

Darthpred [08-27-16 - 06:35]
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.txt b/CHANGELOG.txt
index 5083577..7808a6d 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -6,10 +6,13 @@ Additions:
 - Quick action option for UI Buttons' addon section received some love = more variants
 - Added an option to show only numbers in instance indicator
 - Location panel menu now contains a lot more teletorting stuff
-- UI BUttons and Background panels now have visibility state option. Works like actionbar visibility.
+- UI Buttons and Background panels now have visibility state option. Works like actionbar visibility.
 - Added an option to select background template for vehicle bar.
 - Added an option to hide in combat for location panel
 - Added an option to alt-click for invite. Also an option to convert stuff to invite links.
+- Merchant skin now marks recipes/mounts you already know
+- Order Halls auto work orders options
+- Objective tracker skin now has option to not hide stage background
 - Attempted to fix error with S&L guild dt when one of guild members happen to be in the middle of actual nowhere
 - Fixed error in item level dt cause by empty slots