diff --git a/NinjaLogo.tga b/NinjaLogo.tga
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea21497
Binary files /dev/null and b/NinjaLogo.tga differ
diff --git a/NinjaPanel.lua b/NinjaPanel.lua
index b83eb9a..7ba1ccb 100644
--- a/NinjaPanel.lua
+++ b/NinjaPanel.lua
@@ -684,9 +684,10 @@ frame:SetScript("OnShow", function(frame)
local EDGEGAP, ROWHEIGHT, ROWGAP, GAP = 16, 20, 2, 4
local function OnEnter(self)
+ local type = NinjaPanel.plugins[self.name].object.type or "Unknown"
GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT")
- GameTooltip:AddLine("Title", nil, nil, nil, true)
- GameTooltip:AddLine("Info", 1, 1, 1, true)
+ GameTooltip:AddLine(self.name, nil, nil, nil, true)
+ GameTooltip:AddLine(type, 1, 1, 1, true)
local function OnLeave() GameTooltip:Hide() end
@@ -700,6 +701,8 @@ frame:SetScript("OnShow", function(frame)
PlaySound(enabled and "igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOff" or "igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn")
+ -- Create rows for each option
for i=1,math.floor((305-22)/(ROWHEIGHT + ROWGAP)) do
local row = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame)
if not anchor then row:SetPoint("TOP", subtitle, "BOTTOM", 0, -16)
@@ -749,6 +752,7 @@ frame:SetScript("OnShow", function(frame)
for i,row in ipairs(rows) do
if (i + offset) <= #NinjaPanel.pluginNames then
+ print(offset, NinjaPanel.pluginNames[i], NinjaPanel.pluginNames[i+offset])
local name = NinjaPanel.pluginNames[i]
local entry = NinjaPanel.plugins[name]
local opts = NinjaPanelDB.plugins[name]
@@ -777,7 +781,7 @@ frame:SetScript("OnShow", function(frame)
scrollbar:SetPoint("TOP", rows[1], 0, -16)
scrollbar:SetPoint("BOTTOM", rows[#rows], 0, 16)
scrollbar:SetPoint("RIGHT", -16, 0)
- scrollbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, math.max(0, #NinjaPanel.pluginNames))
+ scrollbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, math.max(0, #NinjaPanel.pluginNames - #rows))
local f = scrollbar:GetScript("OnValueChanged")
@@ -793,12 +797,22 @@ frame:SetScript("OnShow", function(frame)
local enableall = MakeButton()
enableall:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 16, 16)
enableall:SetText("Enable All")
- enableall:SetScript("OnClick", EnableAllAddOns)
+ enableall:SetScript("OnClick", function(button)
+ for idx,name in ipairs(NinjaPanel.pluginNames) do
+ NinjaPanelDB.plugins[name].disabled = nil
+ end
+ Refresh()
+ end)
local disableall = MakeButton()
disableall:SetPoint("LEFT", enableall, "RIGHT", 4, 0)
disableall:SetText("Disable All")
- disableall:SetScript("OnClick", DisableAllAddOns)
+ disableall:SetScript("OnClick", function(button)
+ for idx,name in ipairs(NinjaPanel.pluginNames) do
+ NinjaPanelDB.plugins[name].disabled = true
+ end
+ Refresh()
+ end)
local reload = MakeButton()
reload:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -16, 16)
@@ -813,9 +827,10 @@ LibStub("tekKonfig-AboutPanel").new("NinjaPanel", "NinjaPanel")
-- Quicklaunch registration --
+-- Icon provided by NinjaKiller (http://ninjakiller.deviantart.com/art/Ninja-Icon-Package-01-56129382)
local dataobj = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject("NinjaPanel-Launcher", {
type = "launcher",
- icon = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_StormReach",
+ icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\NinjaPanel\\NinjaLogo",
OnClick = function() InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory(frame) end,