
* fixed wrong variable name being used in the last build

ckaotik [11-27-10 - 11:16]
* fixed wrong variable name being used in the last build
* changed auction price retrieval: BG will now notice more than one auction addon and check any he finds for auction data
diff --git a/core.lua b/core.lua
index dbe404c..cd6ecd9 100644
--- a/core.lua
+++ b/core.lua
@@ -382,63 +382,61 @@ end

 -- returns which of the items values is the highest (value, type)
 function BrokerGarbage:GetSingleItemValue(item)
-    local itemID, itemLink
-    if item and type(item) == "number" then
-        itemID = item
-        itemLink = select(2, GetItemInfo(itemID))
-    elseif item and type(item) == "string" then
-        itemID = BrokerGarbage:GetItemID(item)
-        itemLink = item
-    end
-    if not itemID or not itemLink then
-        -- invalid argument
-        BrokerGarbage:Debug("Error! GetSingleItemValue: Invalid argument "..(item or "<none>").." supplied.")
+	local hasData, itemLink, itemQuality, itemLevel, _, _, _, _, _, _, vendorPrice = item and GetItemInfo(item) or nil
+	local itemID = itemLink and BrokerGarbage:GetItemID(itemLink) or nil
+	if not hasData or not itemID then		-- invalid argument
+        BrokerGarbage:Debug("Error! GetSingleItemValue: Failed on "..(itemLink or "<unknown>")..".")
         return nil
-    end
-    local canDE = BrokerGarbage:CanDisenchant(itemLink)
-    local _, itemLink, itemQuality, itemLevel, _, _, _, _, _, _, vendorPrice = GetItemInfo(itemID)
-    local auctionPrice, disenchantPrice, source
-    -- gray items on the AH?
-    if not itemQuality then
-		return
-	elseif itemQuality == 0 then
+	end
+	-- ignore AH prices for gray items
+    if not itemQuality or itemQuality == 0 then
         return vendorPrice, BrokerGarbage.VENDOR
+    local auctionPrice, disenchantPrice, source
+	local canDE = BrokerGarbage:CanDisenchant(itemLink)
     -- calculate auction value
     if IsAddOnLoaded("Auctionator") then
         BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = "Auctionator"
         auctionPrice = Atr_GetAuctionBuyout(itemLink)
         disenchantPrice = canDE and Atr_GetDisenchantValue(itemLink)
-    elseif IsAddOnLoaded("AuctionLite") then
-        BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = "AuctionLite"
-        auctionPrice = AuctionLite:GetAuctionValue(itemLink)
-        disenchantPrice = canDE and AuctionLite:GetDisenchantValue(itemLink)
+		if auctionPrice and auctionPrice == 0 then
+			auctionPrice = nil
+		end
+		if disenchantPrice and disenchantPrice == 0 then
+			disenchantPrice = nil
+		end
+	end
+    if IsAddOnLoaded("AuctionLite") then
+        BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = (BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon and BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon..", " or "") .. "AuctionLite"
+        auctionPrice = auctionPrice or AuctionLite:GetAuctionValue(itemLink)
+        disenchantPrice = disenchantPrice or (canDE and AuctionLite:GetDisenchantValue(itemLink))
+	end

-    elseif IsAddOnLoaded("WOWEcon_PriceMod") then
-        BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = "WoWecon"
-        auctionPrice = Wowecon.API.GetAuctionPrice_ByLink(itemLink)
+    if IsAddOnLoaded("WOWEcon_PriceMod") then
+        BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = (BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon and BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon..", " or "") .. "WoWecon"
+        auctionPrice = auctionPrice or Wowecon.API.GetAuctionPrice_ByLink(itemLink)

-        if canDE then
+        if canDE and not disenchantPrice then
             disenchantPrice = 0
             local DEData = Wowecon.API.GetDisenchant_ByLink(itemLink)
-            for i,data in pairs(DEData) do
-                -- data[1] = itemLink, data[2] = quantity, data[3] = chance
+            for i,data in pairs(DEData) do				-- data[1] = itemLink, data[2] = quantity, data[3] = chance
                 disenchantPrice = disenchantPrice + (Wowecon.API.GetAuctionPrice_ByLink(data[1]) * data[2] * data[3])
-            disenchantPrice = canDE and math.floor(disenchantPrice)
+            disenchantPrice = disenchantPrice ~= 0 and math.floor(disenchantPrice) or nil
+	end

-    elseif IsAddOnLoaded("Auc-Advanced") then
-        BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = "Auc-Advanced"
-        auctionPrice = AucAdvanced.API.GetMarketValue(itemLink)
+    if IsAddOnLoaded("Auc-Advanced") then
+        BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = (BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon and BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon..", " or "") .. "Auc-Advanced"
+        auctionPrice = auctionPrice or AucAdvanced.API.GetMarketValue(itemLink)

-        if canDE and IsAddOnLoaded("Enchantrix") then
+        if canDE and not disenchantPrice and IsAddOnLoaded("Enchantrix") then
             disenchantPrice = 0
             local itemType = select(6, GetItemInfo(itemID))
             local weaponString, armorString = GetAuctionItemClasses()
@@ -450,7 +448,7 @@ function BrokerGarbage:GetSingleItemValue(item)

             local enchItemQuality = Enchantrix.Constants.baseDisenchantTable[itemQuality]
             if itemQuality and itemLevel and enchItemQuality then
-                while not enchItemQuality[itemType][itemLevel] and itemLevel < 500 do
+                while not enchItemQuality[itemType][itemLevel] and itemLevel < 800 do
                     itemLevel = itemLevel + 1
                 DEMats = Enchantrix.Constants.baseDisenchantTable[itemQuality][itemType][itemLevel]
@@ -476,15 +474,16 @@ function BrokerGarbage:GetSingleItemValue(item)
                 disenchantPrice = nil
-    else
+    end
+	if not auctionPrice then		-- last chance to get auction values
         if GetAuctionBuyout then
-            BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = BrokerGarbage.locale.unknown
+            BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon or BrokerGarbage.locale.unknown
             auctionPrice = GetAuctionBuyout(itemLink)
-            BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = BrokerGarbage.locale.na
+            BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon = BrokerGarbage.auctionAddon or BrokerGarbage.locale.na
-        disenchantPrice = canDE and GetDisenchantValue and GetDisenchantValue(itemLink) or nil
+        disenchantPrice = (canDE and not disenchantPrice and GetDisenchantValue) and GetDisenchantValue(itemLink) or nil

     -- simply return the highest value price
diff --git a/helper.lua b/helper.lua
index 8919c08..dae746a 100644
--- a/helper.lua
+++ b/helper.lua
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ function BrokerGarbage:CanDisenchant(itemLink, misc)

 				local rank = BrokerGarbage:GetProfessionSkill(BrokerGarbage.enchanting)
-				if rank and rank >= requiredSkill then
+				if rank and rank >= req then
 					return true
 				-- if skill rank is too low, still check if we can send it
@@ -466,9 +466,9 @@ function BrokerGarbage:UpdateCache(itemID)
 	if not itemID then return nil end
 	local class, temp, limit

-	local _, itemLink, quality, _, _, _, subClass, stackSize, invType, _, value = GetItemInfo(itemID)
+	local hasData, itemLink, quality, _, _, _, subClass, stackSize, invType, _, value = GetItemInfo(itemID)
 	local family = GetItemFamily(itemID)
-	if not (itemLink and quality) then
+	if not hasData or not itemLink or not quality) then
 		BrokerGarbage:Debug("Could not retrieve quality information for "..(itemID or "<none>").." ("..(itemLink or "")..")")
 		return nil
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ function BrokerGarbage:UpdateCache(itemID)

 	-- save to items cache
 	if not class or not quality then
-		BrokerGarbage:Print("Error! Caching item "..itemID.." failed!")
+		BrokerGarbage:Debug("Error! Caching item "..itemID.." failed!")
 	if not BrokerGarbage.itemsCache[itemID] then