Added absorbbar below the health and incoming healbar. Color dark yellow. The absorb bar will show the health that will be absorbed. The absorb bar has the length of the current health + heal inc + absorb bar, up to the max health.
F. Dekker [03-16-13 - 12:58]
Added absorbbar below the health and incoming healbar. Color dark yellow. The absorb bar will show the health that will be absorbed. The absorb bar has the length of the current health + heal inc + absorb bar, up to the max health.
diff --git a/PerfectRaid_IncomingHeals.lua b/PerfectRaid_IncomingHeals.lua
index 2729dde..524c34c 100644
--- a/PerfectRaid_IncomingHeals.lua
+++ b/PerfectRaid_IncomingHeals.lua
@@ -40,17 +40,21 @@ end
function IncomingHeals:EnableIncomingHeals(value)
if value then
self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEAL_PREDICTION", "UpdateIncomingHeals")
+ self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_ABSORB_AMOUNT_CHANGED", "UpdateIncomingHeals")
- self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_HEAL_PREDICTION", "UpdateIncomingHeals")
+ self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_HEAL_PREDICTION", "UpdateIncomingHeals")
+ self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_ABSORB_AMOUNT_CHANGED", "UpdateIncomingHeals")
function IncomingHeals:ConfigureButton( button )
- local bar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, button)
- button.incominghealsbar = bar
+ local inchealbar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, button)
+ button.incominghealsbar = inchealbar
+ local absorbbar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, button)
+ button.absorbbar = absorbbar
function IncomingHeals:UpdateButtonLayout( button )
@@ -63,6 +67,14 @@ function IncomingHeals:UpdateButtonLayout( button )
button.incominghealsbar:SetStatusBarColor( 0.3, 0.5, 0.3 )
+ button.absorbbar:ClearAllPoints()
+ button.absorbbar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", button.leftbox, "TOPRIGHT", 0, -1)
+ button.absorbbar:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", button.rightbox, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 1)
+ button.absorbbar:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\PerfectRaid\\images\\smooth")
+ button.absorbbar:SetFrameLevel( button.healthbar:GetFrameLevel()-2 )
+ button.absorbbar:SetStatusBarColor( 0.83, 0.45, 0.09 )
+ button.absorbbar:Hide()
function IncomingHeals:UpdateIncomingHeals( event, target )
@@ -73,14 +85,17 @@ function IncomingHeals:UpdateIncomingHeals( event, target )
local health = UnitHealth(target)
local maxhealth = UnitHealthMax(target)
local healinc = UnitGetIncomingHeals(target)
+ local absorbinc = UnitGetTotalAbsorbs(target)
-- not correct healinc or health
if health == null or healinc == null then return end
- local healthsum = health + healinc
+ local healthincsum = health + healinc
+ local healthabsorbsum = health + healinc + absorbinc
-- adjust healthsum to maxhealth
- if healthsum > maxhealth then healthsum = maxhealth end
+ if healthincsum > maxhealth then healthincsum = maxhealth end
+ if healthabsorbsum > maxhealth then healthabsorbsum = maxhealth end
for unit, tbl in pairs(frames) do
@@ -88,13 +103,24 @@ function IncomingHeals:UpdateIncomingHeals( event, target )
for frame in pairs(frames[unit]) do
- if healinc == 0 or health == maxhealth then
+ -- heal inc
+ if healinc == 0 or health == maxhealth then
frame.incominghealsbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, maxhealth)
- frame.incominghealsbar:SetValue(healthsum)
+ frame.incominghealsbar:SetValue(healthincsum)
+ -- absorb inc
+ if absorbinc == 0 or health == maxhealth then
+ frame.absorbbar:Hide()
+ else
+ frame.absorbbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, maxhealth)
+ frame.absorbbar:SetValue(healthabsorbsum)
+ frame.absorbbar:Show()
+ end