
-Fix for the ptBR localization

Xruptor [10-26-14 - 19:39]
-Fix for the ptBR localization
-Removed redundant code
-Added missing localization strings to the total list of localized strings.
-Major shout out and special thanks to ytzyt at Curse for the zhCN and zhTW translations!  Thanks!
diff --git a/BagSync.lua b/BagSync.lua
index 7932b06..1e6f250 100644
--- a/BagSync.lua
+++ b/BagSync.lua
@@ -893,7 +893,6 @@ local function AddItemToTooltip(frame, link)

 		local infoString
-		local invCount, bankCount, reagentbankCount, equipCount, guildCount, mailboxCount, voidbankCount, auctionCount = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
 		local pFaction = v.faction or playerFaction --just in case ;) if we dont know the faction yet display it anyways

 		--check if we should show both factions or not
diff --git a/BagSync.toc b/BagSync.toc
index e0ec7aa..265ac16 100644
--- a/BagSync.toc
+++ b/BagSync.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: BagSync
 ## Notes: BagSync tracks your characters items and displays it within tooltips.
 ## Author: Xruptor
-## Version: 7.8
+## Version: 7.9
 ## OptionalDeps: tekDebug
 ## SavedVariables: BagSyncDB, BagSyncOpt, BagSyncGUILD_DB, BagSyncTOKEN_DB, BagSyncCRAFT_DB, BagSyncBLACKLIST_DB

diff --git a/localization/localization.lua b/localization/localization.lua
index e60679b..8a48d4b 100644
--- a/localization/localization.lua
+++ b/localization/localization.lua
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
 -- ["Equipped: %d"] = "",
 -- ["Guild: %d"] = "",
 -- ["Mailbox: %d"] = "",
+-- ["Void: %d"] = "",
+-- ["ReagentBank: %d"] = "",
+-- ["AH: %d"] = "",
 -- ["Search"] = "",
 -- ["Total:"] = "",
 -- ["Tokens"] = "",
@@ -69,11 +72,71 @@
 -- ["Display modified tooltips ONLY in the BagSync Search window."] = "",
 -- ["Enable BagSync Tooltips"] = "",
 -- ["Enable empty line seperator above BagSync tooltip display."] = "",
+--Major shout out and special thanks to ytzyt at Curse for the zhCN and zhTW translations!  Thanks!
 BAGSYNC_L = GetLocale() == "zhCN" and {
 	["Bags: %d"] = "背包: %d",
 	["Bank: %d"] = "银行: %d",
 	["Equipped: %d"] = "已装备: %d",
+	["Mailbox: %d"] = "信箱: %d",
+	["Void: %d"] = "虚空仓库: %d",
+	["ReagentBank: %d"] = "材料银行: %d",
+	["AH: %d"] = "拍卖: %d",
+	["Search"] = "搜索",
+	["Total:"] = "总计: ",
+	["Tokens"] = "货币",
+	["Profiles"] = "设定档",
+	["Professions"] = "专业",
+	["Blacklist"] = "忽略例表",
+	["Gold"] = "金钱",
+	["Close"] = "关闭",
+	["FixDB"] = "优化数据库",
+	["Config"] = "设定",
+	["Select a profile to delete.\nNOTE: This is irreversible!"] = "选择要删除的设定档.\n注意: 不可逆!",
+	["Delete"] = "删除",
+	["Confirm"] = "确认",
+	["Toggle Search"] = "切换搜索",
+	["Toggle Tokens"] = "切换货币",
+	["Toggle Profiles"] = "切换设定档",
+	["Toggle Professions"] = "切换专业",
+	["Toggle Blacklist"] = "切换忽略例表",
+	["A FixDB has been performed on BagSync!  The database is now optimized!"] = "已执行FixDB, 数据库已优化!",
+	["ON"] = "开[ON]",
+	["OFF"] = "关[OFF]",
+	["Left Click = Search Window"] = "左键 = 搜索窗",
+	["Right Click = BagSync Menu"] = "右键 = 菜单",
+	["Left Click = Link to view tradeskill."] = "左键 = 查看专业技能链接",
+	["Right Click = Insert tradeskill link."] = "右键 = 插入专业技能链接",
+	["Click to view profession: "] = "点击查看专业",
+	["Click Here"] = "点这里",
+	["BagSync: Error user not found!"] = "BagSync: 错误,未找到用户!",
+	["Please enter an itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"] = "输入物品ID(用wowhead.com查询)",
+	["Add ItemID"] = "添加物品ID",
+	["Remove ItemID"] = "移除物品ID",
+-- ----------------------
+	["/bgs [itemname] - Does a quick search for an item"] = "/bgs [物品名称] - 快速搜索一件物品",
+	["/bgs search - Opens the search window"] = "/bgs search - 开启搜索窗",
+	["/bgs gold - Displays a tooltip with the amount of gold on each character."] = "/bgs gold - 显示各角色的金钱统计",
+	["/bgs tokens - Opens the tokens/currency window."] = "/bgs tokens - 开启货币窗口",
+	["/bgs profiles - Opens the profiles window."] = "/bgs profiles - 开启设置窗口",
+	["/bgs fixdb - Runs the database fix (FixDB) on BagSync."] = "/bgs fixdb - 优化BagSync数据库",
+	["/bgs config - Opens the BagSync Config Window"] = "/bgs config - 设置",
+	["/bgs professions - Opens the professions window."] = "/bgs professions - 开启专业窗口",
+	["/bgs blacklist - Opens the blacklist window."] = "/bgs blacklist - 开启忽略例表",
+	["Display [Total] in tooltips and gold display."] = "在金钱和统计上显示总计",
+	["Display [Guild Name] display in tooltips."] = "在提示上显示公会名",
+	["Enable guild bank items."] = "包括公会仓物品",
+	["Enable mailbox items."] = "包括信箱内物品",
+	["Enable auction house items."] = "包括拍卖行物品",
+	["Display BagSync minimap button."] = "显示小地图按纽",
+	["Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."] = "同时显示部落和联盟的物品",
+	["Display class colors for characters."] = "显示职业颜色",
+	["Display modified tooltips ONLY in the BagSync Search window."] = "只在BagSync搜索窗内显示修改过的鼠标提示",
+	["Enable BagSync Tooltips"] = "启用BagSync鼠标提示",
+	["Enable empty line seperator above BagSync tooltip display."] = "在鼠标提示上方添加空行分割线",

 } or GetLocale() == "ruRU" and {
 	["Bags: %d"] = "В сумке: %d",
@@ -85,6 +148,63 @@ BAGSYNC_L = GetLocale() == "zhCN" and {
 	["Bags: %d"] = "背包: %d",
 	["Bank: %d"] = "銀行: %d",
 	["Equipped: %d"] = "已裝備: %d",
+	["Guild: %d"] = "公會倉: %d",
+	["Mailbox: %d"] = "信箱: %d",
+	["Void: %d"] = "虛空倉庫: %d",
+	["ReagentBank: %d"] = "材料銀行: %d",
+	["AH: %d"] = "拍賣: %d",
+	["Search"] = "搜索",
+	["Total:"] = "總: ",
+	["Tokens"] = "貨幣",
+	["Profiles"] = "設定檔",
+	["Professions"] = "專業",
+	["Blacklist"] = "忽略例表",
+	["Gold"] = "金錢",
+	["Close"] = "關閉",
+	["FixDB"] = "優化數據庫",
+	["Config"] = "設定",
+	["Select a profile to delete.\nNOTE: This is irreversible!"] = "選擇要刪除的設定檔.\n注意:此操作不可逆!",
+	["Delete"] = "刪除",
+	["Confirm"] = "確認",
+	["Toggle Search"] = "切換搜索",
+	["Toggle Tokens"] = "切換貨幣",
+	["Toggle Profiles"] = "切換設定檔",
+	["Toggle Professions"] = "切換專業",
+	["Toggle Blacklist"] = "切換忽略例表",
+	["A FixDB has been performed on BagSync!  The database is now optimized!"] = "已執行FixDB, 數據庫已優化!",
+	["ON"] = "開[ON]",
+	["OFF"] = "關[OFF]",
+	["Left Click = Search Window"] = "左鍵 = 搜索窗",
+	["Right Click = BagSync Menu"] = "右鍵 = 選單",
+	["Left Click = Link to view tradeskill."] = "左鍵 = 查看專業技能鏈接",
+	["Right Click = Insert tradeskill link."] = "右鍵 = 插入專業技能鏈接",
+	["Click to view profession: "] = "點擊查看專業",
+	["Click Here"] = "點這裡",
+	["BagSync: Error user not found!"] = "BagSync: 錯誤, 未找到用戶!",
+	["Please enter an itemid. (Use Wowhead.com)"] = "輸入物品ID(用wowhead.com查詢)",
+	["Add ItemID"] = "添加物品ID",
+	["Remove ItemID"] = "移除物品ID",
+-- ----------------------
+	["/bgs [itemname] - Does a quick search for an item"] = "/bgs [物品名稱] - 快速搜索一件物品",
+	["/bgs search - Opens the search window"] = "/bgs search - 開啟搜索窗",
+	["/bgs gold - Displays a tooltip with the amount of gold on each character."] = "/bgs gold - 顯示各角色的金錢統計提示",
+	["/bgs tokens - Opens the tokens/currency window."] = "/bgs tokens - 開啟貨幣視窗",
+	["/bgs profiles - Opens the profiles window."] = "/bgs profiles - 開啟設定檔視窗",
+	["/bgs fixdb - Runs the database fix (FixDB) on BagSync."] = "/bgs fixdb - 優化數據庫",
+	["/bgs config - Opens the BagSync Config Window"] = "/bgs config - 設置",
+	["/bgs professions - Opens the professions window."] = "/bgs professions - 開啟專業視窗",
+	["/bgs blacklist - Opens the blacklist window."] = "/bgs blacklist - 開啟忽略例表",
+	["Display [Total] in tooltips and gold display."] = "在金錢和統計上顯示總數",
+	["Display [Guild Name] display in tooltips."] = "在資訊上顯示公會名",
+	["Enable guild bank items."] = "包括公會倉物品",
+	["Enable mailbox items."] = "包括信箱內物品",
+	["Enable auction house items."] = "包括拍賣行物品",
+	["Display BagSync minimap button."] = "顯示小地圖按鈕",
+	["Display items for both factions (Alliance/Horde)."] = "同時顯示聯盟和部落的物品",
+	["Display class colors for characters."] = "職業顏色",
+	["Display modified tooltips ONLY in the BagSync Search window."] = "僅在BagSync搜索視窗內顯示修改過的提示資訊",
+	["Enable BagSync Tooltips"] = "啟用BagSync提示資訊",
+	["Enable empty line seperator above BagSync tooltip display."] = "在提示資訊上方添加空行分割線",

 } or GetLocale() == "frFR" and {
 	["Bags: %d"] = "Sacs: %d",
@@ -141,11 +261,11 @@ BAGSYNC_L = GetLocale() == "zhCN" and {

 } or GetLocale() == "ptBR" and {
 	--special thanks to kubito from wowinterface.com
-	["Bags: %d"] = "Bolsa",
-	["Bank: %d"] = "Banco",
-	["Equipped: %d"] = "Equipado",
-	["Guild: %d"] = "Guilda",
-	["Mailbox: %d"] = "Correio",
+	["Bags: %d"] = "Bolsa: %d",
+	["Bank: %d"] = "Banco: %d",
+	["Equipped: %d"] = "Equipado: %d",
+	["Guild: %d"] = "Guilda: %d",
+	["Mailbox: %d"] = "Correio: %d",
 	["Search"] = "Pesquisar",
 	["Total:"] = "Total",
 	["Tokens"] = "Fichas",