
Added Simplified Chinese locale (thanks to susuxuxu).

pschifferer [12-24-09 - 05:59]
Added Simplified Chinese locale (thanks to susuxuxu).
diff --git a/Locale/Cauldron-zhCN.lua b/Locale/Cauldron-zhCN.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b330a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Locale/Cauldron-zhCN.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+-- $Revision: 1.3 $
+-- Cauldron language file: zhCN
+-- Translated by 豪斯医生@三区达卡尼
+local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("Cauldron", "zhCN")
+if not L then return end
+L["Cauldron"] = "Cauldron"
+L["Cauldron loaded; version "] = "Cauldron 已启动; 版本 "
+L["Version "] = "版本"
+L["Date: "] = "Дата: "
+L["Current log level: "] = "现有记录等级: "
+L["Setting log level: "] = "设定记录登记: "
+L["Config"] = "设置"
+L["Show config screen"] = "显示设置窗体"
+L["Log level"] = "记录登记"
+L["Change Cauldron logging level"] = "更改 Cauldron 记录等级"
+L["Menu"] = "菜单"
+L["Show Cauldron UI"] = "显示 Cauldron 界面"
+L["Shopping list"] = "购物清单"
+L["Open shopping list window"] = "打开购物清单窗体"
+L["Reset"] = "重置"
+L["Resets Cauldron to a fresh state"] = "将 Cauldron 重置为新状态"
+L["Enable Cauldron"] = "启用 Cauldron"
+L["Use Cauldron as your tradeskill interface"] = "将 Cauldron 设置为您的商业技能界面"
+L["Disable Cauldron"] = "禁用 Cauldron"
+L["Use the standard Blizzard window as your tradeskill interface"] = "使用暴雪默认框体作为您的商业技能界面"
+L["Logging"] = "记录中"
+L["Sets or displays the logging level"] = "记录的设定与显示"
+L["Normal logging of warnings and errors"] = "正常记录模式"
+L["Debug logging (very verbose)"] = "调试模式"
+L["enabled"] = "启用"
+L["disabled"] = "禁用"
+L["skills"] = "技能"
+L["Auto-buy?"] = "自动采购?"
+L["If this option is checked, then any item that is in the list will be automatically purchased when a vendor window is opened, if that vendor has the items."] = "启动该选项将在购物界面打开时自动试图购买所需物品."
+L["Player known"] = "已学会"
+L["Player can learn"] = "可学习"
+L["Player will be able to learn"] = "将可学到"
+L["Alt known"] = "附属账号已学会"
+L["Alt can learn"] = "附属账号可学习"
+L["Alt will be able to learn"] = "附属账号将可学到"
+L["Unavailable"] = "不可用"
+L["Neutral"] = "中立"
+L["Alliance"] = "联盟"
+L["Horde"] = "部落"
+L["Version"] = "版本"
+L["Shows the version number of the addon"] = "显示插件版本号."
+L["Opposing"] = "敌对的"
+L["Include recipes from opposing faction"] = "包含对立阵营的配方."
+L["Name"] = "名称"
+L["Search for name"] = "按名称搜索"
+L["Reagent"] = "组件"
+L["Search for reagents"] = "按组件搜索"
+L["Intermediate"] = "中间产物"
+L["Sort"] = "列表"
+L["Default"] = "默认"
+L["Alphabetically"] = "按名称"
+L["By difficulty"] = "按难度"
+L["By benefit"] = "按收益"
+L["By item level"] = "按物品等级"
+L["By required level"] = "按需求等级"
+L["By favorites"] = "按收藏"
+L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"] = "将设定的列表模式运用于商业技能列表."
+L["Reset filters"] = "重置过滤器"
+L["Reset all filters on the skills list"] = "重置所有过滤器"
+L["View"] = "查看"
+L["Compact"] = "精简模式"
+L["Display a compacted view of the skill list"] = "以精简模式显示商业技能列表"
+L["Filters"] = "过滤器"
+L["Difficulty"] = "困难"
+L["Optimal"] = "最适"
+L["Medium"] = "中等"
+L["Easy"] = "容易"
+L["Trivial"] = "不值一提"
+L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"] = "设定是否显示该难度的物品."
+L["Miscellaneous"] = "杂物"
+L["Favorites"] = "偏好"
+L["Display only favorite skills"] = "显示收藏"
+L["Mark this skill as a favorite"] = "将该技能设定为收藏技能"
+L["Favorite?"] = "设定为收藏?"
+L["Reagents"] = "组件"
+L["Display the normal list of skills"] = "显示全商业技能列表"
+L["Set whether skills for which you have all the required reagents are shown in the list"] = "设定是否显示组件备齐的商业技能."
+L["Set whether skills for which you have all key reagents (non-vendor available) are shown in the list"] = "设定是否显示关键组件(无法从商人处直接采购)备齐的商业技能."
+L["Set whether skills for which you have any reagents are shown in the list"] = "设定是否显示组件尚未备齐的商业技能."
+L["Normal"] = "普通"
+L["Have all"] = "拥有全部"
+L["Have key"] = "拥有关键"
+L["Have any"] = "无"
+L["Achievements"] = "成就"
+L["Display only skills for achievements"] = "显示成就相关."
+L["Slots"] = "插槽"
+L["All slots"] = "所有插槽"
+L["(None)"] = "(无)"
+L["Categories"] = "目录"
+L["All categories"] = "所有目录"
+L["No categories"] = "无目录"
+L["Requires"] = "需求"
+L["In order to make:"] = "想要制作:"
+L["You first have to make:"] = "您需要首先制作:"
+L["You will need:"] = "您将需要准备:"
+L["Have %d"] = "拥有 %d"
+L[" (%d in bank)"] = " (银行库存: %d)"
+L[", need %d"] = ", 尚需 %d"
+L["Crafting %1$d of %2$s..."] = "制作 %1$d - %2$s"
+L["Remove this item from the queue"] = "将该物品移出队列."
+L["Increase the priority of this item"] = "提升该物品的优先级."
+L["Shift-click to move to the top of the queue"] = "<Shift-点击> - 移至队列顶端."
+L["Decrease the priority of this item"] = "降低该物品的优先级."
+L["Shift-click to move to the bottom of the queue"] = "<Shift-点击> - 移至队列底部."
+L["Add this item to the shopping list"] = "将该物品加入购物清单."
+L["Shift-click will replace the count in the shopping list with this amount"] = "<Shift-点击> - 替换购买数量."
+L["Decrease the amount of this item"] = "减少该物品的数量."
+L["Increase the amount of this item"] = "增加该物品的数量."
+L["Remove this item from the shopping list"] = "将该物品移出购物清单"
+L["Available at vendor"] = "可从商人处购买"
+--L["Click to queue the listed amount of this item"] = true
+--L["Shift-click to queue the listed potential amount of this item"] = true
+L["Purchasing %1$s from merchant %2$s..."] = "采购: %1$s 自商人: %2$s..."
+L["(%1$d stacks, %2$d total)"] = "(%1$d 堆叠, 总计: %2$d)"
+L["(%1$d total)"] = "(总计: %1$d)"
+L["Needed for %1$d favorite skills"] = "需要 %1$d 已加入收藏的技能"
+L["Needed for favorites:"] = "需要加入收藏的:"
+L["Needed for %1$d skills for leveling"] = "需要 %1$d 技能升级"
+L["Needed for leveling:"] = "升级点数需要:"
+L["Oh. Smells like barbecued dog hair."] = "嗷. 闻起来就像烧焦的狗毛."
+-- error messages
+L["Crafting %1$s requires the %2$s skill."] = "制造 %1$s 需要 %2$s 技能;"