
Initial setup to allow hiding the minimap icon

KyrosKrane [06-06-18 - 22:46]
Initial setup to allow hiding the minimap icon
diff --git a/Broker_RaidMakeup.lua b/Broker_RaidMakeup.lua
index d5b0a44..85100e8 100644
--- a/Broker_RaidMakeup.lua
+++ b/Broker_RaidMakeup.lua
@@ -270,9 +270,28 @@ BRM.Version = "@project-version@"
 SLASH_BRM1 = "/brm"
 SlashCmdList.BRM = function (...) BRM:HandleCommandLine(...) end

-function BRM:HandleCommandLine()
+function BRM:HandleCommandLine(arg1, arg2)
+	BRM:DebugPrint("Slash arg1 is " .. arg1)
+	if "debug" == string.lower(arg1) then
 	BRM.DebugMode = not BRM.DebugMode
+		BRM.DB.DebugMode = BRM.DebugMode
 	BRM:ChatPrint("Printing debug statements is now " .. (BRM.DebugMode and "on" or "off") .. ".")
+	elseif "mm" == string.lower(arg1) then
+		BRM:DebugPrint("Initial BRM.DB.MinimapSettings.hide state is " .. (BRM.DB.MinimapSettings.hide and "true" or "false"))
+		if BRM.DB.MinimapSettings.hide then
+			-- turn on minimap icon
+			BRM:DebugPrint("Turning on minimap icon")
+			BRM.DB.MinimapSettings.hide = false
+			BRM:ShowMinimapButton()
+		else
+			-- turn off minimap icon
+			BRM:DebugPrint("Turning off minimap icon")
+			BRM.DB.MinimapSettings.hide = true
+			BRM:HideMinimapButton()
+		end
+	end

@@ -482,6 +501,32 @@ end -- BRM.LDO:OnClick()

+--# Minimap icon handling
+function BRM:CreateMinimapButton()
+	if not BRM.MinimapIcon then
+		BRM:DebugPrint("Creating minimap icon")
+		BRM.MinimapIcon = LibStub("LibDBIcon-1.0")
+		BRM.MinimapIcon:Register(BRM.ADDON_NAME, BRM.LDO, BRM.DB.MinimapSettings)
+	end
+function BRM:ShowMinimapButton()
+	BRM:DebugPrint("Showing minimap icon")
+	BRM.DB.MinimapSettings.hide = false
+	BRM.MinimapIcon:Show(BRM.ADDON_NAME)
+function BRM:HideMinimapButton()
+	BRM:DebugPrint("Hiding minimap icon")
+	BRM.DB.MinimapSettings.hide = true
+	BRM.MinimapIcon:Hide(BRM.ADDON_NAME)
 --# Events to register and handle

@@ -530,8 +575,9 @@ function BRM.Events:ADDON_LOADED(addon)
 	-- We don't load that until this event.
 	-- So, this is the earliest point we can create the minimap icon.

-	BRM.MinimapIcon = LibStub("LibDBIcon-1.0")
-	BRM.MinimapIcon:Register(BRM.ADDON_NAME, BRM.LDO, BRM.DB.MinimapSettings)
+	-- Note that initial state of whether to display the icon is handled auto-magically by the LDBIcon library, based on the variable storage you pass it.
+	BRM:CreateMinimapButton()
 end -- BRM.Events:ADDON_LOADED()