
Added section headers.

KyrosKrane [07-06-15 - 19:57]
Added section headers.
Revised localization framework.
Moved startup commands to player login event
Added command-line handling for slash commands
Added split function
Added DumpTable function for debugging help
Removed defunct references to Auto-Loot-BOP
diff --git a/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua b/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
index fbcfb19..16bccff 100644
--- a/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
+++ b/AnnoyingPopupRemover.lua
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 -- Copyright (c) 2015 KyrosKrane Sylvanblade
+--# License: MIT License
 -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
@@ -27,17 +31,37 @@
 --	It removes the popup confirmation dialog when rolling on a bind-on-pickup item.
 --	It removes the popup confirmation dialog when adding a BOP item to void storage, and that item is modified (gemmed, enchanted, or transmogged) or still tradable with the looting group.

+--# Global Variables
 -- Define whether we're in debug mode or production mode. True means debug; false means production.
 local DebugMode = false;

 -- Set the current version so we can display it.
 local APR_Version = "@project-version@";

+-- Get a local reference to these functions to speed up execution.
+local rawset = rawset
+local tostring = tostring
+-- Get the language used by the client.
+local locale = GetLocale();
+--# Saved Variables

 -- Load the saved variables, or initialize if they don't exist yet.
 APR_DB = APR_DB or { } ;

+--# Utility Functions
 -- Print debug output to the chat frame.
 function DebugPrint(...)
 	if (DebugMode) then
@@ -63,18 +87,133 @@ function PrintVarArgs(...)
 end -- PrintVarArgs()

--- Announce our load.
-ChatPrint (L["Annoying Pop-up Remover"] .. " " .. APR_Version .. " " .. L["loaded"] .. ".");
+--# Slash command handling
+-- Set the default slash command.
+SLASH_APR1 = "/apr"
+SlashCmdList.APR = function (...) HandleCommandLine(...) end
+-- Dumps a table into chat. Not intended for production use.
+function DumpTable(tab, indent)
+	if not indent then indent = 0 end
+	if indent > 10 then
+		DebugPrint("Recursion is at 11 already; aborting.")
+		return
+	end
+	for k, v in pairs(tab) do
+		local s = ""
+		if indent > 0 then
+			for i = 0, indent do
+				s = s .. "    ";
+			end
+		end
+		if "table" == type(v) then
+			s = s .. "Item " .. k .. " is sub-table." ;
+			DebugPrint(s);
+			indent = indent + 1;
+			DumpTable(v, indent);
+			indent = indent - 1;
+		else
+			s = s .. "Item " .. k .. " is " .. tostring(v);
+			DebugPrint(s);
+		end
+	end
+-- Splits a string into sections, based on a specified separator.
+-- Split text into a list consisting of the strings in text,
+-- separated by strings matching delimiter (which may be a pattern).
+-- example: strsplit(",%s*", "Anna, Bob, Charlie,Dolores")
+-- Taken from Lua manual: http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin
+function strsplit(delimiter, text)
+  local list = {}
+	local pos = 1
+	if strfind("", delimiter, 1) then
+		-- this would result in endless loops
+		-- error("delimiter matches empty string!")
+		-- return the entire string instead.
+		tinsert(list, text)
+		return list
+	end
+	while 1 do
+		local first, last = strfind(text, delimiter, pos)
+		if first then -- found?
+			tinsert(list, strsub(text, pos, first-1))
+			pos = last+1
+		else
+			tinsert(list, strsub(text, pos))
+			break
+		end
+	end
+	return list
+-- Respond to user chat-line commands.
+function HandleCommandLine(msg, editbox)
+	DebugPrint ("msg is " .. msg);
+	local Line = strsplit("%s+", msg);
+	-- DumpTable(Line);
+	if "hideloot" == Line[1] then
+		ChatPrint ("Loot is now " .. Line[2]);
+	elseif "hideroll" == Line[1] then
+		ChatPrint ("Roll selected");
+	elseif "hidevoid" == Line[1] then
+		ChatPrint ("Void selected");
+	else
+		if "help" == Line[1] then
+			ChatPrint (L["Allowed commands for"] .. " " .. L["Annoying Pop-up Remover"] .. ":");
+		else
+			ChatPrint(L["Error: unknown command."])
+		end
+		-- Print the instructions for the user.
+		ChatPrint(L["Allowed commands are:"]);
+		ChatPrint("/apr hideloot on/off"); -- not localized on purpose
+		ChatPrint("/apr hideroll on/off"); -- not localized on purpose
+		ChatPrint("/apr hidevoid on/off"); -- not localized on purpose
+		ChatPrint("/apr help"); -- not localized on purpose
+	end
+	--DumpTable(editbox); -- no clue why the slash command handler passes in info about the message box itself, but it does...
+end -- HandleCommandLine()
+--# Localization
+-- This bit of meta-magic makes it so that if we call L with a key that doesn't yet exist, a key is created automatically, and its value is the name of the key.  For example, if L["MyAddon"] doesn't exist, and I run print (L["MyAddon"]), the __index command causes the L table to automatically create a new key called MyAddon, and its value is set to tostring("MyAddon") -- same as the key name.
+L = setmetatable({ }, {__index = function(t, k)
+	local v = tostring(k);
+	rawset(t, k, v);
+	return v;
+-- The above system effectively makes it so that we don't have to define the default, English-language values.  Just set the key name as the English value.
+-- Set the default strings used here.  Other languages can override these as needed.
+-- Not going to localize debug strings for now.
+-- In another file, you can override these strings like:
+-- if locale == "deDE" then
+--		L["APR"] = "German name of APR here";
+-- end
+-- That way, it preserves the default English strings in case of a missed translation.

--- Force the default Void Storage frame to load.
-local isloaded, reason = LoadAddOn("Blizzard_VoidStorageUI")
-DebugPrint ("Blizzard_VoidStorageUI isloaded is ", isloaded);
-DebugPrint ("Blizzard_VoidStorageUI reason is ", reason);
+--# Event hooks

 -- Create the frame to hold our event catcher, and the list of events.
-local AutoLootBOP_Frame, events = CreateFrame("Frame"), {};
+local APR_Frame, events = CreateFrame("Frame"), {};

 -- Looting a BOP item triggers this event.
@@ -136,17 +275,36 @@ function events:VOID_STORAGE_DEPOSIT_UPDATE(...)

+-- On-load handler for addon initialization.
+function events:PLAYER_LOGIN(...)
+	-- Announce our load.
+	ChatPrint (L["Annoying Pop-up Remover"] .. " " .. APR_Version .. " " .. L["loaded"] .. ".");
+	-- Force the default Void Storage frame to load so we can override it.
+	local isloaded, reason = LoadAddOn("Blizzard_VoidStorageUI")
+	DebugPrint ("Blizzard_VoidStorageUI isloaded is ", isloaded);
+	DebugPrint ("Blizzard_VoidStorageUI reason is ", reason);
+end -- events:PLAYER_LOGIN()
 -- Create the event handler function.
-AutoLootBOP_Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
+APR_Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
 	events[event](self, ...); -- call one of the functions above

 -- Register all events for which handlers have been defined
 for k, v in pairs(events) do
 	DebugPrint ("Registering event ", k);
-	AutoLootBOP_Frame:RegisterEvent(k);
+	APR_Frame:RegisterEvent(k);

+--# Dialog management
 -- Create a holder to store dialogs we're removing, in case I ever want to implement a per-dialog toggle (which means I'd have to restore the dialogs).
 local StoredDialogs = {};

@@ -162,42 +320,13 @@ StaticPopupDialogs["CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL"] = nil;
 StoredDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"] = StaticPopupDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"];
 StaticPopupDialogs["VOID_DEPOSIT_CONFIRM"] = nil;

 -- Curse-specific command to exclude this section from appearing for end users.
-DebugMode = true;
--- Localizations
--- Copied from Gladius; dunno what most of this does, honestly...
-local rawset = rawset
-local tostring = tostring
-local L = setmetatable({ }, {__index = function(t, k)
-	local v = tostring(k)
-	rawset(t, k, v)
-	return v
--- Get the language used by the client.
-local locale = GetLocale();
--- Set the strings used here.
-if locale == "enUS" or locale == "enGB" then
-	-- Not going to localize debug strings for now.
-	L["APR"] = "APR";
-	L["Debug"] = "Debug";
-	L["Annoying Pop-up Remover"] = "Annoying Pop-up Remover";
-	L["loaded"] = "loaded";
--- elseif locale == "deDE" then
-	-- L["foobar"] = "German here";

--- Slash command handling
-SlashCmdList.APR = function (...) HandleCommandLine(...) end
-SLASH_APR1 = "/apr"
+--# Local settings for debugging

-function HandleCommandLine(...)
-	PrintVarArgs(...);
-end -- HandleCommandLine()
+DebugMode = true;