
Initial addon work

Brandon James Talbot [12-28-15 - 16:57]
Initial addon work
diff --git a/DJUI.toc b/DJUI.toc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0902994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DJUI.toc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+## Interface: 60200
+## Author: Darkjaguar91
+## Version: 0.01
+## Title: DJUI
+## Notes: NOTE!!.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bag/bag.lua b/bag/bag.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b10eac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bag/bag.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+function DJUIBag_OnLoad(self)
+	SetPortraitToTexture(self.portrait, "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_EngGizmos_30")
+	self.items = {}
+	for idx = 1, 24 do
+		local item = CreateFrame("Button", "DJUIBagItem" .. idx, self, "DJUIBagItemTemplate")
+		self.items[idx] = item
+		if idx == 1 then
+			item:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 40, -73)
+		elseif idx == 7 or idx == 13 or idx == 19 then
+			item:SetPoint("TopLeft", self.items[idx -6], "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -7)
+		else
+			item:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.items[idx - 1], "TOPRIGHT", 12, 0)
+		end
+	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bag/bag.xml b/bag/bag.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec936dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bag/bag.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/  http://wowprogramming.com/FrameXML/UI.xsd">
+	<Button name="DJUIBagItemTemplate" virtual="true">
+		<Size>
+			<AbsDimension x="37" y="37"/>
+		</Size>
+		<Layers>
+			<Layer level="BORDER">
+				<Texture name="$parentIconTexture" parentKey="icon"/>
+				<FontString hidden="true" inherits="NumberFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" name="$parentCount" parentKey="count">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT">
+							<Offset>
+								<AbsDimension x="-5" y="2"/>
+							</Offset>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+			</Layer>
+			<Layer level="OVERLAY">
+				<Texture alphaMode="ADD" file="Interface\Buttons\UI-ActionButton-Border" name="$parentGlow" parentKey="glow">
+					<Size x="70" y="70"/>
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
+					</Anchors>
+					<Color a="0.6" b="1.0" g="1.0" r="1.0"/>
+				</Texture>
+			</Layer>
+		</Layers>
+		<NormalTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-Quickslot2" name="$parentNormalTexture">
+			<Size>
+				<AbsDimension x="64" y="64"/>
+			</Size>
+			<Anchors>
+				<Anchor point="CENTER">
+					<Offset>
+						<AbsDimension x="0" y="-1"/>
+					</Offset>
+				</Anchor>
+			</Anchors>
+		</NormalTexture>
+		<PushedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-Quickslot-Depress"/>
+		<HighlightTexture alphaMode="ADD" file="Interface\Buttons\ButtonHilight-Square"/>
+	</Button>
+	<Frame name="DJUIBag" parent="UIParent">
+		<Size x="384" y="512"/>
+		<Anchors>
+			<Anchor point="CENTER" relativePoint="CENTER" relativeTo="UIParent"/>
+		</Anchors>
+		<Layers>
+			<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
+				<Texture file="Interface\Icons\INV_Misc_EngGizmos_30" name="$parent_Portrait" parentKey="portrait">
+					<Size x="60" y="60"/>
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
+							<Offset x="7" y="-6"/>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</Texture>
+			</Layer>
+			<Layer level="OVERLAY">
+				<FontString inherits="GameFontNormal" name="$parent_Title" parentKey="title" text="Title thingy">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOP">
+							<Offset x="0" y="-18"/>
+						</Anchor>
+					</Anchors>
+				</FontString>
+			</Layer>
+			<Layer level="BORDER">
+				<Texture file="Interface\BankFrame\UI-BankFrame-TopLeft">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/>
+					</Anchors>
+				</Texture>
+				<Texture file="Interface\BankFrame\UI-BankFrame-TopRight">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT"/>
+					</Anchors>
+				</Texture>
+				<Texture file="Interface\BankFrame\UI-BankFrame-BotLeft">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT"/>
+					</Anchors>
+				</Texture>
+				<Texture file="Interface\BankFrame\UI-BankFrame-BotRight">
+					<Anchors>
+						<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
+					</Anchors>
+				</Texture>
+			</Layer>
+		</Layers>
+		<Scripts>
+			<OnLoad function="DJUIBag_OnLoad"/>
+		</Scripts>
+	</Frame>
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