
Frame.lua is now Interface\Panel.lua

James D. Callahan III [07-15-10 - 06:19]
Frame.lua is now Interface\Panel.lua
diff --git a/AckisRecipeList.toc b/AckisRecipeList.toc
index db26e86..8be12bc 100644
--- a/AckisRecipeList.toc
+++ b/AckisRecipeList.toc
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ Player.lua

 # User Interface files

 # Database files
diff --git a/Frame.lua b/Frame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ebb7673..0000000
--- a/Frame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1091 +0,0 @@
-File date: @file-date-iso@
-File hash: @file-abbreviated-hash@
-Project hash: @project-abbreviated-hash@
-Project version: @project-version@
-Please see http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/ for more information.
-This source code is released under All Rights Reserved.
-@class file
-@name Frame.lua
--- Localized Lua globals.
-local _G = getfenv(0)
-local string = _G.string
-local sformat = string.format
-local strlower = string.lower
-local smatch = string.match
-local select = _G.select
-local table = _G.table
-local ipairs, pairs = _G.ipairs, _G.pairs
-local tonumber = _G.tonumber
-local tostring = _G.tostring
--- Localized Blizzard API.
-local GetItemQualityColor = _G.GetItemQualityColor
--- GLOBALS: CreateFrame, GameTooltip, UIParent
--- AddOn namespace.
-local LibStub = LibStub
-local MODNAME	= "Ackis Recipe List"
-local addon	= LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon(MODNAME)
-local BFAC	= LibStub("LibBabble-Faction-3.0"):GetLookupTable()
-local L		= LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(MODNAME)
--- Set up the private intra-file namespace.
-local private	= select(2, ...)
-local Player	= private.Player
--- Upvalues
-local AcquireTable = private.AcquireTable
-local ReleaseTable = private.ReleaseTable
-local SetTextColor = private.SetTextColor
-local GenericCreateButton = private.GenericCreateButton
-local SetTooltipScripts = private.SetTooltipScripts
-local A = private.acquire_types
--- Constants
-local ORDERED_PROFESSIONS	= private.ordered_professions
-local FACTION_HORDE		= BFAC["Horde"]
-local FACTION_ALLIANCE		= BFAC["Alliance"]
-local FACTION_NEUTRAL		= BFAC["Neutral"]
-function private.InitializeFrame()
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- Create the MainPanel and set its values
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	local MainPanel = CreateFrame("Frame", "ARL_MainPanel", UIParent)
-	-- The panel width changes when contracting and expanding - store it for later use.
-	MainPanel.normal_width = 384
-	MainPanel.expanded_width = 768
-	MainPanel:SetWidth(MainPanel.normal_width)
-	MainPanel:SetHeight(512)
-	MainPanel:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM")
-	MainPanel:SetToplevel(true)
-	MainPanel:SetClampedToScreen(true)
-	MainPanel:SetClampRectInsets(0, -35, 0, 53)
-	MainPanel:SetHitRectInsets(0, 35, 0, 53)
-	MainPanel:EnableMouse(true)
-	MainPanel:EnableKeyboard(true)
-	MainPanel:SetMovable(true)
-	MainPanel.is_expanded = false
-	-- Let the user banish the MainPanel with the ESC key.
-	table.insert(UISpecialFrames, "ARL_MainPanel")
-	addon.Frame = MainPanel
-	do
-		local top_left = MainPanel:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
-		top_left:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-TopLeft")
-		top_left:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
-		MainPanel.top_left = top_left
-		local top_right = MainPanel:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
-		top_right:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-TopRight")
-		top_right:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", MainPanel, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
-		MainPanel.top_right = top_right
-		local bottom_left = MainPanel:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
-		bottom_left:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-BotLeft")
-		bottom_left:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", MainPanel, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
-		MainPanel.bottom_left = bottom_left
-		local bottom_right = MainPanel:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
-		bottom_right:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-BotRight")
-		bottom_right:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", MainPanel, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
-		MainPanel.bottom_right = bottom_right
-		local title_bar = MainPanel:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK")
-		title_bar:SetFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall")
-		title_bar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "TOPLEFT", 20, -20)
-		title_bar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", MainPanel, "TOPRIGHT", -40, -20)
-		title_bar:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
-		MainPanel.title_bar = title_bar
-		MainPanel:Hide()
-	end	-- do block
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- MainPanel scripts/functions.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	MainPanel:SetScript("OnHide",
-			    function(self)
-				    for spell_id, recipe in pairs(private.recipe_list) do
-					    recipe:RemoveState("RELEVANT")
-					    recipe:RemoveState("VISIBLE")
-				    end
-				    addon:ClosePopups()
-			    end)
-	MainPanel:SetScript("OnMouseDown", MainPanel.StartMoving)
-	MainPanel:SetScript("OnMouseUp",
-			    function(self, button)
-				    self:StopMovingOrSizing()
-				    local opts = addon.db.profile.frameopts
-				    local from, _, to, x, y = self:GetPoint()
-				    opts.anchorFrom = from
-				    opts.anchorTo = to
-				    if self.is_expanded then
-					    if opts.anchorFrom == "TOPLEFT" or opts.anchorFrom == "LEFT" or opts.anchorFrom == "BOTTOMLEFT" then
-						    opts.offsetx = x
-					    elseif opts.anchorFrom == "TOP" or opts.anchorFrom == "CENTER" or opts.anchorFrom == "BOTTOM" then
-						    opts.offsetx = x - 151/2
-					    elseif opts.anchorFrom == "TOPRIGHT" or opts.anchorFrom == "RIGHT" or opts.anchorFrom == "BOTTOMRIGHT" then
-						    opts.offsetx = x - 151
-					    end
-				    else
-					    opts.offsetx = x
-				    end
-				    opts.offsety = y
-			    end)
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- Displays the main GUI frame.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	function MainPanel:Display(profession, is_linked)
-		self.is_linked = is_linked
-		-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-		-- Set the profession.
-		-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-		local prev_profession = self.profession
-		if profession == private.mining_name then
-			self.profession = 11 -- Smelting
-			self.prof_name = profession
-		else
-			for index, name in ipairs(ORDERED_PROFESSIONS) do
-				if name == profession then
-					self.profession = index
-					break
-				end
-			end
-			self.prof_name = nil
-		end
-		if self.profession ~= prev_profession then
-			self.prev_profession = self.profession
-		end
-		self.prof_button:ChangeTexture(private.profession_textures[self.profession])
-		local editbox = self.search_editbox
-		if self.profession ~= self.prev_profession then
-			editbox.prev_search = nil
-		end
-		editbox:SetText(editbox.prev_search or _G.SEARCH)
-		-- If there is no current tab, this is the first time the panel has been
-		-- shown so things must be initialized. In this case, MainPanel.list_frame:Update()
-		-- will be called by the tab's OnClick handler.
-		if not self.current_tab then
-			local current_tab = self.tabs[addon.db.profile.current_tab]
-			local on_click = current_tab:GetScript("OnClick")
-			on_click(current_tab)
-			self.current_tab = addon.db.profile.current_tab
-		else
-			MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
-		end
-		self.sort_button:SetTextures()
-		self.filter_toggle:SetTextures()
-		self:UpdateTitle()
-		self:Show()
-	end
-	do
-		-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-		-- Restore the panel's position on the screen.
-		-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-		local function Reset_Position(self)
-			local opts = addon.db.profile.frameopts
-			local FixedOffsetX = opts.offsetx
-			self:ClearAllPoints()
-			if opts.anchorTo == "" then	-- no values yet, clamp to whatever frame is appropriate
-				if _G.ATSWFrame then
-					self:SetPoint("CENTER", _G.ATSWFrame, "CENTER", 490, 0)
-				elseif _G.CauldronFrame then
-					self:SetPoint("CENTER", _G.CauldronFrame, "CENTER", 490, 0)
-				elseif _G.Skillet then
-					self:SetPoint("CENTER", _G.SkilletFrame, "CENTER", 468, 0)
-				else
-					self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", _G.TradeSkillFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 10, 0)
-				end
-			else
-				if self.is_expanded then
-					if opts.anchorFrom == "TOPLEFT" or opts.anchorFrom == "LEFT" or opts.anchorFrom == "BOTTOMLEFT" then
-						FixedOffsetX = opts.offsetx
-					elseif opts.anchorFrom == "TOP" or opts.anchorFrom == "CENTER" or opts.anchorFrom == "BOTTOM" then
-						FixedOffsetX = opts.offsetx + 151/2
-					elseif opts.anchorFrom == "TOPRIGHT" or opts.anchorFrom == "RIGHT" or opts.anchorFrom == "BOTTOMRIGHT" then
-						FixedOffsetX = opts.offsetx + 151
-					end
-				end
-				self:SetPoint(opts.anchorFrom, UIParent, opts.anchorTo, FixedOffsetX, opts.offsety)
-			end
-			self:SetScale(addon.db.profile.frameopts.uiscale)
-		end
-		MainPanel:SetScript("OnShow", Reset_Position)
-	end	-- do-block
-	do
-		local VALID_CATEGORY = {
-			["general"]	= true,
-			["obtain"]	= true,
-			["binding"]	= true,
-			["item"]	= true,
-			["quality"]	= true,
-			["player"]	= true,
-			["rep"]		= true,
-			["misc"]	= true,
-		}
-		function MainPanel:ToggleState()
-			local x, y = self:GetLeft(), self:GetBottom()
-			if self.is_expanded then
-				-- Hide the category buttons
-				for category in pairs(self.filter_menu) do
-					if VALID_CATEGORY[category] then
-						self["menu_toggle_" .. category]:Hide()
-					end
-				end
-				self.filter_reset:Hide()
-				self.filter_menu:Hide()
-				PlaySound("igCharacterInfoClose")
-				self:SetWidth(self.normal_width)
-				self:SetHitRectInsets(0, 35, 0, 53)
-				self:SetClampRectInsets(0, -35, 0, 53)
-				self.top_left:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-TopLeft")
-				self.top_right:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-TopRight")
-				self.bottom_left:Show()
-				self.bottom_right:Show()
-				self.xclose_button:ClearAllPoints()
-				self.xclose_button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self, "TOPRIGHT", -30, -8)
-			else
-				local found_active = false
-				-- Show the category buttons. If one has been selected, show its information in the panel.
-				for category in pairs(MainPanel.filter_menu) do
-					local toggle = "menu_toggle_" .. category
-					if VALID_CATEGORY[category] then
-						MainPanel[toggle]:Show()
-						if MainPanel[toggle]:GetChecked() then
-							found_active = true
-							MainPanel.filter_menu[category]:Show()
-							MainPanel.filter_menu:Show()
-						end
-					end
-				end
-				-- If nothing was checked, default to the general filters.
-				if not found_active then
-					MainPanel.menu_toggle_general:SetChecked(true)
-					MainPanel.filter_menu.general:Show()
-					MainPanel.filter_menu:Show()
-				end
-				MainPanel.filter_reset:Show()
-				PlaySound("igCharacterInfoOpen")
-				self:SetWidth(self.expanded_width)
-				self:SetHitRectInsets(0, 90, 0, 53)
-				self:SetClampRectInsets(0, -90, 0, 53)
-				self.top_left:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLogDualPane-Left")
-				self.top_right:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLogDualPane-Right")
-				self.bottom_left:Hide()
-				self.bottom_right:Hide()
-				self.xclose_button:ClearAllPoints()
-				self.xclose_button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self, "TOPRIGHT", -84, -8)
-			end
-			self.is_expanded = not self.is_expanded
-			self:ClearAllPoints()
-			self:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", x, y)
-			self:UpdateTitle()
-		end
-	end	-- do-block
-	function MainPanel:UpdateTitle()
-		local current_prof = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[self.profession]
-		if not self.is_expanded then
-			self.title_bar:SetFormattedText(SetTextColor(private.basic_colors["normal"], "ARL (%s) - %s"), addon.version, current_prof)
-			return
-		end
-		local total, active = 0, 0
-		for filter, info in pairs(self.filter_menu.value_map) do
-			if info.svroot then
-				if info.svroot[filter] == true then
-					active = active + 1
-				end
-				total = total + 1
-			end
-		end
-		self.title_bar:SetFormattedText(SetTextColor(private.basic_colors["normal"], "ARL (%s) - %s (%d/%d %s)"), addon.version, current_prof, active, total, _G.FILTERS)
-	end
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- Create the profession-cycling button and assign its values.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	local ProfCycle = CreateFrame("Button", nil, MainPanel, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-	ProfCycle:SetWidth(64)
-	ProfCycle:SetHeight(64)
-	ProfCycle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "TOPLEFT", 5, -4)
-	ProfCycle:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp")
-	ProfCycle._normal = ProfCycle:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
-	ProfCycle._pushed = ProfCycle:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
-	ProfCycle._disabled = ProfCycle:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
-	MainPanel.prof_button = ProfCycle
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- ProfCycle scripts/functions.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	ProfCycle:SetScript("OnClick",
-			    function(self, button, down)
-				    -- Known professions should be in Player.professions
-				    -- This loop is gonna be weird. The reason is because we need to
-				    -- ensure that we cycle through all the known professions, but also
-				    -- that we do so in order. That means that if the currently displayed
-				    -- profession is the last one in the list, we're actually going to
-				    -- iterate completely once to get to the currently displayed profession
-				    -- and then iterate again to make sure we display the next one in line.
-				    -- Further, there is the nuance that the person may not know any
-				    -- professions yet at all. Users are so annoying.
-				    local startLoop = 0
-				    local endLoop = 0
-				    local displayProf = 0
-				    local NUM_PROFESSIONS = 12
-				    -- ok, so first off, if we've never done this before, there is no "current"
-				    -- and a single iteration will do nicely, thank you
-				    if button == "LeftButton" then
-					    -- normal profession switch
-					    if MainPanel.profession == 0 then
-						    startLoop = 1
-						    endLoop = NUM_PROFESSIONS + 1
-					    else
-						    startLoop = MainPanel.profession + 1
-						    endLoop = MainPanel.profession
-					    end
-					    local index = startLoop
-					    while index ~= endLoop do
-						    if index > NUM_PROFESSIONS then
-							    index = 1
-						    elseif Player.professions[ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[index]] then
-							    displayProf = index
-							    MainPanel.profession = index
-							    break
-						    else
-							    index = index + 1
-						    end
-					    end
-				    elseif button == "RightButton" then
-					    -- reverse profession switch
-					    if MainPanel.profession == 0 then
-						    startLoop = NUM_PROFESSIONS + 1
-						    endLoop = 0
-					    else
-						    startLoop = MainPanel.profession - 1
-						    endLoop = MainPanel.profession
-					    end
-					    local index = startLoop
-					    while index ~= endLoop do
-						    if index < 1 then
-							    index = NUM_PROFESSIONS
-						    elseif Player.professions[ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[index]] then
-							    displayProf = index
-							    MainPanel.profession = index
-							    break
-						    else
-							    index = index - 1
-						    end
-					    end
-				    end
-				    local trade_frame = _G.GnomeWorksFrame or _G.Skillet or _G.MRTSkillFrame or _G.ATSWFrame or _G.CauldronFrame or _G.TradeSkillFrame
-				    local is_shown = trade_frame:IsVisible()
-				    local sfx
-				    PlaySound("igCharacterNPCSelect")
-				    -- If not shown, save the current sound effects setting then set it to 0.
-				    if not is_shown then
-					    sfx = tonumber(GetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX"))
-					    SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", 0)
-				    end
-				    CastSpellByName(ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession])
-				    addon:Scan()
-				    if not is_shown then
-					    CloseTradeSkill()
-					    SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", sfx)
-				    end
-			    end)
-	function ProfCycle:ChangeTexture(texture)
-		local normal, pushed, disabled = self._normal, self._pushed, self._disabled
-		normal:SetTexture([[Interface\Addons\AckisRecipeList\img\]] .. texture .. [[_up]])
-		normal:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
-		normal:SetAllPoints(self)
-		self:SetNormalTexture(normal)
-		pushed:SetTexture([[Interface\Addons\AckisRecipeList\img\]] .. texture .. [[_down]])
-		pushed:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
-		pushed:SetAllPoints(self)
-		self:SetPushedTexture(pushed)
-		disabled:SetTexture([[Interface\Addons\AckisRecipeList\img\]] .. texture .. [[_up]])
-		disabled:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
-		disabled:SetAllPoints(self)
-		self:SetDisabledTexture(disabled)
-	end
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- The search entry box and associated methods.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	local SearchRecipes
-	do
-		local acquire_names = private.acquire_names
-		local location_list = private.location_list
-		local search_params = {
-			"name",
-			"skill_level",
-			--@debug@
-			-- "item_id",
-			--@end-debug@
-			"specialty",
-		}
-		-- Scans through the recipe database and toggles the flag on if the item is in the search criteria
-		function SearchRecipes(pattern)
-			if not pattern then
-				return
-			end
-			local current_prof = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession]
-			pattern = pattern:lower()
-			for index, entry in pairs(private.recipe_list) do
-				entry:RemoveState("RELEVANT")
-				if entry.profession == current_prof then
-					local found = false
-					for index, field in ipairs(search_params) do
-						local str = entry[field] and tostring(entry[field]):lower() or nil
-						if str and str:find(pattern) then
-							entry:AddState("RELEVANT")
-							found = true
-							break
-						end
-					end
-					if not found then
-						for acquire_type in pairs(acquire_names) do
-							local str = acquire_names[acquire_type]:lower()
-							if str and str:find(pattern) and entry.acquire_data[acquire_type] then
-								entry:AddState("RELEVANT")
-								found = true
-								break
-							end
-						end
-					end
-					if not found then
-						for location_name in pairs(location_list) do
-							local breakout = false
-							for spell_id in pairs(location_list[location_name].recipes) do
-								if spell_id == entry.spell_id then
-									local str = location_name:lower()
-									if str and str:find(pattern) then
-										entry:AddState("RELEVANT")
-										breakout = true
-										break
-									end
-								end
-							end
-							if breakout then
-								break
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end	-- if entry.profession
-		end	-- for
-	end	-- do
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- Search EditBox
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	local SearchBox = CreateFrame("EditBox", nil, MainPanel, "InputBoxTemplate")
-	SearchBox:EnableMouse(true)
-	SearchBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
-	SearchBox:SetFontObject(ChatFontSmall)
-	SearchBox:SetWidth(130)
-	SearchBox:SetHeight(12)
-	SearchBox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "TOPLEFT", 75, -39)
-	SearchBox:Show()
-	MainPanel.search_editbox = SearchBox
-	SearchBox:SetText(_G.SEARCH)
-	SearchBox:SetHistoryLines(10)
-	-- Allow removal of focus from the SearchBox by clicking on the WorldFrame.
-	do
-		local old_x, old_y, click_time
-		WorldFrame:HookScript("OnMouseDown",
-				      function(frame, ...)
-					      if not SearchBox:HasFocus() then
-						      return
-					      end
-					      old_x, old_y = GetCursorPosition()
-					      click_time = GetTime()
-				      end)
-		WorldFrame:HookScript("OnMouseUp",
-				      function(frame, ...)
-					      if not SearchBox:HasFocus() then
-						      return
-					      end
-					      local x, y = GetCursorPosition()
-					      if not old_x or not old_y or not x or not y or not click_time then
-						      SearchBox:ClearFocus()
-						      return
-					      end
-					      if (_G.math.abs(x - old_x) + _G.math.abs(y - old_y)) <= 5 and GetTime() - click_time < .5 then
-						      SearchBox:ClearFocus()
-					      end
-				      end)
-	end
-	-- Resets the SearchBox text and the state of all MainPanel.list_frame and recipe_list entries.
-	function SearchBox:Reset()
-		for index, recipe in pairs(private.recipe_list) do
-			recipe:RemoveState("RELEVANT")
-		end
-		self.prev_search = nil
-		self:SetText(_G.SEARCH)
-		if self:HasFocus() then
-			self:HighlightText()
-		end
-		MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
-	end
-	-- If there is text in the search box, return the recipe's RELEVANT state.
-	function SearchBox:MatchesRecipe(recipe)
-		local editbox_text = self:GetText()
-		if editbox_text ~= "" and editbox_text ~= _G.SEARCH then
-			return recipe:HasState("RELEVANT")
-		end
-		return true
-	end
-	SearchBox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed",
-			    function(self)
-				    local searchtext = self:GetText()
-				    searchtext = searchtext:trim()
-				    if not searchtext or searchtext == "" then
-					    self:Reset()
-					    return
-				    end
-				    self:HighlightText()
-				    if searchtext == _G.SEARCH then
-					    return
-				    end
-				    self.prev_search = searchtext
-				    self:AddHistoryLine(searchtext)
-				    SearchRecipes(searchtext)
-				    MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
-			    end)
-	SearchBox:SetScript("OnEditFocusGained", SearchBox.HighlightText)
-	SearchBox:SetScript("OnEditFocusLost",
-			    function(self)
-				    local text = self:GetText()
-				    if text == "" or text == _G.SEARCH then
-					    self:Reset()
-					    return
-				    end
-				    -- Ensure that the highlight is cleared.
-				    self:SetText(text)
-				    self:AddHistoryLine(text)
-			    end)
-	SearchBox:SetScript("OnTextSet",
-			    function(self)
-				    local text = self:GetText()
-				    if text ~= "" and text ~= _G.SEARCH and text ~= self.prev_search then
-					    self:HighlightText()
-				    else
-					    self:Reset()
-				    end
-			    end)
-	do
-		local last_update = 0
-		local updater = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
-		updater:Hide()
-		updater:SetScript("OnUpdate",
-				  function(self, elapsed)
-					  last_update = last_update + elapsed
-					  if last_update >= 0.5 then
-						  last_update = 0
-						  SearchRecipes(SearchBox:GetText())
-						  MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
-						  self:Hide()
-					  end
-				  end)
-		SearchBox:SetScript("OnTextChanged",
-				    function(self, is_typed)
-					    if not is_typed then
-						    return
-					    end
-					    local text = self:GetText()
-					    if text ~= "" and text ~= _G.SEARCH and text ~= self.prev_search then
-						    updater:Show()
-					    else
-						    self:Reset()
-					    end
-				    end)
-	end	-- do
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- Create the expand button and set its scripts.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	local ExpandButtonFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, MainPanel)
-	ExpandButtonFrame:SetHeight(20)
-	ExpandButtonFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", SearchBox, "BOTTOMLEFT", -12, -5)
-	ExpandButtonFrame.left = ExpandButtonFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
-	ExpandButtonFrame.left:SetWidth(8)
-	ExpandButtonFrame.left:SetHeight(22)
-	ExpandButtonFrame.left:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ExpandButtonFrame, 0, 4)
-	ExpandButtonFrame.left:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLogSortTab-Left")
-	ExpandButtonFrame.right = ExpandButtonFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
-	ExpandButtonFrame.right:SetWidth(8)
-	ExpandButtonFrame.right:SetHeight(22)
-	ExpandButtonFrame.right:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", ExpandButtonFrame, 0, 4)
-	ExpandButtonFrame.right:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLogSortTab-Right")
-	ExpandButtonFrame.middle = ExpandButtonFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
-	ExpandButtonFrame.middle:SetHeight(22)
-	ExpandButtonFrame.middle:SetPoint("LEFT", ExpandButtonFrame.left, "RIGHT")
-	ExpandButtonFrame.middle:SetPoint("RIGHT", ExpandButtonFrame.right, "LEFT")
-	ExpandButtonFrame.middle:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLogSortTab-Middle")
-	local ExpandButton = GenericCreateButton(nil, MainPanel, 16, 16, "GameFontNormalSmall", _G.ALL, "LEFT", L["EXPANDALL_DESC"], 2)
-	-- Make sure the button frame is large enough to hold the localized word for "All"
-	ExpandButtonFrame:SetWidth(27 + ExpandButton:GetFontString():GetStringWidth())
-	MainPanel.expand_button = ExpandButton
-	ExpandButton:SetPoint("LEFT", ExpandButtonFrame.left, "RIGHT", -3, -3)
-	ExpandButton.text:ClearAllPoints()
-	ExpandButton.text:SetPoint("LEFT", ExpandButton, "Right", 0, 0)
-	ExpandButton:SetScript("OnClick",
-			       function(self, mouse_button, down)
-				       local current_tab = MainPanel.tabs[MainPanel.current_tab]
-				       local expanded = current_tab["expand_button_"..MainPanel.profession]
-				       local expand_mode
-				       if not expanded then
-					       if _G.IsShiftKeyDown() then
-						       expand_mode = "deep"
-					       else
-						       expand_mode = "normal"
-					       end
-				       else
-					       local prof_name = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession]
-					       table.wipe(current_tab[prof_name.." expanded"])
-				       end
-				       -- MainPanel.list_frame:Update() must be called before the button can be expanded or contracted, since
-				       -- the button is contracted from there.
-				       -- If expand_mode is nil, that means expand nothing.
-				       MainPanel.list_frame:Update(expand_mode, false)
-				       if expanded then
-					       self:Contract(current_tab)
-				       else
-					       self:Expand(current_tab)
-				       end
-			       end)
-	function ExpandButton:Expand(current_tab)
-		current_tab["expand_button_"..MainPanel.profession] = true
-		self:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-MinusButton-Up")
-		self:SetPushedTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-MinusButton-Down")
-		self:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-PlusButton-Hilight")
-		self:SetDisabledTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-MinusButton-Disabled")
-		SetTooltipScripts(self, L["CONTRACTALL_DESC"])
-	end
-	function ExpandButton:Contract(current_tab)
-		current_tab["expand_button_"..MainPanel.profession] = nil
-		self:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-Up")
-		self:SetPushedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-Down")
-		self:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-Hilight")
-		self:SetDisabledTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-Disabled")
-		SetTooltipScripts(self, L["EXPANDALL_DESC"])
-	end
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- "Skill Level" checkbox.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	local SkillToggle = CreateFrame("CheckButton", nil, MainPanel, "UICheckButtonTemplate")
-	SkillToggle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", SearchBox, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
-	SkillToggle:SetHeight(16)
-	SkillToggle:SetWidth(16)
-	SkillToggle.text = SkillToggle:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormalSmall")
-	SkillToggle.text:SetPoint("LEFT", SkillToggle, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
-	SkillToggle:SetScript("OnClick",
-			      function(self, button, down)
-				      addon.db.profile.skill_view = not addon.db.profile.skill_view
-				      MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
-			      end)
-	SkillToggle:SetScript("OnShow",
-			      function(self)
-				      self:SetChecked(addon.db.profile.skill_view)
-			      end)
-	SkillToggle:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Up")
-	SkillToggle:SetPushedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Down")
-	SkillToggle:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Highlight")
-	SkillToggle:SetDisabledCheckedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check-Disabled")
-	SkillToggle:SetCheckedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check")
-	SkillToggle.text:SetText(_G.SKILL)
-	SetTooltipScripts(SkillToggle, L["SKILL_TOGGLE_DESC"], 1)
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- "Display Exclusions" checkbox.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	local ExcludeToggle = CreateFrame("CheckButton", nil, MainPanel, "UICheckButtonTemplate")
-	ExcludeToggle:SetPoint("TOP", SkillToggle, "BOTTOM", 0, 1)
-	ExcludeToggle:SetHeight(16)
-	ExcludeToggle:SetWidth(16)
-	ExcludeToggle.text = ExcludeToggle:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormalSmall")
-	ExcludeToggle.text:SetPoint("LEFT", ExcludeToggle, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
-	ExcludeToggle:SetScript("OnClick",
-				function(self, button, down)
-					addon.db.profile.ignoreexclusionlist = not addon.db.profile.ignoreexclusionlist
-					MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
-				end)
-	ExcludeToggle:SetScript("OnShow",
-				function(self)
-					self:SetChecked(addon.db.profile.ignoreexclusionlist)
-				end)
-	ExcludeToggle:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Up")
-	ExcludeToggle:SetPushedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Down")
-	ExcludeToggle:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Highlight")
-	ExcludeToggle:SetDisabledCheckedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check-Disabled")
-	ExcludeToggle:SetCheckedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check")
-	ExcludeToggle.text:SetText(L["Display Exclusions"])
-	SetTooltipScripts(ExcludeToggle, L["DISPLAY_EXCLUSION_DESC"], 1)
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- Create the X-close button, and set its scripts.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	MainPanel.xclose_button = CreateFrame("Button", nil, MainPanel, "UIPanelCloseButton")
-	MainPanel.xclose_button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", MainPanel, "TOPRIGHT", -30, -8)
-	MainPanel.xclose_button:SetScript("OnClick",
-					  function(self, button, down)
-						  MainPanel:Hide()
-					  end)
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- Create MainPanel.filter_toggle, and set its scripts.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	do
-		local function Toggle_OnClick(self, button, down)
-			-- The first time this button is clicked, everything in the expanded section of the MainPanel must be created.
-			if private.InitializeFilterPanel then
-				private.InitializeFilterPanel()
-			end
-			SetTooltipScripts(self, MainPanel.is_expanded and L["FILTER_OPEN_DESC"] or L["FILTER_CLOSE_DESC"])
-			MainPanel:ToggleState()
-			self:SetTextures()
-		end
-		local filter_toggle = GenericCreateButton(nil, MainPanel, 24, 24, nil, nil, nil, L["FILTER_OPEN_DESC"], 2)
-		filter_toggle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "TOPLEFT", 323, -41)
-		filter_toggle:SetScript("OnClick", Toggle_OnClick)
-		filter_toggle:SetHighlightTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-BlinkHilight]])
-		function filter_toggle:SetTextures()
-			if MainPanel.is_expanded then
-				self:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-SpellbookIcon-PrevPage-Up]])
-				self:SetPushedTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-SpellbookIcon-PrevPage-Down]])
-				self:SetDisabledTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-SpellbookIcon-PrevPage-Disabled]])
-			else
-				self:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-SpellbookIcon-NextPage-Up]])
-				self:SetPushedTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-SpellbookIcon-NextPage-Down]])
-				self:SetDisabledTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-SpellbookIcon-NextPage-Disabled]])
-			end
-		end
-		MainPanel.filter_toggle = filter_toggle
-	end	-- do-block
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- Sort-mode toggle button.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	local SortToggle = GenericCreateButton(nil, MainPanel, 24, 24, nil, nil, nil, L["SORTING_DESC"], 2)
-	MainPanel.sort_button = SortToggle
-	SortToggle:SetPoint("LEFT", ExpandButtonFrame, "RIGHT", 0, 2)
-	SortToggle:SetScript("OnClick",
-			     function(self, button, down)
-				     local sort_type = addon.db.profile.sorting
-				     addon.db.profile.sorting = (sort_type == "Ascending" and "Descending" or "Ascending")
-				     self:SetTextures()
-				     MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
-			     end)
-	SortToggle:SetHighlightTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-BlinkHilight]])
-	function SortToggle:SetTextures()
-		local sort_type = addon.db.profile.sorting
-		if sort_type == "Ascending" then
-			self:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollDown-Up]])
-			self:SetPushedTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollDown-Down]])
-			self:SetDisabledTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollDown-Disabled]])
-		else
-			self:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollUp-Up]])
-			self:SetPushedTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollUp-Down]])
-			self:SetDisabledTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollUp-Disabled]])
-		end
-	end
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- Create MainPanel.progress_bar and set its scripts
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	do
-		local progress_bar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, MainPanel)
-		progress_bar:SetWidth(216)
-		progress_bar:SetHeight(18)
-		progress_bar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", MainPanel, 17, 80)
-		progress_bar:SetBackdrop({
-						 bgFile = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background-Dark]],
-						 tile = true,
-						 tileSize = 16,
-					 })
-		progress_bar:SetStatusBarTexture([[Interface\TARGETINGFRAME\UI-StatusBar]])
-		progress_bar:SetOrientation("HORIZONTAL")
-		progress_bar:SetStatusBarColor(0.37, 0.45, 1.0)
-		local border = progress_bar:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
-		border:SetWidth(288)
-		border:SetHeight(78)
-		border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", progress_bar, "TOPLEFT", -36, 31)
-		border:SetTexture([[Interface\CastingBar\UI-CastingBar-Border]])
-		local text = progress_bar:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK")
-		text:SetWidth(195)
-		text:SetHeight(14)
-		text:SetFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall")
-		text:SetPoint("CENTER", progress_bar, "CENTER", 0, 0)
-		text:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
-		text:SetJustifyV("CENTER")
-		progress_bar.text = text
-		MainPanel.progress_bar = progress_bar
-	end	-- do
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- Create the close button, and set its scripts.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	MainPanel.close_button = GenericCreateButton(nil, MainPanel, 24, 111, "GameFontNormalSmall", _G.EXIT, "CENTER", L["CLOSE_DESC"], 1)
-	MainPanel.close_button:SetPoint("LEFT", MainPanel.progress_bar, "RIGHT", 3, 1)
-	MainPanel.close_button:SetScript("OnClick",
-					 function(self, button, down)
-						 MainPanel:Hide()
-					 end)
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	-- Initialize components defined in other files.
-	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	private.InitializeListFrame()
-	private.InitializeTabs()
-	private.InitializeFrame = nil
----- Creates a new frame with the contents of a text dump so you can copy and paste
---- Code borrowed from Antiarc (Chatter) with permission
---- @name AckisRecipeList:DisplayTextDump
---- @param RecipeDB The database (array) which you wish read data from.
---- @param profession Which profession are you displaying data for
---- @param text The text to be dumped
-	local copy_frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "ARLCopyFrame", UIParent)
-	copy_frame:SetBackdrop({
-				       bgFile = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background]],
-				       edgeFile = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border]],
-				       tile = true,
-				       tileSize = 16,
-				       edgeSize = 16,
-				       insets = {
-					       left = 3,
-					       right = 3,
-					       top = 5,
-					       bottom = 3
-				       }
-			       })
-	copy_frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
-	copy_frame:SetWidth(750)
-	copy_frame:SetHeight(400)
-	copy_frame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER")
-	copy_frame:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG")
-	table.insert(UISpecialFrames, "ARLCopyFrame")
-	local scrollArea = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "ARLCopyScroll", copy_frame, "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate")
-	scrollArea:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", copy_frame, "TOPLEFT", 8, -30)
-	scrollArea:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", copy_frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -30, 8)
-	local edit_box = CreateFrame("EditBox", nil, copy_frame)
-	edit_box:SetMultiLine(true)
-	edit_box:SetMaxLetters(0)
-	edit_box:EnableMouse(true)
-	edit_box:SetAutoFocus(true)
-	edit_box:SetFontObject(ChatFontNormal)
-	edit_box:SetWidth(650)
-	edit_box:SetHeight(270)
-	edit_box:SetScript("OnEscapePressed",
-			   function()
-				   copy_frame:Hide()
-			   end)
-	edit_box:HighlightText(0)
-	scrollArea:SetScrollChild(edit_box)
-	local close = CreateFrame("Button", nil, copy_frame, "UIPanelCloseButton")
-	close:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", copy_frame, "TOPRIGHT")
-	copy_frame:Hide()
-	function addon:DisplayTextDump(RecipeDB, profession, text)
-		local text = (not RecipeDB and not profession) and text or self:GetTextDump(profession)
-		if text ~= "" then
-			edit_box:SetText(text)
-			edit_box:HighlightText(0)
-			edit_box:SetCursorPosition(1)
-			copy_frame:Show()
-		end
-	end
-end	-- do
diff --git a/Interface/Panel.lua b/Interface/Panel.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f550d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Interface/Panel.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@
+File date: @file-date-iso@
+File hash: @file-abbreviated-hash@
+Project hash: @project-abbreviated-hash@
+Project version: @project-version@
+Please see http://www.wowace.com/addons/arl/ for more information.
+This source code is released under All Rights Reserved.
+@class file
+@name Panel.lua
+-- Localized Lua globals.
+local _G = getfenv(0)
+local string = _G.string
+local sformat = string.format
+local strlower = string.lower
+local smatch = string.match
+local select = _G.select
+local table = _G.table
+local ipairs, pairs = _G.ipairs, _G.pairs
+local tonumber = _G.tonumber
+local tostring = _G.tostring
+-- Localized Blizzard API.
+local GetItemQualityColor = _G.GetItemQualityColor
+-- GLOBALS: CreateFrame, GameTooltip, UIParent
+-- AddOn namespace.
+local LibStub = LibStub
+local MODNAME	= "Ackis Recipe List"
+local addon	= LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon(MODNAME)
+local BFAC	= LibStub("LibBabble-Faction-3.0"):GetLookupTable()
+local L		= LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(MODNAME)
+-- Set up the private intra-file namespace.
+local private	= select(2, ...)
+local Player	= private.Player
+-- Upvalues
+local AcquireTable = private.AcquireTable
+local ReleaseTable = private.ReleaseTable
+local SetTextColor = private.SetTextColor
+local GenericCreateButton = private.GenericCreateButton
+local SetTooltipScripts = private.SetTooltipScripts
+local A = private.acquire_types
+-- Constants
+local ORDERED_PROFESSIONS	= private.ordered_professions
+local FACTION_HORDE		= BFAC["Horde"]
+local FACTION_ALLIANCE		= BFAC["Alliance"]
+local FACTION_NEUTRAL		= BFAC["Neutral"]
+function private.InitializeFrame()
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Create the MainPanel and set its values
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	local MainPanel = CreateFrame("Frame", "ARL_MainPanel", UIParent)
+	-- The panel width changes when contracting and expanding - store it for later use.
+	MainPanel.normal_width = 384
+	MainPanel.expanded_width = 768
+	MainPanel:SetWidth(MainPanel.normal_width)
+	MainPanel:SetHeight(512)
+	MainPanel:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM")
+	MainPanel:SetToplevel(true)
+	MainPanel:SetClampedToScreen(true)
+	MainPanel:SetClampRectInsets(0, -35, 0, 53)
+	MainPanel:SetHitRectInsets(0, 35, 0, 53)
+	MainPanel:EnableMouse(true)
+	MainPanel:EnableKeyboard(true)
+	MainPanel:SetMovable(true)
+	MainPanel.is_expanded = false
+	-- Let the user banish the MainPanel with the ESC key.
+	table.insert(UISpecialFrames, "ARL_MainPanel")
+	addon.Frame = MainPanel
+	do
+		local top_left = MainPanel:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
+		top_left:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-TopLeft")
+		top_left:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
+		MainPanel.top_left = top_left
+		local top_right = MainPanel:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
+		top_right:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-TopRight")
+		top_right:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", MainPanel, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
+		MainPanel.top_right = top_right
+		local bottom_left = MainPanel:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
+		bottom_left:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-BotLeft")
+		bottom_left:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", MainPanel, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
+		MainPanel.bottom_left = bottom_left
+		local bottom_right = MainPanel:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
+		bottom_right:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-BotRight")
+		bottom_right:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", MainPanel, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
+		MainPanel.bottom_right = bottom_right
+		local title_bar = MainPanel:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK")
+		title_bar:SetFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall")
+		title_bar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "TOPLEFT", 20, -20)
+		title_bar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", MainPanel, "TOPRIGHT", -40, -20)
+		title_bar:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+		MainPanel.title_bar = title_bar
+		MainPanel:Hide()
+	end	-- do block
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- MainPanel scripts/functions.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	MainPanel:SetScript("OnHide",
+			    function(self)
+				    for spell_id, recipe in pairs(private.recipe_list) do
+					    recipe:RemoveState("RELEVANT")
+					    recipe:RemoveState("VISIBLE")
+				    end
+				    addon:ClosePopups()
+			    end)
+	MainPanel:SetScript("OnMouseDown", MainPanel.StartMoving)
+	MainPanel:SetScript("OnMouseUp",
+			    function(self, button)
+				    self:StopMovingOrSizing()
+				    local opts = addon.db.profile.frameopts
+				    local from, _, to, x, y = self:GetPoint()
+				    opts.anchorFrom = from
+				    opts.anchorTo = to
+				    if self.is_expanded then
+					    if opts.anchorFrom == "TOPLEFT" or opts.anchorFrom == "LEFT" or opts.anchorFrom == "BOTTOMLEFT" then
+						    opts.offsetx = x
+					    elseif opts.anchorFrom == "TOP" or opts.anchorFrom == "CENTER" or opts.anchorFrom == "BOTTOM" then
+						    opts.offsetx = x - 151/2
+					    elseif opts.anchorFrom == "TOPRIGHT" or opts.anchorFrom == "RIGHT" or opts.anchorFrom == "BOTTOMRIGHT" then
+						    opts.offsetx = x - 151
+					    end
+				    else
+					    opts.offsetx = x
+				    end
+				    opts.offsety = y
+			    end)
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Displays the main GUI frame.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	function MainPanel:Display(profession, is_linked)
+		self.is_linked = is_linked
+		-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+		-- Set the profession.
+		-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+		local prev_profession = self.profession
+		if profession == private.mining_name then
+			self.profession = 11 -- Smelting
+			self.prof_name = profession
+		else
+			for index, name in ipairs(ORDERED_PROFESSIONS) do
+				if name == profession then
+					self.profession = index
+					break
+				end
+			end
+			self.prof_name = nil
+		end
+		if self.profession ~= prev_profession then
+			self.prev_profession = self.profession
+		end
+		self.prof_button:ChangeTexture(private.profession_textures[self.profession])
+		local editbox = self.search_editbox
+		if self.profession ~= self.prev_profession then
+			editbox.prev_search = nil
+		end
+		editbox:SetText(editbox.prev_search or _G.SEARCH)
+		-- If there is no current tab, this is the first time the panel has been
+		-- shown so things must be initialized. In this case, MainPanel.list_frame:Update()
+		-- will be called by the tab's OnClick handler.
+		if not self.current_tab then
+			local current_tab = self.tabs[addon.db.profile.current_tab]
+			local on_click = current_tab:GetScript("OnClick")
+			on_click(current_tab)
+			self.current_tab = addon.db.profile.current_tab
+		else
+			MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
+		end
+		self.sort_button:SetTextures()
+		self.filter_toggle:SetTextures()
+		self:UpdateTitle()
+		self:Show()
+	end
+	do
+		-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+		-- Restore the panel's position on the screen.
+		-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+		local function Reset_Position(self)
+			local opts = addon.db.profile.frameopts
+			local FixedOffsetX = opts.offsetx
+			self:ClearAllPoints()
+			if opts.anchorTo == "" then	-- no values yet, clamp to whatever frame is appropriate
+				if _G.ATSWFrame then
+					self:SetPoint("CENTER", _G.ATSWFrame, "CENTER", 490, 0)
+				elseif _G.CauldronFrame then
+					self:SetPoint("CENTER", _G.CauldronFrame, "CENTER", 490, 0)
+				elseif _G.Skillet then
+					self:SetPoint("CENTER", _G.SkilletFrame, "CENTER", 468, 0)
+				else
+					self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", _G.TradeSkillFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 10, 0)
+				end
+			else
+				if self.is_expanded then
+					if opts.anchorFrom == "TOPLEFT" or opts.anchorFrom == "LEFT" or opts.anchorFrom == "BOTTOMLEFT" then
+						FixedOffsetX = opts.offsetx
+					elseif opts.anchorFrom == "TOP" or opts.anchorFrom == "CENTER" or opts.anchorFrom == "BOTTOM" then
+						FixedOffsetX = opts.offsetx + 151/2
+					elseif opts.anchorFrom == "TOPRIGHT" or opts.anchorFrom == "RIGHT" or opts.anchorFrom == "BOTTOMRIGHT" then
+						FixedOffsetX = opts.offsetx + 151
+					end
+				end
+				self:SetPoint(opts.anchorFrom, UIParent, opts.anchorTo, FixedOffsetX, opts.offsety)
+			end
+			self:SetScale(addon.db.profile.frameopts.uiscale)
+		end
+		MainPanel:SetScript("OnShow", Reset_Position)
+	end	-- do-block
+	do
+		local VALID_CATEGORY = {
+			["general"]	= true,
+			["obtain"]	= true,
+			["binding"]	= true,
+			["item"]	= true,
+			["quality"]	= true,
+			["player"]	= true,
+			["rep"]		= true,
+			["misc"]	= true,
+		}
+		function MainPanel:ToggleState()
+			local x, y = self:GetLeft(), self:GetBottom()
+			if self.is_expanded then
+				-- Hide the category buttons
+				for category in pairs(self.filter_menu) do
+					if VALID_CATEGORY[category] then
+						self["menu_toggle_" .. category]:Hide()
+					end
+				end
+				self.filter_reset:Hide()
+				self.filter_menu:Hide()
+				PlaySound("igCharacterInfoClose")
+				self:SetWidth(self.normal_width)
+				self:SetHitRectInsets(0, 35, 0, 53)
+				self:SetClampRectInsets(0, -35, 0, 53)
+				self.top_left:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-TopLeft")
+				self.top_right:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-TopRight")
+				self.bottom_left:Show()
+				self.bottom_right:Show()
+				self.xclose_button:ClearAllPoints()
+				self.xclose_button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self, "TOPRIGHT", -30, -8)
+			else
+				local found_active = false
+				-- Show the category buttons. If one has been selected, show its information in the panel.
+				for category in pairs(MainPanel.filter_menu) do
+					local toggle = "menu_toggle_" .. category
+					if VALID_CATEGORY[category] then
+						MainPanel[toggle]:Show()
+						if MainPanel[toggle]:GetChecked() then
+							found_active = true
+							MainPanel.filter_menu[category]:Show()
+							MainPanel.filter_menu:Show()
+						end
+					end
+				end
+				-- If nothing was checked, default to the general filters.
+				if not found_active then
+					MainPanel.menu_toggle_general:SetChecked(true)
+					MainPanel.filter_menu.general:Show()
+					MainPanel.filter_menu:Show()
+				end
+				MainPanel.filter_reset:Show()
+				PlaySound("igCharacterInfoOpen")
+				self:SetWidth(self.expanded_width)
+				self:SetHitRectInsets(0, 90, 0, 53)
+				self:SetClampRectInsets(0, -90, 0, 53)
+				self.top_left:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLogDualPane-Left")
+				self.top_right:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLogDualPane-Right")
+				self.bottom_left:Hide()
+				self.bottom_right:Hide()
+				self.xclose_button:ClearAllPoints()
+				self.xclose_button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self, "TOPRIGHT", -84, -8)
+			end
+			self.is_expanded = not self.is_expanded
+			self:ClearAllPoints()
+			self:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", x, y)
+			self:UpdateTitle()
+		end
+	end	-- do-block
+	function MainPanel:UpdateTitle()
+		local current_prof = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[self.profession]
+		if not self.is_expanded then
+			self.title_bar:SetFormattedText(SetTextColor(private.basic_colors["normal"], "ARL (%s) - %s"), addon.version, current_prof)
+			return
+		end
+		local total, active = 0, 0
+		for filter, info in pairs(self.filter_menu.value_map) do
+			if info.svroot then
+				if info.svroot[filter] == true then
+					active = active + 1
+				end
+				total = total + 1
+			end
+		end
+		self.title_bar:SetFormattedText(SetTextColor(private.basic_colors["normal"], "ARL (%s) - %s (%d/%d %s)"), addon.version, current_prof, active, total, _G.FILTERS)
+	end
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Create the profession-cycling button and assign its values.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	local ProfCycle = CreateFrame("Button", nil, MainPanel, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+	ProfCycle:SetWidth(64)
+	ProfCycle:SetHeight(64)
+	ProfCycle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "TOPLEFT", 5, -4)
+	ProfCycle:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp")
+	ProfCycle._normal = ProfCycle:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	ProfCycle._pushed = ProfCycle:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	ProfCycle._disabled = ProfCycle:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	MainPanel.prof_button = ProfCycle
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- ProfCycle scripts/functions.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	ProfCycle:SetScript("OnClick",
+			    function(self, button, down)
+				    -- Known professions should be in Player.professions
+				    -- This loop is gonna be weird. The reason is because we need to
+				    -- ensure that we cycle through all the known professions, but also
+				    -- that we do so in order. That means that if the currently displayed
+				    -- profession is the last one in the list, we're actually going to
+				    -- iterate completely once to get to the currently displayed profession
+				    -- and then iterate again to make sure we display the next one in line.
+				    -- Further, there is the nuance that the person may not know any
+				    -- professions yet at all. Users are so annoying.
+				    local startLoop = 0
+				    local endLoop = 0
+				    local displayProf = 0
+				    local NUM_PROFESSIONS = 12
+				    -- ok, so first off, if we've never done this before, there is no "current"
+				    -- and a single iteration will do nicely, thank you
+				    if button == "LeftButton" then
+					    -- normal profession switch
+					    if MainPanel.profession == 0 then
+						    startLoop = 1
+						    endLoop = NUM_PROFESSIONS + 1
+					    else
+						    startLoop = MainPanel.profession + 1
+						    endLoop = MainPanel.profession
+					    end
+					    local index = startLoop
+					    while index ~= endLoop do
+						    if index > NUM_PROFESSIONS then
+							    index = 1
+						    elseif Player.professions[ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[index]] then
+							    displayProf = index
+							    MainPanel.profession = index
+							    break
+						    else
+							    index = index + 1
+						    end
+					    end
+				    elseif button == "RightButton" then
+					    -- reverse profession switch
+					    if MainPanel.profession == 0 then
+						    startLoop = NUM_PROFESSIONS + 1
+						    endLoop = 0
+					    else
+						    startLoop = MainPanel.profession - 1
+						    endLoop = MainPanel.profession
+					    end
+					    local index = startLoop
+					    while index ~= endLoop do
+						    if index < 1 then
+							    index = NUM_PROFESSIONS
+						    elseif Player.professions[ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[index]] then
+							    displayProf = index
+							    MainPanel.profession = index
+							    break
+						    else
+							    index = index - 1
+						    end
+					    end
+				    end
+				    local trade_frame = _G.GnomeWorksFrame or _G.Skillet or _G.MRTSkillFrame or _G.ATSWFrame or _G.CauldronFrame or _G.TradeSkillFrame
+				    local is_shown = trade_frame:IsVisible()
+				    local sfx
+				    PlaySound("igCharacterNPCSelect")
+				    -- If not shown, save the current sound effects setting then set it to 0.
+				    if not is_shown then
+					    sfx = tonumber(GetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX"))
+					    SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", 0)
+				    end
+				    CastSpellByName(ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession])
+				    addon:Scan()
+				    if not is_shown then
+					    CloseTradeSkill()
+					    SetCVar("Sound_EnableSFX", sfx)
+				    end
+			    end)
+	function ProfCycle:ChangeTexture(texture)
+		local normal, pushed, disabled = self._normal, self._pushed, self._disabled
+		normal:SetTexture([[Interface\Addons\AckisRecipeList\img\]] .. texture .. [[_up]])
+		normal:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+		normal:SetAllPoints(self)
+		self:SetNormalTexture(normal)
+		pushed:SetTexture([[Interface\Addons\AckisRecipeList\img\]] .. texture .. [[_down]])
+		pushed:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+		pushed:SetAllPoints(self)
+		self:SetPushedTexture(pushed)
+		disabled:SetTexture([[Interface\Addons\AckisRecipeList\img\]] .. texture .. [[_up]])
+		disabled:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+		disabled:SetAllPoints(self)
+		self:SetDisabledTexture(disabled)
+	end
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- The search entry box and associated methods.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	local SearchRecipes
+	do
+		local acquire_names = private.acquire_names
+		local location_list = private.location_list
+		local search_params = {
+			"name",
+			"skill_level",
+			--@debug@
+			-- "item_id",
+			--@end-debug@
+			"specialty",
+		}
+		-- Scans through the recipe database and toggles the flag on if the item is in the search criteria
+		function SearchRecipes(pattern)
+			if not pattern then
+				return
+			end
+			local current_prof = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession]
+			pattern = pattern:lower()
+			for index, entry in pairs(private.recipe_list) do
+				entry:RemoveState("RELEVANT")
+				if entry.profession == current_prof then
+					local found = false
+					for index, field in ipairs(search_params) do
+						local str = entry[field] and tostring(entry[field]):lower() or nil
+						if str and str:find(pattern) then
+							entry:AddState("RELEVANT")
+							found = true
+							break
+						end
+					end
+					if not found then
+						for acquire_type in pairs(acquire_names) do
+							local str = acquire_names[acquire_type]:lower()
+							if str and str:find(pattern) and entry.acquire_data[acquire_type] then
+								entry:AddState("RELEVANT")
+								found = true
+								break
+							end
+						end
+					end
+					if not found then
+						for location_name in pairs(location_list) do
+							local breakout = false
+							for spell_id in pairs(location_list[location_name].recipes) do
+								if spell_id == entry.spell_id then
+									local str = location_name:lower()
+									if str and str:find(pattern) then
+										entry:AddState("RELEVANT")
+										breakout = true
+										break
+									end
+								end
+							end
+							if breakout then
+								break
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end	-- if entry.profession
+		end	-- for
+	end	-- do
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Search EditBox
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	local SearchBox = CreateFrame("EditBox", nil, MainPanel, "InputBoxTemplate")
+	SearchBox:EnableMouse(true)
+	SearchBox:SetAutoFocus(false)
+	SearchBox:SetFontObject(ChatFontSmall)
+	SearchBox:SetWidth(130)
+	SearchBox:SetHeight(12)
+	SearchBox:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "TOPLEFT", 75, -39)
+	SearchBox:Show()
+	MainPanel.search_editbox = SearchBox
+	SearchBox:SetText(_G.SEARCH)
+	SearchBox:SetHistoryLines(10)
+	-- Allow removal of focus from the SearchBox by clicking on the WorldFrame.
+	do
+		local old_x, old_y, click_time
+		WorldFrame:HookScript("OnMouseDown",
+				      function(frame, ...)
+					      if not SearchBox:HasFocus() then
+						      return
+					      end
+					      old_x, old_y = GetCursorPosition()
+					      click_time = GetTime()
+				      end)
+		WorldFrame:HookScript("OnMouseUp",
+				      function(frame, ...)
+					      if not SearchBox:HasFocus() then
+						      return
+					      end
+					      local x, y = GetCursorPosition()
+					      if not old_x or not old_y or not x or not y or not click_time then
+						      SearchBox:ClearFocus()
+						      return
+					      end
+					      if (_G.math.abs(x - old_x) + _G.math.abs(y - old_y)) <= 5 and GetTime() - click_time < .5 then
+						      SearchBox:ClearFocus()
+					      end
+				      end)
+	end
+	-- Resets the SearchBox text and the state of all MainPanel.list_frame and recipe_list entries.
+	function SearchBox:Reset()
+		for index, recipe in pairs(private.recipe_list) do
+			recipe:RemoveState("RELEVANT")
+		end
+		self.prev_search = nil
+		self:SetText(_G.SEARCH)
+		if self:HasFocus() then
+			self:HighlightText()
+		end
+		MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
+	end
+	-- If there is text in the search box, return the recipe's RELEVANT state.
+	function SearchBox:MatchesRecipe(recipe)
+		local editbox_text = self:GetText()
+		if editbox_text ~= "" and editbox_text ~= _G.SEARCH then
+			return recipe:HasState("RELEVANT")
+		end
+		return true
+	end
+	SearchBox:SetScript("OnEnterPressed",
+			    function(self)
+				    local searchtext = self:GetText()
+				    searchtext = searchtext:trim()
+				    if not searchtext or searchtext == "" then
+					    self:Reset()
+					    return
+				    end
+				    self:HighlightText()
+				    if searchtext == _G.SEARCH then
+					    return
+				    end
+				    self.prev_search = searchtext
+				    self:AddHistoryLine(searchtext)
+				    SearchRecipes(searchtext)
+				    MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
+			    end)
+	SearchBox:SetScript("OnEditFocusGained", SearchBox.HighlightText)
+	SearchBox:SetScript("OnEditFocusLost",
+			    function(self)
+				    local text = self:GetText()
+				    if text == "" or text == _G.SEARCH then
+					    self:Reset()
+					    return
+				    end
+				    -- Ensure that the highlight is cleared.
+				    self:SetText(text)
+				    self:AddHistoryLine(text)
+			    end)
+	SearchBox:SetScript("OnTextSet",
+			    function(self)
+				    local text = self:GetText()
+				    if text ~= "" and text ~= _G.SEARCH and text ~= self.prev_search then
+					    self:HighlightText()
+				    else
+					    self:Reset()
+				    end
+			    end)
+	do
+		local last_update = 0
+		local updater = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+		updater:Hide()
+		updater:SetScript("OnUpdate",
+				  function(self, elapsed)
+					  last_update = last_update + elapsed
+					  if last_update >= 0.5 then
+						  last_update = 0
+						  SearchRecipes(SearchBox:GetText())
+						  MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
+						  self:Hide()
+					  end
+				  end)
+		SearchBox:SetScript("OnTextChanged",
+				    function(self, is_typed)
+					    if not is_typed then
+						    return
+					    end
+					    local text = self:GetText()
+					    if text ~= "" and text ~= _G.SEARCH and text ~= self.prev_search then
+						    updater:Show()
+					    else
+						    self:Reset()
+					    end
+				    end)
+	end	-- do
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Create the expand button and set its scripts.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	local ExpandButtonFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, MainPanel)
+	ExpandButtonFrame:SetHeight(20)
+	ExpandButtonFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", SearchBox, "BOTTOMLEFT", -12, -5)
+	ExpandButtonFrame.left = ExpandButtonFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	ExpandButtonFrame.left:SetWidth(8)
+	ExpandButtonFrame.left:SetHeight(22)
+	ExpandButtonFrame.left:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ExpandButtonFrame, 0, 4)
+	ExpandButtonFrame.left:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLogSortTab-Left")
+	ExpandButtonFrame.right = ExpandButtonFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	ExpandButtonFrame.right:SetWidth(8)
+	ExpandButtonFrame.right:SetHeight(22)
+	ExpandButtonFrame.right:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", ExpandButtonFrame, 0, 4)
+	ExpandButtonFrame.right:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLogSortTab-Right")
+	ExpandButtonFrame.middle = ExpandButtonFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
+	ExpandButtonFrame.middle:SetHeight(22)
+	ExpandButtonFrame.middle:SetPoint("LEFT", ExpandButtonFrame.left, "RIGHT")
+	ExpandButtonFrame.middle:SetPoint("RIGHT", ExpandButtonFrame.right, "LEFT")
+	ExpandButtonFrame.middle:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLogSortTab-Middle")
+	local ExpandButton = GenericCreateButton(nil, MainPanel, 16, 16, "GameFontNormalSmall", _G.ALL, "LEFT", L["EXPANDALL_DESC"], 2)
+	-- Make sure the button frame is large enough to hold the localized word for "All"
+	ExpandButtonFrame:SetWidth(27 + ExpandButton:GetFontString():GetStringWidth())
+	MainPanel.expand_button = ExpandButton
+	ExpandButton:SetPoint("LEFT", ExpandButtonFrame.left, "RIGHT", -3, -3)
+	ExpandButton.text:ClearAllPoints()
+	ExpandButton.text:SetPoint("LEFT", ExpandButton, "Right", 0, 0)
+	ExpandButton:SetScript("OnClick",
+			       function(self, mouse_button, down)
+				       local current_tab = MainPanel.tabs[MainPanel.current_tab]
+				       local expanded = current_tab["expand_button_"..MainPanel.profession]
+				       local expand_mode
+				       if not expanded then
+					       if _G.IsShiftKeyDown() then
+						       expand_mode = "deep"
+					       else
+						       expand_mode = "normal"
+					       end
+				       else
+					       local prof_name = ORDERED_PROFESSIONS[MainPanel.profession]
+					       table.wipe(current_tab[prof_name.." expanded"])
+				       end
+				       -- MainPanel.list_frame:Update() must be called before the button can be expanded or contracted, since
+				       -- the button is contracted from there.
+				       -- If expand_mode is nil, that means expand nothing.
+				       MainPanel.list_frame:Update(expand_mode, false)
+				       if expanded then
+					       self:Contract(current_tab)
+				       else
+					       self:Expand(current_tab)
+				       end
+			       end)
+	function ExpandButton:Expand(current_tab)
+		current_tab["expand_button_"..MainPanel.profession] = true
+		self:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-MinusButton-Up")
+		self:SetPushedTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-MinusButton-Down")
+		self:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-PlusButton-Hilight")
+		self:SetDisabledTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-MinusButton-Disabled")
+		SetTooltipScripts(self, L["CONTRACTALL_DESC"])
+	end
+	function ExpandButton:Contract(current_tab)
+		current_tab["expand_button_"..MainPanel.profession] = nil
+		self:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-Up")
+		self:SetPushedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-Down")
+		self:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-Hilight")
+		self:SetDisabledTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-Disabled")
+		SetTooltipScripts(self, L["EXPANDALL_DESC"])
+	end
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- "Skill Level" checkbox.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	local SkillToggle = CreateFrame("CheckButton", nil, MainPanel, "UICheckButtonTemplate")
+	SkillToggle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", SearchBox, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
+	SkillToggle:SetHeight(16)
+	SkillToggle:SetWidth(16)
+	SkillToggle.text = SkillToggle:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormalSmall")
+	SkillToggle.text:SetPoint("LEFT", SkillToggle, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
+	SkillToggle:SetScript("OnClick",
+			      function(self, button, down)
+				      addon.db.profile.skill_view = not addon.db.profile.skill_view
+				      MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
+			      end)
+	SkillToggle:SetScript("OnShow",
+			      function(self)
+				      self:SetChecked(addon.db.profile.skill_view)
+			      end)
+	SkillToggle:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Up")
+	SkillToggle:SetPushedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Down")
+	SkillToggle:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Highlight")
+	SkillToggle:SetDisabledCheckedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check-Disabled")
+	SkillToggle:SetCheckedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check")
+	SkillToggle.text:SetText(_G.SKILL)
+	SetTooltipScripts(SkillToggle, L["SKILL_TOGGLE_DESC"], 1)
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- "Display Exclusions" checkbox.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	local ExcludeToggle = CreateFrame("CheckButton", nil, MainPanel, "UICheckButtonTemplate")
+	ExcludeToggle:SetPoint("TOP", SkillToggle, "BOTTOM", 0, 1)
+	ExcludeToggle:SetHeight(16)
+	ExcludeToggle:SetWidth(16)
+	ExcludeToggle.text = ExcludeToggle:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormalSmall")
+	ExcludeToggle.text:SetPoint("LEFT", ExcludeToggle, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
+	ExcludeToggle:SetScript("OnClick",
+				function(self, button, down)
+					addon.db.profile.ignoreexclusionlist = not addon.db.profile.ignoreexclusionlist
+					MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
+				end)
+	ExcludeToggle:SetScript("OnShow",
+				function(self)
+					self:SetChecked(addon.db.profile.ignoreexclusionlist)
+				end)
+	ExcludeToggle:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Up")
+	ExcludeToggle:SetPushedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Down")
+	ExcludeToggle:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Highlight")
+	ExcludeToggle:SetDisabledCheckedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check-Disabled")
+	ExcludeToggle:SetCheckedTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-CheckBox-Check")
+	ExcludeToggle.text:SetText(L["Display Exclusions"])
+	SetTooltipScripts(ExcludeToggle, L["DISPLAY_EXCLUSION_DESC"], 1)
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Create the X-close button, and set its scripts.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	MainPanel.xclose_button = CreateFrame("Button", nil, MainPanel, "UIPanelCloseButton")
+	MainPanel.xclose_button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", MainPanel, "TOPRIGHT", -30, -8)
+	MainPanel.xclose_button:SetScript("OnClick",
+					  function(self, button, down)
+						  MainPanel:Hide()
+					  end)
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Create MainPanel.filter_toggle, and set its scripts.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	do
+		local function Toggle_OnClick(self, button, down)
+			-- The first time this button is clicked, everything in the expanded section of the MainPanel must be created.
+			if private.InitializeFilterPanel then
+				private.InitializeFilterPanel()
+			end
+			SetTooltipScripts(self, MainPanel.is_expanded and L["FILTER_OPEN_DESC"] or L["FILTER_CLOSE_DESC"])
+			MainPanel:ToggleState()
+			self:SetTextures()
+		end
+		local filter_toggle = GenericCreateButton(nil, MainPanel, 24, 24, nil, nil, nil, L["FILTER_OPEN_DESC"], 2)
+		filter_toggle:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", MainPanel, "TOPLEFT", 323, -41)
+		filter_toggle:SetScript("OnClick", Toggle_OnClick)
+		filter_toggle:SetHighlightTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-BlinkHilight]])
+		function filter_toggle:SetTextures()
+			if MainPanel.is_expanded then
+				self:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-SpellbookIcon-PrevPage-Up]])
+				self:SetPushedTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-SpellbookIcon-PrevPage-Down]])
+				self:SetDisabledTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-SpellbookIcon-PrevPage-Disabled]])
+			else
+				self:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-SpellbookIcon-NextPage-Up]])
+				self:SetPushedTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-SpellbookIcon-NextPage-Down]])
+				self:SetDisabledTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-SpellbookIcon-NextPage-Disabled]])
+			end
+		end
+		MainPanel.filter_toggle = filter_toggle
+	end	-- do-block
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Sort-mode toggle button.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	local SortToggle = GenericCreateButton(nil, MainPanel, 24, 24, nil, nil, nil, L["SORTING_DESC"], 2)
+	MainPanel.sort_button = SortToggle
+	SortToggle:SetPoint("LEFT", ExpandButtonFrame, "RIGHT", 0, 2)
+	SortToggle:SetScript("OnClick",
+			     function(self, button, down)
+				     local sort_type = addon.db.profile.sorting
+				     addon.db.profile.sorting = (sort_type == "Ascending" and "Descending" or "Ascending")
+				     self:SetTextures()
+				     MainPanel.list_frame:Update(nil, false)
+			     end)
+	SortToggle:SetHighlightTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-BlinkHilight]])
+	function SortToggle:SetTextures()
+		local sort_type = addon.db.profile.sorting
+		if sort_type == "Ascending" then
+			self:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollDown-Up]])
+			self:SetPushedTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollDown-Down]])
+			self:SetDisabledTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollDown-Disabled]])
+		else
+			self:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollUp-Up]])
+			self:SetPushedTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollUp-Down]])
+			self:SetDisabledTexture([[Interface\CHATFRAME\UI-ChatIcon-ScrollUp-Disabled]])
+		end
+	end
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Create MainPanel.progress_bar and set its scripts
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	do
+		local progress_bar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, MainPanel)
+		progress_bar:SetWidth(216)
+		progress_bar:SetHeight(18)
+		progress_bar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", MainPanel, 17, 80)
+		progress_bar:SetBackdrop({
+						 bgFile = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background-Dark]],
+						 tile = true,
+						 tileSize = 16,
+					 })
+		progress_bar:SetStatusBarTexture([[Interface\TARGETINGFRAME\UI-StatusBar]])
+		progress_bar:SetOrientation("HORIZONTAL")
+		progress_bar:SetStatusBarColor(0.37, 0.45, 1.0)
+		local border = progress_bar:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+		border:SetWidth(288)
+		border:SetHeight(78)
+		border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", progress_bar, "TOPLEFT", -36, 31)
+		border:SetTexture([[Interface\CastingBar\UI-CastingBar-Border]])
+		local text = progress_bar:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK")
+		text:SetWidth(195)
+		text:SetHeight(14)
+		text:SetFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall")
+		text:SetPoint("CENTER", progress_bar, "CENTER", 0, 0)
+		text:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
+		text:SetJustifyV("CENTER")
+		progress_bar.text = text
+		MainPanel.progress_bar = progress_bar
+	end	-- do
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Create the close button, and set its scripts.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	MainPanel.close_button = GenericCreateButton(nil, MainPanel, 24, 111, "GameFontNormalSmall", _G.EXIT, "CENTER", L["CLOSE_DESC"], 1)
+	MainPanel.close_button:SetPoint("LEFT", MainPanel.progress_bar, "RIGHT", 3, 1)
+	MainPanel.close_button:SetScript("OnClick",
+					 function(self, button, down)
+						 MainPanel:Hide()
+					 end)
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	-- Initialize components defined in other files.
+	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	private.InitializeListFrame()
+	private.InitializeTabs()
+	private.InitializeFrame = nil
+---- Creates a new frame with the contents of a text dump so you can copy and paste
+--- Code borrowed from Antiarc (Chatter) with permission
+--- @name AckisRecipeList:DisplayTextDump
+--- @param RecipeDB The database (array) which you wish read data from.
+--- @param profession Which profession are you displaying data for
+--- @param text The text to be dumped
+	local copy_frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "ARLCopyFrame", UIParent)
+	copy_frame:SetBackdrop({
+				       bgFile = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background]],
+				       edgeFile = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border]],
+				       tile = true,
+				       tileSize = 16,
+				       edgeSize = 16,
+				       insets = {
+					       left = 3,
+					       right = 3,
+					       top = 5,
+					       bottom = 3
+				       }
+			       })
+	copy_frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+	copy_frame:SetWidth(750)
+	copy_frame:SetHeight(400)
+	copy_frame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER")
+	copy_frame:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG")
+	table.insert(UISpecialFrames, "ARLCopyFrame")
+	local scrollArea = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "ARLCopyScroll", copy_frame, "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate")
+	scrollArea:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", copy_frame, "TOPLEFT", 8, -30)
+	scrollArea:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", copy_frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -30, 8)
+	local edit_box = CreateFrame("EditBox", nil, copy_frame)
+	edit_box:SetMultiLine(true)
+	edit_box:SetMaxLetters(0)
+	edit_box:EnableMouse(true)
+	edit_box:SetAutoFocus(true)
+	edit_box:SetFontObject(ChatFontNormal)
+	edit_box:SetWidth(650)
+	edit_box:SetHeight(270)
+	edit_box:SetScript("OnEscapePressed",
+			   function()
+				   copy_frame:Hide()
+			   end)
+	edit_box:HighlightText(0)
+	scrollArea:SetScrollChild(edit_box)
+	local close = CreateFrame("Button", nil, copy_frame, "UIPanelCloseButton")
+	close:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", copy_frame, "TOPRIGHT")
+	copy_frame:Hide()
+	function addon:DisplayTextDump(RecipeDB, profession, text)
+		local text = (not RecipeDB and not profession) and text or self:GetTextDump(profession)
+		if text ~= "" then
+			edit_box:SetText(text)
+			edit_box:HighlightText(0)
+			edit_box:SetCursorPosition(1)
+			copy_frame:Show()
+		end
+	end
+end	-- do
diff --git a/interface.xml b/interface.xml
index 2ac92ef..50061cd 100644
--- a/interface.xml
+++ b/interface.xml
@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
 <Include file="Interface\Tabs.lua"/>
 <Include file="Interface\List.lua"/>
 <Include file="Interface\FilterMenus.lua"/>
+<Include file="Interface\Panel.lua"/>