
DJBags initial commit -- New and improved

Brandon Talbot [06-29-16 - 18:33]
DJBags initial commit -- New and improved
diff --git a/.idea/DJBags.iml b/.idea/DJBags.iml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6ebd48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/DJBags.iml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
+  <component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
+    <exclude-output />
+    <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$" />
+    <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
+    <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
+  </component>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/base/djclass.lua b/src/lua/base/djclass.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 157a374..0000000
--- a/src/lua/base/djclass.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
--- local NAME, ADDON = ...
-function class(...)
-    local arg1 = ...
-    local base
-    if type(arg1) == 'table' and arg1.__djclass then
-        base = arg1
-    end
-    local c = {}
-    c.__index = c
-    c.__djclass = true
-    c.type = select(base and 2 or 1, ...) or base and base.type
-    c.inherits = select(base and 3 or 2, ...) or base and base.inherits
-    if base then
-        for k, v in pairs(base) do
-            c[k] = v
-        end
-    end
-    setmetatable(c, {
-        __call = function(table, ...)
-            local name
-            if table.type then
-                name = ...
-                assert(name and type(name) == 'string', 'DJClass needs a name (first argument) when creating an object for WoWs frame content')
-            end
-            local obj
-            if name then
-                obj = {} -- CreateFrame(name, table.type, UIParent, table.inherits)
-            else
-                obj = {}
-            end
-            for k, v in pairs(table) do
-                obj[k] = v
-            end
-            if obj.init and type(obj.init) == 'function' then
-                obj:init(select(name and 2 or 1, ...))
-            end
-            return obj
-        end
-    })
-    return c
-local A = class('FRAME')
-function A:init(string)
-    self.name = string
-local B = class(A)
-function B:init(name, text)
-    A.init(self, name)
-    self.text = text
-function B:print()
-    print(self.name, self.text)
-local b = B('Namerize', 'Text', 'Face')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/cache/cache.lua b/src/lua/cache/cache.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a967be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/cache/cache.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.cache = {}
+ADDON.cache.__index = ADDON.cache
+local cache = ADDON.cache
+cache.items = {}
+cache.bagContainers = {}
+function cache:GetItem(bag, slot)
+    self.items[bag] = self.items[bag] or {}
+    self.items[bag][slot] = self.items[bag][slot] or ADDON.item(bag, slot)
+    return self.items[bag][slot]
+function cache:GetBagItemContainer(name)
+    self.bagContainers[name] = self.bagContainers[name] or ADDON.itemContainer(name, name ~= ADDON.utils.EMPTY_BAG_NAME, nil, name == ADDON.utils.EMPTY_BAG_NAME)
+    return self.bagContainers[name]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/controllers/bag.lua b/src/lua/controllers/bag.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa9510b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/controllers/bag.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.bag = {}
+ADDON.bag.__index = ADDON.bag
+local bag = ADDON.bag
+function bag:Init()
+    self.frame = ADDON.categoryContainer('DJBagsBagCategoryContainer', UIParent)
+    self.frame:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', -200, 200)
+    self.frame:SetUserPlaced(true)
+    self.frame:Hide()
+    self.frame.mainBar = ADDON.mainBar(self.frame)
+    self.frame.mainBar:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self.frame, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 0, -2)
+    self.frame.mainBar:Show()
+function bag:Open()
+    self:Register()
+    self:UpdateAllItems()
+    self.frame.mainBar:Update()
+    self.frame:Show()
+function bag:Close()
+    self:UnRegister()
+    self.frame:Hide()
+function bag:Toggle()
+    if self.frame:IsVisible() then
+        self:Close()
+    else
+        self:Open()
+    end
+local function UpdateItemsForBag(self, bag, arrangeList)
+    for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do
+        local item = ADDON.cache:GetItem(bag, slot)
+        local previousContainer
+        if item:GetParent() and item:GetParent().__class == ADDON.itemContainer.__class then
+            previousContainer = item:GetParent()
+        end
+        item:Update()
+        local newContainer = ADDON.cache:GetBagItemContainer(ADDON.utils:GetItemContainerName(bag, slot))
+        self.frame:AddContainer(newContainer)
+        if previousContainer ~= newContainer then
+            if previousContainer then
+                previousContainer:RemoveItem(item)
+                arrangeList[previousContainer] = true
+            end
+            newContainer:AddItem(item)
+            arrangeList[newContainer] = true
+        end
+    end
+function bag:UpdateAllItems()
+    local arrangeList = {}
+    for bag = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do
+        UpdateItemsForBag(self, bag, arrangeList)
+    end
+    for container, _ in pairs(arrangeList) do
+        container:Arrange()
+    end
+    self.frame:Arrange()
+function bag:UpdateAllItemsForBag(bag)
+    local arrangeList = {}
+    UpdateItemsForBag(self, bag, arrangeList)
+    for container, _ in pairs(arrangeList) do
+        container:Arrange()
+    end
+    self.frame:Arrange()
+function bag:Register()
+    ADDON.eventManager:AddEvent(self, 'INVENTORY_SEARCH_UPDATE')
+    ADDON.eventManager:AddEvent(self, 'BAG_UPDATE')
+    ADDON.eventManager:AddEvent(self, 'BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN')
+    ADDON.eventManager:AddEvent(self, 'ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED')
+function bag:UnRegister()
+    ADDON.eventManager:RemoveEvent(self, 'INVENTORY_SEARCH_UPDATE')
+    ADDON.eventManager:RemoveEvent(self, 'BAG_UPDATE')
+    ADDON.eventManager:RemoveEvent(self, 'BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN')
+    ADDON.eventManager:RemoveEvent(self, 'ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED')
+function bag:BAG_UPDATE(bag)
+    if bag >= 0 and bag <= NUM_BAG_SLOTS then
+        self:UpdateAllItemsForBag(bag)
+    end
+    for bag = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do
+        for _, item in pairs(ADDON.cache:GetItemsForBag(bag)) do
+            item:UpdateSearch()
+        end
+    end
+function bag:BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN()
+    for bag = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do
+        for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do
+            local item = ADDON.cache:GetItem(bag, slot)
+            item:UpdateCooldown()
+        end
+    end
+function bag:ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED(bag, slot)
+    if bag >= 0 and bag <= NUM_BAG_SLOTS then
+        ADDON.cache:GetItem(bag, slot):UpdateLock()
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/core.lua b/src/lua/core.lua
index 4f05f6d..c4887fa 100644
--- a/src/lua/core.lua
+++ b/src/lua/core.lua
@@ -1 +1,35 @@
-local NAME, ADDON = ...
\ No newline at end of file
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.core = {}
+ADDON.core.__index = ADDON.core
+local core = ADDON.core
+--region Events
+function core:ADDON_LOADED(name)
+    if name ~= NAME then return end
+    ADDON.settingsController:Init()
+    ADDON.bag:Init()
+    ADDON.eventManager:RemoveEvent(self, 'ADDON_LOADED')
+ADDON.eventManager:AddEvent(core, 'ADDON_LOADED')
+--region Slash Commands
+SLASH_DJBAGS1, SLASH_DJBAGS2 = '/db', '/djbags'; -- 3.
+function SlashCmdList.DJBAGS(msg, editbox) -- 4.
+--    ADDON.bag:Open()
+SLASH_RELOAD1 = '/rl'
+function SlashCmdList.RELOAD(msg, editbox) -- 4.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/elements/bagBar.lua b/src/lua/elements/bagBar.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d92cfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/elements/bagBar.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+-- User: Brandon James Talbot
+-- Date: 2016/06/29
+-- Time: 6:04 PM
diff --git a/src/lua/elements/categoryContainer.lua b/src/lua/elements/categoryContainer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d35d461
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/elements/categoryContainer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.categoryContainer = {}
+ADDON.categoryContainer.__index = ADDON.categoryContainer
+local container = ADDON.categoryContainer
+container.containers = {}
+setmetatable(container, {
+    __call = function(tbl, name, parent)
+        local frame = ADDON.container(name, parent)
+        for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+            frame[k] = v
+        end
+        frame:Init()
+        frame:Setup()
+        return frame
+    end
+function container:Init()
+    table.insert(UISpecialFrames, self:GetName())
+    self:SetMovable(true)
+    self:EnableMouse(true)
+    self:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
+    self:SetScript("OnDragStart", self.StartMoving)
+    self:SetScript("OnDragStop", self.StopMovingOrSizing)
+function container:Setup()
+    ADDON.container.Setup(self)
+    local settings = ADDON.settings.categoryContainer
+    self.padding = settings.padding
+    self.spacing = settings.spacing
+    self.sortFunction = ADDON.sorters.containers[settings.sortFunction]
+    self.maxHeight = settings.maxHeight
+function container:AddContainer(container)
+    self.containers[container] = true
+function container:Arrange()
+    local list = self.containers
+    local x = -self.padding
+    local y = self.padding
+    local width = 0
+    local height = 0
+    for item in ADDON.utils:PairsByKey(list, self.sortFunction) do
+        item:ClearAllPoints()
+        item:SetParent(self)
+        if item:IsEmpty() then
+            item:Hide()
+        else
+            item:Show()
+            if (y + item:GetHeight() + self.spacing) > self.maxHeight then
+                y = self.padding
+                x = x - item:GetWidth() - self.spacing
+            end
+            item:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', x, y)
+            height = math.max(height, y + item:GetHeight() + self.padding)
+            width = math.max(width, -x + self.padding + item:GetWidth())
+            y = y + self.spacing + item:GetHeight()
+        end
+    end
+    self:SetSize(width, height)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/elements/categorydialog.lua b/src/lua/elements/categorydialog.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f6e1bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/elements/categorydialog.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.categoryDialog = {}
+ADDON.categoryDialog.__index = ADDON.categoryDialog
+local dialog = ADDON.categoryDialog
+setmetatable(dialog, {
+    __call = function(self, id)
+        self:Show(id)
+    end
+function dialog:Show(id)
+    if not id then return end
+    local frame = self:GetFrame(id)
+    self.id = id
+    frame:Show()
+function dialog:GetFrame(id)
+    if not self.frame then
+        self:CreateFrame()
+    end
+    self.frame:Setup()
+    self:Init(id)
+    return self.frame
+function OnDropDownClick(self)
+    UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(dialog.dropDown, self:GetID())
+    dialog:SetText(self.value)
+function InitDropDown(self, level)
+    local unique = {}
+    for _, v in pairs(ADDON.settings.categories.userDefined) do
+        unique[v] = true
+    end
+    if next(unique) ~= nil then
+        local info
+        for k, _ in pairs(unique) do
+            info = UIDropDownMenu_CreateInfo()
+            info.text = k
+            info.value = k
+            info.func = OnDropDownClick
+            UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, level)
+        end
+    end
+function dialog:Init(id)
+    --    local name, link, quality, iLevel, reqLevel, class, subclass, maxStack, equipSlot, texture, vendorPrice = GetItemInfo(id)
+    self.title:SetText(string.format('Change %s\'s category?', 'Test Name'))
+    -- TODO add texture
+    UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(self.dropDown, InitDropDown)
+    self.errorText:Hide()
+    local text = ADDON.settings.categories.userDefined[id] or ''
+    self:SetText(text)
+function dialog:SetText(text)
+    self.editBox:SetText(text)
+function dialog:CreateFrame()
+    self.frame = ADDON.container('DJBagsCategoryDialog')
+    self.frame:SetPoint('CENTER')
+    table.insert(UISpecialFrames, self.frame:GetName())
+    self.title = self.frame:CreateFontString('DJBagsCategoryDialogTitle', 'OVERLAY')
+    self.title:SetFont('Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF', 18, 'OUTLINE')
+    self.title:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
+    self.title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 5, -5)
+    self.title:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -5, -5)
+    self.editBox = CreateFrame('EDITBOX', 'DJBagsCategoryDialogEdit', self.frame)
+    self.editBox:SetHeight(20)
+    self.editBox:SetFontObject("GameFontHighlight")
+    self.editBox:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.title, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -15)
+    self.editBox:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self.frame, 'RIGHT', -140, 0)
+    self.editBox:SetBackdrop({
+        bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+        edgeFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8",
+        tile = true,
+        tileSize = 16,
+        edgeSize = 1,
+    })
+    self.editBox:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1)
+    self.editBox:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
+    self.errorText = self.frame:CreateFontString('DJBagsCategoryDialogTitle', 'OVERLAY')
+    self.errorText:SetFont('Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF', 18, 'OUTLINE')
+    self.errorText:SetTextColor(1, 0, 0, 1)
+    self.errorText:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self.editBox, 'TOPLEFT', -5, 0)
+    self.errorText:SetText('A Category name needs to be entered!')
+    self.errorText:Hide()
+    self.dropDown = CreateFrame("Button", "DJBagsCategoryDialogDropDown", self.frame, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate")
+    self.dropDown:SetPoint('LEFT', self.editBox, 'RIGHT')
+    UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(self.dropDown, 100);
+    UIDropDownMenu_SetButtonWidth(self.dropDown, 124)
+    UIDropDownMenu_JustifyText(self.dropDown, "LEFT")
+    self.resetBtn = CreateFrame('BUTTON', 'DJBagsCategoryDialogResetButton', self.frame)
+    self.resetBtn:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontHighlight")
+    self.resetBtn:SetSize(75, 20)
+    self.resetBtn:SetText("Clear")
+    self.resetBtn:SetBackdrop({
+        bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+        edgeFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8",
+        tile = true,
+        tileSize = 16,
+        edgeSize = 1,
+    })
+    self.resetBtn:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1)
+    self.resetBtn:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
+    self.resetBtn:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self.frame, 'BOTTOMLEFT', 5, 5)
+    self.resetBtn:SetScript('OnClick', function()
+        ADDON.settings.categories.userDefined[dialog.id] = nil
+        ADDON.eventManager:FireEvent('SETTINGS_UPDATE')
+        dialog.frame:Hide()
+    end)
+    self.okBtn = CreateFrame('BUTTON', 'DJBagsCategoryDialogOkButton', self.frame)
+    self.okBtn:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontHighlight")
+    self.okBtn:SetSize(75, 20)
+    self.okBtn:SetText("OK")
+    self.okBtn:SetBackdrop({
+        bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+        edgeFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8",
+        tile = true,
+        tileSize = 16,
+        edgeSize = 1,
+    })
+    self.okBtn:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1)
+    self.okBtn:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
+    self.okBtn:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.frame, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', -5, 5)
+    self.okBtn:SetScript('OnClick', function()
+        local text = dialog.editBox:GetText()
+        dialog.errorText:Hide()
+        if not text or text ~= '' then
+            ADDON.settings.categories.userDefined[dialog.id] = text
+            ADDON.eventManager:FireEvent('SETTINGS_UPDATE')
+            dialog.frame:Hide()
+        else
+            dialog.errorText:Show()
+        end
+    end)
+    self.cancelBtn = CreateFrame('BUTTON', 'DJBagsCategoryDialogCancelButton', self.frame)
+    self.cancelBtn:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontHighlight")
+    self.cancelBtn:SetSize(75, 20)
+    self.cancelBtn:SetText("Cancel")
+    self.cancelBtn:SetBackdrop({
+        bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+        edgeFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8",
+        tile = true,
+        tileSize = 16,
+        edgeSize = 1,
+    })
+    self.cancelBtn:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1)
+    self.cancelBtn:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
+    self.cancelBtn:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', self.okBtn, 'TOPLEFT', -5, 0)
+    self.cancelBtn:SetScript('OnClick', function()
+        dialog.frame:Hide()
+    end)
+    self.frame:SetWidth(350)
+    self.frame:SetHeight(90)
diff --git a/src/lua/elements/container.lua b/src/lua/elements/container.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bbf102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/elements/container.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.container = {}
+ADDON.container.__index = ADDON.container
+local container = ADDON.container
+setmetatable(container, {
+    __call = function(tbl, name, parent)
+        local frame = CreateFrame('FRAME', 'DJBagContainer_' .. (name or ADDON.uuid()), parent or UIParent)
+        frame.name = name
+        for key, value in pairs(tbl) do
+            frame[key] = value
+        end
+        frame:Setup()
+        return frame
+    end
+function container:Setup()
+    local settings = ADDON.settings.container
+    self:SetBackdrop({
+        -- TODO remove all hardcoded shit
+        bgFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
+        edgeFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8",
+        tile = true,
+        tileSize = 16,
+        edgeSize = settings.borderWidth,
+    })
+    self:SetBackdropColor(unpack(settings.backgroundColor))
+    self:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(settings.borderColor))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/elements/item.lua b/src/lua/elements/item.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19f980a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/elements/item.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.item = {}
+ADDON.item.__index = ADDON.item
+local item = ADDON.item
+setmetatable(item, {
+    __call = function(tbl, bag, slot)
+        local parent = CreateFrame('FRAME', string.format('DJBagsItemParent%d_%d', bag, slot))
+        parent.button = CreateFrame('BUTTON', string.format('DJBagsItem%d_%d', bag, slot), parent, 'ContainerFrameItemButtonTemplate')
+        parent:SetID(bag)
+        parent.button:SetID(slot)
+        for key, value in pairs(tbl) do
+            parent[key] = value
+        end
+        parent:Init()
+        parent:Setup()
+        return parent
+    end
+function item:Init()
+    self.button:ClearAllPoints()
+    self.button:SetAllPoints()
+    self.button.IconBorder:ClearAllPoints()
+    self.button.IconBorder:SetAllPoints()
+    self.button:SetNormalTexture([[Interface\Common\WhiteIconFrame]])
+    self.button:GetNormalTexture():ClearAllPoints()
+    self.button:GetNormalTexture():SetAllPoints()
+    self.button.NewItemTexture:ClearAllPoints()
+    self.button.NewItemTexture:SetAllPoints()
+    self.button.flash:ClearAllPoints()
+    self.button.flash:SetAllPoints()
+    self.button.quest = _G[self.button:GetName() .. "IconQuestTexture"]
+    self.button.quest:ClearAllPoints()
+    self.button.quest:SetAllPoints()
+    self.button.cooldown = _G[self.button:GetName() .. "Cooldown"]
+    self.button:Show()
+function item:Setup()
+    local settings = ADDON.settings.item
+    self:SetSize(settings.size, settings.size)
+    local name, _, outline = self.button.Count:GetFont()
+    self.button.Count:SetFont(name, math.min(settings.size / 4, 13), outline)
+--region Update Events
+local function UpdateQuest(self, isQuestItem, questId, isActive)
+    if (questId and not isActive) then
+        self.button.quest:SetTexture(TEXTURE_ITEM_QUEST_BANG)
+        self.button.quest:Show()
+    elseif (questId or isQuestItem) then
+        self.button.quest:SetTexture(TEXTURE_ITEM_QUEST_BORDER)
+        self.button.quest:Show()
+    else
+        self.button.quest:Hide()
+    end
+local function UpdateNewItemAnimations(self, isNewItem, isBattlePayItem, quality)
+    if (isNewItem) then
+        if (isBattlePayItem) then
+            self.button.NewItemTexture:Hide()
+            self.button.BattlepayItemTexture:Show()
+        else
+            if (quality and NEW_ITEM_ATLAS_BY_QUALITY[quality]) then
+                self.button.NewItemTexture:SetAtlas(NEW_ITEM_ATLAS_BY_QUALITY[quality]);
+            else
+                self.button.NewItemTexture:SetAtlas("bags-glow-white");
+            end
+            self.button.BattlepayItemTexture:Hide();
+            self.button.NewItemTexture:Show();
+        end
+        if (not self.button.flashAnim:IsPlaying() and not self.button.newitemglowAnim:IsPlaying()) then
+            self.button.flashAnim:Play();
+            self.button.newitemglowAnim:Play();
+        end
+    else
+        self.button.BattlepayItemTexture:Hide();
+        self.button.NewItemTexture:Hide();
+        if (self.button.flashAnim:IsPlaying() or self.button.newitemglowAnim:IsPlaying()) then
+            self.button.flashAnim:Stop();
+            self.button.newitemglowAnim:Stop();
+        end
+    end
+local function UpdateFiltered(self, filtered, shouldDoRelicChecks, itemID)
+    if (filtered) then
+        self.button.searchOverlay:Show();
+    else
+        self.button.searchOverlay:Hide();
+        if shouldDoRelicChecks then
+            ContainerFrame_ConsiderItemButtonForRelicTutorial(self.button, itemID);
+        end
+    end
+local function UpdateCountcolour(self, equipable, quality)
+    if (equipable) then
+        self.button.Count:SetVertexColor(BAG_ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality].r, BAG_ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality].g, BAG_ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[quality].b)
+    else
+        self.button.Count:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1)
+    end
+local function UpdateCooldown(self)
+    if not GetContainerItemID(self:GetID(), self.button:GetID()) then
+        self.button.cooldown:Hide()
+        return
+    end
+    local start, duration, enable = GetContainerItemCooldown(self:GetID(), self.button:GetID());
+    CooldownFrame_Set(self.button.cooldown, start, duration, enable);
+    if (duration > 0 and enable == 0) then
+        SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(self.button, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
+    else
+        SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(self.button, 1, 1, 1);
+    end
+function item:Update()
+    local texture, count, locked, quality, _, _, _, filtered, _, id = GetContainerItemInfo(self:GetID(), self.button:GetID())
+    local isQuestItem, questId, isActive = GetContainerItemQuestInfo(self:GetID(), self.button:GetID())
+    local isNewItem = C_NewItems.IsNewItem(self:GetID(), self.button:GetID())
+    local isBattlePayItem = IsBattlePayItem(self:GetID(), self.button:GetID())
+    local shouldDoRelicChecks = not BagHelpBox:IsShown() and not GetCVarBitfield("closedInfoFrames", LE_FRAME_TUTORIAL_ARTIFACT_RELIC_MATCH)
+    local equipable = IsEquippableItem(id)
+    if (equipable) then
+        count = count > 1 and count or select(4, GetItemInfo(id))
+    end
+    self.id = id
+    self.name = id and select(1, GetItemInfo(id)) or ''
+    self.quality = quality or 0
+    self.ilevel = id and select(4, GetItemInfo(id)) or 0
+    SetItemButtonTexture(self.button, texture)
+    SetItemButtonQuality(self.button, quality, id)
+    SetItemButtonCount(self.button, count)
+    SetItemButtonDesaturated(self.button, locked)
+    UpdateQuest(self, isQuestItem, questId, isActive)
+    UpdateNewItemAnimations(self, isNewItem, isBattlePayItem, quality)
+    UpdateFiltered(self, filtered, shouldDoRelicChecks, id)
+    UpdateCountcolour(self, equipable, quality)
+    UpdateCooldown(self)
+function item:UpdateCooldown()
+    UpdateCooldown(self)
+function item:UpdateSearch()
+    local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, filtered, _, id = GetContainerItemInfo(self:GetID(), self.button:GetID())
+    local shouldDoRelicChecks = not BagHelpBox:IsShown() and not GetCVarBitfield("closedInfoFrames", LE_FRAME_TUTORIAL_ARTIFACT_RELIC_MATCH)
+    UpdateFiltered(self, filtered, shouldDoRelicChecks, id)
+function item:UpdateLock()
+    local locked = select(3, GetContainerItemInfo(self:GetID(), self.button:GetID()))
+    SetItemButtonDesaturated(self.button, locked);
+function item:OnClick()
+    if self.id then
+        if IsAltKeyDown() and IsControlKeyDown() then
+            --            ADDON.categoryInput(self, self.id)
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/elements/itemContainer.lua b/src/lua/elements/itemContainer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efef94a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/elements/itemContainer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.itemContainer = {}
+ADDON.itemContainer.__index = ADDON.itemContainer
+ADDON.itemContainer.__class = 'ItemContainer'
+local container = ADDON.itemContainer
+setmetatable(container, {
+    __call = function(tbl, name, hasTitle, parent, max)
+        local frame = ADDON.container(name, parent)
+        frame.max = max
+        for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+            frame[k] = v
+        end
+        frame:Init(hasTitle)
+        frame:Setup()
+        return frame
+    end
+function container:Init(hasTitle)
+    self.items = {}
+    if hasTitle == nil or hasTitle then
+        self.title = self:CreateFontString(self:GetName() .. 'Title', 'OVERLAY')
+    end
+function container:Setup()
+    ADDON.container.Setup(self)
+    local settings = ADDON.settings.itemContainer
+    self.padding = settings.padding
+    self.spacing = settings.spacing
+    self.cols = settings.cols
+    self.sortFunction = ADDON.sorters.items[settings.sortFunction]
+    if self.title then
+        self.title:SetFont(settings.font, settings.fontSize, '')
+        self.title:SetText(self.name)
+        self.title:SetTextColor(unpack(settings.fontColor))
+        self.title:ClearAllPoints()
+        self.title:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.padding, -self.padding)
+        self.title:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', -self.padding, -self.padding)
+        self.title.margin = settings.titleMargin
+    end
+function container:AddItem(item)
+    if item:GetParent() ~= self then
+        self.items[item] = true
+    end
+function container:RemoveItem(item)
+    self.items[item] = nil
+function container:Arrange()
+    local list = self.items
+    local x = self.padding
+    local y = -self.padding - (self.title and (self.title:GetStringHeight() + self.title.margin) or 0)
+    local width
+    local height = 0
+    local cnt = 0
+    for item, _ in ADDON.utils:PairsByKey(list, self.sortFunction) do
+        item:ClearAllPoints()
+        item:SetParent(self)
+        if self.max and cnt >= self.cols then
+            item:Hide()
+        else
+            item:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', x, y)
+            item:Show()
+            width = width or self.cols * (self.spacing + item:GetWidth()) - self.spacing + self.padding * 2
+            height = math.max(height, -y + item:GetHeight() + self.padding)
+            cnt = cnt + 1
+            if cnt % self.cols == 0 then
+                y = y - self.spacing - item:GetHeight()
+                x = self.padding
+            else
+                x = x + self.spacing + item:GetWidth()
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    if width then
+        self:SetSize(width, height)
+    end
+function container:IsEmpty()
+    return next(self.items) == nil
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/elements/mainBar.lua b/src/lua/elements/mainBar.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5645dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/elements/mainBar.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.mainBar = {}
+ADDON.mainBar.__index = ADDON.mainBar
+local bar = ADDON.mainBar
+setmetatable(bar, {
+    __call = function(tbl, parent)
+        local container = ADDON.container('DJBagsMoneyBar', parent)
+        for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+            container[k] = v
+        end
+        container:Init()
+        container:Setup()
+        return container
+    end
+function bar:Init()
+    self:SetMovable(true)
+    self:EnableMouse(true)
+    self:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
+    self:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(self, ...)
+        if self:GetParent() then
+            self:GetParent():StartMoving(...)
+        end
+    end)
+    self:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(self, ...)
+        if self:GetParent() then
+            self:GetParent():StopMovingOrSizing(...)
+        end
+    end)
+    self.currencyBox = CreateFrame('FRAME', 'DJBagsMainBarCurrencyBox', self)
+    self.currency = self.currencyBox:CreateFontString('DJBagMainBarCurrencyText', 'OVERLAY')
+    self.currency:SetAllPoints()
+    self.currencyBox:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 5, -5)
+    self.currencyBox:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', 5, 5)
+    self.searchBox = CreateFrame('EDITBOX', 'DJBagsMainBarSearch', self, 'BagSearchBoxTemplate')
+    self.searchBox:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.currencyBox, 'TOPRIGHT', 10, 0)
+    self.searchBox:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self.currencyBox, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 10, 0)
+    self.searchBox:SetWidth(125)
+    self.slots = self:CreateFontString('DJBagMainBarSlotsText', 'OVERLAY')
+    self.slots:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.searchBox, 'TOPRIGHT', 5, 0)
+    self.slots:SetPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', self.searchBox, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 5, 0)
+    self.currencyBox:SetScript('OnEnter', function()
+        local cnt = GetCurrencyListSize()
+        GameTooltip:SetOwner(self.currencyBox, "ANCHOR_NONE")
+        GameTooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self.currencyBox, "TOPLEFT")
+        GameTooltip:SetText("Currency")
+        for index = 1, cnt do
+            local name, _, _, _, _, count, texture, _, _, _, _ = GetCurrencyListInfo(index)
+            if count ~= 0 and texture ~= nil then
+                GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(name, count .. " |T" .. texture .. ":16|t", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
+            end
+        end
+        GameTooltip:Show()
+    end)
+    self.currencyBox:SetScript('OnLeave', function()
+        GameTooltip:Hide()
+    end)
+function bar:Setup()
+    ADDON.container.Setup(self)
+    local settings = ADDON.settings.moneyBar
+    self.currency:SetFont(settings.currencyFont, settings.currencyFontSize, '')
+    self.currency:SetTextColor(unpack(settings.currencyFontColor))
+    self.slots:SetFont(settings.slotsFont, settings.slotsFontSize, '')
+    self.slots:SetTextColor(unpack(settings.slotsFontColor))
+function bar:Update()
+    self.currency:SetText(GetCoinTextureString(GetMoney()))
+    local total, free = 0, 0
+    for bag = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do
+        total = total + GetContainerNumSlots(bag)
+        free = free + GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bag)
+    end
+    self.slots:SetText(string.format("%d/%d", total - free, total))
+    self.currencyBox:SetWidth(self.currency:GetStringWidth())
+    self:SetSize(self.currency:GetStringWidth() + self.slots:GetStringWidth() + 165, self.currency:GetStringHeight() + 12)
diff --git a/src/lua/event/eventManager.lua b/src/lua/event/eventManager.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7540ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/event/eventManager.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+local eventFrame = CreateFrame("FRAME", "DJBagsEventsFrame", nil)
+eventFrame.types = {}
+function eventFrame:FireEvent(event, ...)
+    if not self.types[event] then return end
+    for k, _ in pairs(self.types[event]) do
+        if k[event] then
+            k[event](k, ...)
+        end
+    end
+eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", eventFrame.AddEvent)
+function eventFrame:AddEvent(obj, event)
+    if not obj[event] then return end
+    if not self.types[event] then
+        self.types[event] = {}
+        self:RegisterEvent(event)
+    end
+    self.types[event][obj] = true
+function eventFrame:RemoveEvent(obj, event)
+    if not self.types[event] and not self.types[event][obj] then return end
+    self.types[event][obj] = nil
+    if #self.types[event] <= 0 then
+        self:UnregisterEvent(event)
+    end
+ADDON.eventManager = eventFrame
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/settings/defaults/category.lua b/src/lua/settings/defaults/category.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2455a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/settings/defaults/category.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.settings = ADDON.settings or {}
+ADDON.settings.categories = {
+    subClass = {
+        [LE_ITEM_CLASS_CONSUMABLE] = true,
+        [LE_ITEM_CLASS_CONTAINER] = false,
+        [LE_ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON] = false,
+        [LE_ITEM_CLASS_GEM] = false,
+        [LE_ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR] = false,
+        [LE_ITEM_CLASS_TRADEGOODS] = true,
+        [LE_ITEM_CLASS_RECIPE] = false,
+        [LE_ITEM_CLASS_QUESTITEM] = false,
+        [LE_ITEM_CLASS_GLYPH] = false,
+        [LE_ITEM_CLASS_BATTLEPET] = false,
+    },
+    userDefined = {
+        [12] = 'Testerize',
+        [154] = 'ASD',
+        [124] = 'ZXC',
+    }
diff --git a/src/lua/settings/defaults/categoryContainer.lua b/src/lua/settings/defaults/categoryContainer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd59d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/settings/defaults/categoryContainer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.settings = ADDON.settings or {}
+ADDON.settings.categoryContainer = {
+    padding = 5,
+    spacing = 3,
+    maxHeight = 450,
+    sortFunction = 'default',
diff --git a/src/lua/settings/defaults/container.lua b/src/lua/settings/defaults/container.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b57935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/settings/defaults/container.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.settings = ADDON.settings or {}
+ADDON.settings.container = {
+    borderColor = { 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.9 },
+    borderWidth = 1,
+    backgroundColor = { 0, 0, 0, 0.6 },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/settings/defaults/item.lua b/src/lua/settings/defaults/item.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29c84f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/settings/defaults/item.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.settings = ADDON.settings or {}
+ADDON.settings.item = {
+    size = 32,
diff --git a/src/lua/settings/defaults/itemContainer.lua b/src/lua/settings/defaults/itemContainer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd258e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/settings/defaults/itemContainer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.settings = ADDON.settings or {}
+ADDON.settings.itemContainer = {
+    spacing = 3,
+    padding = 5,
+    cols = 5,
+    font = 'Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF',
+    fontSize = 13,
+    fontColor = { 0.5, 1, 0.5, 1 },
+    titleMargin = 5,
+    sortFunction = 'default',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/settings/defaults/mainBar.lua b/src/lua/settings/defaults/mainBar.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac9eeb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/settings/defaults/mainBar.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.settings = ADDON.settings or {}
+ADDON.settings.moneyBar = {
+    currencyFontSize = 12,
+    currencyFontColor = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
+    currencyFont = 'Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF',
+    slotsFontSize = 12,
+    slotsFontColor = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
+    slotsFont = 'Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF',
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/settings/settings.lua b/src/lua/settings/settings.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52a6385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/settings/settings.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.settingsController = {}
+local settings = ADDON.settingsController
+settings.__index = settings
+--region Events
+function settings:Init()
+    self:GetCharacterSettings()
+function settings:GetCharacterSettings()
+    local realm = GetRealmName()
+    local player = UnitName("player")
+    if DJBagsConfig and DJBagsConfig[realm] and DJBagsConfig[realm][player] then
+        --        ADDON.settings = DJBagsConfig[realm][player]
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/sorters/containers.lua b/src/lua/sorters/containers.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac5109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/sorters/containers.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.sorters = ADDON.sorters or {}
+ADDON.sorters.containers = {
+    ['default'] = function(A, B)
+        if A.name == ADDON.utils.EMPTY_BAG_NAME then
+            return true
+        elseif B.name == ADDON.utils.EMPTY_BAG_NAME then
+            return false
+        else
+            return A.name > B.name
+        end
+    end,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/sorters/items.lua b/src/lua/sorters/items.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be0e56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/sorters/items.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+ADDON.sorters = ADDON.sorters or {}
+ADDON.sorters.items = {
+    ['default'] = function(A, B)
+        if A.quality == B.quality then
+            if A.ilevel == B.ilevel then
+                return A.name < B.name
+            end
+            return A.ilevel > B.ilevel
+        end
+        return A.quality > B.quality
+    end,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lua/utils/utils.lua b/src/lua/utils/utils.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..921092b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lua/utils/utils.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+local NAME, ADDON = ...
+local random = math.random
+ADDON.uuid = function()
+    local template = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
+    return string.gsub(template, '[xy]', function(c)
+        local v = (c == 'x') and random(0, 0xf) or random(8, 0xb)
+        return string.format('%x', v)
+    end)
+ADDON.utils = {}
+ADDON.utils.__index = ADDON.utils
+local utils = ADDON.utils
+function utils:PairsByKey(tbl, sortFunction)
+    local keys = {}
+    for k in pairs(tbl) do
+        tinsert(keys, k)
+    end
+    table.sort(keys, sortFunction)
+    local index = 0
+    return function()
+        index = index + 1
+        return keys[index], tbl[keys[index]]
+    end
+function utils:GetItemContainerName(bag, slot)
+    local id = GetContainerItemID(bag, slot)
+    if id then
+        local name, link, quality, iLevel, reqLevel, className, subClassName, maxStack, equipSlot, texture, vendorPrice, cId, sCId = GetItemInfo(id)
+        local isInSet, setName = GetContainerItemEquipmentSetInfo(bag, slot)
+        if quality == LE_ITEM_QUALITY_POOR then
+            return subClassName
+        end
+        if isInSet then
+            return setName
+        end
+        local userDefinedList = ADDON.settings.categories.userDefined
+        if userDefinedList[id] then
+            return userDefinedList[id]
+        end
+        local subClassSplitList = ADDON.settings.categories.subClass
+        if subClassSplitList[cId] then
+            return className .. ' ' .. subClassName
+        end
+        return className
+    end
+    return self.EMPTY_BAG_NAME
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/manifest.xml b/src/manifest.xml
index 5e4e862..b1ce275 100644
--- a/src/manifest.xml
+++ b/src/manifest.xml
@@ -1,32 +1,39 @@
 <Ui xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/  http://wowprogramming.com/FrameXML/UI.xsd">
+    <!-- Class -->
+    <Script file="src/lua/base/djclass.lua"/>
     <!-- Utils -->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/util/uuid.lua"/>-->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/util/util.lua"/>-->
+    <Script file="src/lua/utils/utils.lua"/>

     <!-- Cache -->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/cache/cache.lua"/>-->
+    <Script file="src/lua/cache/cache.lua"/>

     <!-- Settings -->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/settings/defaults/item.lua"/>-->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/settings/defaults/container.lua"/>-->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/settings/defaults/itemContainer.lua"/>-->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/settings/defaults/category.lua"/>-->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/settings/defaults/categoryContainer.lua"/>-->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/settings/defaults/moneyBar.lua"/>-->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/settings/settings.lua"/>-->
+    <Script file="src/lua/settings/defaults/item.lua"/>
+    <Script file="src/lua/settings/defaults/container.lua"/>
+    <Script file="src/lua/settings/defaults/itemContainer.lua"/>
+    <Script file="src/lua/settings/defaults/category.lua"/>
+    <Script file="src/lua/settings/defaults/categoryContainer.lua"/>
+    <Script file="src/lua/settings/defaults/mainBar.lua"/>
+    <Script file="src/lua/settings/settings.lua"/>
+    <!-- sorters -->
+    <Script file="src/lua/sorters/items.lua"/>
+    <Script file="src/lua/sorters/containers.lua"/>

     <!-- Tools -->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/event/eventManager.lua"/>-->
+    <Script file="src/lua/event/eventManager.lua"/>

     <!-- elements -->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/element/item.lua"/>-->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/element/container.lua"/>-->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/element/itemContainer.lua"/>-->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/element/categoryContainer.lua"/>-->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/element/moneyBar.lua"/>-->
+    <Script file="src/lua/elements/item.lua"/>
+    <Script file="src/lua/elements/container.lua"/>
+    <Script file="src/lua/elements/itemContainer.lua"/>
+    <Script file="src/lua/elements/categoryContainer.lua"/>
+    <Script file="src/lua/elements/mainBar.lua"/>
+    <Script file="src/lua/elements/categoryDialog.lua"/>

     <!-- Controller -->
-    <!--<Script file="src/lua/controller/bag.lua"/>-->
+    <Script file="src/lua/controllers/bag.lua"/>

     <!-- Core (Load last) -->
     <Script file="src/lua/core.lua"/>