Fix a bug in Libra.
Eyal Shilony [10-11-14 - 18:12]
diff --git a/libs/Libra-26/Dropdown.lua b/libs/Libra-26/Dropdown.lua
index 0b6e1c5..ea80487 100644
--- a/libs/Libra-26/Dropdown.lua
+++ b/libs/Libra-26/Dropdown.lua
@@ -395,6 +395,7 @@ function Dropdown:AddButtonHook(info, level)
button.tooltipLines = info.tooltipLines
if info.attributes and not InCombatLockdown() then
local secureButton = self.secureBin[1]
+ tremove(Dropdown.secureBin, 1)
-- since this is a separate button, we need to set the disabled state on it too
secureButton:SetEnabled(not info.disabled)