
Added options menu, options for equippable only and debug mode

Salvatore Lopiparo [07-15-16 - 02:23]
Added options menu, options for equippable only and debug mode
diff --git a/CanIMogIt.toc b/CanIMogIt.toc
index b18591b..87040b3 100644
--- a/CanIMogIt.toc
+++ b/CanIMogIt.toc
@@ -6,3 +6,5 @@
 ## X-Category: Transmogrify
 ## X-Website: http://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/can-i-mog-it
+##SavedVariables: CanIMogItOptions
diff --git a/code.lua b/code.lua
index 937e7e2..4745358 100644
--- a/code.lua
+++ b/code.lua
@@ -4,11 +4,6 @@ CanIMogIt = {}

 local dressUpModel = CreateFrame('DressUpModel')

-local DEBUG = false
-if DEBUG then
-	print("CanIMogIt is in Debug mode.")

 -- Maps                    --
@@ -143,6 +138,13 @@ CanIMogIt.cachedTooltipText = nil;

+function CanIMogIt:IsEquippable(itemLink)
+	-- Returns whether the item is equippable or not (exluding bags)
+	local slotName = select(9, GetItemInfo(itemLink))
+	return slotName ~= "" and slotName ~= "INVTYPE_BAG"
 function CanIMogIt:GetSource(itemLink)
     local itemID, _, _, slotName = GetItemInfoInstant(itemLink)
     local slot = inventorySlotsMap[slotName]
@@ -251,6 +253,12 @@ function CanIMogIt:GetTooltipText(itemLink)
 	-- Gets the text to display on the tooltip
 	local text = ""

+	if CanIMogItOptions["showEquippableOnly"] and
+			not CanIMogIt:IsEquippable(itemLink) then
+		-- Don't bother if it's not equipable.
+		return
+	end
 	if CanIMogIt:IsTransmogable(itemLink) then
 		if CanIMogIt:PlayerKnowsTransmogFromItem(itemLink) then
 			-- Set text to KNOWN
@@ -288,7 +296,7 @@ local function addToTooltip(tooltip, itemLink)
 		CanIMogIt.cachedTooltipText = nil
-	if DEBUG then
+	if CanIMogItOptions["debug"] then
 		printDebug(CanIMogIt.tooltip, itemLink)

diff --git a/options.lua b/options.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49dffad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/options.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+-- Options for CanIMogIt
+-- Thanks to Stanzilla and Semlar and their addon AdvancedInterfaceOptions, which I used as reference.
+local _G = _G
+CanIMogIt_OptionsVersion = "1.1"
+CanIMogItOptions_Defaults = {
+    ["options"] = {
+        ["version"] = CanIMogIt_OptionsVersion,
+        ["debug"] = false,
+        ["showEquippableOnly"] = true,
+    },
+CanIMogItOptions_DisplayData = {
+    ["debug"] = {
+        ["displayName"] = "Debug",
+        ["description"] = "Enables a detailed display for debug purposes. Use this when sending bug reports.",
+    },
+    ["showEquippableOnly"] = {
+        ["displayName"] = "Show On Equippable Items Only",
+        ["description"] = "When selected, only items that can be equipped will display the Can I Mog It? tooltip."
+    },
+CanIMogIt.frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "CanIMogItOptionsFrame", UIParent);
+CanIMogIt.frame.name = "Can I Mog It?";
+CanIMogIt.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, addonName)
+    if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and addonName == "CanIMogIt" then
+        CanIMogIt.frame.Loaded()
+    end
+local function checkboxOnClick(self)
+	local checked = self:GetChecked()
+	PlaySound(checked and "igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn" or "igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOff")
+	self:SetValue(checked)
+local function newCheckbox(parent, variableName)
+    -- Creates a new checkbox in the parent frame for the given variable name
+    local displayData = CanIMogItOptions_DisplayData[variableName]
+    local checkbox = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "CanIMogItCheckbox" .. variableName,
+            parent, "InterfaceOptionsCheckButtonTemplate")
+    -- checkbox.value = CanIMogItOptions[variableName]
+    checkbox.GetValue = function (self)
+        return CanIMogItOptions[variableName]
+    end
+    checkbox.SetValue = function (self, value) CanIMogItOptions[variableName] = value end
+    checkbox:SetScript("OnClick", checkboxOnClick)
+    checkbox:SetChecked(checkbox:GetValue())
+    checkbox.label = _G[checkbox:GetName() .. "Text"]
+    checkbox.label:SetText(displayData["displayName"])
+    checkbox.tooltipText = displayData["displayName"]
+    checkbox.tooltipRequirement = displayData["description"]
+    return checkbox
+local function createOptionsMenu()
+    -- define the checkboxes
+    local debug = newCheckbox(CanIMogIt.frame, "debug")
+    local showEquippableOnly = newCheckbox(CanIMogIt.frame, "showEquippableOnly")
+    -- position the checkboxes
+    debug:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 16, -16)
+    showEquippableOnly:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", debug, "BOTTOMLEFT")
+function CanIMogIt.frame.Loaded()
+    -- Set the Options from defaults.
+    if (not CanIMogItOptions) then
+        CanIMogItOptions = CanIMogItOptions_Defaults.options
+        print("CanIMogItOptions not found, loading defaults!")
+    end
+    -- Set missing options from the defaults if the version is out of date.
+    if (CanIMogItOptions["version"] < CanIMogIt_OptionsVersion) then
+        CanIMogItOptions_temp = CanIMogItOptions_Defaults.options;
+        for k,v in pairs(CanIMogItOptions) do
+            if (CanIMogItOptions_Defaults.options[k]) then
+                CanIMogItOptions_temp[k] = v;
+            end
+        end
+        CanIMogItOptions_temp["version"] = CanIMogIt_OptionsVersion;
+        CanIMogItOptions = CanIMogItOptions_temp;
+    end
+    createOptionsMenu()