For whatever reason, guid data is split by hyphens instead of colons in build 18888
Adrian L Lange [10-15-14 - 16:57]
For whatever reason, guid data is split by hyphens instead of colons in build 18888
diff --git a/QuickQuest.lua b/QuickQuest.lua
index 0123bee..1503564 100644
--- a/QuickQuest.lua
+++ b/QuickQuest.lua
@@ -111,10 +111,7 @@ end
local GetNPCID
if(WoD) then
function GetNPCID()
- local type, _, _, _, _, id = string.split(':', UnitGUID('npc') or '')
- if(type == 'Creature' and id and tonumber(id)) then
- return tonumber(id)
- end
+ return tonumber(string.match(UnitGUID('npc') or '', 'Creature%-.-%-.-%-.-%-.-%-(.-)%-'))
function GetNPCID()