
Removed tooltip frame on skill list name and shopping list item.

pschifferer [11-17-09 - 03:03]
Removed tooltip frame on skill list name and shopping list item.
Made it so the view section header and compact item are available even when looking at linked tradeskills.
diff --git a/CauldronMain.lua b/CauldronMain.lua
index 55fb071..ac0e6da 100644
--- a/CauldronMain.lua
+++ b/CauldronMain.lua
@@ -94,6 +94,14 @@ function Cauldron:OnInitialize()
+			--[[
+			forget = {
+				name = L["Forget"],
+				desc = L["Tells Cauldron to a fresh state"],
+				type = 'execute',
+				func = function() self:Forget() end,
+			},
+			--]]
 			reset = {
 				name = L["Reset"],
 				desc = L["Resets Cauldron to a fresh state"],
diff --git a/CauldronMain.xml b/CauldronMain.xml
index 47d9a96..845ac06 100644
--- a/CauldronMain.xml
+++ b/CauldronMain.xml
@@ -87,6 +87,39 @@
+    		<!--
+    		<Frame name="$parentSkillNameTooltipFrame">
+				<Size x="250" y="12"/>
+				<Anchors>
+					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+						<Offset x="62" y="-4"/>
+					</Anchor>
+				</Anchors>
+				<Scripts>
+					<OnClick>
+						HandleModifiedItemClick(GetTradeSkillItemLink(self.skillIndex));
+						Cauldron:SkillItem_OnClick(self, button, down);
+					</OnClick>
+					<OnEnter>
+						GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
+						GameTooltip:SetTradeSkillItem(self.skillIndex);
+						CursorUpdate(self);
+					</OnEnter>
+					<OnLeave>
+						GameTooltip:Hide();
+						ResetCursor();
+					</OnLeave>
+					<OnUpdate>
+						if GameTooltip:IsOwned(self) then
+							GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
+							GameTooltip:SetTradeSkillItem(self.skillIndex);
+							CursorUpdate(self);
+						end
+						CursorOnUpdate(self);
+					</OnUpdate>
+				</Scripts>
+    		</Frame>
+    		-->
 			<Button name="$parentSkillIcon">
 				<Size x="37" y="37"/>
diff --git a/CauldronMainUI.lua b/CauldronMainUI.lua
index ed34168..f3f160c 100644
--- a/CauldronMainUI.lua
+++ b/CauldronMainUI.lua
@@ -387,6 +387,9 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkillList()
 		frame.itemLink = skillInfo.link;
 		frame.skillIndex = skillInfo.index;
+		frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillNameTooltipFrame"];
+		frame.skillIndex = skillInfo.index;

 		-- set the craft count
 		frame = _G["CauldronSkillItem"..i.."SkillIconCount"];
@@ -1274,27 +1277,27 @@ function Cauldron:FilterDropDown_Initialize(level)
 		notClickable = true,

-	if not IsTradeSkillLinked() then
-		local miscTitle = {
-			text = L["View"],
-			isTitle = true,
-			tooltipTitle = "",
-			tooltipText = "",
-		};
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(miscTitle);
-		-- compact
-		local compact = {
-			text = L["Compact"],
-			checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].options.compactView,
-			tooltipTitle = L["Compact"],
-			tooltipText = L["Display a compacted view of the skill list"],
-			func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].options.compactView = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].options.compactView; Cauldron:UpdateSkillList(); end,
-			arg1 = "compact",
-			arg2 = "",
-		};
-		UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(compact);
+	local miscTitle = {
+		text = L["View"],
+		isTitle = true,
+		tooltipTitle = "",
+		tooltipText = "",
+	};
+	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(miscTitle);
+	-- compact
+	local compact = {
+		text = L["Compact"],
+		checked = Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].options.compactView,
+		tooltipTitle = L["Compact"],
+		tooltipText = L["Display a compacted view of the skill list"],
+		func = function(arg1, arg2) Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].options.compactView = not Cauldron.db.realm.userdata[Cauldron.vars.playername].options.compactView; Cauldron:UpdateSkillList(); end,
+		arg1 = "compact",
+		arg2 = "",
+	};
+	UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(compact);

+	if not IsTradeSkillLinked() then
 		-- favorites
 		local faves = {
 			text = L["Favorites"],
diff --git a/CauldronShoppingList.xml b/CauldronShoppingList.xml
index fc48411..7e66af2 100644
--- a/CauldronShoppingList.xml
+++ b/CauldronShoppingList.xml
@@ -38,6 +38,42 @@
+    		<!--
+    		<Frame name="$parentItemTooltipFrame" enableMouse="true">
+				<Size x="200" y="12"/>
+				<Anchors>
+					<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+						<Offset x="10" y="0"/>
+					</Anchor>
+				</Anchors>
+				<Scripts>
+					<OnClick>
+						if self.itemLink then
+							HandleModifiedItemClick(self.itemLink);
+						end
+					</OnClick>
+					<OnEnter>
+						if self.itemLink then
+							GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
+							GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(self.itemLink);
+							CursorUpdate(self);
+						end
+					</OnEnter>
+					<OnLeave>
+						GameTooltip:Hide();
+						ResetCursor();
+					</OnLeave>
+					<OnUpdate>
+						if self.itemLink and GameTooltip:IsOwned(self) then
+							GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
+							GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(self.itemLink);
+							CursorUpdate(self);
+						end
+						CursorOnUpdate(self);
+					</OnUpdate>
+				</Scripts>
+    		</Frame>
+    		-->
             <Button name="$parentCloseButton" inherits="UIPanelCloseButton">
                     <Anchor point="RIGHT">
diff --git a/CauldronShoppingListUI.lua b/CauldronShoppingListUI.lua
index fc4cdd0..e721922 100644
--- a/CauldronShoppingListUI.lua
+++ b/CauldronShoppingListUI.lua
@@ -126,15 +126,19 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateShoppingList()

+				local _,link,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ = GetItemInfo(item);
 				local str = string.format("%s, %d", item, amount);

 				shoppingListItem.itemName = item;
 				shoppingListItem.requestor = requestor;
 				_G["CauldronShoppingListItem"..itemIndex.."Item"]:SetWidth(width - 25);

 				_G["CauldronShoppingListItem"..itemIndex]:SetWidth(width - 25);
+				local frame = _G["CauldronShoppingListItem"..itemIndex.."ItemTooltipFrame"];
+				frame.itemLink = link;

 				-- place the frame in the scroll view
 				if frameAbove then
diff --git a/CauldronTradeskill.lua b/CauldronTradeskill.lua
index 22d0bde..d415267 100644
--- a/CauldronTradeskill.lua
+++ b/CauldronTradeskill.lua
@@ -171,6 +171,14 @@ function Cauldron:UpdateSkills()
 					local key = not Cauldron:IsVendorItem(rItemId);

 					if (not rName) or (not rIcon) or (not rLink) then
+						Cauldron:debug("First attempt to get reagent info failed.  Trying again.  (skill: "..name..", reagentIndex: "..j..", name: "..tostring(rName)..", icon: "..tostring(rIcon)..", link: "..tostring(rLink)..")");
+						-- be persisent about getting the info
+						rName, rIcon, _, _ = GetTradeSkillReagentInfo(i, j);
+						rLink = GetTradeSkillReagentItemLink(i, j);
+					end
+					if (not rName) or (not rIcon) or (not rLink) then
+						-- be persisent about getting the info
 						Cauldron:error("Can't get name/icon/link for reagent! (skill: "..name..", reagentIndex: "..j..", name: "..tostring(rName)..", icon: "..tostring(rIcon)..", link: "..tostring(rLink)..")");