
fixed daily andknown logic

Alex Shubert [09-24-12 - 16:24]
fixed daily andknown logic
diff --git a/AutoTurnIn.lua b/AutoTurnIn.lua
index 9f55fbc..8e247d1 100644
--- a/AutoTurnIn.lua
+++ b/AutoTurnIn.lua
@@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ end
 -- OldGossip interaction system. Burn in hell. See http://wowprogramming.com/docs/events/QUEST_GREETING
 function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_GREETING()
 	self:Print("OLD GOSSIP")
 	if (not self:AllowedToHandle(true)) then
@@ -157,9 +156,9 @@ function AutoTurnIn:QUEST_GREETING()
 		local triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia = (not isTrivial) or AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial

 		local quest = L.quests[GetAvailableTitle(index)]
-		local dailyAndAllowed = (quest and (not quest.donotaccept)) or isDaily
+		local knownAllowedQuest = quest and (not quest.donotaccept)

-		if (triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia and (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all or dailyAndAllowed))then
+		if (triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia and (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all or knownAllowedQuest or isDaily)) then
 			if quest and quest.amount then
 				if self:GetItemAmount(quest.currency, quest.item) >= quest.amount then
@@ -203,12 +202,13 @@ function AutoTurnIn:VarArgForAvailableQuests(...)
 		local questname = select(i, ...)
 		local isTrivial = select(i+2, ...)
 		local isDaily  = select(i+3, ...)
-		local quest = L.quests[questname] -- this quest exists in questlist, stored in addons localization files. There are mostly daily quests
 		local triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia = (not isTrivial) or AutoTurnInCharacterDB.trivial
-		local dailyAndAllowed = (quest and (not quest.donotaccept)) or isDaily
+		local quest = L.quests[questname] -- this quest exists in addons quest DB. There are mostly daily quests
+		local knownAllowedQuest = quest and (not quest.donotaccept)

 		-- Quest is appropriate if: (it is trivial and trivial are accepted) and (any quest accepted or (it is daily quest that is not in ignore list))
-		if (triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia and (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all or dailyAndAllowed)) then
+		if (triviaAndAllowedOrNotTrivia and (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.all or knownAllowedQuest or isDaily )) then
 			if quest and quest.amount then
 				if self:GetItemAmount(quest.currency, quest.item) >= quest.amount then