
Bug fixes and new config options

Xruptor [09-28-16 - 13:52]
Bug fixes and new config options
-Added a new option to replace Server names in the tooltips with astricks.
-Added a new option to shorten the server names in the tooltips.
-Fixed a bug where the gold display tooltip was not using class colors.
-Changed a few of the locale text.  I want to start using the XR and BNET tags to reference cross-realm and battle.net features.  It makes it easier when making config options.
diff --git a/BagSync.lua b/BagSync.lua
index b85257c..c456345 100644
--- a/BagSync.lua
+++ b/BagSync.lua
@@ -188,6 +188,8 @@ function BSYC:StartupDB()
 	if self.options.enableTooltipItemID == nil then self.options.enableTooltipItemID = false end
 	if self.options.enableTooltipGreenCheck == nil then self.options.enableTooltipGreenCheck = true end
 	if self.options.enableRealmIDTags == nil then self.options.enableRealmIDTags = true end
+	if self.options.enableRealmAstrickName == nil then self.options.enableRealmAstrickName = false end
+	if self.options.enableRealmShortName == nil then self.options.enableRealmShortName = false end

 	--setup the default colors
 	if self.options.colors == nil then self.options.colors = {} end
@@ -463,7 +465,7 @@ function BSYC:GetRealmTags(srcName, srcRealm, isGuild)
 		--the guild information is saved twice because although the guild is on the connected server, the characters themselves are on different servers.
 		--too compensate for this, lets check the connected server and return only the guild name.  So it doesn't get processed twice.
 		for k, v in pairs(self.crossRealmNames) do
-			--check to see if the guild exists already on a connected realm
+			--check to see if the guild exists already on a connected realm and not the current realm
 			if k ~= srcRealm and self.db.guild[k] and self.db.guild[k][srcName] then
 				--return non-modified guild name, we only want the guild listed once for the cross-realm
 				return srcName
@@ -480,6 +482,12 @@ function BSYC:GetRealmTags(srcName, srcRealm, isGuild)
 		bnetString = "BNet-"

+	if self.options.enableRealmAstrickName then
+		fullRealmName = "*"
+	elseif self.options.enableRealmShortName then
+		fullRealmName = string.sub(fullRealmName, 1, 5) --only use 5 characters of the server name
+	end
 	if self.options.enableBNetAccountItems then
 		if srcRealm and srcRealm ~= self.currentRealm then
 			if not self.crossRealmNames[srcRealm] then
@@ -792,6 +800,7 @@ function BSYC:ShowMoneyTooltip(objTooltip)
 	for k, v in pairs(xDB) do
 		if v.gold then
 			k = self:GetRealmTags(k, v.realm)
+			k = self:GetClassColor(k or "Unknown", v.class)
 			table.insert(usrData, { name=k, gold=v.gold } )
diff --git a/locale/deDE.lua b/locale/deDE.lua
index 432ce3a..90a51c3 100644
--- a/locale/deDE.lua
+++ b/locale/deDE.lua
@@ -54,5 +54,5 @@ L.DisplayClassColor = "Zeige Klassenfarben für Charaktere"
 L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "Zeige modifizierte Tooltips NUR im BagSync Suchfenster."
 L.EnableBagSyncTooltip = "Aktiviere BagSync Tooltips"
 L.DisplayLineSeperator = "Aktiviere eine leere Linie als Seperator über der BagSync Tooltip Anzeige."
-L.DisplayCrossRealm = "Altiviere Items für Cross-Realm Charaktere."
-L.DisplayBNET = "Aktiviere Items für die aktuellen Battle.net Account Charaktere |cFFDF2B2B(Nicht empfohlen!)|r."
+L.DisplayCrossRealm = "Altiviere Items für Cross-Realm Charaktere.  |cffff7d0a[XR]|r"
+L.DisplayBNET = "Aktiviere Battle.net Account Charaktere. |cff3587ff[BNet]|r |cFFDF2B2B(Nicht empfohlen!)|r."
diff --git a/locale/enUS.lua b/locale/enUS.lua
index c1c72cb..43aeb47 100644
--- a/locale/enUS.lua
+++ b/locale/enUS.lua
@@ -84,11 +84,13 @@ L.DisplayFaction = "Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."
 L.DisplayClassColor = "Display class colors for characters."
 L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "Display BagSync tooltip ONLY in the search window."
 L.DisplayLineSeperator = "Display empty line seperator."
-L.DisplayCrossRealm = "Display Cross-Realms characters."
-L.DisplayBNET = "Display Battle.Net Account characters |cFFDF2B2B(Not Recommended)|r."
+L.DisplayCrossRealm = "Display Cross-Realms characters. |cffff7d0a[XR]|r"
+L.DisplayBNET = "Display Battle.Net Account characters. |cff3587ff[BNet]|r |cFFDF2B2B(Not Recommended)|r."
 L.DisplayItemID = "Display ItemID in tooltip."
 L.DisplayGreenCheck = "Display %s next to current character name."
 L.DisplayRealmIDTags = "Display |cffff7d0a[XR]|r and |cff3587ff[BNet]|r realm identifiers."
+L.DisplayRealmAstrick = "Display [*] instead of server names for |cffff7d0a[XR]|r and |cff3587ff[BNet]|r."
+L.DisplayShortRealmName = "Display short realm names for |cffff7d0a[XR]|r and |cff3587ff[BNet]|r."
 L.ColorPrimary = "Primary BagSync tooltip color."
 L.ColorSecondary = "Secondary BagSync tooltip color."
 L.ColorTotal = "BagSync [Total] tooltip color."
diff --git a/locale/esES.lua b/locale/esES.lua
index 7d539bc..2c9b5b3 100644
--- a/locale/esES.lua
+++ b/locale/esES.lua
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ L.DisplayClassColor = "Mostrar los colores de clase para los personajes."
 L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "Mostrar descripcion de BagSync SÓLO en la ventana de búsqueda."
 L.EnableBagSyncTooltip = "Activar Bagsync en las descripciones"
 L.DisplayLineSeperator = "Mostrar un separador de línea vacío."
-L.DisplayCrossRealm = "Mostrar objetos de personaje entre reinos."
-L.DisplayBNET = "Mostrar personajes de la cuenta de Battle.net |cFFDF2B2B(No recomendado)|r."
+L.DisplayCrossRealm = "Mostrar objetos de personaje entre reinos.  |cffff7d0a[XR]|r"
+L.DisplayBNET = "Mostrar personajes de la cuenta de Battle.net. |cff3587ff[BNet]|r |cFFDF2B2B(No recomendado)|r."
 L.ColorPrimary = "Color primario de BagSync en las descripciones."
 L.ColorSecondary = "Color secundario de BagSync en las descripciones."
 L.ColorTotal = "Color para mostar [Total] en la descripción de BagSync."
diff --git a/locale/koKR.lua b/locale/koKR.lua
index 9cac93d..ec24861 100644
--- a/locale/koKR.lua
+++ b/locale/koKR.lua
@@ -88,11 +88,13 @@ L.DisplayFaction = "양 진영 아이템을 표시합니다 (얼라이언스/호
 L.DisplayClassColor = "캐릭터에 직업 색상을 표시합니다."
 L.DisplayTooltipOnlySearch = "검색 창에만 BagSync 툴팁을 표시합니다."
 L.DisplayLineSeperator = "빈 줄로 분리하여 표시합니다."
-L.DisplayCrossRealm = "다른 서버 캐릭터의 아이템을 표시합니다."
-L.DisplayBNET = "Battle.Net 계정 캐릭터의 아이템을 표시합니다 |cFFDF2B2B(권장하지 않음)|r."
+L.DisplayCrossRealm = "다른 서버 캐릭터의 아이템을 표시합니다.  |cffff7d0a[타섭]|r"
+L.DisplayBNET = "Battle.Net 계정 캐릭터의 아이템을 표시합니다. |cff3587ff[BNet]|r |cFFDF2B2B(권장하지 않음)|r."
 L.DisplayItemID = "툴팁에 아이템ID를 표시합니다."
 L.DisplayGreenCheck = "현재 캐릭터 이름 옆에 %s를 표시합니다."
-L.DisplayRealmIDTags = "서버 식별자 |cffff7d0a[XR]|r 과 |cff3587ff[BNet]|r을 표시합니다."
+L.DisplayRealmIDTags = "서버 식별자 |cffff7d0a[타섭]|r과 |cff3587ff[BNet]|r을 표시합니다."
+L.DisplayRealmAstrick = "|cffff7d0a[타섭]|r과 |cff3587ff[BNet]|r 서버 이름 대신 [*]을 표시합니다."
+L.DisplayShortRealmName = "|cffff7d0a[타섭]|r과 |cff3587ff[BNet]|r 서버 이름을 축약해서 표시합니다."
 L.ColorPrimary = "주 BagSync 툴팁 색상."
 L.ColorSecondary = "보조 BagSync 툴팁 색상."
 L.ColorTotal = "BagSync [총] 툴팁 색상."
diff --git a/modules/config.lua b/modules/config.lua
index d550a53..bc42e61 100644
--- a/modules/config.lua
+++ b/modules/config.lua
@@ -297,6 +297,26 @@ options.args.display = {
 			set = set,
 			arg = "display.enableRealmIDTags",
+		realmastrick = {
+			order = 14,
+			type = "toggle",
+			name = L.DisplayRealmAstrick,
+			width = "full",
+			descStyle = "hide",
+			get = get,
+			set = set,
+			arg = "display.enableRealmAstrickName",
+		},
+		realmshortname = {
+			order = 15,
+			type = "toggle",
+			name = L.DisplayShortRealmName,
+			width = "full",
+			descStyle = "hide",
+			get = get,
+			set = set,
+			arg = "display.enableRealmShortName",
+		},