
forgetfulness vs ckaotik = 2:0. fixed junkvalue not updating properly

ckaotik [05-22-10 - 22:29]
forgetfulness vs ckaotik = 2:0. fixed junkvalue not updating properly
diff --git a/core.lua b/core.lua
index 9dfe90a..051a8a2 100644
--- a/core.lua
+++ b/core.lua
@@ -634,7 +634,8 @@ function BrokerGarbage:ScanInventoryContainer(container)
 			-- update toSellValue
 			if item.classification == BrokerGarbage.VENDORLIST or
 				(item.classification == BrokerGarbage.UNUSABLE and BG_GlobalDB.sellNotWearable and item.quality <= BG_GlobalDB.sellNWQualityTreshold) or
-				(BG_GlobalDB.autoSellIncludeItems and item.classification == BrokerGarbage.INCLUDE) then
+				(BG_GlobalDB.autoSellIncludeItems and item.classification == BrokerGarbage.INCLUDE) or
+				(item.classification ~= BrokerGarbage.EXCLUDE and item.quality <= BG_GlobalDB.dropQuality) then

 				local itemCount = select(2, GetContainerItemInfo(container, slot))
 				BrokerGarbage.toSellValue[container] = BrokerGarbage.toSellValue[container] + BrokerGarbage:GetCached(itemID).value * itemCount