
Enabled 'view guild crafters' button while view guild trade skills.

Paul Schifferer [12-19-10 - 22:05]
Enabled 'view guild crafters' button while view guild trade skills.
Enabled the disclosure button on the skill items.
Cleaned up a bunch of now-useless commented-out code and debugging statements.
diff --git a/CauldronMain.lua b/CauldronMain.lua
index 9c5671f..a40223a 100644
--- a/CauldronMain.lua
+++ b/CauldronMain.lua
@@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ function Cauldron:OnEnable()
 --	self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED", "PlayerRegenEnabled");
 --	self:RegisterEvent("AUCTION_HOUSE_CLOSED");
 --	self:RegisterEvent("AUCTION_HOUSE_SHOW");
-	self:RegisterEvent("CRAFT_SHOW", "OnCraftShow");
-	self:RegisterEvent("CRAFT_CLOSE", "OnCraftClose");
+--	self:RegisterEvent("CRAFT_SHOW", "OnCraftShow");
+--	self:RegisterEvent("CRAFT_CLOSE", "OnCraftClose");
 --	self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGOUT");
 	self:RegisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE", "OnError");
 	self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_QUEST_LOG_CHANGED", "OnQuestLogChanged");
@@ -361,14 +361,11 @@ function Cauldron:OnEvent(event, ...)

 function Cauldron:OnTradeShow()
-	self:debug("OnTradeShow enter");

 	TradeSkillFrame_Update(); -- seems to fix the early bailout of trade skill iterations

 	-- update our known skills
-	self:debug("OnTradeShow: update known skills");
 	if not Cauldron.updatingSkills then
---		Cauldron:info("Requesting skill update on trade show");
 		Cauldron.updatingSkills = Cauldron:NeedsSkillUpdate();
@@ -381,19 +378,15 @@ function Cauldron:OnTradeShow()
 	self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED", "OnSpellcastInterrupt");

 	-- show the UI frame
-	self:debug("OnTradeShow: show the UI");
 --	Cauldron.needsRedraw = true;

-	self:debug("OnTradeShow exit");

 function Cauldron:OnTradeUpdate()
-	self:debug("OnTradeUpdate enter");

 --	TODO

-	self:debug("OnTradeUpdate exit");

 function Cauldron:OnTradeClose()
@@ -410,14 +403,6 @@ function Cauldron:OnTradeClose()


-function Cauldron:OnTradeItemChanged()
-	Cauldron:info("trade item changed");
---	Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
 function Cauldron:OnSkillUpdate(event)
 --Cauldron:info("skill update: event="..tostring(event));

@@ -553,18 +538,6 @@ function Cauldron:OnBagUpdate(event, bagid)


-function Cauldron:OnCraftShow()
---	TODO
-function Cauldron:OnCraftClose()
---	TODO
 function Cauldron:OnMerchantShow()

 	-- check if there's anything in the shopping list
@@ -627,24 +600,18 @@ end

 function Cauldron:OnSpellcastStart(event, unit, spell, rank)

--- self:info("spell start - unit: "..tostring(unit).."; spell: "..tostring(spell).."; rank: "..tostring(rank));
 	self.processing = true;


 function Cauldron:OnSpellcastStop(event, unit, spell, rank)

--- self:info("spell stop - unit: "..tostring(unit).."; spell: "..tostring(spell).."; rank: "..tostring(rank));
 	self.processing = false;


 function Cauldron:OnSpellcastSucceed(event, unit, spell, rank)

-	 self:debug("spell succeed - unit: "..tostring(unit).."; spell: "..tostring(spell).."; rank: "..tostring(rank));
 	-- ignore if the unit was not the player
 	if unit ~= "player" then
@@ -679,8 +646,6 @@ end

 function Cauldron:OnSpellcastInterrupt(event, unit, spell, rank)

--- self:info("spell interrupt - unit: "..tostring(unit).."; spell: "..tostring(spell).."; rank: "..tostring(rank));
 	Cauldron.makingItem = nil;
 	Cauldron.makingItemCount = nil;

@@ -758,7 +723,7 @@ function Cauldron:QueueAllTradeSkillItem()
 			-- update the shopping list
-			-- self:info("No amount to queue for "..skillInfo.name..".");
+			Cauldron:info("No amount to queue for "..skillInfo.name..".");

@@ -823,14 +788,11 @@ function Cauldron:ProcessQueue()

 	local queue = CauldronQueue:GetItems(self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].queue);
-	self:debug("ProcessQueue: queue="..#queue);

 	local queueInfo = nil;
 	local skillInfo = nil;

 	if #queue > 0 then
-		self:debug("ProcessQueue: checking first main queue item to see if it can be made now");
 		-- see if first item can be made
 		queueInfo = queue[1];
 --		self:debug("ProcessQueue: queueInfo="..queueInfo.name);
@@ -871,23 +833,14 @@ function Cauldron:ProcessQueue()

 	-- find intermediate items that need to be crafted
 	local intQueue = CauldronQueue:GetIntermediates(self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].queue);
-	self:debug("ProcessQueue: intQueue="..#intQueue);

 	if #intQueue > 0 then
-		self:debug("ProcessQueue: processing intermediate queue items");
 	 	queueInfo = intQueue[1];
-		self:debug("ProcessQueue: queueInfo="..queueInfo.name);
 		skillInfo = Cauldron:GetSkillInfo(queueInfo.tradeskill, queueInfo.name);
-		self:debug("ProcessQueue: skillInfo="..tostring(skillInfo));
 		if #queue > 0 then
-			self:debug("ProcessQueue: processing main queue items");
 			queueInfo = queue[1];
-			self:debug("ProcessQueue: queueInfo="..queueInfo.name);
 			skillInfo = Cauldron:GetSkillInfo(queueInfo.tradeskill, queueInfo.name);
-			self:debug("ProcessQueue: skillInfo="..tostring(skillInfo));

@@ -898,7 +851,6 @@ end
 function Cauldron:SubmitItemToProcess(queueInfo, skillInfo, amount)

 	if queueInfo and skillInfo then
-		self:debug("ProcessQueue: queueInfo="..queueInfo.name);

 		if queueInfo.tradeskill ~= CURRENT_TRADESKILL then
 			local msg = string.format(L["Crafting %1$s requires the %2$s skill."], queueInfo.name, queueInfo.tradeskill);
@@ -906,7 +858,6 @@ function Cauldron:SubmitItemToProcess(queueInfo, skillInfo, amount)

-		self:debug("ProcessQueue: process item: "..queueInfo.name);
 		Cauldron:ProcessItem(skillInfo, queueInfo, amount or queueInfo.amount);
 		if not queueInfo then
diff --git a/CauldronMain.xml b/CauldronMain.xml
index 5e065e0..034bb1d 100755
--- a/CauldronMain.xml
+++ b/CauldronMain.xml
@@ -384,6 +384,181 @@
+    		<Frame name="$parentItemDetails" hidden="true">
+    			<Size x="450" y="150" />
+				<Anchors>
+					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentSkillIcon" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
+						<Offset x="10" y="-2"/>
+					</Anchor>
+				</Anchors>
+				<Layers>
+					<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
+						<FontString name="$parentRequirementLabel" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmall" text="REQUIRES_LABEL">
+							<Anchors>
+								<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+									<Offset x="0" y="0"/>
+								</Anchor>
+							</Anchors>
+						</FontString>
+						<FontString name="$parentRequirementText" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmall" justifyV="TOP" justifyH="LEFT">
+							<Size x="380" y="0"/>
+							<Anchors>
+								<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentRequirementLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" >
+									<Offset x="4" y="0"/>
+								</Anchor>
+							</Anchors>
+						</FontString>
+						<FontString name="$parentSkillCooldown" inherits="GameFontRedSmall">
+							<Anchors>
+								<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentRequirementLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
+									<Offset x="0" y="0"/>
+								</Anchor>
+							</Anchors>
+						</FontString>
+						<!--
+						<Texture name="$parentDetailHeaderLeft" urgency="5" file="Interface\ClassTrainerFrame\UI-ClassTrainer-DetailHeaderLeft">
+							<Size x="256" y="64"/>
+							<Anchors>
+								<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+									<Offset x="0" y="3"/>
+								</Anchor>
+							</Anchors>
+						</Texture>
+						<Texture urgency="5" file="Interface\ClassTrainerFrame\UI-ClassTrainer-DetailHeaderRight">
+							<Size x="64" y="64"/>
+							<Anchors>
+								<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentDetailHeaderLeft" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
+									<Offset x="0" y="0"/>
+								</Anchor>
+							</Anchors>
+						</Texture>
+						-->
+						<FontString name="$parentDescription" inherits="GameFontHighlightSmall" justifyH="LEFT">
+							<Size x="490" y="0"/>
+							<Anchors>
+								<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+									<Offset x="5" y="-10"/>
+								</Anchor>
+							</Anchors>
+						</FontString>
+						<!--
+						<FontString name="$parentReagentLabel" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="SPELL_REAGENTS">
+							<Anchors>
+								<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentDescription" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
+									<Offset x="0" y="-10"/>
+								</Anchor>
+							</Anchors>
+						</FontString>
+						-->
+					</Layer>
+				</Layers>
+				<Frames>
+					<Button name="$parentReagent1" inherits="CauldronReagentDetailTemplate" id="1">
+						<Size x="150" y="39" />
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+								<Offset x="-2" y="-20"/>
+							</Anchor>
+						</Anchors>
+						<Scripts>
+							<OnLoad>
+								self:SetScale(0.75);
+							</OnLoad>
+						</Scripts>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="$parentReagent2" inherits="CauldronReagentDetailTemplate" id="2">
+						<Size x="150" y="39" />
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentReagent1" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+								<Offset x="0" y="0"/>
+							</Anchor>
+						</Anchors>
+						<Scripts>
+							<OnLoad>
+								self:SetScale(0.75);
+							</OnLoad>
+						</Scripts>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="$parentReagent3" inherits="CauldronReagentDetailTemplate" id="3">
+						<Size x="150" y="39" />
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentReagent2" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+								<Offset x="0" y="0"/>
+							</Anchor>
+						</Anchors>
+						<Scripts>
+							<OnLoad>
+								self:SetScale(0.75);
+							</OnLoad>
+						</Scripts>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="$parentReagent4" inherits="TradeSkillItemTemplate" id="4">
+						<Size x="150" y="39" />
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentReagent3" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+								<Offset x="0" y="0"/>
+							</Anchor>
+						</Anchors>
+						<Scripts>
+							<OnLoad>
+								self:SetScale(0.75);
+							</OnLoad>
+						</Scripts>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="$parentReagent5" inherits="CauldronReagentDetailTemplate" id="5">
+						<Size x="150" y="39" />
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentReagent1" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
+								<Offset x="0" y="-2"/>
+							</Anchor>
+						</Anchors>
+						<Scripts>
+							<OnLoad>
+								self:SetScale(0.75);
+							</OnLoad>
+						</Scripts>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="$parentReagent6" inherits="CauldronReagentDetailTemplate" id="6">
+						<Size x="150" y="39" />
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentReagent5" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+								<Offset x="0" y="0"/>
+							</Anchor>
+						</Anchors>
+						<Scripts>
+							<OnLoad>
+								self:SetScale(0.75);
+							</OnLoad>
+						</Scripts>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="$parentReagent7" inherits="CauldronReagentDetailTemplate" id="7">
+						<Size x="150" y="39" />
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentReagent6" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+								<Offset x="0" y="0"/>
+							</Anchor>
+						</Anchors>
+						<Scripts>
+							<OnLoad>
+								self:SetScale(0.75);
+							</OnLoad>
+						</Scripts>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="$parentReagent8" inherits="CauldronReagentDetailTemplate" id="8">
+						<Size x="150" y="39" />
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentReagent7" relativePoint="RIGHT">
+								<Offset x="0" y="0"/>
+							</Anchor>
+						</Anchors>
+						<Scripts>
+							<OnLoad>
+								self:SetScale(0.75);
+							</OnLoad>
+						</Scripts>
+					</Button>
+				</Frames>
+    		</Frame>
     		<Frame name="$parentSelection" setAllPoints="true" enableMouse="true" hidden="true" frameStrata="LOW" frameLevel="1">
 					<Layer level="OVERLAY">
@@ -400,6 +575,28 @@
+    <!-- Template: Guild crafter -->
+	<Button name="CauldronGuildCrafterButtonTemplate" hidden="false" virtual="true">
+		<Size>
+			<AbsDimension x="152" y="16"/>
+		</Size>
+		<ButtonText name="$parentText">
+			<Size x="0" y="16"/>
+			<Anchors>
+				<Anchor point="LEFT" x="4" y="0"/>
+			</Anchors>
+		</ButtonText>
+		<Scripts>
+			<OnClick>
+				ChatFrame_SendTell(self.name);
+			</OnClick>
+		</Scripts>
+		<NormalFont style="GameFontHighlightLeft"/>
+		<HighlightFont style="GameFontHighlightLeft"/>
+		<DisabledFont style="GameFontDisableLeft"/>
+		<HighlightTexture file="Interface\FriendsFrame\UI-FriendsFrame-HighlightBar-Blue" setAllPoints="true" alphaMode="ADD"/>
+	</Button>

     <!-- Main UI frame -->
     <Frame name="CauldronFrame" inherits="ButtonFrameTemplate"
@@ -649,15 +846,6 @@
 								self.texture:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, 0);
-								--[[
-								TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl = {hasMaterials = false, hasSkillUp = false, subClassValue = -1, slotValue = -1 };
-								TradeSkillOnlyShowSkillUps(TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasSkillUp);
-								TradeSkillOnlyShowMakeable(TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.hasMaterials);
-								SetTradeSkillSubClassFilter(TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.subClassValue, 1, 1);
-								SetTradeSkillInvSlotFilter(TradeSkillFrame.filterTbl.slotValue, 1, 1);
-								TradeSkillUpdateFilterBar();
-								CloseDropDownMenus();
-								--]]
@@ -1152,6 +1340,35 @@

 			<!-- View guild crafters button -->
+			<Button name="CauldronShowGuildCraftersButton" inherits="CauldronButtonTemplate" text="GUILD_TRADE_SKILL_VIEW_CRAFTERS"
+					hidden="true">
+				<Size x="140" y="22"/>
+				<Anchors>
+					<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT">
+						<Offset x="-4" y="4" />
+					</Anchor>
+				</Anchors>
+				<Frames>
+					<Frame name="$parentMask" setAllPoints="true" enableMouse="true" hidden="true">
+						<Scripts>
+							<OnEnter>
+								if (self.tooltip) then
+									GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_LEFT");
+									GameTooltip:SetText(self.tooltip, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1);
+								end
+							</OnEnter>
+							<OnLeave function="GameTooltip_Hide"/>
+						</Scripts>
+					</Frame>
+				</Frames>
+				<Scripts>
+					<OnLoad>
+					</OnLoad>
+					<OnClick>
+						Cauldron:ShowGuildCrafters();
+					</OnClick>
+				</Scripts>
+			</Button>

 			<!-- Show queue button -->
 			<Button name="CauldronShowQueueButton" inherits="CauldronButtonTemplate" text="Show Queue">
@@ -1176,7 +1393,8 @@
-						-- TODO: update with localized text
+						-- update with localized text
+						self:SetText(Cauldron:LocaleString("Show Queue"));
@@ -1192,6 +1410,141 @@
 			<OnShow function="CauldronFrame_OnShow"/>
 			<OnHide function="CauldronFrame_OnHide"/>
+	</Frame>

+	<!-- Guild crafters frame -->
+	<Frame name="CauldronGuildFrame" toplevel="true" frameStrata="DIALOG" hidden="true" parent="CauldronFrame" inherits="TranslucentFrameTemplate">
+		<Size>
+			<AbsDimension x="190" y="218"/>
+		</Size>
+		<Anchors>
+			<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="CauldronFrame" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" x="-6" y="19"/>
+		</Anchors>
+		<Layers>
+			<Layer level="ARTWORK">
+				<FontString name="$parentTitle" inherits="GameFontNormal" text="GUILD_CRAFTERS">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="18" y="-18"/>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+			</Layer>
+		</Layers>
+		<Frames>
+			<Button name="$parentCloseButton" inherits="UIPanelCloseButton">
+				<Anchors>
+					<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT">
+						<Offset>
+							<AbsDimension x="-4" y="-4"/>
+						</Offset>
+					</Anchor>
+				</Anchors>
+			</Button>
+			<Frame name="$parentContainer">
+				<Anchors>
+					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="14" y="-36"/>
+					<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" x="-14" y="-36"/>
+					<Anchor point="BOTTOM" x="0" y="14"/>
+				</Anchors>
+				<Backdrop bgFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background" edgeFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
+					<EdgeSize>
+						<AbsValue val="12"/>
+					</EdgeSize>
+					<TileSize>
+						<AbsValue val="8"/>
+					</TileSize>
+					<BackgroundInsets>
+						<AbsInset left="1" right="1" top="1" bottom="1"/>
+					</BackgroundInsets>
+				</Backdrop>
+				<Frames>
+					<ScrollFrame name="CauldronGuildCraftersFrame" inherits="FauxScrollFrameTemplate">
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+								<Offset x="0" y="-4"/>
+							</Anchor>
+							<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT">
+								<Offset x="-26" y="4"/>
+							</Anchor>
+						</Anchors>
+						<Layers>
+							<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
+								<Texture name="$parentTrack">
+									<Size x="18" y="0"/>
+									<Anchors>
+										<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" x="4" y="-2"/>
+										<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" x="4" y="2"/>
+									</Anchors>
+									<Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="1"/>
+								</Texture>
+							</Layer>
+						</Layers>
+						<Scripts>
+							<OnVerticalScroll>
+								FauxScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll(self, offset, TRADE_SKILL_HEIGHT, CauldronGuilCraftersFrame_Update);
+							</OnVerticalScroll>
+						</Scripts>
+					</ScrollFrame>
+					<Button name="CauldronGuildCrafter1" inherits="CauldronGuildCrafterButtonTemplate" id="1">
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" x="4" y="-4"/>
+						</Anchors>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="CauldronGuildCrafter2" inherits="CauldronGuildCrafterButtonTemplate" id="2">
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="CauldronGuildCrafter1" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" x="0" y="0"/>
+						</Anchors>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="CauldronGuildCrafter3" inherits="CauldronGuildCrafterButtonTemplate" id="3">
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="CauldronGuildCrafter2" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" x="0" y="0"/>
+						</Anchors>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="CauldronGuildCrafter4" inherits="CauldronGuildCrafterButtonTemplate" id="4">
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="CauldronGuildCrafter3" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" x="0" y="0"/>
+						</Anchors>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="CauldronGuildCrafter5" inherits="CauldronGuildCrafterButtonTemplate" id="5">
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="CauldronGuildCrafter4" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" x="0" y="0"/>
+						</Anchors>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="CauldronGuildCrafter6" inherits="CauldronGuildCrafterButtonTemplate" id="6">
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="CauldronGuildCrafter5" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" x="0" y="0"/>
+						</Anchors>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="CauldronGuildCrafter7" inherits="CauldronGuildCrafterButtonTemplate" id="7">
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="CauldronGuildCrafter6" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" x="0" y="0"/>
+						</Anchors>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="CauldronGuildCrafter8" inherits="CauldronGuildCrafterButtonTemplate" id="8">
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="CauldronGuildCrafter7" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" x="0" y="0"/>
+						</Anchors>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="CauldronGuildCrafter9" inherits="CauldronGuildCrafterButtonTemplate" id="9">
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="CauldronGuildCrafter8" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" x="0" y="0"/>
+						</Anchors>
+					</Button>
+					<Button name="CauldronGuildCrafter10" inherits="CauldronGuildCrafterButtonTemplate" id="10">
+						<Anchors>
+							<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="CauldronGuildCrafter9" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" x="0" y="0"/>
+						</Anchors>
+					</Button>
+				</Frames>
+				<Scripts>
+					<OnLoad>
+						self:SetBackdropColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9);
+					</OnLoad>
+				</Scripts>
+			</Frame>
+		</Frames>
+		<Scripts>
+			<OnShow function="CauldronGuildFrame_OnShow"/>
+		</Scripts>
+	</Frame>
diff --git a/CauldronMainUI.lua b/CauldronMainUI.lua
index ccf6d53..e597276 100644
--- a/CauldronMainUI.lua
+++ b/CauldronMainUI.lua
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ local SLOT_NONE = "none";

 function Cauldron:Frame_Show()

-self:debug("frame show: "..tostring(CauldronQueueWindowFrame));
 	if Cauldron.vars.enabled and not(IsShiftKeyDown() and IsControlKeyDown()) then

 		-- show main UI
@@ -129,9 +127,6 @@ function Cauldron:Frame_Update()

 	-- update filter information
-	self:UpdateFilterDropDowns();

 	-- display list of matching skills
@@ -161,9 +156,6 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkillInfo(skillName, rank, maxRank)

 	local skillCount = Cauldron:GetSkillCount(skillName);
-	CauldronRankFrameSkillName:SetText(skillName.." ("..skillCount.." "..L["skills"]..")");
 	local prof_title = "";
 	if IsTradeSkillGuild() then
@@ -464,9 +456,13 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkillList()
 		frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."DiscloseButton"];
 		if frame then
 			frame.skillInfo = skillInfo;
 			local reagentsExpanded = self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.skills[skillInfo.name].expanded;
-	--		if reagentsExpanded then
+			if reagentsExpanded then
+			else
+				frame:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-PlusButton-Up");
+			end

 	--			_G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:Show();

@@ -492,22 +488,71 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkillList()
 				local reagents = skillInfo.reagents;
 				local reagentCount = #reagents;

+				local smallReagentsFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"];
+				local reagentDetailsFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetails"];
+				if reagentsExpanded then
+					reagentDetailsFrame:Show();
+					smallReagentsFrame:Hide();
+					local reqsLabelFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsRequirementLabel"];
+					local reqsFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsRequirementText"];
+					local spellFocus = BuildColoredListString(GetTradeSkillTools(skillInfo.index));
+					if ( spellFocus ) then
+						reqsLabelFrame:Show();
+						reqsFrame:SetText(spellFocus);
+					else
+						reqsLabelFrame:Hide();
+						reqsFrame:SetText("");
+					end
+					local cdFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsSkillCooldown"];
+					local cooldown = GetTradeSkillCooldown(skillInfo.index);
+					if cooldown then
+						cdFrame:SetText(COOLDOWN_REMAINING.." "..SecondsToTime(cooldown));
+					else
+						cdFrame:SetText("");
+					end
+					local descFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsDescription"];
+--					local reagentLabel = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsReagentLabel"];
+					local desc = GetTradeSkillDescription(skillInfo.index);
+					if desc then
+						descFrame:SetText(desc);
+--						reagentLabel:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsDescription", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -10);
+					else
+						descFrame:SetText(" ");
+--						reagentLabel:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsDescription", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0);
+					end
+				else
+					reagentDetailsFrame:Hide();
+					smallReagentsFrame:Show();
+				end
 				for j=1,8 do
 					local reagentFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail"..j];
+					local reagentDetailFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsReagent"..j];

 					if reagentFrame then
 						if j > reagentCount then
+							reagentDetailFrame:Hide();
 							local reagentInfo = reagents[j];

 							reagentFrame.skillIndex = skillInfo.index;
 							reagentFrame.reagentIndex = reagentInfo.index;
 							reagentFrame.link = reagentInfo.link;
+							reagentDetailFrame.skillIndex = skillInfo.index;
+							reagentDetailFrame.reagentIndex = reagentInfo.index;
+							reagentDetailFrame.link = reagentInfo.link;

 							local reagentNameFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail"..j.."Name"];
+							local reagentDetailsNameFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsReagent"..j.."Name"];
 							local reagentIconFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail"..j.."IconTexture"];
+							local reagentDetailsIconFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsReagent"..j.."IconTexture"];
 							local reagentCountFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail"..j.."Count"];
+							local reagentDetailsCountFrame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsReagent"..j.."Count"];

 							-- PARANOIA: check if the reagent name, icon, or link are missing
 							if not reagentInfo.name or not reagentInfo.icon or not reagentInfo.link then
@@ -516,24 +561,38 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkillList()

+							reagentDetailFrame:Show();
 							SetItemButtonTexture(reagentFrame, reagentInfo.icon);
+							SetItemButtonTexture(reagentDetailFrame, reagentInfo.icon);
 							if reagentNameFrame then
+							if reagentDetailsNameFrame then
+								reagentDetailsNameFrame:SetText(reagentInfo.name);
+							end

 							local playerReagentCount = GetItemCount(reagentInfo.name);

 							if playerReagentCount < reagentInfo.numRequired then
 								-- Gray out items
 								SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(reagentFrame, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
+								SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(reagentDetailFrame, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
 								if reagentNameFrame then
 									reagentNameFrame:SetTextColor(GRAY_FONT_COLOR.r, GRAY_FONT_COLOR.g, GRAY_FONT_COLOR.b);
+								if reagentDetailsNameFrame then
+									reagentDetailsNameFrame:SetTextColor(GRAY_FONT_COLOR.r, GRAY_FONT_COLOR.g, GRAY_FONT_COLOR.b);
+								end
 								SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(reagentFrame, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+								SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(reagentDetailFrame, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
 								if reagentNameFrame then
+								if reagentDetailsNameFrame then
+								end
 							if playerReagentCount >= 100 then
 								playerReagentCount = "*";
@@ -541,15 +600,25 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkillList()
 							if reagentCountFrame then
+							if reagentDetailsCountFrame then
+								reagentDetailsCountFrame:SetText(playerReagentCount.."/"..reagentInfo.numRequired);
+							end
-				--[[ TODO: only adjust height for expanded views
-				local reagentRows = math.floor((reagentCount - 1) / 2) + 1;
-				_G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:SetHeight(toolsFrame:GetHeight() + (reagentRows * _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ReagentsItemDetail1"]:GetHeight()));
+				-- only adjust height for expanded views
+				if reagentsExpanded then
+					local reagentRows = math.floor((reagentCount - 1) / 4);
+					reagentDetailsFrame:SetHeight(52 + (_G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsReagent1"]:GetHeight() * reagentRows));
+					skillFrame:SetHeight(reagentDetailsFrame:GetHeight() + CAULDRON_SKILLITEM_COLLAPSED_HEIGHT + 2);
+				else
+				end
+				_G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:SetHeight(toolsFrame:GetHeight() + (reagentRows * _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."ItemDetailsReagent1"]:GetHeight()));
 				_G["CauldronSkillItem"..i]:SetHeight(_G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIcon"]:GetHeight() + _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."Reagents"]:GetHeight());
-				--]]
@@ -653,6 +722,7 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateButtons()
 		-- CauldronProcessButton:Disable();
 		-- CauldronClearQueueButton:();
+		CauldronShowGuildCraftersButton:Show();

@@ -663,6 +733,7 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateButtons()
+	CauldronShowGuildCraftersButton:Hide();

 	local skillInfo = Cauldron:GetSelectedSkill();

@@ -1437,388 +1508,6 @@ function CauldronSortDropDown_Initialize(self, level)


-function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_OnLoad(dropdown)
-		return;
-	end
-	UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropdown, Cauldron.FilterDropDown_Initialize);
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetText(CauldronFiltersFilterDropDown, L["Filters"]);
-function Cauldron:InvSlotDropDown_OnLoad(dropdown)
-		return;
-	end
-	UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropdown, Cauldron.InvSlotDropDown_Initialize);
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetText(CauldronFiltersInvSlotDropDown, L["Slots"]);
-function Cauldron:CategoryDropDown_OnLoad(dropdown)
-		return;
-	end
-	UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(dropdown, Cauldron.CategoryDropDown_Initialize);
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetText(CauldronFiltersCategoryDropDown, L["Categories"]);
-function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Initialize(level)
-		return;
-	end
-	if not Cauldron.db then
-		return;
-	end
-	local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
-	if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-		skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
-	end
-	if IsTradeSkillGuild() then
-		skillName = "Guild-"..skillName;
-	end
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetText(CauldronFiltersFilterDropDown, L["Filters"]);
-	-- reset item
-	local resetFilters = {
-		text = L["Reset filters"],
-		checked = false,
-		tooltipTitle = L["Reset filters"],
-		tooltipText = L["Reset all filters on the skills list"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Reset(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(resetFilters);
-	-- spacer
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton({
-		text = "",
-		notClickable = true,
-	});
-	local miscTitle = {
-		text = L["View"],
-		isTitle = true,
-		tooltipTitle = "",
-		tooltipText = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(miscTitle);
-	-- compact
-	local compact = {
-		text = L["Compact"],
-		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].options.compactView,
-		tooltipTitle = L["Compact"],
-		tooltipText = L["Display a compacted view of the skill list"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2)
-			Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].options.compactView = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].options.compactView;
-			Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
-		end,
-		arg1 = "compact",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(compact);
-	if not IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-		-- favorites
-		local faves = {
-			text = L["Favorites"],
-			checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites,
-			tooltipTitle = L["Favorites"],
-			tooltipText = L["Display only favorite skills"],
-			func = function(arg1, arg2)
-				Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites;
-				Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
-			end,
-			arg1 = "favorite",
-			arg2 = "",
-		};
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(faves);
-		-- achievements
-		local achievements = {
-			text = L["Achievements"],
-			checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements,
-			tooltipTitle = L["Achievements"],
-			tooltipText = L["Display only skills for achievements"],
-			func = function(arg1, arg2)
-				Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements;
-				Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
-			end,
-			arg1 = "achievement",
-			arg2 = "",
-		};
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(achievements);
-		-- spacer
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton({
-			text = "",
-			notClickable = true,
-		});
-	end
-	-- sorting
-	local sortingTitle = {
-		text = L["Sort"],
-		isTitle = true,
-		tooltipTitle = "",
-		tooltipText = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortingTitle);
-	local sortDefault = {
-		text = L["Default"],
-		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault,
-		tooltipTitle = L["Default"],
-		tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "default",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortDefault);
-	local sortAlpha = {
-		text = L["Alphabetically"],
-		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha,
-		tooltipTitle = L["Alphabetically"],
-		tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "alpha",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortAlpha);
-	local sortDifficulty = {
-		text = L["By difficulty"],
-		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty,
-		tooltipTitle = L["By difficulty"],
-		tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "difficulty",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortDifficulty);
-	local sortItemLevel = {
-		text = L["By item level"],
-		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel,
-		tooltipTitle = L["By item level"],
-		tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "itemlevel",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortItemLevel);
-	local sortReqLevel = {
-		text = L["By required level"],
-		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel,
-		tooltipTitle = L["By required level"],
-		tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "reqlevel",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortReqLevel);
-	--[[
-	local sortFaves = {
-		text = L["By favorites"],
-		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortFavorites,
-		tooltipTitle = L["By favorites"],
-		tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "favorite",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortFaves);
-	--]]
-	--[[
-	local sortBenefit = {
-		text = L["By benefit"],
-		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[CURRENT_TRADESKILL].window.filter.sortBenefit,
-		tooltipTitle = L["By benefit"],
-		tooltipText = L["Set the sorting method to use on the skills list"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetSort(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "benefit",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(sortBenefit);
-	--]]
-	-- spacer
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton({
-		text = "",
-		notClickable = true,
-	});
-	-- skill difficulty
-	local difficultyTitle = {
-		text = L["Difficulty"],
-		isTitle = true,
-		tooltipTitle = "",
-		tooltipText = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyTitle);
-	local difficultyOptimal = {
-		text = L["Optimal"],
---		textR = 1.0,
---		textG = 1.0,
---		textB = 1.0,
-		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.optimal,
---		keepShownOnClick = true,
-		tooltipTitle = L["Optimal"],
-		tooltipText = L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "optimal",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyOptimal);
-	local difficultyMedium = {
-		text = L["Medium"],
---		textR = 1.0,
---		textG = 1.0,
---		textB = 1.0,
-		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.medium,
---		keepShownOnClick = true,
-		tooltipTitle = L["Medium"],
-		tooltipText = L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "medium",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyMedium);
-	local difficultyEasy = {
-		text = L["Easy"],
---		textR = 1.0,
---		textG = 1.0,
---		textB = 1.0,
-		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.easy,
---		keepShownOnClick = true,
-		tooltipTitle = L["Easy"],
-		tooltipText = L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "easy",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyEasy);
-	local difficultyTrivial = {
-		text = L["Trivial"],
---		textR = 1.0,
---		textG = 1.0,
---		textB = 1.0,
-		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.trivial,
---		keepShownOnClick = true,
-		tooltipTitle = L["Trivial"],
-		tooltipText = L["Set whether items of this difficulty level should be shown"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "trivial",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(difficultyTrivial);
-	-- spacer
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton({
-		text = "",
-		notClickable = true,
-	});
-	-- reagents availability
-	local reagentsTitle = {
-		text = L["Reagents"],
-		isTitle = true,
-		tooltipTitle = "",
-		tooltipText = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(reagentsTitle);
-	-- force check "normal" if the list is linked
-	if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-		Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAllReagents = false;
-		Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveKeyReagents = false;
-		Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAnyReagents = false;
-	end
-	local normal = {
-		text = L["Normal"],
-		checked = Cauldron:ReagentsFilterNormalCheck(),
-		tooltipTitle = L["Reagents"],
-		tooltipText = L["Display the normal list of skills"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "normal",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(normal);
-	if not IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-		local haveAllReagents = {
-			text = L["Have all"],
-			checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAllReagents,
-			tooltipTitle = L["Reagents"],
-			tooltipText = L["Set whether skills for which you have all the required reagents are shown in the list"],
-			func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(arg1) end,
-			arg1 = "all",
-			arg2 = "",
-		};
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(haveAllReagents);
-		local haveKeyReagents = {
-			text = L["Have key"],
-			checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveKeyReagents,
-			tooltipTitle = L["Reagents"],
-			tooltipText = L["Set whether skills for which you have all key reagents (non-vendor available) are shown in the list"],
-			func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(arg1) end,
-			arg1 = "key",
-			arg2 = "",
-		};
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(haveKeyReagents);
-		local haveAnyReagents = {
-			text = L["Have any"],
-			checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.haveAnyReagents,
-			tooltipTitle = L["Reagents"],
-			tooltipText = L["Set whether skills for which you have any reagents are shown in the list"],
-			func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:FilterDropDown_SetReagentFilter(arg1) end,
-			arg1 = "any",
-			arg2 = "",
-		};
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(haveAnyReagents);
-	end
 function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Reset()

 	local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
@@ -2154,301 +1843,6 @@ function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_ToggleDifficulty(info)


-function Cauldron:InvSlotDropDown_Initialize(level)
-	Cauldron:debug("InvSlotDropDown_Initialize enter");
-	local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
-	if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-		skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
-	end
-	if IsTradeSkillGuild() then
-		skillName = "Guild-"..skillName;
-	end
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetText(CauldronFiltersInvSlotDropDown, L["Slots"]);
-	local all = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
-	all.text = ALL_INVENTORY_SLOTS; -- L["All slots"],
-	all.func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot(arg1) end;
-	all.arg1 = "all";
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(all);
-	local slots = Cauldron:GetSlots(Cauldron.vars.playername, skillName);
-	Cauldron:debug("InvSlotDropDown_Initialize: slots="..#slots);
-	--[[
-	if slots["none"] then
-		local none = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
-		none.text = L["(None)"];
-		none.checked = slots.none.checked;
-		none.func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot(arg1) end;
-		none.arg1 = "none";
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(none);
-	end
-	--]]
-	for name, _ in pairs(slots) do
-		Cauldron:debug("InvSlotDropDown_Initialize: name="..tostring(name));
-		if name ~= "" then
-			local slot = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo();
-			slot.text = _G[name] or L["(None)"];
-			slot.checked = slots[name].checked;
-			slot.func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot(arg1) end;
-			slot.arg1 = name;
-			UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(slot);
-		end
-	end
-	Cauldron:debug("InvSlotDropDown_Initialize exit");
-function Cauldron:SlotsFilterAllCheck()
-	Cauldron:debug("SlotsFilterAllCheck enter");
-	local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
-	if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-		skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
-	end
-	if IsTradeSkillGuild() then
-		skillName = "Guild-"..skillName;
-	end
-	local checked = true;
-	if Cauldron.db then
-		for name, slotInfo in pairs(Cauldron:GetSlots(Cauldron.vars.playername, skillName)) do
-			if slotInfo.checked then
-				checked = false;
-				Cauldron:debug("breaking from slot check");
-				break;
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	self:debug("SlotsFilterAllCheck exit");
-	return checked;
-function Cauldron:InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot(info)
-	-- self:debug("InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot enter");
-	local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
-	if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-		skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
-	end
-	if IsTradeSkillGuild() then
-		skillName = "Guild-"..skillName;
-	end
-	Cauldron:debug("InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot: info.arg1="..info.arg1);
-	local slots = Cauldron:GetSlots(Cauldron.vars.playername, skillName);
-	if info.arg1 == "all" then
-		Cauldron:debug("InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot: selecting all slots...");
---		slots["(None)"] = true;
-		for name, slotInfo in pairs(slots) do
-			Cauldron:debug("InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot: name="..name);
-			slotInfo.checked = true;
-		end
-	--[[
-	elseif info.arg1 == "none" then
-		Cauldron:debug("InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot: selecting special 'none' slot...");
---		local slotName = "(None)";
-		if not slots[slotName] then
-			slots[slotName] = true;
-		else
-			slots[slotName] = not slots[slotName];
-		end
-	--]]
-	else
-		self:debug("InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot: select a specific slot: "..info.arg1);
-		for name, slotInfo in pairs(slots) do
-			Cauldron:debug("InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot: name="..name);
-			slotInfo.checked = false;
-		end
-		slots[info.arg1].checked = true;
---		if not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.slots[info.arg1] then
---			Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.slots[info.arg1] = true;
---		else
---			Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.slots[info.arg1] = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.slots[info.arg1];
---		end
-	end
-	Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
-	Cauldron:debug("InvSlotDropDown_SetSlot exit");
-function Cauldron:CategoryDropDown_Initialize(level)
-		return;
-	end
-	local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
-	if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-		skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
-	end
-	if IsTradeSkillGuild() then
-		skillName = "Guild-"..skillName;
-	end
-	UIDropDownMenu_SetText(CauldronFiltersCategoryDropDown, L["Categories"]);
-	local all = {
-		text = L["All categories"],
-		checked = false, -- Cauldron:CategoriesFilterAllCheck(),
-		tooltipTitle = L["All categories"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:CategoryDropDown_SetCategory(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "all",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(all);
-	local none = {
-		text = L["No categories"],
-		checked = false, -- Cauldron:CategoriesFilterAllCheck(),
-		tooltipTitle = L["No categories"],
-		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:CategoryDropDown_SetCategory(arg1) end,
-		arg1 = "none",
-		arg2 = "",
-	};
-	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(none);
-	local categories = Cauldron:GetDefaultCategories(Cauldron.vars.playername, skillName);
-	-- sort the category list by alpha
-	local c = {};
-	for name, _ in pairs(categories) do
-		table.insert(c, name);
-	end
-	table.sort(c);
-	for i, name in ipairs(c) do
-		local category = {
-			text = name,
-			checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[name].shown,
-			tooltipTitle = name,
-			func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron:CategoryDropDown_SetCategory(arg1) end,
-			arg1 = name,
-			arg2 = "",
-		};
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(category);
-	end
-function Cauldron:CategoriesFilterAllCheck()
-	self:debug("CategoriesFilterAllCheck enter");
-	local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
-	if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-		skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
-	end
-	if IsTradeSkillGuild() then
-		skillName = "Guild-"..skillName;
-	end
-	local checked = true;
-	for name, _ in pairs(Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories) do
-		if Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[name] then
-			checked = false;
-			break;
-		end
-	end
-	self:debug("CategoriesFilterAllCheck exit");
-	return checked;
-function Cauldron:CategoryDropDown_SetCategory(info)
-	local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
-	if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-		skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
-	end
-	if IsTradeSkillGuild() then
-		skillName = "Guild-"..skillName;
-	end
-	if info.arg1 == "all" or info.arg1 == "none" then
-		for name, _ in pairs(Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories) do
-			local checked = (info.arg1 == "all");
-			Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[name].shown = checked;
-		end
-	else
-		if not IsShiftKeyDown() then
-			-- uncheck everything
-			for name, _ in pairs(Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories) do
-				Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[name].shown = false;
-			end
-			-- check the clicked item
-			Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[info.arg1].shown = true;
-		else
-			Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.categories[info.arg1].shown = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[CURRENT_TRADESKILL].window.categories[info.arg1].shown;
-		end
-	end
-	-- update the UI
-	Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();
-function Cauldron:CollapseAllButton_OnClick(button)
-	local skillName = CURRENT_TRADESKILL;
-	if IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-		skillName = "Linked-"..skillName;
-	end
-	if IsTradeSkillGuild() then
-		skillName = "Guild-"..skillName;
-	end
-    local expand = true;
-    local skillCount = 0;
-    local expandedCount = 0;
-    local collapsedCount = 0;
-    -- check if some items are expanded
-	for name, info in pairs(Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.skills) do
-		if info.expanded then
-		    expandedCount = expandedCount + 1;
-		else
-		    collapsedCount = collapsedCount + 1;
-		end
-		skillCount = skillCount + 1;
-	end
-	if expandedCount == 0 then
-	    expand = true;
-	elseif collapsedCount == 0 then
-	    expand = false;
-	end
-	-- reset all the expanded fields to false
-	for name, info in pairs(Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.skills) do
-		info.expanded = expand;
-	end
-	-- unselect the selected skill
-	-- Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].skills[skillName].window.selected = 0;
-	-- update the UI
-	Cauldron:UpdateSkillList();

 function Cauldron:CollapseItemButton_OnClick(button)

@@ -2573,40 +1967,6 @@ function Cauldron:FavoriteItemButton_OnClick(button)


-function Cauldron:ConfirmDialog(title, message, okayBtn, okayBtnCB, cancelBtn, cancelBtnCB)
-	local gui = Cauldron.libs.GUI;
-	-- Create a container frame
-	local f = gui:Create("Frame");
-	f:SetCallback("OnClose", function(widget) gui:Release(widget) end);
-	f:SetTitle(title);
-	f:SetStatusText("");
-	f:SetLayout("Flow");
-	f:SetWidth(200);
-	f:SetHeight(100);
-	-- Create okay button
-	local btn = gui:Create("Button")
-	btn:SetWidth(170);
-	btn:SetText(okayBtn);
-	btn:SetCallback("OnClick", okayBtnCB); -- TODO wrap this callback in another that will close the window
-	-- Add the button to the container
-	f:AddChild(btn);
-	-- Create cancel button
-	local btn = gui:Create("Button")
-	btn:SetWidth(170);
-	btn:SetText(cancelBtn);
-	btn:SetCallback("OnClick", cancelBtnCB); -- TODO wrap this callback in another that will close the window
-	-- Add the button to the container
-	f:AddChild(btn);
-	f:Show();
 function Cauldron:AppendToTooltip(tooltip, skillIndex)
 	if not tooltip then
@@ -2617,3 +1977,41 @@ function Cauldron:AppendToTooltip(tooltip, skillIndex)

+function Cauldron:ShowGuildCrafters()
+	if CauldronGuildFrame:IsShown() then
+		CauldronGuildFrame:Hide();
+	else
+		CauldronGuildFrame:Show();
+	end
+function CauldronGuildFrame_OnShow()
+	CauldronGuildCraftersFrameScrollBar:SetValue(0);
+	CauldronGuilCraftersFrame_Update();
+function CauldronGuilCraftersFrame_Update()
+	local skillLineID, recipeID, numMembers = GetGuildRecipeInfoPostQuery();
+	local offset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(CauldronGuildCraftersFrame);
+	local index, button, name, online;
+		index = i + offset;
+		button = _G["CauldronGuildCrafter"..i];
+		if ( index > numMembers ) then
+			button:Hide();
+		else
+			name, online = GetGuildRecipeMember(index);
+			button:SetText(name);
+			if ( online ) then
+				button:Enable();
+			else
+				button:Disable();
+			end
+			button:Show();
+			button.name = name;
+		end
+	end
+	FauxScrollFrame_Update(CauldronGuildCraftersFrame, numMembers, TRADE_SKILL_GUILD_CRAFTERS_DISPLAYED, TRADE_SKILL_HEIGHT);
diff --git a/CauldronQueueUI.lua b/CauldronQueueUI.lua
index ec5b2ae..c8ecf35 100644
--- a/CauldronQueueUI.lua
+++ b/CauldronQueueUI.lua
@@ -45,19 +45,15 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateQueue()

 	for i, queueInfo in ipairs(itemQueue) do
 		local queueItemFrame = _G["CauldronQueueItem"..i];
-		self:debug("queueItemFrame: "..tostring(queueItemFrame));

 		-- check if we have a frame for this position
 		if not queueItemFrame then
 			-- create a new frame for the queue information
-			self:debug("create a new frame for item "..i..": "..queueInfo.name);
 			queueItemFrame = CreateFrame("Button",
-	    	self:debug("use existing frame for item "..i..": "..queueInfo.name);
 	    	-- set the frame's parent
@@ -112,7 +108,6 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateQueue()
 			-- TODO: default color info
-			self:debug("Using default color info.");

 		-- set quantity info
@@ -199,8 +194,6 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateQueue()
-				self:debug("use existing frame for item "..i..": "..queueInfo.name);
 				-- set the frame's parent
diff --git a/CauldronTradeskill.lua b/CauldronTradeskill.lua
index 0f5f750..7ba3a87 100644
--- a/CauldronTradeskill.lua
+++ b/CauldronTradeskill.lua
@@ -47,27 +47,19 @@ function Cauldron:NeedsSkillUpdate()

 	if (tonumber(numTradeSkills) ~= tonumber(skillDB.skillCount)) then
---		Cauldron:info("skill count mismatch; update needed");
 		return true;
 	if (tonumber(rank) ~= tonumber(skillDB.skillLevel)) then
---		Cauldron:info("skill level mismatch; update needed");
 		return true;
 	if ((time() - tonumber(skillDB.lastScanDate)) > 184000) then
---		Cauldron:info("time since last scan > 184000 seconds; update needed");

---	Cauldron:info("all checks passed; no updated needed");
 	return false;

 function Cauldron:UpdateSkills(firstIndex, lastIndex)
-	self:debug("UpdateSkills enter");
---	self:info("updating skills: "..debugstack());
---	Cauldron:info("updatingSkills="..tostring(self.updatingSkills));
 	if not self.updatingSkills then
 		self:debug("not updating skills; return");
@@ -82,7 +74,6 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills(firstIndex, lastIndex)
 	local numTradeSkills = GetNumTradeSkills();
 	Cauldron.vars.numSkills = numTradeSkills;
 	local baseSkillName = skillName;
-	self:debug("UpdateSkills: skillName="..skillName);

 --	Cauldron:info("scanningSkills="..tostring(self.scanningSkills));
 	if not Cauldron.scanningSkills then
@@ -90,7 +81,7 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills(firstIndex, lastIndex)
 		local startTime = GetTime();

 		Cauldron.scanningSkills = true;
-		Cauldron:Print("Scanning recipes..."); -- TODO: remove
+--		Cauldron:Print("Scanning recipes..."); -- TODO: remove

 		-- make sure we're getting a full list
@@ -181,9 +172,7 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills(firstIndex, lastIndex)
 		local rescanCount = 0;

 		for i=1,GetNumTradeSkills() do
-	--		self:info("i="..tostring(i));
 			local name, difficulty, avail, expanded, verb, numSkillUps = GetTradeSkillInfo(i);
-	--		self:debug("UpdateSkills: name="..name.."; difficulty="..difficulty.."; avail="..avail);

 			if name and difficulty ~= "header" then

@@ -225,6 +214,9 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills(firstIndex, lastIndex)
 						-- local msg = string.format(L["Rescanning recipe: %1$s..."], name);
 						-- Cauldron:Print(msg);

+						-- remove it from the list
+						skillDB.rescan.failedRecipes[name] = nil;
 						-- populate the reagent list
 						local num = GetTradeSkillNumReagents(i);
 						for j=1,num do
@@ -248,9 +240,6 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills(firstIndex, lastIndex)
 										["key"] = key,

-									-- remove it from the list
-									skillDB.rescan.failedRecipes[name] = nil;
 									skillDB.recipes[name].reagents[j] = r;

 									if not self.db.realm.userdata[self.vars.playername].reagentMap[rName] then
@@ -338,8 +327,8 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills(firstIndex, lastIndex)
 								-- store the info if it's not already from rescanning
 								if not rescan then
 									-- Cauldron:error("Failed to retrieve reagent info; marking recipe for rescan: "..name);
-									Cauldron:MarkRecipeForRescan(skillDB, name);
-									rescanCount = rescanCount + 1;
+--									Cauldron:MarkRecipeForRescan(skillDB, name);
+--									rescanCount = rescanCount + 1;

@@ -392,9 +381,11 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills(firstIndex, lastIndex)
 			Cauldron:info("scan time: "..tostring(endTime-startTime).."ms");

+		--[[
 		if rescanCount > 0 then
 			Cauldron:Print(rescanCount.." recipes marked for rescan.");
+		--]]

@@ -407,11 +398,9 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills(firstIndex, lastIndex)

 	self.updatingSkills = false;

-	self:debug("UpdateSkills exit");

 function Cauldron:GetDefaultCategories(player, skillName)
-	self:debug("GetDefaultCategories enter");

 	local categories = {};

@@ -423,8 +412,6 @@ function Cauldron:GetDefaultCategories(player, skillName)

 --	table.sort(categories);

-	self:debug("GetDefaultCategories exit");
 	return categories;

@@ -462,8 +449,6 @@ function Cauldron:GetSlots(player, skillName)

 --	table.sort(slots);

-	self:debug("GetSlots exit");
 	return slots;

@@ -506,7 +491,6 @@ function Cauldron:LearnSkill()

 function Cauldron:GetSkillList(playername, skillName)
-	self:debug("GetSkillList enter");

 	if (not playername) or
 	   (not skillName) then
@@ -523,13 +507,11 @@ function Cauldron:GetSkillList(playername, skillName)
 	local startTime = GetTime();

 	for name, recipe in pairs(self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].recipes) do
-		self:debug("GetSkillList: name="..name);

 		local add = true;

 		-- check the search text
 		local search = self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.search or "";
-		self:debug("GetSkillList: search="..search);
 		if #search > 0 then
 			-- check for numbers
 			local minLevel, maxLevel;
@@ -554,24 +536,18 @@ function Cauldron:GetSkillList(playername, skillName)
 				local _,_,_,itemLevel,reqLevel,_,_,_,_,_ = GetItemInfo(recipe.itemLink);
 				if itemLevel and (matchItemLevel == "i") then
 					itemLevel = tonumber(itemLevel) or 0;
-					self:debug("GetSkillList: match by item level");
 					if itemLevel < minLevel or itemLevel > maxLevel then
-						self:debug("skipping recipe: "..name.." (level: "..tostring(itemLevel)..")");
 						add = false;
 				elseif reqLevel then
 					reqLevel = tonumber(reqLevel) or 0;
-					self:debug("GetSkillList: match by required level");
 					if reqLevel < minLevel or reqLevel > maxLevel then
-						self:debug("skipping recipe: "..name.." (level: "..tostring(reqLevel)..")");
 						add = false;
 				-- match name or reagents
-				self:debug("GetSkillList: match by name or reagents");
 				if not string.find(string.lower(recipe.keywords or ""), string.lower(search)) then
-					self:debug("skipping recipe: "..name.." (keywords: "..tostring(recipe.keywords)..")");
 					add = false;
@@ -580,7 +556,6 @@ function Cauldron:GetSkillList(playername, skillName)

 		-- check difficulty filter
 		if not self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.filter[recipe.difficulty] then
-			self:debug("skipping recipe: "..name.." (difficulty: "..recipe.difficulty..")");
 			add = false;

@@ -588,7 +563,6 @@ function Cauldron:GetSkillList(playername, skillName)
 		local categories = self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.categories;
 		local catInfo = categories[recipe.defaultCategory] or categories[recipe.type] or categories[recipe.subtype];
 		if catInfo and (not catInfo.shown) then
-			self:debug("skipping recipe: "..name.." (category: "..recipe.defaultCategory..")");
 			add = false;

@@ -600,7 +574,6 @@ function Cauldron:GetSkillList(playername, skillName)
 		local slotInfo = self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.slots[slotName];
 		self:debug("slotInfo: "..tostring(slotInfo));
 		if slotInfo and not(slotInfo.checked) then
-			self:debug("skipping recipe: "..name.." (slot: "..slotName..")");
 			add = false;

@@ -632,9 +605,6 @@ function Cauldron:GetSkillList(playername, skillName)
 		-- check favorites filter
 		if self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.favorites then
 			if not self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.skills[recipe.name].favorite then
-				--@alpha@
-				self:debug("skipping recipe: "..name.." (favorite: "..tostring(self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.skills[recipe.name].favorite)..")");
-				--@end-alpha@
 				add = false;
@@ -643,9 +613,6 @@ function Cauldron:GetSkillList(playername, skillName)
 		if self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.achievements then
 			local achievements = Cauldron:GetAchievementsForSkill(recipe);
 			if (not achievements) or (#achievements == 0) then
-				--@alpha@
-				self:debug("skipping recipe: "..name.." (achievements: "..tostring(self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.skills[recipe.name].achievements)..")");
-				--@end-alpha@
 				add = false;
@@ -672,25 +639,13 @@ function Cauldron:GetSkillList(playername, skillName)
 				return true;

-			--@alpha@
-			self:debug("GetSkillList: sorting: r1.name="..r1.name.."; r2.name="..r2.name);
-			--@end-alpha@
 			if self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDefault then
-				--@alpha@
-				self:debug("GetSkillList: sorting by default (skill index)");
-				--@end-alpha@
 				local r1v = self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].recipes[r1.name].index;
 				local r2v = self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].recipes[r2.name].index;
 				return r1v < r2v;
 			elseif self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortAlpha then
-				--@alpha@
-				self:debug("GetSkillList: sorting by alpha");
-				--@end-alpha@
 				return r1.name < r2.name;
 			elseif self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortDifficulty then
-				--@alpha@
-				self:debug("GetSkillList: sorting by difficulty");
-				--@end-alpha@
 				local difficulty = {
 					optimal = 4,
 					medium = 3,
@@ -700,50 +655,28 @@ function Cauldron:GetSkillList(playername, skillName)

 				local r1v = self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].recipes[r1.name].difficulty;
 				local r2v = self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].recipes[r2.name].difficulty;
-				--@alpha@
-				self:debug("GetSkillList: r1.difficulty="..r1v);
-				self:debug("GetSkillList: r2.difficulty="..r2v);
-				--@end-alpha@
 				return difficulty[r1v] > difficulty[r2v];
 			elseif self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortItemLevel then
-				--@alpha@
-				self:debug("GetSkillList: sorting by item level");
-				--@end-alpha@
 				-- get item info from item link
 				local _,_,_,r1iLevel,_,_,_,_,_,_ = GetItemInfo(r1.itemLink);
 				local _,_,_,r2iLevel,_,_,_,_,_,_ = GetItemInfo(r2.itemLink);

 				return (r2iLevel or 0) < (r1iLevel or 0);
 			elseif self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortRequiredLevel then
-				--@alpha@
-				self:debug("GetSkillList: sorting by required level");
-				--@end-alpha@
 				-- get item info from item link
 				local _,_,_,_,r1Level,_,_,_,_,_ = GetItemInfo(r1.itemLink);
 				local _,_,_,_,r2Level,_,_,_,_,_ = GetItemInfo(r2.itemLink);

 				return (r2Level or 0) < (r1Level or 0);
 			elseif self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortFavorites then
-				--@alpha@
-				self:debug("GetSkillList: sorting by favorites");
-				--@end-alpha@
 				local r1f = (self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.skills[r1.name].favorite and 100) or 1;
 				local r2f = (self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.skills[r2.name].favorite and 100) or 1;

 				return r2f < r1f;
 			elseif self.db.realm.userdata[playername].skills[skillName].window.filter.sortBenefit then
-				--@alpha@
-				self:debug("GetSkillList: returning true for benefit sorting");
-				--@end-alpha@
 				return true; -- TODO

-			--@alpha@
-			self:debug("GetSkillList: returning default true");
-			--@end-alpha@
 			return true;

@@ -752,13 +685,10 @@ function Cauldron:GetSkillList(playername, skillName)
 		Cauldron:info("sort skill list: "..tostring(endTime-startTime).."ms");

-	self:debug("GetSkillList exit");
 	return skills;

 function Cauldron:GetSkillInfo(tradeskill, skill)
-	self:debug("GetSkillInfo enter");

 	-- sanity checks
 	if (not tradeskill) or (not skill) then
@@ -782,8 +712,6 @@ function Cauldron:GetSkillInfo(tradeskill, skill)

-	self:debug("GetSkillInfo exit");
 	return skillInfo;

diff --git a/Locale/Cauldron-enUS.lua b/Locale/Cauldron-enUS.lua
index f6cec19..bc0eea9 100644
--- a/Locale/Cauldron-enUS.lua
+++ b/Locale/Cauldron-enUS.lua
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ L["Queue All"] = true
 L["Process"] = true
 L["Clear Queue"] = true
 L["Guild"] = true
+L["Show Queue"] = true

 L["General"] = true
 L["Auto-open shopping list?"] = true