
* fixed Ctrl/Alt-Clicks on LDB tooltip lines not working

ckaotik [12-18-10 - 13:09]
* fixed Ctrl/Alt-Clicks on LDB tooltip lines not working
* updated tooltip to be a little prettier
* added option to use icons in tooltip lines
* reverted tekKonfig back to normal. Forgot to do that previously ;)
* tagged as 4.0v8 - prerelease
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage-Config/Broker_Garbage-Config.toc b/Broker_Garbage-Config/Broker_Garbage-Config.toc
index 69cd30d..12741a1 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage-Config/Broker_Garbage-Config.toc
+++ b/Broker_Garbage-Config/Broker_Garbage-Config.toc
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@

 ## Title: Broker_Garbage-Config
 ## Author: ckaotik
-## Version: 4.0v7
-## Notes: *TODO*
-## Notes-deDE: *TODO*
+## Version: 4.0v8

 ## LoadOnDemand: 1
 ## LoadManagers: AddonLoader, Addon Control Panel
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage-Config/libs/tekKonfig/tekKonfigCheckbox.lua b/Broker_Garbage-Config/libs/tekKonfig/tekKonfigCheckbox.lua
index bf17844..d03f108 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage-Config/libs/tekKonfig/tekKonfigCheckbox.lua
+++ b/Broker_Garbage-Config/libs/tekKonfig/tekKonfigCheckbox.lua
@@ -41,8 +41,6 @@ function lib.new(parent, size, label, ...)
 	local fs = check:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontHighlight")
 	fs:SetPoint("LEFT", check, "RIGHT", 0, 1)
-	check:SetHitRectInsets(0, -1 * fs:GetStringWidth(), 0, 0)

 	return check, fs
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage-Config/locale/deDE.lua b/Broker_Garbage-Config/locale/deDE.lua
index 96ca18f..536db7a 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage-Config/locale/deDE.lua
+++ b/Broker_Garbage-Config/locale/deDE.lua
@@ -86,15 +86,19 @@ if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
 	BGC.locale.autoRepairGuildTitle = "selbst zahlen"
 	BGC.locale.autoRepairGuildText = "Auswählen um niemals auf Gildenkosten zu reparieren"

-	BGC.locale.showLostTitle = "Verlust"
-	BGC.locale.showLostText = "Auswählen um im Tooltip die Zeile 'Verlorenes Gold' anzuzeigen"
-	BGC.locale.showSourceTitle = "Preisquelle"
+	BGC.locale.showSourceTitle = "Quelle"
 	BGC.locale.showSourceText = "Auswählen um im Tooltip als letzte Spalte die Preisquelle anzuzeigen"

+	BGC.locale.showIconTitle = "Icon"
+	BGC.locale.showIconText = "Auswählen um im Tooltip vor dem Itemlink das jeweilige Icon anzuzeigen"
 	BGC.locale.showEarnedTitle = "Gewinn"
 	BGC.locale.showEarnedText = "Auswählen um im Tooltip die Zeile 'Verdientes Gold' anzuzeigen"

+	BGC.locale.showLostTitle = "Verlust"
+	BGC.locale.showLostText = "Auswählen um im Tooltip die Zeile 'Verlorenes Gold' anzuzeigen"
 	BGC.locale.warnContainersTitle = "Behälter"
 	BGC.locale.warnContainersText = "Wenn ausgewählt wird Broker_Garbage eine Warnung ausgeben, solltest du ungeöffnete Behälter bei dir haben."

diff --git a/Broker_Garbage-Config/locale/enUS.lua b/Broker_Garbage-Config/locale/enUS.lua
index e9e1c24..ee04420 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage-Config/locale/enUS.lua
+++ b/Broker_Garbage-Config/locale/enUS.lua
@@ -86,15 +86,18 @@ BGC.locale = {
 	autoRepairGuildTitle = "No Guild Repair",
 	autoRepairGuildText = "Check to never repair using guild funds.",

-	showLostTitle = "Lost",
-	showLostText = "Check to show the character's lost money on the tooltip",
-	showSourceTitle = "Price Source",
+	showSourceTitle = "Source",
 	showSourceText = "Check to show the last column in the tooltip, displaying the item value source.",

+	showIconTitle = "Icon",
+	showIconText = "Check to show the item's icon in front of the item link on the tooltip.",
 	showEarnedTitle = "Earned",
 	showEarnedText = "Check to show the character's earned money (by selling junk items).",

+	showLostTitle = "Lost",
+	showLostText = "Check to show the character's lost money on the tooltip",
 	warnContainersTitle = "Containers",
 	warnContainersText = "When checked, Broker_Garbage will warn you of unopened containers.",

diff --git a/Broker_Garbage-Config/options_main.lua b/Broker_Garbage-Config/options_main.lua
index bd17cf0..f1bbac6 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage-Config/options_main.lua
+++ b/Broker_Garbage-Config/options_main.lua
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ local function Options_BasicOptions(pluginID)
 	behavior:SetHeight(190); behavior:SetWidth(180)
 	behavior:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4)

-	local sell = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(behavior, nil, BGC.locale.autoSellTitle, "TOPLEFT", behavior, "TOPLEFT", 4, -2)
+	local sell = BGC.CreateCheckBox(behavior, nil, BGC.locale.autoSellTitle, "TOPLEFT", behavior, "TOPLEFT", 4, -2)
 	sell.tiptext = BGC.locale.autoSellText .. BGC.locale.GlobalSetting
 	sell:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("autoSellToVendor", true) )
 	local checksound = sell:GetScript("OnClick")
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ local function Options_BasicOptions(pluginID)
 		Broker_Garbage:ToggleOption("autoSellToVendor", true)

-	local nothingToSell = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(behavior, nil, BGC.locale.showNothingToSellTitle, "TOPLEFT", sell, "BOTTOMLEFT", 14, 4)
+	local nothingToSell = BGC.CreateCheckBox(behavior, nil, BGC.locale.showNothingToSellTitle, "TOPLEFT", sell, "BOTTOMLEFT", 14, 4)
 	nothingToSell.tiptext = BGC.locale.showNothingToSellText .. BGC.locale.GlobalSetting
 	nothingToSell:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("reportNothingToSell", true) )
 	local checksound = nothingToSell:GetScript("OnClick")
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ local function Options_BasicOptions(pluginID)
 		Broker_Garbage:ToggleOption("reportNothingToSell", true)

-	local repair = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(behavior, nil, BGC.locale.autoRepairTitle, "TOPLEFT", nothingToSell, "BOTTOMLEFT", -14, 4)
+	local repair = BGC.CreateCheckBox(behavior, nil, BGC.locale.autoRepairTitle, "TOPLEFT", nothingToSell, "BOTTOMLEFT", -14, 4)
 	repair.tiptext = BGC.locale.autoRepairText .. BGC.locale.GlobalSetting
 	repair:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("autoRepairAtVendor", true) )
 	local checksound = repair:GetScript("OnClick")
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ local function Options_BasicOptions(pluginID)
 		Broker_Garbage:ToggleOption("autoRepairGuildTitle", true)

-	local guildrepair = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(behavior, nil, BGC.locale.autoRepairGuildTitle, "TOPLEFT", repair, "BOTTOMLEFT", 14, 4)
+	local guildrepair = BGC.CreateCheckBox(behavior, nil, BGC.locale.autoRepairGuildTitle, "TOPLEFT", repair, "BOTTOMLEFT", 14, 4)
 	guildrepair.tiptext = BGC.locale.autoRepairGuildText
 	guildrepair:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("neverRepairGuildBank", true) )
 	local checksound = guildrepair:GetScript("OnClick")
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ local function Options_BasicOptions(pluginID)
 		Broker_Garbage:ToggleOption("neverRepairGuildBank", true)

-	local sellGear = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(behavior, nil, BGC.locale.sellNotUsableTitle, "TOPLEFT", guildrepair, "BOTTOMLEFT", -14, 4)
+	local sellGear = BGC.CreateCheckBox(behavior, nil, BGC.locale.sellNotUsableTitle, "TOPLEFT", guildrepair, "BOTTOMLEFT", -14, 4)
 	sellGear.tiptext = BGC.locale.sellNotUsableText .. BGC.locale.GlobalSetting
 	sellGear:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("sellNotWearable", true) )
 	local checksound = sellGear:GetScript("OnClick")
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ local function Options_BasicOptions(pluginID)

-	local enchanter = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(behavior, nil, BGC.locale.enchanterTitle, "TOPLEFT", sellGear, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 4)
+	local enchanter = BGC.CreateCheckBox(behavior, nil, BGC.locale.enchanterTitle, "TOPLEFT", sellGear, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 4)
 	enchanter.tiptext = BGC.locale.enchanterTooltip .. BGC.locale.GlobalSetting
 	enchanter:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("hasEnchanter", true) )
 	local checksound = enchanter:GetScript("OnClick")
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ local function Options_BasicOptions(pluginID)
 	display:SetHeight(150); display:SetWidth(180)
 	display:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4)

-	local sellIcon = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(display, nil, BGC.locale.showAutoSellIconTitle, "TOPLEFT", display, "TOPLEFT", 4, -2)
+	local sellIcon = BGC.CreateCheckBox(display, nil, BGC.locale.showAutoSellIconTitle, "TOPLEFT", display, "TOPLEFT", 4, -2)
 	sellIcon.tiptext = BGC.locale.showAutoSellIconText .. BGC.locale.GlobalSetting
 	sellIcon:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("showAutoSellIcon", true) )
 	local checksound = sellIcon:GetScript("OnClick")
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ local function Options_BasicOptions(pluginID)
 	tooltip:SetHeight(140); tooltip:SetWidth(180)
 	tooltip:SetBackdropColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4)

-	local showSource = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(tooltip, nil, BGC.locale.showSourceTitle, "TOPLEFT", tooltip, "TOPLEFT", 4, -2)
+	local showSource = BGC.CreateCheckBox(tooltip, nil, BGC.locale.showSourceTitle, "TOPLEFT", tooltip, "TOPLEFT", 4, -2)
 	showSource.tiptext = BGC.locale.showSourceText .. BGC.locale.GlobalSetting
 	showSource:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("showSource", true) )
 	local checksound = showSource:GetScript("OnClick")
@@ -313,7 +313,16 @@ local function Options_BasicOptions(pluginID)
 		Broker_Garbage:ToggleOption("showSource", true)

-	local showEarned = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(tooltip, nil, BGC.locale.showEarnedTitle, "TOPLEFT", showSource, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 4)
+	local showIcon = BGC.CreateCheckBox(tooltip, nil, BGC.locale.showIconTitle, "LEFT", showSource, "RIGHT", 70, 0)
+	showIcon.tiptext = BGC.locale.showIconText .. BGC.locale.GlobalSetting
+	showIcon:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("showIcon", true) )
+	local checksound = showIcon:GetScript("OnClick")
+	showIcon:SetScript("OnClick", function(showIcon)
+		checksound(showIcon)
+		Broker_Garbage:ToggleOption("showIcon", true)
+	end)
+	local showEarned = BGC.CreateCheckBox(tooltip, nil, BGC.locale.showEarnedTitle, "TOPLEFT", showSource, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 4)
 	showEarned.tiptext = BGC.locale.showEarnedText .. BGC.locale.GlobalSetting
 	showEarned:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("showEarned", true) )
 	local checksound = showEarned:GetScript("OnClick")
@@ -322,7 +331,7 @@ local function Options_BasicOptions(pluginID)
 		Broker_Garbage:ToggleOption("showEarned", true)

-	local showLost = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(tooltip, nil, BGC.locale.showLostTitle, "LEFT", showEarned, "RIGHT", 70, 0) -- "TOPLEFT", showEarned, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 4)
+	local showLost = BGC.CreateCheckBox(tooltip, nil, BGC.locale.showLostTitle, "LEFT", showEarned, "RIGHT", 70, 0) -- "TOPLEFT", showEarned, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 4)
 	showLost.tiptext = BGC.locale.showLostText .. BGC.locale.GlobalSetting
 	showLost:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("showLost", true) )
 	local checksound = showLost:GetScript("OnClick")
@@ -331,7 +340,7 @@ local function Options_BasicOptions(pluginID)
 		Broker_Garbage:ToggleOption("showLost", true)

-	local showContainers = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(tooltip, nil, BGC.locale.warnContainersTitle, "TOPLEFT", showEarned, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 4)
+	local showContainers = BGC.CreateCheckBox(tooltip, nil, BGC.locale.warnContainersTitle, "TOPLEFT", showEarned, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 4)
 	showContainers.tiptext = BGC.locale.warnContainersText .. BGC.locale.GlobalSetting
 	showContainers:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("showLost", true) )
 	local checksound = showContainers:GetScript("OnClick")
@@ -340,7 +349,7 @@ local function Options_BasicOptions(pluginID)
 		Broker_Garbage:ToggleOption("showContainers", true)

-	local showClams = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(tooltip, nil, BGC.locale.warnClamsTitle, "LEFT", showContainers, "RIGHT", 70, 0)
+	local showClams = BGC.CreateCheckBox(tooltip, nil, BGC.locale.warnClamsTitle, "LEFT", showContainers, "RIGHT", 70, 0)
 	showClams.tiptext = BGC.locale.warnClamsText .. BGC.locale.GlobalSetting
 	showClams:SetChecked( Broker_Garbage:GetOption("showLost", true) )
 	local checksound = showClams:GetScript("OnClick")
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage-Config/util.lua b/Broker_Garbage-Config/util.lua
index ce4d999..b9942ee 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage-Config/util.lua
+++ b/Broker_Garbage-Config/util.lua
@@ -120,6 +120,13 @@ function BGC.CreateFrameBorders(frame)
 	return left, center, right

+function BGC.CreateCheckBox(parent, size, text, ...)
+	local check, label = LibStub("tekKonfig-Checkbox").new(parent, size, text, ...)
+	check:SetHitRectInsets(0, -1 * label:GetStringWidth(), 0, 0)
+	return check, label
 local topTab = LibStub("tekKonfig-TopTab")
 function BGC:CreateOptionsTab(id)
 	if not id then BGC:Print("Error creating options tab: No id supplied."); return end
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage-LootManager/Broker_Garbage-LootManager.toc b/Broker_Garbage-LootManager/Broker_Garbage-LootManager.toc
index 6a612d5..e535361 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage-LootManager/Broker_Garbage-LootManager.toc
+++ b/Broker_Garbage-LootManager/Broker_Garbage-LootManager.toc
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@

 ## Title: Broker_Garbage-LootManager
 ## Author: ckaotik
-## Version: 4.0v7
+## Version: 4.0v8
 ## Notes: Plugin for Broker_Garbage. Selective looting and more!
 ## Notes-deDE: Plugin für Broker_Garbage. Selektives Plündern und mehr!

diff --git a/Broker_Garbage-LootManager/readme.txt b/Broker_Garbage-LootManager/readme.txt
index 1d4cf7a..ae31b06 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage-LootManager/readme.txt
+++ b/Broker_Garbage-LootManager/readme.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Broker_Garbage - Loot Manager
 !requires Broker_Garbage main addon!

 Author: ckaotik
-Version: 4.0v7
+Version: 4.0v8
 WoW Version: 4.0.3

 WoWInterface: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15531-Broker_Garbage.html
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage/Broker_Garbage.toc b/Broker_Garbage/Broker_Garbage.toc
index 0b25077..a3733e5 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage/Broker_Garbage.toc
+++ b/Broker_Garbage/Broker_Garbage.toc
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@

 ## Title: Broker_Garbage
 ## Author: ckaotik
-## Version: 4.0v7
+## Version: 4.0v8
 ## Notes: Full bags no more! Distinguish between junk and treasure, find items to drop quickly.
 ## Notes-deDE: Unterscheide Trödel von Schätzen und finde billigen Müll zum Platzschaffen.

diff --git a/Broker_Garbage/constants.lua b/Broker_Garbage/constants.lua
index 94f51cb..614246a 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage/constants.lua
+++ b/Broker_Garbage/constants.lua
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ BG.defaultGlobalSettings = {
 	LDBNoJunk = BG.locale.label,

 	-- tooltip
+	showIcon = true,
 	showLost = true,
 	showEarned = true,
 	showSource = false,
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage/core.lua b/Broker_Garbage/core.lua
index 3a39238..4c6642f 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage/core.lua
+++ b/Broker_Garbage/core.lua
@@ -151,59 +151,72 @@ function BG:Tooltip(self)
     tooltipFont:SetFont(GameTooltipText:GetFont(), 11)

+    local lineNum
     -- add header lines
-    BG.tt:SetHeaderFont(tooltipHFont)
-    BG.tt:AddHeader('Broker_Garbage', '', BG.locale.headerRightClick)
+    lineNum = BG.tt:AddLine("Broker_Garbage", "", BG.locale.headerRightClick, colNum == 4 and "" or nil)
+    BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 1, "Broker_Garbage", tooltipHFont, 2)
+    BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 3, BG.locale.headerRightClick, tooltipFont, colNum - 2)

     -- add info lines
-    BG.tt:AddLine(BG.locale.headerShiftClick, '', BG.locale.headerCtrlClick)
-    BG.tt:AddSeparator(2)
+    lineNum = BG.tt:AddLine()
+    BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 1, BG.locale.headerShiftClick, tooltipFont, "LEFT", 2)
+    BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 3, BG.locale.headerCtrlClick, tooltipFont, "RIGHT", colNum - 2)
+    lineNum = BG.tt:AddSeparator(2)

     -- add clam information
     if IsAddOnLoaded("Broker_Garbage-LootManager") then
-    	local line = false
         if BG_GlobalDB.openContainers and BG.containerInInventory then
             lineNum = BG.tt:AddLine()
             BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 1, BG.locale.openPlease, tooltipFont, "CENTER", colNum)
-            line = true
         if BG_GlobalDB.openClams and BG.clamInInventory then
             lineNum = BG.tt:AddLine()
             BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 1, BG.locale.openClams, tooltipFont, "CENTER", colNum)
-            line = true
-        end
-        if line then
-        	BG.tt:AddSeparator(2)
+    if BG.tt:GetLineCount() > lineNum then
+    	BG.tt:AddSeperator(2)
+    end

     -- shows up to n lines of deletable items
-	local lineNum
     local cheapList = BG.cheapestItems or {}
     for i = 1, #cheapList do
         -- adds lines: itemLink, count, itemPrice, source
+        local _, link, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, icon, _ = GetItemInfo(cheapList[i].itemID)
         lineNum = BG.tt:AddLine(
-            select(2,GetItemInfo(cheapList[i].itemID)),
+            (BG_GlobalDB.showIcon and "|T"..icon..":0|t " or "")..link,
-            BG:FormatMoney(cheapList[i].value),
-            (BG_GlobalDB.showSource and BG.tag[cheapList[i].source] or nil))
+            BG:FormatMoney(cheapList[i].value))
+        if colNum > 3 then
+	        BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 4, BG.tag[cheapList[i].source], "RIGHT", 1, 5, 0, 50, 10)
+	    end
         BG.tt:SetLineScript(lineNum, "OnMouseDown", BG.OnClick, cheapList[i])
-    if lineNum == nil then
-        BG.tt:AddLine(BG.locale.noItems, '', BG.locale.increaseTreshold)
+    if #cheapList == 0 then
+    	lineNum = BG.tt:AddLine(BG.locale.noItems, "", BG.locale.increaseTreshold, colNum == 4 and "" or nil)
+    	BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 1, BG.locale.noItems, tooltipFont, "CENTER", colNum)
+    	lineNum = BG.tt:AddLine("", "", "", colNum == 4 and "" or nil)
+    	BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 1, BG.locale.increaseTreshold, tooltipFont, "CENTER", colNum)

     -- add statistics information
     if (BG_GlobalDB.showLost and BG_LocalDB.moneyLostByDeleting ~= 0)
         or (BG_GlobalDB.showEarned and BG_LocalDB.moneyEarned ~= 0) then
-        BG.tt:AddSeparator(2)
+        lineNum = BG.tt:AddSeparator(2)

         if BG_LocalDB.moneyLostByDeleting ~= 0 then
-            BG.tt:AddLine(BG.locale.moneyLost, '', BG:FormatMoney(BG_LocalDB.moneyLostByDeleting))
+            lineNum = BG.tt:AddLine(BG.locale.moneyLost, "", BG:FormatMoney(BG_LocalDB.moneyLostByDeleting), colNum == 4 and "" or nil)
+            BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 1, BG.locale.moneyLost, tooltipFont, "LEFT", 2)
+            BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 3, BG:FormatMoney(BG_LocalDB.moneyLostByDeleting), tooltipFont, "RIGHT", colNum - 2)
         if BG_LocalDB.moneyEarned ~= 0 then
-            BG.tt:AddLine(BG.locale.moneyEarned, '', BG:FormatMoney(BG_LocalDB.moneyEarned))
+            lineNum = BG.tt:AddLine(BG.locale.moneyEarned, "", BG:FormatMoney(BG_LocalDB.moneyEarned), colNum == 4 and "" or nil)
+            BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 1, BG.locale.moneyEarned, tooltipFont, "LEFT", 2)
+            BG.tt:SetCell(lineNum, 3, BG:FormatMoney(BG_LocalDB.moneyEarned), tooltipFont, "RIGHT", colNum - 2)

@@ -216,10 +229,8 @@ function BG:Tooltip(self)

--- onClick function - works for both, the LDB plugin -and- tooltip lines
+-- OnClick function - works for both, the LDB plugin -and- tooltip lines
 function BG:OnClick(itemTable, button)
-	BG.debug1 = itemTable
-	BG.debug2 = button
     -- handle LDB clicks seperately
     local LDBclick = false
     if not itemTable or not itemTable.itemID or type(itemTable.itemID) ~= "number" then
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage/locale/deDE.lua b/Broker_Garbage/locale/deDE.lua
index 3965cc6..15c0066 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage/locale/deDE.lua
+++ b/Broker_Garbage/locale/deDE.lua
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
 	BG.locale.label = "Kein Müll"

 	-- Chat Messages
+	BG.locale.addedTo_exclude = "%s zur Behalten-Liste hinzugefügt."
+	BG.locale.addedTo_forceVendorPrice = "Für %s wird nun nur der Händlerpreis genutzt."
 	BG.locale.reportNothingToSell = "Nichts zu verkaufen!"
 	BG.locale.sell = "Müll verkauft für %s."
 	BG.locale.sellAndRepair = "Müll für %1$s verkauft, repariert für %2$s. Änderung: %3$s."
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage/locale/enUS.lua b/Broker_Garbage/locale/enUS.lua
index a4fe54f..dadef34 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage/locale/enUS.lua
+++ b/Broker_Garbage/locale/enUS.lua
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ BG.locale = {
 	label = "Junk, be gone!",

 	-- Chat Messages
+	addedTo_exclude = "%s has been added to the Keep List.",
+	addedTo_forceVendorPrice = "%s will only have its vendor price considered.",
 	reportNothingToSell = "Nothing to sell!",
 	sell = "Sold trash for %s.",
 	sellAndRepair = "Sold trash for %1$s, repaired for %2$s. Change: %3$s.",
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage/readme.txt b/Broker_Garbage/readme.txt
index 5964a12..b3cc5ea 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage/readme.txt
+++ b/Broker_Garbage/readme.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Author: ckaotik
-Version: 4.0v7
+Version: 4.0v8
 WoW Version: 4.0.3

 WoWInterface: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15531-Broker_Garbage.html
diff --git a/Broker_Garbage/util.lua b/Broker_Garbage/util.lua
index 5f90957..33e21ad 100644
--- a/Broker_Garbage/util.lua
+++ b/Broker_Garbage/util.lua
@@ -293,7 +293,6 @@ end
 -- return true if item is found in LPT/Equipment list, nil otherwise
 function BG:IsItemInList(itemID, itemList)
 	local temp
 	if type(itemList) == "string" and string.match(itemList, "^BEQ_(%d+)") then
 		-- equipment set
 		local setID = string.match(itemList, "^BEQ_(%d+)")
diff --git a/readme.textile b/readme.textile
index 30251a2..4b7a7c2 100644
--- a/readme.textile
+++ b/readme.textile
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ h3. What it does

 Broker_Garbage shows your cheapest item(s) for easily freeing bag space. It uses your auction addon of choice for pricing, including disenchant prices if available. If you don't want to throw away that precious [Broken I.W.I.N. Button], put it on your Keep List and Broker_Garbage will keep it. Forever. Really! And those [Shiny Fish Scales]? Just put them on your Junk List.

-h3. Broker? Like in buying apartments?
+h3. Broker? As in buying apartments?

 This addon is a LibDataBroker plugin and as such requires a display addon to work properly (i.e. to show funky tooltips).
 Some are "Bagnon":http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=4459, "DockingStation":http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info11831-DockingStationDisplay.html, "NinjaPanel (very minimalistic)":http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info11884-NinjaPanel.html or "Bazooka":http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info14767-Bazooka.html.