
Initial commit

James Whitehead II [08-14-08 - 12:25]
Initial commit
diff --git a/Babelfish.lua b/Babelfish.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84e67a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Babelfish.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+local strings = {}
+for i=1,#arg do
+	local file = io.open(arg[i], "r")
+	assert(file, "Could not open " .. arg[i])
+	local text = file:read("*all")
+	for match in string.gmatch(text, "L%[\"(.-)\"%]") do
+		strings[match] = true
+	end
+local work = {}
+for k,v in pairs(strings) do table.insert(work, k) end
+print("DressToKillLocals = {")
+for idx,match in ipairs(work) do
+	local val = match
+	print(string.format("\t[\"%s\"] = \"%s\",", match, val))
+print("setmetatable(DressToKillLocals, {__index=function(t,k) rawset(t, k, k); return k; end})")
diff --git a/DressToKill.lua b/DressToKill.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd0173d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DressToKill.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+-- Copyright 2008 James Whitehead II
+-- Credits for name 'DressToKill' go to Aska on StormReaver(EU)
+DressToKill = {}
+local L = DressToKillLocals
+local DEBUG = true
+local function debug(fmt, ...)
+	if DEBUG then
+		local msg = "|cffffff78DressToKill:|r "
+		if select("#", ...) > 0 then
+			msg = msg .. fmt:format(...)
+		else
+			msg = msg .. fmt
+		end
+		ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg)
+	end
+local slotNames = {
+	BackSlot = L["Back"],
+	ChestSlot = L["Chest"],
+	FeetSlot = L["Feet"],
+	Finger0Slot = L["Left Finger"],
+	Finger1Slot = L["Right Finger"],
+	HeadSlot = L["Head"],
+	HandsSlot = L["Hands"],
+	LegsSlot = L["Legs"],
+	MainHandSlot = L["Main Hand"],
+	NeckSlot = L["Neck Slot"],
+	RangedSlot = L["Ranged Slot"],
+	--SecondaryHandSlot = L["Secondary Hand"],
+	ShoulderSlot = L["Shoulders"],
+	Trinket0Slot = L["Trinket 0"],
+	Trinket1Slot = L["Trinket 1"],
+	WaistSlot = L["Waist"],
+	WristSlot = L["Wrist"],
+local slotIds = {}
+function DressToKill:Initialize()
+	debug(L["Scanning for inventory slot Ids"])
+	for slot in pairs(slotNames) do
+		local id = GetInventorySlotInfo(slot)
+		if id then
+			slotIds[slot] = id
+		else
+			local err = string.format(L["Could not get inventory slot information for %s"], tostring(slot))
+			error(err)
+			return
+		end
+	end
+function DressToKill:FindEmptySlot()
+	for bag=0,4 do
+		for slot=1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do
+			if not GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot) then
+				return bag, slot
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local function scanFunction()
+	debug(L["Beginning an inventory scan"])
+	local blacklist = {}
+	local slotAvail = {}
+	for slotName,slotId in pairs(slotIds) do
+		local avail = GetInventoryItemsForSlot(slotId)
+		if next(avail) then
+			slotAvail[slotId] = avail
+		end
+	end
+	local stash = {}
+	-- Loop through all of the inventory slots
+	for slotId,avail in pairs(slotAvail) do
+		local maxScore, winner = 0, nil
+		local link = GetInventoryItemLink("player", slotId)
+		if link then
+			-- We current have an item equipped, so stash that item elsewhere
+			local bag,slot = DressToKill:FindEmptySlot()
+			if not bag or not slot then
+				debug(L["Out of inventory space, cannot proceed"])
+				return
+			end
+			stash.bag = bag
+			stash.slot = slot
+			PickupInventoryItem(slotId)
+			PickupContainerItem(bag, slot)
+			coroutine.yield()
+		end
+		-- Loop through all of the available items, and try equipping each of them
+		for mask,item in pairs(avail) do
+			if not blacklist[mask] then
+				local equipped = DressToKill:EquipItem(slotId, mask, stash)
+				if equipped then
+					local score = DressToKill:EvaluateScore()
+					if score >= maxScore then
+						maxScore = score
+						winner = mask
+					end
+					-- Unequip the item
+					DressToKill:UnequipItem(slotId, mask, stash)
+				else
+					debug(L["Item not equipped... skipping..."])
+				end
+			else
+				debug(L["Item blacklisted, skipping..."])
+			end
+		end
+		-- Now equip the item that won this round and blacklist
+		debug(L["Equipping winning item"])
+		DressToKill:EquipItem(slotId, winner, stash)
+		blacklist[winner] = true
+	end
+	debug(L["All done trying clothes on!"])
+function DressToKill:EvaluateScore()
+	--local base,pos,neg = UnitAttackPower("player")
+	--return base + pos - neg
+	--[[
+	local health = UnitHealthMax("player")
+	local base, pos, neg = UnitArmor("player")
+	local armor = base + pos - neg
+	local score = (health * 0.8) + (armor * 1.0)
+	return score
+	-- 1.0/0.8 - 7430 health, 7910 armor
+	-- 1.0/1.0 - 7430 health, 7910 armor
+	-- 0.8/1.0 - 7390 health, 7948 armor
+	--]]
+	local mana = UnitManaMax("player")
+	local healing = GetSpellBonusHealing()
+	local score = (mana * 1.0) + (healing * 1.0)
+	return score
+function DressToKill:EquipItem(slotId, mask, stash)
+	local bag,slot = DressToKill:ItemInBag(mask)
+	local eqslot = DressToKill:ItemEquipped(mask)
+	if bag then
+		-- Equip the item
+		PickupContainerItem(bag, slot)
+		EquipCursorItem(slotId)
+		local equipped = coroutine.yield()
+		return equipped
+	elseif eqslot then
+		-- The item was equipped, so find the current slot in the stash
+		PickupContainerItem(stash.bag, stash.slot)
+		EquipCursorItem(slotId)
+		local equipped = coroutine.yield()
+		return equipped
+	end
+function DressToKill:UnequipItem(slotId, mask, stash)
+	local bag,slot = DressToKill:ItemInBag(mask)
+	local eqslot = DressToKill:ItemEquipped(mask)
+	if bag then
+		-- Just put the item back
+		PickupInventoryItem(slotId)
+		PickupContainerItem(bag, slot)
+		coroutine.yield()
+	elseif eqslot then
+		-- Put it back into the stash slot
+		PickupInventoryItem(slotId)
+		PickupContainerItem(stash.bag, stash.slot)
+		coroutine.yield()
+	end
+local eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
+local function OnEvent(self, event)
+	self.equipped = true
+	if event == "EQUIP_BIND_CONFIRM" and CursorHasItem() then
+		self.equipped = false
+		debug(L["Clearing non-soulbound item"])
+		ClearCursor()
+	end
+	local thread = DressToKill.currentThread
+	if thread and coroutine.status(thread) ~= "dead" then
+		self:Show()
+	end
+local function OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
+	self:Hide()
+	local succ,err = coroutine.resume(DressToKill.currentThread, self.equipped)
+	assert(succ, err)
+eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)
+eventFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate)
+SLASH_DRESSTOKILL3 = "/dresstokill"
+SlashCmdList["DRESSTOKILL"] = function(msg, editbox)
+	debug(L["Dressing to kill..."])
+	DressToKill:Initialize()
+	DressToKill.currentThread = coroutine.create(scanFunction)
+	coroutine.resume(DressToKill.currentThread)
+local ITEM_INVENTORY_PLAYER = 0x00100000
+local ITEM_INVENTORY_BACKPACK = 0x00200000
+local ITEM_INVENTORY_BAGS = 0x00400000
+local ITEM_INVENTORY_BANK = 0x00800000
+local MASK_BAG = 0xf00
+local MASK_SLOT = 0x3f
+local bagMap = {
+	[0x100] = 1,
+	[0x200] = 2,
+	[0x400] = 3,
+	[0x800] = 4,
+function DressToKill:ItemInBag(mask)
+	if bit.band(mask, ITEM_INVENTORY_BAGS) > 0 then
+		local bag = bagMap[bit.band(mask, MASK_BAG)]
+		local slot = bit.band(mask, MASK_SLOT)
+		return bag, slot
+	elseif bit.band(mask, ITEM_INVENTORY_BACKPACK) > 0 then
+		local slot = bit.band(mask, MASK_SLOT)
+		return 0, slot
+	end
+function DressToKill:ItemEquipped(mask)
+	if bit.band(mask, ITEM_INVENTORY_PLAYER) > 0 then
+		local slot = bit.band(mask, MASK_SLOT)
+		return slot
+	end
+ITEM_INVENTORY_LOCATION_BAGS            = 0x00400000
+ITEM_INVENTORY_LOCATION_BANK            = 0x00800000
+-- With four netherweave bags:
+-- In backpack, slots 1 -> 16
+-- 001100000000000000000001
+-- 001100000000000000000010
+-- ...
+-- 001100000000000000010000
+-- First bag, slots 1 -> 16
+-- 010000000000000100000001
+-- ...
+-- 010000000000000100010000
+-- Second bag, slots 1 -> 16
+-- 010000000000001000000001
+-- ...
+-- 010000000000001000010000
+-- Third bag, slots 1 -> 16
+-- 010000000000010000000001
+-- ...
+-- 010000000000010000010000
+-- Fourth bag, slots 1 -> 16
+-- 010000000000100000000001
+-- ...
+-- 010000000000100000010000
+-- Hands(10)
+-- 000100000000000000001010
+-- Waist(6)
+-- 000100000000000000000110
+-- Finger0(11)
+-- 000100000000000000001011
+-- Finger1(12)
+-- 000100000000000000001011
diff --git a/DressToKill.toc b/DressToKill.toc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1f1d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DressToKill.toc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+## Interface: 20400
+## Title: DressToKill
+## Version: wowi:revision
+## Notes: When you go out, make sure you're prepared to kill..
+## Author: Cladhaire
+## SavedVariables: DressToKillDB
diff --git a/Localization.enUS.lua b/Localization.enUS.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..437d5fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Localization.enUS.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+DressToKillLocals = {
+	["All done trying clothes on!"] = "All done trying clothes on!",
+	["Back"] = "Back",
+	["Beginning an inventory scan"] = "Beginning an inventory scan",
+	["Chest"] = "Chest",
+	["Clearing non-soulbound item"] = "Clearing non-soulbound item",
+	["Could not get inventory slot information for %s"] = "Could not get inventory slot information for %s",
+	["Dressing to kill..."] = "Dressing to kill...",
+	["Equipping winning item"] = "Equipping winning item",
+	["Feet"] = "Feet",
+	["Hands"] = "Hands",
+	["Head"] = "Head",
+	["Item blacklisted, skipping..."] = "Item blacklisted, skipping...",
+	["Item not equipped... skipping..."] = "Item not equipped... skipping...",
+	["Left Finger"] = "Left Finger",
+	["Legs"] = "Legs",
+	["Main Hand"] = "Main Hand",
+	["Neck Slot"] = "Neck Slot",
+	["Out of inventory space, cannot proceed"] = "Out of inventory space, cannot proceed",
+	["Ranged Slot"] = "Ranged Slot",
+	["Right Finger"] = "Right Finger",
+	["Scanning for inventory slot Ids"] = "Scanning for inventory slot Ids",
+	["Secondary Hand"] = "Secondary Hand",
+	["Shoulders"] = "Shoulders",
+	["Trinket 0"] = "Trinket 0",
+	["Trinket 1"] = "Trinket 1",
+	["Waist"] = "Waist",
+	["Wrist"] = "Wrist",
+setmetatable(DressToKillLocals, {__index=function(t,k) rawset(t, k, k); return k; end})