
When displaying the progress bar, we should never show less than the total known recipes. Easier to give example. Total recipes: 10. Known = 3, unknown = 7. Say we filter out recipes so that 1 known is filtered and 3 unknown get filtered, it would previously say we know 2 out of 6. Now it will say we know 3 out of 7.

John Pasula [01-28-11 - 02:19]
When displaying the progress bar, we should never show less than the total known recipes.  Easier to give example.  Total recipes: 10.  Known = 3, unknown = 7.  Say we filter out recipes so that 1 known is filtered and 3 unknown get filtered, it would previously say we know 2 out of 6.  Now it will say we know 3 out of 7.
diff --git a/Interface/List.lua b/Interface/List.lua
index 09f0b4e..b90e4f7 100644
--- a/Interface/List.lua
+++ b/Interface/List.lua
@@ -810,8 +810,10 @@ function private.InitializeListFrame()
 			-- Update the progress bar display.
 			local profile = addon.db.profile
-			local max_value = profile.includefiltered and Player.recipes_total or Player.recipes_total_filtered
-			local cur_value = profile.includefiltered and Player.recipes_known or Player.recipes_known_filtered
+			local max_value = profile.includefiltered and Player.recipes_total or (Player.recipes_total_filtered + (Player.recipes_known - Player.recipes_known_filtered))
+			--local cur_value = profile.includefiltered and Player.recipes_known or Player.recipes_known_filtered
+			-- Current value will always be what we know regardless of filters.
+			local cur_value = Player.recipes_known

 			if not profile.includeexcluded and not profile.ignoreexclusionlist then
 				max_value = max_value - Player.excluded_recipes_known