
Adding error messages to debug function, fixed a typo

James Whitehead II [08-17-08 - 13:31]
Adding error messages to debug function, fixed a typo
diff --git a/DressToKill.lua b/DressToKill.lua
index 6a3884a..624edcd 100644
--- a/DressToKill.lua
+++ b/DressToKill.lua
@@ -8,7 +8,12 @@ local DEBUG = false
 local function debug(fmt, ...)
 	local msg = "|cffffff78DressToKill:|r "
 	if select("#", ...) > 0 then
-		msg = msg .. fmt:format(...)
+		local succ,err = pcall(string.format, fmt, ...)
+		if not succ then
+			error(debugstack())
+		else
+			msg = msg .. err
+		end
 		msg = msg .. fmt
@@ -176,7 +181,7 @@ local function scanFunction(weightFunction)
 			debug(L["Successfully equipped %s"], link)
 			local mh_link = GetInventoryItemLink("player", mainslot)
 			local mh_score = weightFunction(mh_link, mainslot) - mh_base
-			debug(L["Mainhand score: %d"], score)
+			debug(L["Mainhand score: %d"], mh_score)

 			if not IsEquippedItemType("Two-Hand") then
 				debug(L["This is a one hand weapon, try offhand weapons"])