
Remove non-functional shapeshift code due to protected CastShapefiftForm method

Tek Hudson [10-02-19 - 15:22]
Remove non-functional shapeshift code due to protected CastShapefiftForm method
diff --git a/DruidBar.lua b/DruidBar.lua
index 705bbc5..75d6863 100644
--- a/DruidBar.lua
+++ b/DruidBar.lua
@@ -763,103 +763,3 @@ function DruidBar_ColorAndStrataAndTexture()
-function UIErrorsFrame:realEcho()
-function UIErrorsFrame:fakeEcho(str, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6)
-  --DruidBar_Print(str, a1, a2, a3)
-  --The outdoors message is normally delayed by lag so that it doesn't actually come until after the function is re-enabled.  However, on occasion when the latency is very low and the interface lags, it will come while the function is still disabled.  Allow the message through if this is the case.
-  if(str == "Can only use outside") then
-      UIErrorsFrame:realEcho(str, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6)
-  end
---[[              Shapeshifting Code                    ]]--
---Thanks to mib for this code! it's awesome!
---also thanks to Zevzabich for a bit of help since the pure rapeage of both my character and my lua that is know as 0.10
-function DruidBar_ChangeBestForm()
-	local m_bag = -1;
-	local m_pos = -1;
-	local aq_bag = -1;
-	local aq_pos = -1;
-	-- search position of mount
-	for bag = 0,4 do
-		for i = 1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do
-			local t = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, i)
-			if (t) then
-				if (strfind(t,"\Ability_Mount_")) then
-					m_bag = bag;
-					m_pos = i;
-				end
-				if strfind(t, "\INV_Misc_Horn_01") and strfind(strlower(GetContainerItemLink(bag,i)), "frostwolf") then
-					m_bag = bag;
-					m_pos = i;
-				end
-				if (strfind(t, "INV_Misc_QirajiCrystal")) then
-					aq_bag = bag;
-					aq_pos = i;
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	local _, pqrs = UnitClass("player");
-	if pqrs == "DRUID" then
-		--first hide the error messages
-		--we try to do all 3 at once!
-		UIErrorsFrame.realEcho = UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage;
-		UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = UIErrorsFrame.fakeEcho;
-		if (m_bag > -1 and m_pos > -1) or (aq_bag > -1 and aq_pos > -1) then
-			if strfind(GetRealZoneText(), DRUIDBAR_AQ1) and not strfind(GetRealZoneText(), DRUIDBAR_AQ2) and not strfind(GetRealZoneText(), DRUIDBAR_AQ3) then
-					UseContainerItem(aq_bag, aq_pos);
-				else
-					UseContainerItem(m_bag, m_pos);
-				end
-		end
-		ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm(travelformid);
-		ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm(aquaformid);
-		--then we allow error messages again
-		UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = UIErrorsFrame.realEcho;
-	else
-		local i = 1;
-		--check for high-speed castable mounts.
-		while true do
-			local spellName = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL);
-			if not spellName then
-				do break end
-			end
-			if spellName == DRUIDBAR_CHARGER or spellName == DRUIDBAR_DREAD then
-				CastSpell(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL);
-				return;
-			end
-			i = i + 1;
-		end
-		i = 1;
-		--check for lv40 castable mounts, or ghost wolf.
-		while true do
-			local spellName = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL);
-			if not spellName then
-				do break end
-			end
-			if spellName == DRUIDBAR_FEL or spellName == DRUIDBAR_GHOST or spellName == DRUIDBAR_WAR then
-				CastSpell(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL);
-				return;
-			end
-			i = i + 1;
-		end
-		--nothing yet? let's try to mount normally.
-		UIErrorsFrame.realEcho = UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage;
-		UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = UIErrorsFrame.fakeEcho;
-		--and trying...
-		if (m_bag > -1 and m_pos > -1) or (aq_bag > -1 and aq_pos > -1) then
-			if strfind(GetRealZoneText(), DRUIDBAR_AQ1) and not strfind(GetRealZoneText(), DRUIDBAR_AQ2) and not strfind(GetRealZoneText(), DRUIDBAR_AQ3) then
-					UseContainerItem(aq_bag, aq_pos);
-				else
-					UseContainerItem(m_bag, m_pos);
-				end
-		end
-		--then we allow error messages again
-		UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = UIErrorsFrame.realEcho;
-	end