
Removed un-used Skillet code.

James D. Callahan III [07-16-10 - 08:33]
Removed un-used Skillet code.
diff --git a/core.lua b/core.lua
index a22e976..75bf308 100644
--- a/core.lua
+++ b/core.lua
@@ -667,19 +667,6 @@ function addon:OnEnable()

-	-- If we're using Skillet, use Skillet's API to work with getting tradeskills
-	if (Skillet) and (Skillet.GetNumTradeSkills) and
-	(Skillet.GetTradeSkillLine) and (Skillet.GetTradeSkillInfo) and
-	(Skillet.GetTradeSkillRecipeLink) and (Skillet.ExpandTradeSkillSubClass) then
-		self:Print("Enabling Skillet advanced features.")
-		GetNumTradeSkills = function(...) return Skillet:GetNumTradeSkills(...) end
-		GetTradeSkillLine = function(...) return Skillet:GetTradeSkillLine(...) end
-		GetTradeSkillInfo = function(...) return Skillet:GetTradeSkillInfo(...) end
-		GetTradeSkillRecipeLink = function(...) return Skillet:GetTradeSkillRecipeLink(...) end
-		ExpandTradeSkillSubClass = function(...) return Skillet:ExpandTradeSkillSubClass(...) end
-	end
 	-- Initialize the player's data.