
* Updated localisations and altered the .toc file to ensure they load properly

James Whitehead II [06-18-07 - 13:58]
* Updated localisations and altered the .toc file to ensure they load properly
diff --git a/Clique.toc b/Clique.toc
index 7c24140..00b1524 100644
--- a/Clique.toc
+++ b/Clique.toc
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
 ## OptionalDeps: Dongle

diff --git a/Localization.de.lua b/Localization.de.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d72b38..0000000
--- a/Localization.de.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-    Localisation for deDE.  Any commented lines need to be updated
-local L = Clique.Locals
-if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
-	L.RANK                    = "Rang"
-	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "Rang (%d+)"
-	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(Rang %s)"
-	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Volk Passiv"
-	L.PASSIVE                 = SPELL_PASSIVE
-	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Standard"
-	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Schadhafte Aktionen"
-	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Hilfreiche Aktionen"
-	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Au\195\159erhalb des Kampfes"
-	L.CLICKSET_BEARFORM       = "B\195\164ren Gestalt"
-	L.CLICKSET_CATFORM        = "Katzen Gestalt"
-    L.CLICKSET_AQUATICFORM    = "Wasser Gestalt"
-	L.CLICKSET_TRAVELFORM     = "Reise Gestalt"
-	L.CLICKSET_MOONKINFORM    = "Moonkin Gestalt"
-	L.CLICKSET_TREEOFLIFE     = "Baum des Lebens Gestalt"
-	L.CLICKSET_SHADOWFORM     = "Schattengestalt"
-	L.CLICKSET_STEALTHED      = "Getarnt"
-	L.CLICKSET_BATTLESTANCE   = "Kampfhaltung"
-	L.CLICKSET_DEFENSIVESTANCE = "Verteidigungshaltung"
-	L.BEAR_FORM = "B\195\164ren Gestalt"
-	L.DIRE_BEAR_FORM = "Dire B\195\164ren Gestalt"
-	L.CAT_FORM = "Katzen Gestalt"
-	L.AQUATIC_FORM = "Wasser Gestalt"
-	L.TRAVEL_FORM = "Reise Gestalt"
-	L.TREEOFLIFE = "Baum des Lebens"
-	L.MOONKIN_FORM = "oonkin Gestalt"
-	L.STEALTH = "Tarnen"
-	L.SHADOWFORM = "Schattengestalt"
-	L.BATTLESTANCE = "Kampfhaltung"
-	L.DEFENSIVESTANCE = "Verteidigungshaltung"
-	L.BERSERKERSTANCE = "Berserkerhaltung"
-	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Belegung nicht definiert."
-	L.CANNOT_CHANGE_COMBAT    = "\195\132nderungen w\195\164rend des Kampfes nicht m\195\182glich. \195\132nderungen werden bis Kampfende verschoben."
-	L.APPLY_QUEUE             = "Au\195\159erhalb des Kampfes. Ausstehende \195\132nderungen werden durchgef\195\188hrt."
-	L.PROFILE_CHANGED         = "Profil gewechselt zu '%s'."
-	L.PROFILE_DELETED         = "Profile '%s' wurde gel\195\182scht."
-	L.ACTION_ACTIONBAR = "Wechsel Aktionsleiste"
-	L.ACTION_ACTION = "Aktion Taste"
-	L.ACTION_PET = "Tier Aktion Taste"
-	L.ACTION_SPELL = "Zauber ausf\195\188hren"
-	L.ACTION_ITEM = "Benutze Gegenstand"
-	L.ACTION_MACRO = "Starte eigenes Makro"
-	L.ACTION_STOP = "Zauber Unterbrechen"
-	L.ACTION_TARGET = "Ziel ausw\195\164hlen"
-	L.ACTION_FOCUS = "Setze Fokus"
-	L.ACTION_ASSIST = "Assistiere Einheit"
-	L.ACTION_CLICK = "Klicke Taste"
-	L.ACTION_MENU = "Zeige Men\195\188"
-	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Willkomen zu Clique. Zuerst suchst du einfach im Zauberbuch einen Spruch aus, welchen du an eine Taste binden m\195\182chtest. Dann klickst du mit der entsprechenden Taste diesen Zauber an. Als Beispiel, gehe zu \"Blitzheilung\" und klicke darauf mit Shift+LinkeMaustaste um diesen Zauber auf Shift+LinkeMaustaste zu legen."
-	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "Dies ist das Clique konfigurations Fenster. Von hier aus kannst du alle Klick-Kombinationen, die uns die UI erlaubt, konfigurieren. W\195\164hle eine Grundfunktion aus der linken Spalte. Klicke dann auf den unteren Button mit einer Tastenkombination deiner Wahl, und erg\195\164nze (falls ben\195\182tigt) die Parameter."
-	L.BS_ACTIONBAR_HELP = "Wechselt die Aktionsleiste. 'increment' Wechselt eine Leiste rauf, 'decrement' mach das Gegenteil. Gibst du eine Zahl ein, wird nur die enstprechende Leiste gezeigt. Die Eingabe von 1,3 w\195\188rde zwischen Leiste 1 und 3 wechseln"
-	L.BS_ACTION_HELP = "Simuliert einen Klick auf eine Aktions Taste. Gebe die Nummer der Aktions Taste an."
-	L.BS_ACTION_ARG1_LABEL = "Tasten Nummer:"
-	L.BS_ACTION_ARG2_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_PET_HELP = "Simuliert einen Klick auf eine Tier Aktions Taste. Gebe die Nummer der Aktions Taste an."
-	L.BS_PET_ARG1_LABEL = "Tier Tasten Nummer:"
-	L.BS_PET_ARG2_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_SPELL_HELP = "F\195\188hrt einen Zauber aus dem Zauberbuch aus. M\195\182glich sind Zaubername, und optional Rucksack/Platz, oder Gegenstand-Name als Ziel eines Zaubers.(zB. Tier f\195\188ttern)"
-	L.BS_SPELL_ARG1_LABEL = "Zauber Name:"
-	L.BS_SPELL_ARG2_LABEL = "*Rang/Rucksack Nr:"
-	L.BS_SPELL_ARG3_LABEL = "*Platz Nummer:"
-	L.BS_SPELL_ARG4_LABEL = "*Gegenstands Name:"
-	L.BS_SPELL_ARG5_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_ITEM_HELP = "Benutze Gegenstand. Angabe von Rucksack/Platz, oder Gegenstand-Name."
-	L.BS_ITEM_ARG1_LABEL = "Rucksack Nummer:"
-	L.BS_ITEM_ARG2_LABEL = "Platz Nummer:"
-	L.BS_ITEM_ARG3_LABEL = "Gegenstands Name:"
-	L.BS_ITEM_ARG4_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_MACRO_HELP = "Benutzt eigenes Makro aus vorhandenem index"
-	L.BS_ARG1_LABEL = "Makro Index:"
-	L.BS_ARG2_LABEL = "Makro Text:"
-	L.BS_STOP_HELP = "Unterbricht den laufenden Zauberspruch"
-	L.BS_TARGET_HELP = "Visiert \"unit\" als Ziel an"
-	L.BS_TARGET_ARG1_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_FOCUS_HELP = "W\195\164hlt \"focus\" Einheit aus."
-	L.BS_FOCUS_ARG1_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_ASSIST_HELP = "Assistiert der Einheit \"unit\""
-	L.BS_ASSIST_ARG1_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_CLICK_HELP = "Simuliert Klick auf eine Aktions Taste"
-	L.BS_CLICK_ARG1_LABEL = "Tasten Name:"
-	L.BS_MENU_HELP = "Zeigt das Einheiten Pop-Up Men\195\188"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Localization.deDE.lua b/Localization.deDE.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d72b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization.deDE.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+    Localisation for deDE.  Any commented lines need to be updated
+local L = Clique.Locals
+if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
+	L.RANK                    = "Rang"
+	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "Rang (%d+)"
+	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(Rang %s)"
+	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Volk Passiv"
+	L.PASSIVE                 = SPELL_PASSIVE
+	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Standard"
+	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Schadhafte Aktionen"
+	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Hilfreiche Aktionen"
+	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Au\195\159erhalb des Kampfes"
+	L.CLICKSET_BEARFORM       = "B\195\164ren Gestalt"
+	L.CLICKSET_CATFORM        = "Katzen Gestalt"
+    L.CLICKSET_AQUATICFORM    = "Wasser Gestalt"
+	L.CLICKSET_TRAVELFORM     = "Reise Gestalt"
+	L.CLICKSET_MOONKINFORM    = "Moonkin Gestalt"
+	L.CLICKSET_TREEOFLIFE     = "Baum des Lebens Gestalt"
+	L.CLICKSET_SHADOWFORM     = "Schattengestalt"
+	L.CLICKSET_STEALTHED      = "Getarnt"
+	L.CLICKSET_BATTLESTANCE   = "Kampfhaltung"
+	L.CLICKSET_DEFENSIVESTANCE = "Verteidigungshaltung"
+	L.BEAR_FORM = "B\195\164ren Gestalt"
+	L.DIRE_BEAR_FORM = "Dire B\195\164ren Gestalt"
+	L.CAT_FORM = "Katzen Gestalt"
+	L.AQUATIC_FORM = "Wasser Gestalt"
+	L.TRAVEL_FORM = "Reise Gestalt"
+	L.TREEOFLIFE = "Baum des Lebens"
+	L.MOONKIN_FORM = "oonkin Gestalt"
+	L.STEALTH = "Tarnen"
+	L.SHADOWFORM = "Schattengestalt"
+	L.BATTLESTANCE = "Kampfhaltung"
+	L.DEFENSIVESTANCE = "Verteidigungshaltung"
+	L.BERSERKERSTANCE = "Berserkerhaltung"
+	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Belegung nicht definiert."
+	L.CANNOT_CHANGE_COMBAT    = "\195\132nderungen w\195\164rend des Kampfes nicht m\195\182glich. \195\132nderungen werden bis Kampfende verschoben."
+	L.APPLY_QUEUE             = "Au\195\159erhalb des Kampfes. Ausstehende \195\132nderungen werden durchgef\195\188hrt."
+	L.PROFILE_CHANGED         = "Profil gewechselt zu '%s'."
+	L.PROFILE_DELETED         = "Profile '%s' wurde gel\195\182scht."
+	L.ACTION_ACTIONBAR = "Wechsel Aktionsleiste"
+	L.ACTION_ACTION = "Aktion Taste"
+	L.ACTION_PET = "Tier Aktion Taste"
+	L.ACTION_SPELL = "Zauber ausf\195\188hren"
+	L.ACTION_ITEM = "Benutze Gegenstand"
+	L.ACTION_MACRO = "Starte eigenes Makro"
+	L.ACTION_STOP = "Zauber Unterbrechen"
+	L.ACTION_TARGET = "Ziel ausw\195\164hlen"
+	L.ACTION_FOCUS = "Setze Fokus"
+	L.ACTION_ASSIST = "Assistiere Einheit"
+	L.ACTION_CLICK = "Klicke Taste"
+	L.ACTION_MENU = "Zeige Men\195\188"
+	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Willkomen zu Clique. Zuerst suchst du einfach im Zauberbuch einen Spruch aus, welchen du an eine Taste binden m\195\182chtest. Dann klickst du mit der entsprechenden Taste diesen Zauber an. Als Beispiel, gehe zu \"Blitzheilung\" und klicke darauf mit Shift+LinkeMaustaste um diesen Zauber auf Shift+LinkeMaustaste zu legen."
+	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "Dies ist das Clique konfigurations Fenster. Von hier aus kannst du alle Klick-Kombinationen, die uns die UI erlaubt, konfigurieren. W\195\164hle eine Grundfunktion aus der linken Spalte. Klicke dann auf den unteren Button mit einer Tastenkombination deiner Wahl, und erg\195\164nze (falls ben\195\182tigt) die Parameter."
+	L.BS_ACTIONBAR_HELP = "Wechselt die Aktionsleiste. 'increment' Wechselt eine Leiste rauf, 'decrement' mach das Gegenteil. Gibst du eine Zahl ein, wird nur die enstprechende Leiste gezeigt. Die Eingabe von 1,3 w\195\188rde zwischen Leiste 1 und 3 wechseln"
+	L.BS_ACTION_HELP = "Simuliert einen Klick auf eine Aktions Taste. Gebe die Nummer der Aktions Taste an."
+	L.BS_ACTION_ARG1_LABEL = "Tasten Nummer:"
+	L.BS_ACTION_ARG2_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_PET_HELP = "Simuliert einen Klick auf eine Tier Aktions Taste. Gebe die Nummer der Aktions Taste an."
+	L.BS_PET_ARG1_LABEL = "Tier Tasten Nummer:"
+	L.BS_PET_ARG2_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_HELP = "F\195\188hrt einen Zauber aus dem Zauberbuch aus. M\195\182glich sind Zaubername, und optional Rucksack/Platz, oder Gegenstand-Name als Ziel eines Zaubers.(zB. Tier f\195\188ttern)"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG1_LABEL = "Zauber Name:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG2_LABEL = "*Rang/Rucksack Nr:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG3_LABEL = "*Platz Nummer:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG4_LABEL = "*Gegenstands Name:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG5_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_HELP = "Benutze Gegenstand. Angabe von Rucksack/Platz, oder Gegenstand-Name."
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG1_LABEL = "Rucksack Nummer:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG2_LABEL = "Platz Nummer:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG3_LABEL = "Gegenstands Name:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG4_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_MACRO_HELP = "Benutzt eigenes Makro aus vorhandenem index"
+	L.BS_ARG1_LABEL = "Makro Index:"
+	L.BS_ARG2_LABEL = "Makro Text:"
+	L.BS_STOP_HELP = "Unterbricht den laufenden Zauberspruch"
+	L.BS_TARGET_HELP = "Visiert \"unit\" als Ziel an"
+	L.BS_TARGET_ARG1_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_FOCUS_HELP = "W\195\164hlt \"focus\" Einheit aus."
+	L.BS_FOCUS_ARG1_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_ASSIST_HELP = "Assistiert der Einheit \"unit\""
+	L.BS_ASSIST_ARG1_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_CLICK_HELP = "Simuliert Klick auf eine Aktions Taste"
+	L.BS_CLICK_ARG1_LABEL = "Tasten Name:"
+	L.BS_MENU_HELP = "Zeigt das Einheiten Pop-Up Men\195\188"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Localization.en.lua b/Localization.en.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 918626e..0000000
--- a/Localization.en.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-    Localisation for English
-local L = Clique.Locals
--- This is the default locale.
-if GetLocale() then
-	L.RANK                    = "Rank"
-	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "Rank (%d+)"
-	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(Rank %s)"
-	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Racial Passive"
-	L.PASSIVE                 = SPELL_PASSIVE
-	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Default"
-	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Harmful actions"
-	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Helpful actions"
-	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Out of Combat"
-	L.CLICKSET_BEARFORM       = "Bear Form"
-	L.CLICKSET_CATFORM        = "Cat Form"
-    L.CLICKSET_AQUATICFORM    = "Aquatic Form"
-	L.CLICKSET_TRAVELFORM     = "Travel Form"
-	L.CLICKSET_MOONKINFORM    = "Moonkin Form"
-	L.CLICKSET_TREEOFLIFE     = "Tree of Life Form"
-	L.CLICKSET_SHADOWFORM     = "Shadowform"
-	L.CLICKSET_STEALTHED      = "Stealthed"
-	L.BEAR_FORM = "Bear Form"
-	L.DIRE_BEAR_FORM = "Dire Bear Form"
-	L.CAT_FORM = "Cat Form"
-	L.AQUATIC_FORM = "Aquatic Form"
-	L.TRAVEL_FORM = "Travel Form"
-	L.TREEOFLIFE = "Tree of Life"
-	L.MOONKIN_FORM = "Moonkin Form"
-	L.STEALTH = "Stealth"
-	L.SHADOWFORM = "Shadowform"
-	L.BATTLESTANCE = "Battle Stance"
-	L.DEFENSIVESTANCE = "Defensive Stance"
-	L.BERSERKERSTANCE = "Berserker Stance"
-	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Binding not defined"
-	L.CANNOT_CHANGE_COMBAT    = "Cannot make changes in combat.  These changes will be delayed until you exit combat."
-	L.APPLY_QUEUE             = "Out of combat.  Applying all queued changes."
-	L.PROFILE_CHANGED         = "Profile has changed to '%s'."
-	L.PROFILE_DELETED         = "Profile '%s' has been deleted."
-	L.PROFILE_RESET         = "Your profile '%s' has been reset."
-	L.ACTION_ACTIONBAR = "Change ActionBar"
-	L.ACTION_ACTION = "Action Button"
-	L.ACTION_PET = "Pet Action Button"
-	L.ACTION_SPELL = "Cast Spell"
-	L.ACTION_ITEM = "Use Item"
-	L.ACTION_MACRO = "Run Custom Macro"
-	L.ACTION_STOP = "Stop Casting"
-	L.ACTION_TARGET = "Target Unit"
-	L.ACTION_FOCUS = "Set Focus"
-	L.ACTION_ASSIST = "Assist Unit"
-	L.ACTION_CLICK = "Click Button"
-	L.ACTION_MENU = "Show Menu"
-	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Welcome to Clique.  For basic operation, you can navigate the spellbook and decide what spell you'd like to bind to a specific click.  Then click on that spell with whatever click-binding you would like.  For example, navigate to \"Flash Heal\" and shift-LeftClick on it to bind that spell to Shift-LeftClick."
-	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "This is the Clique custom edit screen.  From here you can configure any of the combinations that the UI makes available to us in response to clicks.  Select a base action from the left column.  You can then click on the button below to set the binding you'd like, and then supply the arguments required (if any)."
-	L.BS_ACTIONBAR_HELP = "Change the actionbar.  'increment' will move it up one page, 'decrement' does the opposite.  If you supply a number, the action bar will be turned to that page.  You can specify 1,3 to toggle between pages 1 and 3"
-	L.BS_ACTION_HELP = "Simulate a click on an action button.  Specify the number of the action button."
-	L.BS_ACTION_ARG1_LABEL = "Button Number:"
-	L.BS_ACTION_ARG2_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_PET_HELP = "Simulate a click on an pet's action button.  Specify the number of the button."
-	L.BS_PET_ARG1_LABEL = "Pet Button Number:"
-	L.BS_PET_ARG2_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_SPELL_HELP = "Cast a spell from the spellbook.  Takes a spell name, and optionally a bag and slot, or item name to use as the target of the spell (i.e. Feed Pet)"
-	L.BS_SPELL_ARG1_LABEL = "Spell Name:"
-	L.BS_SPELL_ARG2_LABEL = "*Rank/Bag Number:"
-	L.BS_SPELL_ARG3_LABEL = "*Slot Number:"
-	L.BS_SPELL_ARG4_LABEL = "*Item Name:"
-	L.BS_SPELL_ARG5_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_ITEM_HELP = "Use an item.  Can take either a bag and slot, or an item name."
-	L.BS_ITEM_ARG1_LABEL = "Bag Number:"
-	L.BS_ITEM_ARG2_LABEL = "Slot Number:"
-	L.BS_ITEM_ARG3_LABEL = "Item Name:"
-	L.BS_ITEM_ARG4_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_MACRO_HELP = "Use a custom macro in a given index"
-	L.BS_MACRO_ARG1_LABEL = "Macro Index:"
-	L.BS_MACRO_ARG2_LABEL = "Macro Text:"
-	L.BS_STOP_HELP = "Stops casting the current spell"
-	L.BS_TARGET_HELP = "Targets the unit"
-	L.BS_TARGET_ARG1_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_FOCUS_HELP = "Sets your \"focus\" unit"
-	L.BS_FOCUS_ARG1_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_ASSIST_HELP = "Assists the unit"
-	L.BS_ASSIST_ARG1_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
-	L.BS_CLICK_HELP = "Simulate click on a button"
-	L.BS_CLICK_ARG1_LABEL = "Button Name:"
-	L.BS_MENU_HELP = "Shows the unit pop up menu"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Localization.enUS.lua b/Localization.enUS.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..918626e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization.enUS.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+    Localisation for English
+local L = Clique.Locals
+-- This is the default locale.
+if GetLocale() then
+	L.RANK                    = "Rank"
+	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "Rank (%d+)"
+	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(Rank %s)"
+	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Racial Passive"
+	L.PASSIVE                 = SPELL_PASSIVE
+	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Default"
+	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Harmful actions"
+	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Helpful actions"
+	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Out of Combat"
+	L.CLICKSET_BEARFORM       = "Bear Form"
+	L.CLICKSET_CATFORM        = "Cat Form"
+    L.CLICKSET_AQUATICFORM    = "Aquatic Form"
+	L.CLICKSET_TRAVELFORM     = "Travel Form"
+	L.CLICKSET_MOONKINFORM    = "Moonkin Form"
+	L.CLICKSET_TREEOFLIFE     = "Tree of Life Form"
+	L.CLICKSET_SHADOWFORM     = "Shadowform"
+	L.CLICKSET_STEALTHED      = "Stealthed"
+	L.BEAR_FORM = "Bear Form"
+	L.DIRE_BEAR_FORM = "Dire Bear Form"
+	L.CAT_FORM = "Cat Form"
+	L.AQUATIC_FORM = "Aquatic Form"
+	L.TRAVEL_FORM = "Travel Form"
+	L.TREEOFLIFE = "Tree of Life"
+	L.MOONKIN_FORM = "Moonkin Form"
+	L.STEALTH = "Stealth"
+	L.SHADOWFORM = "Shadowform"
+	L.BATTLESTANCE = "Battle Stance"
+	L.DEFENSIVESTANCE = "Defensive Stance"
+	L.BERSERKERSTANCE = "Berserker Stance"
+	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Binding not defined"
+	L.CANNOT_CHANGE_COMBAT    = "Cannot make changes in combat.  These changes will be delayed until you exit combat."
+	L.APPLY_QUEUE             = "Out of combat.  Applying all queued changes."
+	L.PROFILE_CHANGED         = "Profile has changed to '%s'."
+	L.PROFILE_DELETED         = "Profile '%s' has been deleted."
+	L.PROFILE_RESET         = "Your profile '%s' has been reset."
+	L.ACTION_ACTIONBAR = "Change ActionBar"
+	L.ACTION_ACTION = "Action Button"
+	L.ACTION_PET = "Pet Action Button"
+	L.ACTION_SPELL = "Cast Spell"
+	L.ACTION_ITEM = "Use Item"
+	L.ACTION_MACRO = "Run Custom Macro"
+	L.ACTION_STOP = "Stop Casting"
+	L.ACTION_TARGET = "Target Unit"
+	L.ACTION_FOCUS = "Set Focus"
+	L.ACTION_ASSIST = "Assist Unit"
+	L.ACTION_CLICK = "Click Button"
+	L.ACTION_MENU = "Show Menu"
+	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Welcome to Clique.  For basic operation, you can navigate the spellbook and decide what spell you'd like to bind to a specific click.  Then click on that spell with whatever click-binding you would like.  For example, navigate to \"Flash Heal\" and shift-LeftClick on it to bind that spell to Shift-LeftClick."
+	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "This is the Clique custom edit screen.  From here you can configure any of the combinations that the UI makes available to us in response to clicks.  Select a base action from the left column.  You can then click on the button below to set the binding you'd like, and then supply the arguments required (if any)."
+	L.BS_ACTIONBAR_HELP = "Change the actionbar.  'increment' will move it up one page, 'decrement' does the opposite.  If you supply a number, the action bar will be turned to that page.  You can specify 1,3 to toggle between pages 1 and 3"
+	L.BS_ACTION_HELP = "Simulate a click on an action button.  Specify the number of the action button."
+	L.BS_ACTION_ARG1_LABEL = "Button Number:"
+	L.BS_ACTION_ARG2_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_PET_HELP = "Simulate a click on an pet's action button.  Specify the number of the button."
+	L.BS_PET_ARG1_LABEL = "Pet Button Number:"
+	L.BS_PET_ARG2_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_HELP = "Cast a spell from the spellbook.  Takes a spell name, and optionally a bag and slot, or item name to use as the target of the spell (i.e. Feed Pet)"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG1_LABEL = "Spell Name:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG2_LABEL = "*Rank/Bag Number:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG3_LABEL = "*Slot Number:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG4_LABEL = "*Item Name:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG5_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_HELP = "Use an item.  Can take either a bag and slot, or an item name."
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG1_LABEL = "Bag Number:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG2_LABEL = "Slot Number:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG3_LABEL = "Item Name:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG4_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_MACRO_HELP = "Use a custom macro in a given index"
+	L.BS_MACRO_ARG1_LABEL = "Macro Index:"
+	L.BS_MACRO_ARG2_LABEL = "Macro Text:"
+	L.BS_STOP_HELP = "Stops casting the current spell"
+	L.BS_TARGET_HELP = "Targets the unit"
+	L.BS_TARGET_ARG1_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_FOCUS_HELP = "Sets your \"focus\" unit"
+	L.BS_FOCUS_ARG1_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_ASSIST_HELP = "Assists the unit"
+	L.BS_ASSIST_ARG1_LABEL = "(Optional) Unit:"
+	L.BS_CLICK_HELP = "Simulate click on a button"
+	L.BS_CLICK_ARG1_LABEL = "Button Name:"
+	L.BS_MENU_HELP = "Shows the unit pop up menu"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Localization.fr.lua b/Localization.fr.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9979c77..0000000
--- a/Localization.fr.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-    Localisation for frFR.  Any commented lines need to be updated
-local L = Clique.Locals
-if GetLocale() == "frFR" then
-	L.RANK                    = "Rang"
-	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "Rang (%d+)"
-	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(Rang %d)"
---	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Racial Passive"
---	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Default"
---	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Harmful actions"
---	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Helpful actions"
---	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Out of Combat"
---	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Binding not defined"
---	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Welcome to Clique.  For basic operation, you can navigate the spellbook and decide what spell you'd like to bind to a specific click.  Then click on that spell with whatever click-binding you would like.  For example, navigate to \"Flash Heal\" and shift-LeftClick on it to bind that spell to Shift-LeftClick."
---	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "This is the Clique custom edit screen.  From here you can configure any of the combinations that the UI makes available to us in response to clicks.  Select a base action from the left column.  You can then click on the button below to set the binding you'd like, and then supply the arguments required (if any)."
diff --git a/Localization.frFR.lua b/Localization.frFR.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9979c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization.frFR.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+    Localisation for frFR.  Any commented lines need to be updated
+local L = Clique.Locals
+if GetLocale() == "frFR" then
+	L.RANK                    = "Rang"
+	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "Rang (%d+)"
+	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(Rang %d)"
+--	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Racial Passive"
+--	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Default"
+--	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Harmful actions"
+--	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Helpful actions"
+--	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Out of Combat"
+--	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Binding not defined"
+--	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Welcome to Clique.  For basic operation, you can navigate the spellbook and decide what spell you'd like to bind to a specific click.  Then click on that spell with whatever click-binding you would like.  For example, navigate to \"Flash Heal\" and shift-LeftClick on it to bind that spell to Shift-LeftClick."
+--	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "This is the Clique custom edit screen.  From here you can configure any of the combinations that the UI makes available to us in response to clicks.  Select a base action from the left column.  You can then click on the button below to set the binding you'd like, and then supply the arguments required (if any)."
diff --git a/Localization.koKR.lua b/Localization.koKR.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8b63ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization.koKR.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+    Localisation for koKR.  Any commented lines need to be updated
+local L = Clique.Locals
+if GetLocale() == "koKR" then
+	L.RANK                    = "레벨"
+	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "(%d+) 레벨"
+	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(%d 레벨)"
+--	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Racial Passive"
+--	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Default"
+--	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Harmful actions"
+--	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Helpful actions"
+--	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Out of Combat"
+--	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Binding not defined"
+--	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Welcome to Clique.  For basic operation, you can navigate the spellbook and decide what spell you'd like to bind to a specific click.  Then click on that spell with whatever click-binding you would like.  For example, navigate to \"Flash Heal\" and shift-LeftClick on it to bind that spell to Shift-LeftClick."
+--	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "This is the Clique custom edit screen.  From here you can configure any of the combinations that the UI makes available to us in response to clicks.  Select a base action from the left column.  You can then click on the button below to set the binding you'd like, and then supply the arguments required (if any)."
diff --git a/Localization.kr.lua b/Localization.kr.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e8b63ec..0000000
--- a/Localization.kr.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-    Localisation for koKR.  Any commented lines need to be updated
-local L = Clique.Locals
-if GetLocale() == "koKR" then
-	L.RANK                    = "레벨"
-	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "(%d+) 레벨"
-	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(%d 레벨)"
---	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Racial Passive"
---	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Default"
---	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Harmful actions"
---	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Helpful actions"
---	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Out of Combat"
---	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Binding not defined"
---	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Welcome to Clique.  For basic operation, you can navigate the spellbook and decide what spell you'd like to bind to a specific click.  Then click on that spell with whatever click-binding you would like.  For example, navigate to \"Flash Heal\" and shift-LeftClick on it to bind that spell to Shift-LeftClick."
---	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "This is the Clique custom edit screen.  From here you can configure any of the combinations that the UI makes available to us in response to clicks.  Select a base action from the left column.  You can then click on the button below to set the binding you'd like, and then supply the arguments required (if any)."
diff --git a/Localization.zh.lua b/Localization.zh.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0127f81..0000000
--- a/Localization.zh.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-    Localisation for zhCN.  Any commented lines need to be updated
-local L = Clique.Locals
-if GetLocale() == "zhCN" then
-	L.RANK                    = "等级"
-	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "等级 (%d+)"
-	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(等级 %d)"
---	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "Racial Passive"
---	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "Default"
---	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "Harmful actions"
---	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "Helpful actions"
---	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "Out of Combat"
---	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "Binding not defined"
---	L.HELP_TEXT               = "Welcome to Clique.  For basic operation, you can navigate the spellbook and decide what spell you'd like to bind to a specific click.  Then click on that spell with whatever click-binding you would like.  For example, navigate to \"Flash Heal\" and shift-LeftClick on it to bind that spell to Shift-LeftClick."
---	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "This is the Clique custom edit screen.  From here you can configure any of the combinations that the UI makes available to us in response to clicks.  Select a base action from the left column.  You can then click on the button below to set the binding you'd like, and then supply the arguments required (if any)."
diff --git a/Localization.zhCN.lua b/Localization.zhCN.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ebbf0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization.zhCN.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+-- Localization                                                              --
+-- Simple Chinese Translated by 昏睡墨鱼&Costa<CWDG>                         --
+local L = Clique.Locals
+if GetLocale() == "zhCN" then
+	L.RANK                    = "等级"
+	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "等级 (%d+)"
+	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(等级 %s)"
+	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "种族被动技能"
+	L.PASSIVE                 = SPELL_PASSIVE
+	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "默认"
+	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "对敌方动作"
+	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "对友方动作"
+	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "非战斗中动作"
+	L.CLICKSET_BEARFORM       = "熊形态"
+	L.CLICKSET_CATFORM        = "猎豹形态"
+	L.CLICKSET_STEALTHED      = "潜行状态"
+	L.BEAR_FORM = "熊形态"
+	L.DIRE_BEAR_FORM = "巨熊形态"
+	L.CAT_FORM = "猎豹形态"
+	L.AQUATIC_FORM = "水栖形态"
+	L.TRAVEL_FORM = "旅行形态"
+	L.MOONKIN_FORM = "枭兽形态"
+	L.STEALTH = "潜行状态"
+	L.SHADOWFORM = "暗影形态"
+	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "未定义绑定"
+	L.CANNOT_CHANGE_COMBAT    = "战斗状态中无法改变. 这些改变被推迟到脱离战斗状态后."
+	L.APPLY_QUEUE             = "脱离战斗状态.  进行所有预定了的改变."
+	L.PROFILE_CHANGED         = "已经切换到设置 '%s'."
+	L.PROFILE_DELETED         = "你的设置 '%s' 已经被删除."
+	L.PROFILE_RESET         = "你的设置 '%s' 已经被重值."
+	L.ACTION_ACTION = "动作按钮"
+	L.ACTION_PET = "宠物动作按钮"
+	L.ACTION_SPELL = "释放法术"
+	L.ACTION_ITEM = "使用物品"
+	L.ACTION_MACRO = "运行自定义宏"
+	L.ACTION_STOP = "终止施法"
+	L.ACTION_TARGET = "目标单位"
+	L.ACTION_FOCUS = "指定目标单位"
+	L.ACTION_ASSIST = "协助某单位"
+	L.ACTION_CLICK = "点击按钮"
+	L.ACTION_MENU = "显示菜单"
+	L.HELP_TEXT               = "欢迎使用Clique.  最基本的操作,你可以浏览法术书然后给喜欢的法术绑定按键.例如,你可以找到\快速治疗\ 然后按住shift点左键,这样shift+左键就被设置为释放快速治疗了."
+	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "这是Clique自定义窗口.在这里,你可以设置任何点击影射到界面允许的组合按键. 从左侧选择一个基本的动作,然后可以可以点击下边的按钮来映射到任何你希望的操作. "
+	L.BS_ACTIONBAR_HELP = "切换动作条.  'increment' 会向后翻一页, 'decrement' 则相反. 如果你提供了一个编号, 动作条就会翻到那一页.你可以定义1,3来在1和3页之间翻动."
+	L.BS_ACTION_HELP = "将一种点击影射到某动作条的按钮上. 请指定动作条的编号."
+	L.BS_ACTION_ARG1_LABEL = "按钮编号:"
+	L.BS_ACTION_ARG2_LABEL = "(可选) 单位:"
+	L.BS_PET_HELP = "将一种点击影射到宠物动作条的按钮上.  请指定按钮编号."
+	L.BS_PET_ARG1_LABEL = "宠物按钮编号:"
+	L.BS_PET_ARG2_LABEL = "(可选) 单位:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_HELP = "从法术书上选择施法. 设定法术名称, 以及包裹与物品槽编号或者物品名称(可选), 来对目标进行施法 (例如喂养宠物)"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG1_LABEL = "法术名称:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG2_LABEL = "*包裹编号:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG3_LABEL = "*物品槽编号:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG4_LABEL = "*物品名称:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG5_LABEL = "(可选) 单位:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_HELP = "使用一个物品. 可以通过包裹与物品槽的编号,或者物品名称来指定."
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG1_LABEL = "包裹编号:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG2_LABEL = "物品槽编号:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG3_LABEL = "物品名称:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG4_LABEL = "(可选) 单位:"
+	L.BS_MACRO_HELP = "使用给定索引的自定义宏"
+	L.BS_MACRO_ARG1_LABEL = "宏索引:"
+	L.BS_MACRO_ARG2_LABEL = "宏内容:"
+	L.BS_STOP_HELP = "中断当前施法"
+	L.BS_TARGET_HELP = "将单位设定为目标"
+	L.BS_TARGET_ARG1_LABEL = "(可选) 单位:"
+	L.BS_FOCUS_HELP = "设定你的 \"目标\" 单位"
+	L.BS_FOCUS_ARG1_LABEL = "(可选) 单位:"
+	L.BS_ASSIST_HELP = "协助某单位"
+	L.BS_ASSIST_ARG1_LABEL = "(可选) 单位:"
+	L.BS_CLICK_HELP = "使用按钮模拟点击"
+	L.BS_CLICK_ARG1_LABEL = "按钮名称:"
+	L.BS_MENU_HELP = "显示单位的弹出菜单"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Localization.zhTW.lua b/Localization.zhTW.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fdb35c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization.zhTW.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+-- Localization                                                              --
+-- Simple Chinese Translated by 昏睡墨魚&Costa<CWDG>                         --
+local L = Clique.Locals
+if GetLocale() == "zhTW" then
+	L.RANK                    = "等級"
+	L.RANK_PATTERN            = "等級 (%d+)"
+	L.CAST_FORMAT             = "%s(等級 %s)"
+	L.RACIAL_PASSIVE          = "種族被動技能"
+	L.PASSIVE                 = SPELL_PASSIVE
+	L.CLICKSET_DEFAULT        = "默認"
+	L.CLICKSET_HARMFUL        = "對敵方動作"
+	L.CLICKSET_HELPFUL        = "對友方動作"
+	L.CLICKSET_OOC            = "非戰鬥中動作"
+	L.CLICKSET_BEARFORM       = "熊形態"
+	L.CLICKSET_CATFORM        = "獵豹形態"
+	L.CLICKSET_STEALTHED      = "潛行狀態"
+	L.BEAR_FORM = "熊形態"
+	L.DIRE_BEAR_FORM = "巨熊形態"
+	L.CAT_FORM = "獵豹形態"
+	L.AQUATIC_FORM = "水棲形態"
+	L.TRAVEL_FORM = "旅行形態"
+	L.MOONKIN_FORM = "梟獸形態"
+	L.STEALTH = "潛行狀態"
+	L.SHADOWFORM = "暗影形態"
+	L.BINDING_NOT_DEFINED     = "未定義綁定"
+	L.CANNOT_CHANGE_COMBAT    = "戰鬥狀態中無法改變. 這些改變被推遲到脫離戰鬥狀態後."
+	L.APPLY_QUEUE             = "脫離戰鬥狀態.  進行所有預定了的改變."
+	L.PROFILE_CHANGED         = "已經切換到設置 '%s'."
+	L.PROFILE_DELETED         = "你的設置 '%s' 已經被刪除."
+	L.PROFILE_RESET         = "你的設置 '%s' 已經被重值."
+	L.ACTION_ACTION = "動作按鈕"
+	L.ACTION_PET = "寵物動作按鈕"
+	L.ACTION_SPELL = "釋放法術"
+	L.ACTION_ITEM = "使用物品"
+	L.ACTION_MACRO = "運行自定義宏"
+	L.ACTION_STOP = "終止施法"
+	L.ACTION_TARGET = "目標單位"
+	L.ACTION_FOCUS = "指定目標單位"
+	L.ACTION_ASSIST = "協助某單位"
+	L.ACTION_CLICK = "點擊按鈕"
+	L.ACTION_MENU = "顯示功能表"
+	L.HELP_TEXT               = "歡迎使用Clique.  最基本的操作,你可以流覽法術書然後給喜歡的法術綁定按鍵.例如,你可以找到\快速治療\ 然後按住shift點左鍵,這樣shift+左鍵就被設置為釋放快速治療了."
+	L.CUSTOM_HELP             = "這是Clique自定義視窗.在這裏,你可以設置任何點擊影射到介面允許的組合按鍵. 從左側選擇一個基本的動作,然後可以可以點擊下邊的按鈕來映射到任何你希望的操作. "
+	L.BS_ACTIONBAR_HELP = "切換動作條.  'increment' 會向後翻一頁, 'decrement' 則相反. 如果你提供了一個編號, 動作條就會翻到那一頁.你可以定義1,3來在1和3頁之間翻動."
+	L.BS_ACTION_HELP = "將一種點擊影射到某動作條的按鈕上. 請指定動作條的編號."
+	L.BS_ACTION_ARG1_LABEL = "按鈕編號:"
+	L.BS_ACTION_ARG2_LABEL = "(可選) 單位:"
+	L.BS_PET_HELP = "將一種點擊影射到寵物動作條的按鈕上.  請指定按鈕編號."
+	L.BS_PET_ARG1_LABEL = "寵物按鈕編號:"
+	L.BS_PET_ARG2_LABEL = "(可選) 單位:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_HELP = "從法術書上選擇施法. 設定法術名稱, 以及包裹與物品槽編號或者物品名稱(可選), 來對目標進行施法 (例如餵養寵物)"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG1_LABEL = "法術名稱:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG2_LABEL = "*包裹編號:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG3_LABEL = "*物品槽編號:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG4_LABEL = "*物品名稱:"
+	L.BS_SPELL_ARG5_LABEL = "(可選) 單位:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_HELP = "使用一個物品. 可以通過包裹與物品槽的編號,或者物品名稱來指定."
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG1_LABEL = "包裹編號:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG2_LABEL = "物品槽編號:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG3_LABEL = "物品名稱:"
+	L.BS_ITEM_ARG4_LABEL = "(可選) 單位:"
+	L.BS_MACRO_HELP = "使用給定索引的自定義巨集"
+	L.BS_MACRO_ARG1_LABEL = "巨集索引:"
+	L.BS_MACRO_ARG2_LABEL = "巨集內容:"
+	L.BS_STOP_HELP = "中斷當前施法"
+	L.BS_TARGET_HELP = "將單位設定為目標"
+	L.BS_TARGET_ARG1_LABEL = "(可選) 單位:"
+	L.BS_FOCUS_HELP = "設定你的 \"目標\" 單位"
+	L.BS_FOCUS_ARG1_LABEL = "(可選) 單位:"
+	L.BS_ASSIST_HELP = "協助某單位"
+	L.BS_ASSIST_ARG1_LABEL = "(可選) 單位:"
+	L.BS_CLICK_HELP = "使用按鈕類比點擊"
+	L.BS_CLICK_ARG1_LABEL = "按鈕名稱:"
+	L.BS_MENU_HELP = "顯示單位的彈出功能表"