
Revert "Made the addon name a constant, in case I decide to rename it at some point."

KyrosKrane [06-06-18 - 22:39]
Revert "Made the addon name a constant, in case I decide to rename it at some point."

This reverts commit 874bf567db11c935ae2e2c6206ab53b24f41e30d.
diff --git a/Broker_RaidMakeup.lua b/Broker_RaidMakeup.lua
index 7f7d4f1..cb6b0d8 100644
--- a/Broker_RaidMakeup.lua
+++ b/Broker_RaidMakeup.lua
@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ local pairs = pairs
 -- Define a global for our namespace
 local BRM = { }

-BRM.ADDON_NAME="Broker_RaidMakeup" -- the internal addon name for LibStub and other addons
-BRM.USER_ADDON_NAME="Broker_RaidMakeup" -- the name displayed to the user

 --# Frame for event handling
@@ -419,15 +416,15 @@ end -- BRM:UpdateComposition()
 --# Actual LibDataBroker object

-BRM.LDO = _G.LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject(BRM.ADDON_NAME, {
+BRM.LDO = _G.LibStub("LibDataBroker-1.1"):NewDataObject("Broker_RaidMakeup", {
 	type = "data source",
 	text = BRM:GetDisplayString(),
 	value = "0",
 	icon = BRM.MainIcon:GetIconString(),
+	label = "Broker_RaidMakeup",
 	OnTooltipShow = function(tooltip)
 		if not tooltip or not tooltip.AddLine then return end
-		tooltip:AddLine(BRM.USER_ADDON_NAME)
+		tooltip:AddLine("Broker_RaidMakeup")
 		tooltip:AddLine("Click to refresh")
 }) -- BRM.LDO creation
@@ -494,7 +491,7 @@ end -- BRM.Events:PLAYER_LOGIN()
 -- This event is for loading our saved settings.
 function BRM.Events:ADDON_LOADED(addon)
 	BRM:DebugPrint("Got ADDON_LOADED for " .. addon)
-	if addon ~= BRM.ADDON_NAME then return end
+	if addon ~= "Broker_RaidMakeup" then return end

@@ -530,7 +527,7 @@ function BRM.Events:ADDON_LOADED(addon)
 	-- So, this is the earliest point we can create the minimap icon.

 	BRM.MinimapIcon = LibStub("LibDBIcon-1.0")
-	BRM.MinimapIcon:Register(BRM.ADDON_NAME, BRM.LDO, BRM.DB.MinimapSettings)
+	BRM.MinimapIcon:Register("Broker_RaidMakeup", BRM.LDO, BRM.DB.MinimapSettings)
 end -- BRM.Events:ADDON_LOADED()