
fixed typos in English localization, reformatted code in .lua

Alex Shubert [09-09-12 - 19:08]
fixed typos in English localization, reformatted code in .lua
diff --git a/AutoTurnIn.lua b/AutoTurnIn.lua
index cff47bc..2528fbe 100644
--- a/AutoTurnIn.lua
+++ b/AutoTurnIn.lua
@@ -303,10 +303,10 @@ function AutoTurnIn:TurnInQuest(rewardIndex)
 		self.delayFrame.delay = time() + 2
 	if (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.debug) then
 		local link = GetQuestItemLink("choice", rewardIndex)
-		if (link) then
+		if (link) then
 			self:Print("Debug: item to loot=", GetQuestItemLink("choice", rewardIndex))
 		elseif (GetNumQuestChoices() == 0) then
 			self:Print("Debug: turning quest in")
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ function AutoTurnIn:Need()

 	for i=1, GetNumQuestChoices() do
 		local link = GetQuestItemLink("choice", i)
 		if ( link == nil ) then
 			return true
@@ -358,21 +358,21 @@ function AutoTurnIn:Need()
 		if  ( 'INVTYPE_TRINKET' == equipSlot )then
 			return true
-		end
+		end
 		local itemCandidate = {index=i, points=0, type="", stat="NOTCHOSEN", secondary={}}
 		-- TYPE: item is suitable if there are no type specified at all or item type is chosen
 		local OkByType = false
 		if class == C.WEAPONLABEL then
 			OkByType = (not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon)) or (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon[subclass] or
-						self:IsRangedAndRequired(subclass))
+						self:IsRangedAndRequired(subclass))
 			OkByType = ( not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor) ) or ( AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor[subclass] or
 						AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor[equipSlot] or self:IsJewelryAndRequired(equipSlot) )
 		itemCandidate.type=subclass .. ((not not OkByType) and "=>OK" or "=>FAIL")
-		--STAT+SECONDARY: Same here: if no stat specified or item stat is chosen then item is wanted
+		--STAT+SECONDARY: Same here: if no stat specified or item stat is chosen then item is wanted
 		local OkByStat = not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat) 					-- true if table is empty
 		local OkBySecondary = not next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.secondary) -- true if table is empty
 		if (not (OkByStat and OkBySecondaryStat)) then
@@ -393,20 +393,20 @@ function AutoTurnIn:Need()

 		-- User may not choose any options hence any item became 'ok'. That situation is undoubtly incorrect.
 		local SettingsExists = (class == C.WEAPONLABEL and next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.weapon) or next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.armor))
-								or next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat)
+								or next(AutoTurnInCharacterDB.stat)
  		-- OK means that particular options section is empty or item meets requirements
 		if (OkByType and OkByStat and OkBySecondary and SettingsExists) then
 			tinsert(self.found, itemCandidate)
-		if (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.debug) then
+		if (AutoTurnInCharacterDB.debug) then
 			local secondaryDebug = ""
-			for _, sec in pairs(itemCandidate.secondary) do
+			for _, sec in pairs(itemCandidate.secondary) do
 				secondaryDebug = sec..","..secondaryDebug
-			self:Print("Debug:", GetQuestItemLink("choice", itemCandidate.index), " type:", itemCandidate.type,
+			self:Print("Debug:", GetQuestItemLink("choice", itemCandidate.index), " type:", itemCandidate.type,
 						" stat:", itemCandidate.stat, " secondary:[", secondaryDebug, "]=>", itemCandidate.points)
-		end
+		end

diff --git a/loc/localization_EN.lua b/loc/localization_EN.lua
index 10fbfc4..0ae48c0 100644
--- a/loc/localization_EN.lua
+++ b/loc/localization_EN.lua
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ privateTable.L = setmetatable({
 	['greedifnothing']='Greed if nothing found',
 	["multiplefound"]="Multiple reward candidates found. "..ERR_QUEST_MUST_CHOOSE,
 	["nosuitablefound"]="No suitable reward found. "..ERR_QUEST_MUST_CHOOSE,
-	["gogreedy"]="No suitable reward found, choosing highest value one.",
+	["gogreedy"]="No suitable reward found, choosing the highest value one.",
-	["stopitemfound"]="There are %s in rewards. Choose an item by yourself.",
+	["stopitemfound"]="There is %s in rewards. Choose an item yourself.",
 	{__index = function(table, index) return index end})