
Profiles Window Updated

Xruptor [08-21-16 - 14:22]
Profiles Window Updated
-I updated the profiles window and now you can delete whatever profile for BagSync you want.  No reload is required either.
-Fixed the interaction between the FixDB() and Profiles window.
-Added BlackList filtering to the FixDB()
-Fixed several issues where the DropDown menu wasn't populating or displaying properly.  Thanks Blizzard :P
-Fixed an issue where the BagSync config wouldn't show up the first time you typed /bgs config.  Had to call it twice due to a Blizzard bug.
-Updated LibSimpleOptions-1.0 to use the Blizzard built in refresh function for panels.  It was missing for some reason.
diff --git a/BagSync.lua b/BagSync.lua
index 70c8590..c643816 100644
--- a/BagSync.lua
+++ b/BagSync.lua
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ function BagSync:FixDB_Data(onlyChkGuild)
 	--Removes obsolete guild information
 	--Removes obsolete characters from tokens db
 	--Removes obsolete profession information
+	--removes obsolete blacklist information
 	--Will only check guild related information if the paramater is passed as true
 	--Adds realm name to characters profiles if missing, v8.6

@@ -289,6 +290,12 @@ function BagSync:FixDB_Data(onlyChkGuild)
 			if string.find(realm, " ") then
 				--get rid of old realm names with whitespaces, we aren't going to use it anymore
 				BagSyncBLACKLIST_DB[realm] = nil
+			else
+				--realm
+				if not storeUsers[realm] then
+					--if it's not a realm that ANY users are on then delete it
+					BagSyncBLACKLIST_DB[realm] = nil
+				end

@@ -1434,6 +1441,7 @@ function BagSync:PLAYER_LOGIN()
 				return true
 			elseif c and c:lower() == L["config"] then
+				InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory("BagSync") --calling it twice because sometimes it doesn't always work, it's a bug with blizzard
 				return true
 			elseif c and c:lower() ~= "" then
 				--do an item search
@@ -1461,12 +1469,6 @@ function BagSync:PLAYER_LOGIN()

 	DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cFF99CC33BagSync|r [v|cFFDF2B2B"..ver.."|r]   /bgs, /bagsync")

-	--we deleted someone with the Profile Window, display name of user deleted
-	if BagSyncOpt.delName then
-		print("|cFFFF0000BagSync: "..L["Profiles"].." "..L["Delete"].." ["..BagSyncOpt.delName.."]!|r")
-		BagSyncOpt.delName = nil
-	end
 	self.PLAYER_LOGIN = nil

diff --git a/BagSync_Config.lua b/BagSync_Config.lua
index 412850d..d35c525 100644
--- a/BagSync_Config.lua
+++ b/BagSync_Config.lua
@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@ local L = BAGSYNC_L
 local currentPlayer = UnitName("player")
 local currentRealm = select(2, UnitFullName("player"))
 local ver = GetAddOnMetadata("BagSync","Version") or 0
 local SO = LibStub("LibSimpleOptions-1.0")
+local panel = SO.AddOptionsPanel("BagSync", function() end)
 function BSOpt_Startup()

-	local panel = SO.AddOptionsPanel("BagSync", function() end)
 	local title, subText = panel:MakeTitleTextAndSubText("|cFF99CC33BagSync|r [|cFFDF2B2B"..ver.."|r]", "These options allow you to customize the BagSync displays data.")

 	--toggle BagSync tooltips
diff --git a/BagSync_Profiles.lua b/BagSync_Profiles.lua
index 8a92d9f..665043d 100644
--- a/BagSync_Profiles.lua
+++ b/BagSync_Profiles.lua
@@ -20,23 +20,28 @@ end

 bgsProfilesDD.initialize = function(self, level)
 	if not BagSync or not BagSyncDB then return end
-	if not BagSyncDB[currentRealm] then return end
 	local tmp = {}

-	--freaking LUA table.sort is terrible, you can't sort non-numeric keys..
-	for k, v in pairs(BagSyncDB[currentRealm]) do
-		table.insert(tmp, k)
+	--add all the accounts, who cares if it's the current user
+	for realm, rd in pairs(BagSyncDB) do
+		for k, v in pairs(rd) do
+			table.insert(tmp, {k, realm, (BagSync_REALMKEY[realm] or realm)} ) --name, shortrealm name, realrealm name
+		end
-	table.sort(tmp, function(a,b) return (a < b) end)
+	table.sort(tmp, function(a,b) return (a[1] < b[1]) end)
 	if level == 1 then

 		for i=1, #tmp do
-			addButton(level, tmp[i], nil, 1, nil, tmp[i], function(frame, ...)
+			addButton(level, tmp[i][1].." - "..tmp[i][3], nil, 1, nil, tmp[i][1].." - "..tmp[i][3], function(frame, ...)
+				bgProfiles.charName = tmp[i][1]
+				bgProfiles.charRealm = tmp[i][2]
+				bgProfiles.realRealm = tmp[i][3]
 				if BagSyncProfilesToonNameText then
-					BagSyncProfilesToonNameText:SetText(tmp[i])
+					BagSyncProfilesToonNameText:SetText(tmp[i][1].." - "..tmp[i][3])
@@ -110,21 +115,31 @@ bgProfiles.confirmButton:SetWidth(100);

-bgProfiles.confirmButton:SetScript("OnClick", function()
-	local name = BagSyncProfilesToonNameText:GetText()
-	if name and BagSyncDB and BagSyncDB[currentRealm] and BagSyncDB[currentRealm][name] then
-		BagSyncDB[currentRealm][name] = nil
-		BagSyncOpt.delName = name
-		BagSync:FixDB_Data()
-		BagSync_ProfilesFrame:Hide()
-		ReloadUI()
+bgProfiles.confirmButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
+	--call me paranoid but I want to make sure we have something to work with before we even think of deleting... double checking everything
+	if bgProfiles.charName and string.len(bgProfiles.charName) > 0 and bgProfiles.charRealm and string.len(bgProfiles.charRealm) > 0 then
+		BagSyncDB[bgProfiles.charRealm][bgProfiles.charName] = nil --remove it
+		BagSyncProfilesToonNameText:SetText(L["Click Here"]) --reset
+		UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(bgsProfilesDD, bgsProfilesDD.initialize) --repopulate the dropdown
+		BagSync:FixDB_Data() --remove all associated tables from the user
+		print("|cFFFF0000BagSync: "..L["Profiles"].." "..L["Delete"].." ["..bgProfiles.charName.." - "..bgProfiles.charRealm.."]!|r")
+		bgProfiles.charName = nil
+		bgProfiles.charRealm = nil
+		bgProfiles.realRealm = nil
+		bgProfiles:Hide()
 		print(L["BagSync: Error user not found!"])
-	BagSync_ProfilesFrame.confirmButton:Disable()
+	bgProfiles.confirmButton:Disable()

-bgProfiles:SetScript("OnHide", function(self) bgsProfilesDD:Hide() end)
+bgProfiles:SetScript("OnShow", function(self) self.confirmButton:Disable() UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(bgsProfilesDD, bgsProfilesDD.initialize) end)
+bgProfiles:SetScript("OnHide", function(self) if DropDownList1:IsVisible() then DropDownList1:Hide() end end)
+bgsProfilesDD:SetScript('OnHide', function(self) if DropDownList1:IsVisible() then DropDownList1:Hide() end end)

 bgProfiles:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(frame, button)
 	if frame:IsMovable() then
diff --git a/libs/LibSimpleOptions-1.0/LibSimpleOptions-1.0.lua b/libs/LibSimpleOptions-1.0/LibSimpleOptions-1.0.lua
index 38f81a5..f14a600 100644
--- a/libs/LibSimpleOptions-1.0/LibSimpleOptions-1.0.lua
+++ b/libs/LibSimpleOptions-1.0/LibSimpleOptions-1.0.lua
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ do
+	local function panel_refresh(self)
+		self:Refresh()
+	end
 	local function panel_OnShow(self)
 		self:SetScript("OnShow", self.Refresh)
@@ -142,6 +145,7 @@ do
 		panel.okay = panel_okay
 		panel.cancel = panel_cancel
 		panel.default = panel_default
+		panel.refresh = panel_refresh
