBubbleForNPCChat(_, event, message, ...)
if npcName:sub(1,2) == "|c" and npcName:sub(-2) == "|r" then
--If the name is not in the default color scheme, save it to be set later
--Otherwise, we'll replace the name color with ChatBubble's default name colour.
- if npcName:sub(1,10) ~= normalColorAsString then
- nameColor = Color.static.CreateFromHexa(npcName:sub(1,10));
+ if npcName:sub(3,10) ~= normalColorAsString then
+ nameColor = TRP3_API.CreateColorFromHexMarkup(npcName:sub(1,10));
--Strip out the |c and |r tags so they don't get in the way of SetName()
npcName = npcName:sub(11);
@@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ end
function initTRP3Vars(self)
ellyb = TRP3_API.Ellyb;
loc = TRP3_API.loc;
- Color = ellyb.Color;
- ColorManager = ellyb.ColorManager;
@@ -125,13 +123,13 @@ function getPlayerTRP3NameAndColor()
function getPlayerNameColor()
- local GetClassColorByGUID = TRP3_API.utils.color.GetClassColorByGUID;
local configShowNameCustomColors = TRP3_API.chat.configShowNameCustomColors;
local guid = UnitGUID("player");
local player = AddOn_TotalRP3.Player.static.CreateFromGUID(guid)
if GetCVar("chatClassColorOverride") ~= "1" then
- characterColor = GetClassColorByGUID(guid);
+ local _, englishClass = GetPlayerInfoByGUID(guid);
+ characterColor = TRP3_API.GetClassDisplayColor(englishClass);
if configShowNameCustomColors() then
@@ -152,7 +150,6 @@ function getTargetTRP3NameAndColor()
if targetID == nil then
return nil;
local owner, companionID = companionIDToInfo(targetID);
local profile = getCompanionInfo(owner, companionID, targetID);
@@ -182,17 +179,14 @@ function getCompanionInfo(owner, companionID, currentTargetId)
function getTargetsNameColor(profile)
- local Color = TRP3_API.Ellyb.Color;
local customColor = profile.data.NH;
if customColor then
- customColor = Color(profile.data.NH);
- if AddOn_TotalRP3.Configuration.shouldDisplayIncreasedColorContrast() then
- customColor:LightenColorUntilItIsReadableOnDarkBackgrounds();
- end
+ local color = TRP3_API.CreateColorFromHexString(customColor);
+ color = TRP3_API.GenerateReadableColor(color, TRP3_ReadabilityOptions.TextOnBlackBackground);
+ return color;
- return customColor;
+ return nil;
--Basically a straight port of target_frame.lua's onTargetChanged()
@@ -214,12 +208,6 @@ function getTargetId()
return getCompanionFullID("target", currentTargetType);
---Import.modules["TotalRP3"] = {
--- name="TotalRP3",
--- onStart = TotalRP3_onStart;
@@ -228,12 +216,17 @@ POSSIBLE_CHANNELS = {
- ["name"] = "Roleplay Chat Bubbles",
- ["description"] = "Module for integrating TotalRP3's chatframe system with Roleplay Chat Bubbles.",
+ ["name"] = "Speaker Bee Integration",
+ ["description"] = "Module for integrating TotalRP3's chatframe system with Speaker Bee.",
["version"] = 1.000,
- ["id"] = "rp_chatBubbles",
+ --Note: Be careful of changing the id because this module needs to go after the chatframe module in trp3
+ --Check order of module loading using a print statement in trp3's registerModule method
+ ["id"] = "trp3_module_speakerBee",
["onStart"] = TotalRP3_onStart,
["minVersion"] = 3,
+ ["requiredDeps"] = {
+ { "trp3_chatframes", 1.100 },
+ }
if TRP3_API then