
fixed for patch 4.3

Dorwido [12-01-11 - 18:07]
fixed for patch 4.3
diff --git a/DungeonJournalEnhanced.lua b/DungeonJournalEnhanced.lua
index a49b4f1..fbdfcf5 100644
--- a/DungeonJournalEnhanced.lua
+++ b/DungeonJournalEnhanced.lua
@@ -1,318 +1,424 @@
-local ns = select( 2, ... )
-local f = CreateFrame("Frame");
-ns.mainframe = f;
-local L = ns.L;
-local currentencounter,lastencounter,currentinstance=-1,0,-1;
-local diffmode = false;
-local EJ_GetSectionInfo_Orig=EJ_GetSectionInfo;
-local DJE_DisplayEncounter_Orig = EncounterJournal_DisplayEncounter;
-local vistable={};
-local usedbuttons =0;
-ns.modules = {"bn"};
-DungeonJournalEnhanced_GConfig = {};
-DungeonJournalEnhanced_PConfig = {};
-function f:EventHandler(event,arg1,...)
-	if(event=="ADDON_LOADED" and arg1=="DungeonJournalEnhanced") then
-		ns.gconf = DungeonJournalEnhanced_GConfig;
-		ns.pconf = DungeonJournalEnhanced_PConfig
-		if(L.HEROIC_DIFFICULTY_SEARCH_WORD == "Heroic Difficulty" and GetLocale()~="enUS") then
-				print("Dungeon Journal Enhanced: Attention the changed spell/add feature is not working, localisation is required, please go to http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/dungeon-journal-enhanced/localization/ and translate the 'HEROIC_DIFFICULTY_SEARCH_WORD' phrase to make the feature work in your language");
-		end
-		f:Init();
-		ns.config:Init();
-		ns:LoadModules();
-		collectgarbage();
-		f:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED");
-	end
-function f:ToggleHeaders(collapse)
-	local used = EncounterJournal.encounter.usedHeaders;
-	local i=1;
-	if(collapse==true) then
-		i = #used;
-	end
-	local header = used[i];
-	local didchange = false;
-	while(header) do
-		if(collapse==true) then
-			i=i-1;
-		else
-			i=i+1;
-		end
-		if(header.expanded == collapse) then
-			_G[header:GetName().."HeaderButton"]:Click();
-		end
-		header = used[i];
-	end
-function DJE_EJ_GetSectionInfo_Hook(sectionid)
-	local fileredByDifficulty = false;
-	local title, description, headerType, abilityIcon, displayInfo, siblingID, nextSectionID, _, link, startsOpen, flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4 = EJ_GetSectionInfo_Orig(sectionid);
-	if(vistable[sectionid]) then
-		if(vistable[sectionid].mode) then
-			if(vistable[sectionid].mode == "add") then
-				title= "|cFF00FF00"..title;
-			elseif(vistable[sectionid].mode == "rem") then
-				title= "|cFFFF0000"..title;
-			else
-				title= "|cFFFFAA00"..title;
-			end
-		end
-	else
-		fileredByDifficulty = true;
-	end
-	return title, description, headerType, abilityIcon, displayInfo,siblingID, nextSectionID, fileredByDifficulty, link, startsOpen, flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4;
-function f:GetCurrentEncounterID()
-	return currentencounter;
-function DJE_DisplayEncounter_Hook(encounterid,arg)
-	currentencounter = encounterid;
-	if(diffmode==true and lastencounter>0 and currentencounter~=lastencounter) then
-		f:ChangeDiffMode();
-	end
-	if (currentencounter ~= lastencounter) then
-		lastencounter=currentencounter;
-	end
-	f.diffbutton:Show();
-	f.expandbutton:Show();
-	f.collapsebutton:Show();
-	if(ns.bn) then
-		ns.bn.notesbutton:Show();
-	end
-	return DJE_DisplayEncounter_Orig(encounterid,arg);
-function f:BossButtonScaler()
-	if (not ns.activeconfig.ScaleBossIcons) then
-		return
-	end
-	f:DoBossButtonScaling(ns.activeconfig.ScaleBossIconsVal);
-function f:DoBossButtonScaling(newscale)
-	for i=1,10 do
-		local button = _G["EJMapButton"..i];
-		if(button) then
-			if (not button.DJE_scaled or button.DJE_scaled~=newscale ) then
-				 if (not button.DJE_scaled) then
-					button.origsize = {button:GetWidth(),button:GetHeight(),button.bgImage:GetWidth(),button.bgImage:GetHeight()}
-				 end
-				button:SetWidth(button.origsize[1]*newscale);
-				button:SetHeight(button.origsize[2]*newscale);
-				button.bgImage:SetWidth(button.origsize[3]*newscale);
-				button.bgImage:SetHeight(button.origsize[4]*newscale);
-				button.DJE_scaled = newscale;
-			end
-		else
-			return;
-		end
-	end
-function f:ShowDiff()
-	f:ChangeDiffMode();
-function f:GetDiff()
-	local _, _, _, rootSectionID = EJ_GetEncounterInfo(currentencounter);
-	wipe(vistable);
-	EncounterJournal.isHeroic = false;
-	EncounterJournal_Refresh()
-	f:GetAllSpells(rootSectionID,"add",0,0);
-	EncounterJournal.isHeroic = true;
-	EncounterJournal_Refresh()
-	f:GetAllSpells(rootSectionID,"rem",0,0);
-	EncounterJournal_Refresh()
-function f:ChangeDiffMode()
-	if(diffmode == true) then
-		diffmode = false;
-		EJ_GetSectionInfo = EJ_GetSectionInfo_Orig;
-		f.diffbutton.selected:Hide();
-		EncounterJournal_Refresh()
-	else
-		EJ_GetSectionInfo = DJE_EJ_GetSectionInfo_Hook;
-		diffmode = true;
-		f.heroicbutton.selected:Show();
-		f.diffbutton.selected:Show();
-		f:GetDiff();
-	end
-function f:GetAllSpells(nextSection,mode,parentid,depth)
-	local title,subsection,heroic,desc;
-	local currentsection;
-	while(nextSection) do
-		local heroicchange;
-		currentsection = nextSection;
-		title, desc, _, _, _, nextSection, subsection, heroic, _, _, _, _, _, _ = EJ_GetSectionInfo_Orig(nextSection);
-		if(mode=="rem") then
-			heroicchange=string.find(desc,L.HEROIC_DIFFICULTY_SEARCH_WORD);
-		end
-		if(heroic or heroicchange) then
-			if (not vistable[currentsection] or not vistable[currentsection].mode) then
-				vistable[currentsection] = {};
-				vistable[currentsection].changed = true;
-				if(heroicchange) then
-					vistable[currentsection].mode = "change";
-				else
-					vistable[currentsection].mode = mode;
-				end
-				if(depth>0) then
-					for i=1,depth do
-						if not (vistable[parentid[i]]) then
-							vistable[parentid[i]] = {};
-							vistable[parentid[i]].changed = false;
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		else
-		end
-		if(subsection) then
-			if(depth == 0) then
-				parentid = {};
-			end
-			parentid[depth+1] = currentsection;
-			f:GetAllSpells(subsection,mode,parentid,depth+1);
-		end
-	end
-function f:SetPosSize()
-	if(ns.activeconfig.position) then
-		EncounterJournal:ClearAllPoints();
-		EncounterJournal:SetPoint(unpack(ns.activeconfig.position));
-	end
-function f:HideButton()
-	if(type(self)=="number") then
-		currentinstance = self;
-		currentencounter = 'i'..currentinstance;
-	else
-		currentinstance =-1;
-	end
-	if(ns.bn ) then
-		if(currentinstance<0) then
-			ns.bn.notesbutton:Hide();
-			ns.bn:HideBossNotes();
-		else
-			ns.bn.notesbutton:Show();
-			ns.bn:HideBossNotes();
-		end
-	end
-	f.expandbutton:Hide();
-	f.collapsebutton:Hide();
-	f.diffbutton:Hide();
-function f:Init()
-	local diffbutton = CreateFrame("Button","DungenJournalEnhancedDiffButton",EncounterJournal,"EncounterDifficultyTemplate");
-	diffbutton:SetText("Diff");
-	--diffbutton:SetHeight(22);
-	--diffbutton:SetWidth(25);
-	diffbutton:SetPoint("RIGHT","EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoHeroicButton",-80,0);
-	diffbutton:Hide();
-	diffbutton:SetScript("OnClick",f.ChangeDiffMode)
-	f.diffbutton = diffbutton;
-	--local button1 = CreateFrame("Button","DungenJournalEnhancedOptionButton",EncounterJournal,"MagicButtonTemplate");
-	--button1:SetText("Open DJE options");
-	--button1:SetWidth(_G[button1:GetName().."Text"]:GetWidth()+10);
-	--button1:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",EncounterJournal,0,-(button1:GetHeight()));
-	--button1:SetScript("onclick",function () InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory("Dungeon Journal Enhanced");end);
-	local button2 = CreateFrame("Button","DungenJournalEnhancedCollapseButton",EncounterJournal,"MagicButtonTemplate");
-	button2:SetText(L.COLLAPSE);
-	button2:SetWidth(_G[button2:GetName().."Text"]:GetWidth()+10);
-	button2:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",EncounterJournal,0,-(button2:GetHeight()));
-	button2:SetScript("onclick",function () f:ToggleHeaders(true) ;end);
-	button2:Hide();
-	f.expandbutton = button2;
-	local button3 = CreateFrame("Button","DungenJournalEnhancedExpandButton",EncounterJournal,"MagicButtonTemplate");
-	button3:SetText(L.EXPAND);
-	button3:SetWidth(_G[button3:GetName().."Text"]:GetWidth()+10);
-	button3:SetPoint("RIGHT",button2,"LEFT",-10,0);
-	button3:SetScript("onclick",function () f:ToggleHeaders(false);end);
-	button3:Hide();
-	f.collapsebutton = button3;
-	f.heroicbutton = _G["EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoHeroicButton"];
-	hooksecurefunc("EncounterJournal_DisplayInstance",f.HideButton);
-	hooksecurefunc(EncounterJournalNavBarHomeButton,"myclick",f.HideButton);
-	EncounterJournal:HookScript("OnShow",f.SetPosSize);
-	EncounterJournal_DisplayEncounter = DJE_DisplayEncounter_Hook;
-function ns:LoadModules()
-	for key, val in pairs(ns.modules) do
-		if(ns.activeconfig.modules and ns.activeconfig.modules[val]==1) then
-			ns["init"..val]();
-		end
-		ns["init"..val] = nil;
-	end
+local ns = select( 2, ... )
+local f = CreateFrame("Frame");
+ns.mainframe = f;
+local L = ns.L;
+local currentencounter,lastencounter,currentinstance=-1,0,-1;
+local diffmode = false;
+local EJ_GetSectionInfo_Orig;
+local DJE_DisplayEncounter_Orig;
+local vistable={};
+local usedbuttons =0;
+ns.modules = {"bn"};
+DungeonJournalEnhanced_GConfig = {};
+DungeonJournalEnhanced_PConfig = {};
+local lastdisplaycall = 0;
+local EJ_DIFF_5MAN 				= 1
+local EJ_DIFF_5MAN_HEROIC 		= 2
+local EJ_DIFF_10MAN		 		= 1
+local EJ_DIFF_25MAN		 		= 2
+local EJ_DIFF_10MAN_HEROIC 		= 3
+local EJ_DIFF_25MAN_HEROIC 		= 4
+local EJ_DIFF_LFRAID	 		= 5
+function f:EventHandler(event,arg1,...)
+	if(event=="ADDON_LOADED" and (arg1=="DungeonJournalEnhanced" or arg1=="Blizzard_EncounterJournal")) then
+		--Blizzard_EncounterJournal
+		if (IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_EncounterJournal") and IsAddOnLoaded("DungeonJournalEnhanced")) then
+		ns.gconf = DungeonJournalEnhanced_GConfig;
+		ns.pconf = DungeonJournalEnhanced_PConfig
+		if(L.HEROIC_DIFFICULTY_SEARCH_WORD == "Heroic Difficulty" and GetLocale()~="enUS") then
+				print("Dungeon Journal Enhanced: Attention the changed spell/add feature is not working, localisation is required, please go to http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/dungeon-journal-enhanced/localization/ and translate the 'HEROIC_DIFFICULTY_SEARCH_WORD' phrase to make the feature work in your language");
+		end
+		EJ_GetSectionInfo_Orig=EJ_GetSectionInfo;
+		DJE_DisplayEncounter_Orig = EncounterJournal_DisplayEncounter;
+		--EncounterJournal_DisplayInstance_Orig = EncounterJournal_DisplayInstance;
+		--EncounterJournal_DisplayInstance = DJE_EncounterJournal_DisplayInstance;
+		f:Init();
+		ns.config:Init();
+		ns:LoadModules();
+		collectgarbage();
+		f:UnregisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED");
+		end
+	end
+function f:ToggleHeaders(collapse)
+	local used = EncounterJournal.encounter.usedHeaders;
+	local i=1;
+	if(collapse==true) then
+		i = #used;
+	end
+	local header = used[i];
+	local didchange = false;
+	while(header) do
+		if(collapse==true) then
+			i=i-1;
+		else
+			i=i+1;
+		end
+		if(header.expanded == collapse) then
+			_G[header:GetName().."HeaderButton"]:Click();
+		end
+		header = used[i];
+	end
+function DJE_EJ_GetSectionInfo_Hook(sectionid)
+	local fileredByDifficulty = false;
+	local title, description, headerType, abilityIcon, displayInfo, siblingID, nextSectionID, _, link, startsOpen, flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4 = EJ_GetSectionInfo_Orig(sectionid);
+	if(vistable[sectionid]) then
+		if(vistable[sectionid].mode) then
+			if(vistable[sectionid].mode == "add") then
+				title= "|cFF00FF00"..title;
+			elseif(vistable[sectionid].mode == "rem") then
+				title= "|cFFFF0000"..title;
+			else
+				title= "|cFFFFAA00"..title;
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		fileredByDifficulty = true;
+	end
+	return title, description, headerType, abilityIcon, displayInfo,siblingID, nextSectionID, fileredByDifficulty, link, startsOpen, flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4;
+function f:GetCurrentEncounterID()
+	return currentencounter;
+function DJE_DisplayEncounter_Hook(encounterid,arg)
+	lastdisplaycall = time();
+	currentencounter = encounterid;
+	if(diffmode==true and lastencounter>0 and currentencounter~=lastencounter) then
+		f:ChangeDiffMode();
+	end
+	if (currentencounter ~= lastencounter) then
+		lastencounter=currentencounter;
+	end
+	f.diffbutton:Show();
+	f.expandbutton:Show();
+	f.collapsebutton:Show();
+	if(ns.bn) then
+		ns.bn.notesbutton:Show();
+	end
+	return DJE_DisplayEncounter_Orig(encounterid,arg);
+--function DJE_EncounterJournal_DisplayInstance(...)
+	--f:HideButton();
+	--return EncounterJournal_DisplayInstance_Orig(...);
+function f:BossButtonScaler()
+	if (not ns.activeconfig.ScaleBossIcons) then
+		return
+	end
+	f:DoBossButtonScaling(ns.activeconfig.ScaleBossIconsVal);
+function f:DoBossButtonScaling(newscale)
+	for i=1,10 do
+		local button = _G["EJMapButton"..i];
+		if(button) then
+			if (not button.DJE_scaled or button.DJE_scaled~=newscale ) then
+				 if (not button.DJE_scaled) then
+					button.origsize = {button:GetWidth(),button:GetHeight(),button.bgImage:GetWidth(),button.bgImage:GetHeight()}
+				 end
+				button:SetWidth(button.origsize[1]*newscale);
+				button:SetHeight(button.origsize[2]*newscale);
+				button.bgImage:SetWidth(button.origsize[3]*newscale);
+				button.bgImage:SetHeight(button.origsize[4]*newscale);
+				button.DJE_scaled = newscale;
+			end
+		else
+			return;
+		end
+	end
+function f:ShowDiff()
+	f:ChangeDiffMode();
+--dirty fixes for now
+function f:GetMode()
+	local cur = EJ_GetDifficulty();
+	if EJ_InstanceIsRaid() then
+		if cur == EJ_DIFF_10MAN_HEROIC or cur == EJ_DIFF_25MAN_HEROIC then
+			return 'h'
+		elseif cur == EJ_DIFF_LFRAID then
+			return 'l'
+		else
+			return 'n'
+		end
+	else
+		if cur == EJ_DIFF_5MAN_HEROIC then
+			return 'h'
+		else
+			return 'n'
+		end
+	end
+function f:GetSize()
+	local cur = EJ_GetDifficulty();
+	if EJ_InstanceIsRaid() then
+		if cur == EJ_DIFF_10MAN_HEROIC or cur == EJ_DIFF_10MAN then
+			return '10'
+		else
+			return '25'
+		end
+	else
+	--used before 25 for 5 man so for compatibility leave it like that
+		return '25';
+	end
+function f:ToNormal()
+	local cur = EJ_GetDifficulty();
+	if EJ_InstanceIsRaid() then
+		if cur == EJ_DIFF_10MAN or cur == EJ_DIFF_10MAN_HEROIC then
+			EJ_SetDifficulty(EJ_DIFF_10MAN);
+		elseif cur == EJ_DIFF_25MAN or cur ==  EJ_DIFF_25MAN_HEROIC then
+			EJ_SetDifficulty(EJ_DIFF_25MAN);
+		end
+	else
+		EJ_SetDifficulty(EJ_DIFF_5MAN);
+	end
+function f:ToHeroic()
+	local cur = EJ_GetDifficulty();
+	if EJ_InstanceIsRaid() then
+		if cur == EJ_DIFF_10MAN or cur ==  EJ_DIFF_10MAN_HEROIC then
+			EJ_SetDifficulty(EJ_DIFF_10MAN_HEROIC);
+		elseif cur == EJ_DIFF_25MAN or cur ==  EJ_DIFF_25MAN_HEROIC then
+			EJ_SetDifficulty(EJ_DIFF_25MAN_HEROIC);
+		end
+	else
+		EJ_SetDifficulty(EJ_DIFF_5MAN_HEROIC);
+	end
+function f:GetDiff()
+	local _, _, _, rootSectionID = EJ_GetEncounterInfo(currentencounter);
+	wipe(vistable);
+	--EncounterJournal.encounter.info.difficulty:SetFormattedText(ENCOUNTER_JOURNAL_DIFF_TEXT, entry.size, entry.prefix);
+	f:ToNormal()
+	EncounterJournal_Refresh()
+	f:GetAllSpells(rootSectionID,"add",0,0);
+	f:ToHeroic()
+	EncounterJournal_Refresh()
+	f:GetAllSpells(rootSectionID,"rem",0,0);
+	EncounterJournal_Refresh()
+function f:ChangeDiffMode()
+	if(diffmode == true) then
+		diffmode = false;
+		EJ_GetSectionInfo = EJ_GetSectionInfo_Orig;
+		f.diffbutton.selected:Hide();
+		EncounterJournal_Refresh()
+	else
+		EJ_GetSectionInfo = DJE_EJ_GetSectionInfo_Hook;
+		diffmode = true;
+		--f.heroicbutton.selected:Show();
+		f.diffbutton.selected:Show();
+		f:GetDiff();
+	end
+function f:GetAllSpells(nextSection,mode,parentid,depth)
+	local title,subsection,heroic,desc;
+	local currentsection;
+	while(nextSection) do
+		local heroicchange;
+		currentsection = nextSection;
+		title, desc, _, _, _, nextSection, subsection, heroic, _, _, _, _, _, _ = EJ_GetSectionInfo_Orig(nextSection);
+		if(mode=="rem") then
+			heroicchange=string.find(desc,L.HEROIC_DIFFICULTY_SEARCH_WORD);
+		end
+		if(heroic or heroicchange) then
+			if (not vistable[currentsection] or not vistable[currentsection].mode) then
+				vistable[currentsection] = {};
+				vistable[currentsection].changed = true;
+				if(heroicchange) then
+					vistable[currentsection].mode = "change";
+				else
+					vistable[currentsection].mode = mode;
+				end
+				if(depth>0) then
+					for i=1,depth do
+						if not (vistable[parentid[i]]) then
+							vistable[parentid[i]] = {};
+							vistable[parentid[i]].changed = false;
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		else
+		end
+		if(subsection) then
+			if(depth == 0) then
+				parentid = {};
+			end
+			parentid[depth+1] = currentsection;
+			f:GetAllSpells(subsection,mode,parentid,depth+1);
+		end
+	end
+function f:SetPosSize()
+	if(ns.activeconfig.position) then
+		EncounterJournal:ClearAllPoints();
+		EncounterJournal:SetPoint(unpack(ns.activeconfig.position));
+	end
+function f:HideButton()
+	--sometimes this is called after display encounter which produces error, so checking if since last encounter call 1s passed
+	if(time()-lastdisplaycall<1) then
+		return;
+	end
+	if(type(self)=="number") then
+		currentinstance = self;
+		currentencounter = 'i'..currentinstance;
+	else
+		currentinstance =-1;
+	end
+	if(ns.bn ) then
+		if(currentinstance<0) then
+			ns.bn.notesbutton:Hide();
+			ns.bn:HideBossNotes();
+		else
+			ns.bn.notesbutton:Show();
+			ns.bn:HideBossNotes();
+		end
+	end
+	f.expandbutton:Hide();
+	f.collapsebutton:Hide();
+	f.diffbutton:Hide();
+function f:Init()
+	local diffbutton = CreateFrame("Button","DungenJournalEnhancedDiffButton",EncounterJournal,"EncounterDifficultyTemplate");
+	diffbutton:SetText("Diff");
+	--diffbutton:SetHeight(22);
+	--diffbutton:SetWidth(25);
+	diffbutton:SetPoint("LEFT","EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoResetButton",-25,0);
+	diffbutton:Hide();
+	diffbutton:SetScript("OnClick",f.ChangeDiffMode)
+	f.diffbutton = diffbutton;
+	--local button1 = CreateFrame("Button","DungenJournalEnhancedOptionButton",EncounterJournal,"MagicButtonTemplate");
+	--button1:SetText("Open DJE options");
+	--button1:SetWidth(_G[button1:GetName().."Text"]:GetWidth()+10);
+	--button1:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",EncounterJournal,0,-(button1:GetHeight()));
+	--button1:SetScript("onclick",function () InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory("Dungeon Journal Enhanced");end);
+	local button2 = CreateFrame("Button","DungenJournalEnhancedCollapseButton",EncounterJournal,"MagicButtonTemplate");
+	button2:SetText(L.COLLAPSE);
+	button2:SetWidth(_G[button2:GetName().."Text"]:GetWidth()+10);
+	button2:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",EncounterJournal,0,-(button2:GetHeight()));
+	button2:SetScript("onclick",function () f:ToggleHeaders(true) ;end);
+	button2:Hide();
+	f.expandbutton = button2;
+	local button3 = CreateFrame("Button","DungenJournalEnhancedExpandButton",EncounterJournal,"MagicButtonTemplate");
+	button3:SetText(L.EXPAND);
+	button3:SetWidth(_G[button3:GetName().."Text"]:GetWidth()+10);
+	button3:SetPoint("RIGHT",button2,"LEFT",-10,0);
+	button3:SetScript("onclick",function () f:ToggleHeaders(false);end);
+	button3:Hide();
+	f.collapsebutton = button3;
+	--f.heroicbutton = _G["EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoHeroicButton"];
+	hooksecurefunc("EncounterJournal_DisplayInstance",f.HideButton);
+	hooksecurefunc(EncounterJournalNavBarHomeButton,"myclick",f.HideButton);
+	EncounterJournal:HookScript("OnShow",f.SetPosSize);
+	EncounterJournal_DisplayEncounter = DJE_DisplayEncounter_Hook;
+function ns:LoadModules()
+	for key, val in pairs(ns.modules) do
+		if(ns.activeconfig.modules and ns.activeconfig.modules[val]==1) then
+			ns["init"..val]();
+		end
+		ns["init"..val] = nil;
+	end
diff --git a/DungeonJournalEnhanced.toc b/DungeonJournalEnhanced.toc
index 69859cf..5c030ab 100644
--- a/DungeonJournalEnhanced.toc
+++ b/DungeonJournalEnhanced.toc
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-## Interface: 40200
+## Interface: 40300
 ## Title: Dungeon Journal Enhanced
 ## Author: DarkStarX
-## Version: 0.5
+## Version: 0.5.1
 ## Notes: Enhances the Dungeon Journal
 ## SavedVariables: DungeonJournalEnhanced_GConfig
 ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: DungeonJournalEnhanced_PConfig

diff --git a/modules/BossNotes.lua b/modules/BossNotes.lua
index e8d11cc..c7146f7 100644
--- a/modules/BossNotes.lua
+++ b/modules/BossNotes.lua
@@ -150,18 +150,12 @@ function ns:initbn()
 	function module:GetSaveID()
 		local mode,size;

-		if(EncounterJournal.isHeroic==true) then
-			mode = 'h';
-		else
-			mode =  'n';
-		end
+		mode = ns.mainframe:GetMode();
+		size = ns.mainframe:GetSize();

-		if(EncounterJournal.is10Man==true) then
-			size = '10';
-		else
-			size = '25';
-		end
 		lastsaveid = ns.mainframe:GetCurrentEncounterID().."|"..size..mode;
+		--print (lastsaveid);
 		return lastsaveid;

@@ -286,9 +280,11 @@ function ns:initbn()
 		module.notesbutton = notesbutton;
-		EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfo10ManButton:HookScript("onclick",module.ShowBossNotes2);
-		EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfo25ManButton:HookScript("onclick",module.ShowBossNotes2);
-		EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoHeroicButton:HookScript("onclick",module.ShowBossNotes2);
+		--EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoDifficulty:HookScript("onmousedown",module.ShowBossNotes2);
+		hooksecurefunc("EncounterJournal_SelectDifficulty",module.ShowBossNotes2)
+		--EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfo10ManButton:HookScript("onclick",module.ShowBossNotes2);
+		--EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfo25ManButton:HookScript("onclick",module.ShowBossNotes2);
+		--EncounterJournalEncounterFrameInfoHeroicButton:HookScript("onclick",module.ShowBossNotes2);
 		if(not ns.activeconfig.bn) then
 			ns.activeconfig.bn = {};