

Jennifer [10-14-20 - 21:22]
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.txt b/CHANGELOG.txt
index ff9b643..83eafa0 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,23 @@

+EMA Version: v9.0.0-Release-v3.0(0154)
+Game Version: 9.0.1
+Release Date: 14/10/2020
+## Quest-Tracker
+	-- Fixed a lua Error on some world quests
+## Quest
+	-- fixed a Gossip if talking to a npc that has a vender GUI
+## information
+	-- fixed the API Should now work
 EMA Version: v9.0.0-Release-v3.0(0146-0153)
 Game Version: 9.0.0
 Release Date: 13/10/2020
diff --git a/EMA.toc b/EMA.toc
index 7bc8b36..e1fa444 100644
--- a/EMA.toc
+++ b/EMA.toc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Title: EMA
 ## Notes: Ebony's MultiBoxing Assistant
 ## Author: Jennifer Calladine 'Ebony'
-## Version: v9.0.1-Release-v3.0(0153)
+## Version: v9.0.1-Release-v3.0(0154)
 ## SavedVariables: CoreProfileDB, CommunicationsProfileDB, TeamProfileDB, TagProfileDB, MessageProfileDB, InformationProfileDB, DisplayTeamProfileDB, FollowProfileDB, GuildProfileDB, InteractionProfileDB, ItemUseProfileDB, PurchaseProfileDB, QuestProfileDB,  QuestWatcherProfileDB, SellProfileDB, TalkProfileDB, ToonProfileDB, TradeProfileDB, MailProfileDB, BankProfileDB, ISBoxerProfileDB

diff --git a/Modules/Information.lua b/Modules/Information.lua
index 056db2b..45eaf51 100644
--- a/Modules/Information.lua
+++ b/Modules/Information.lua
@@ -103,10 +103,12 @@ EMA.currTypes.Honor = 1792
 -------------------------------------- End of edit --------------------------------------------------------------

 function EMA:CurrencyIconAndName( id )
-	local fullName, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered, quality = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(id)
-	---EMA:Print("test", fullName, icon)
-	if 	icon ~= nil then
-		local currName = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t", L[" "]..fullName)
+	local info = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(id)
+	--local info.fullName, info.amount, info.icon, info.earnedThisWeek, info.weeklyMax, info.totalMax, info.isDiscovered, info.quality  -- = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(id)
+	--EMA:Print("test", info.name, info.icon)
+	if 	info.iconFileID ~= nil then
+		local currName = strconcat(" |T"..info.iconFileID..":20|t", L[" "]..info.name)
 		return currName
@@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ EMA.settings = {
 		currencyFrameBackgroundColourA = 1.0,
 		currencyFrameBorderColourR = 1.0,
 		currencyFrameBorderColourG = 1.0,
-		currencyFrameBorderColourB = 1.0,
+		currencyFrameBorerColourB = 1.0,
 		currencyFrameBorderColourA = 1.0,
 		currencyBorderStyle = L["BLIZZARD_TOOLTIP"],
 		currencyBackgroundStyle = L["BLIZZARD_DIALOG_BACKGROUND"],
@@ -1064,44 +1066,46 @@ function EMA:CreateEMAToonCurrencyListFrame()

+local function GetIcon(iD)
+	local info = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(iD)
+	if 	info ~= nil then
+		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..info.iconFileID..":20|t")
+		return iconTextureString
+	end

 function EMA:UpdateHendingText()
 	local parentFrame = EMAToonCurrencyListFrame
 	-- Type One
-	local name, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeOne )
-	if icon ~= nil then
-		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
-			parentFrame.TypeOneText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	local iconTextureString = GetIcon( EMA.db.CcurrTypeOne )
+	if iconTextureString ~= nil then
+		parentFrame.TypeOneText:SetText( iconTextureString )
 	-- Type Two
-	local name, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeTwo )
-	if icon ~= nil then
-		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
-			parentFrame.TypeTwoText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	local iconTextureString = GetIcon( EMA.db.CcurrTypeTwo )
+	if iconTextureString ~= nil then
+		parentFrame.TypeTwoText:SetText( iconTextureString )
 	-- Type Three
-	local name, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeThree )
-	if icon ~= nil then
-		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
-			parentFrame.TypeThreeText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	local iconTextureString = GetIcon( EMA.db.CcurrTypeThree )
+	if iconTextureString ~= nil then
+		parentFrame.TypeThreeText:SetText( iconTextureString )
 	-- Type Four
-	local name, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFour )
-	if icon ~= nil then
-		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
-			parentFrame.TypeFourText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	local iconTextureString = GetIcon( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFour )
+	if iconTextureString ~= nil then
+		parentFrame.TypeFourText:SetText( iconTextureString )
 	-- Type Five
-	local name, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFive )
-	if icon ~= nil then
-		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
-			parentFrame.TypeFiveText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	local iconTextureString = GetIcon( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFive )
+	if iconTextureString ~= nil then
+		parentFrame.TypeFiveText:SetText( iconTextureString )
 	-- Type six
-	local name, amount, icon, earnedThisWeek, weeklyMax, totalMax, isDiscovered = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeSix )
-	if icon ~= nil then
-		local iconTextureString = strconcat(" |T"..icon..":20|t")
-			parentFrame.TypeSixText:SetText( iconTextureString )
+	local iconTextureString = GetIcon( EMA.db.CcurrTypeSix )
+	if iconTextureString ~= nil then
+		parentFrame.TypeSixText:SetText( iconTextureString )

@@ -1552,23 +1556,61 @@ end
 function EMA:DoSendCurrency( characterName, dummyValue )
 	if EMAApi.GetCharacterOnlineStatus ( characterName ) == true then
-	table.wipe( EMA.currentCurrencyValues )
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currGold = GetMoney()
-	-- CurrencyValues
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeOne = select( 2, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeOne ) )
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeTwo = select( 2, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeTwo ) )
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeThree = select( 2, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeThree ) )
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeFour	= select( 2, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFour ) )
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeFive = select( 2, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFive ) )
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeSix = select( 2, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeSix ) )
-	-- Max CurrencyValues
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeOne = select( 6, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeOne ) )
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeTwo = select( 6, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeTwo ) )
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeThree = select( 6, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeThree ) )
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeFour	= select( 6, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFour ) )
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeFive = select( 6, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFive ) )
-	EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeSix = select( 6, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeSix ) )
-	EMA:EMASendCommandToToon( characterName, EMA.COMMAND_HERE_IS_CURRENCY, EMA.currentCurrencyValues )
+		table.wipe( EMA.currentCurrencyValues )
+		EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currGold = GetMoney()
+		--CcurrTypeOne
+		local info = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeOne )
+		if info ~= nil then
+			EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeOne = info.quantity
+			EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeOne = info.maxQuantity
+		end
+		--CcurrTypeTwo
+		local infoTwo = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeTwo )
+		if infoTwo ~= nil then
+			EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeTwo = infoTwo.quantity
+			EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeTwo = infoTwo.maxQuantity
+		end
+		--CcurrTypeThree
+		local infoThree = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeThree )
+		if infoThree ~= nil then
+			EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeThree = infoThree.quantity
+			EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeThree = infoThree.maxQuantity
+		end
+		--CcurrTypeFour
+		local infoFour = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFour )
+		if infoFour ~= nil then
+			EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeFour = infoFour.quantity
+			EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeFour = infoFour.maxQuantity
+		end
+		--CcurrTypeFive
+		local infoFive = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFive )
+		if infoFive ~= nil then
+			EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeFive = infoFive.quantity
+			EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeFive = infoFive.maxQuantity
+		end
+		--CcurrTypeSix
+		local infoSix = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeSix )
+		if infoSix ~= nil then
+			EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeSix = infoSix.quantity
+			EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeSix = infoSix.maxQuantity
+		end
+		--[[
+		EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeTwo = select( 2, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeTwo ) )
+		EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeThree = select( 2, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeThree ) )
+		EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeFour	= select( 2, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFour ) )
+		EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeFive = select( 2, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFive ) )
+		EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currTypeSix = select( 2, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeSix ) )
+		-- Max CurrencyValues
+		EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeTwo = select( 6, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeTwo ) )
+		EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeThree = select( 6, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeThree ) )
+		EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeFour	= select( 6, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFour ) )
+		EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeFive = select( 6, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeFive ) )
+		EMA.currentCurrencyValues.currMaxTypeSix = select( 6, C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo( EMA.db.CcurrTypeSix ) )
+		]]
+		--EMA:Print("testsendData", info.quantity, info.maxQuantity)
+		EMA:EMASendCommandToToon( characterName, EMA.COMMAND_HERE_IS_CURRENCY, EMA.currentCurrencyValues )
@@ -1595,41 +1637,49 @@ function EMA:DoShowToonsCurrency( characterName, currencyValues )
 	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.GoldText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
 	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.characterNameText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
 	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.GoldText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
-	if currencyValues.currTypeOne == currencyValues.currMaxTypeOne and currencyValues.currTypeOne > 0 then
-		--EMA:Print("SetRed")
-		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeOneText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
-	else
-		--EMA:Print("SetWhite")
-		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeOneText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
-	end
-	if currencyValues.currTypeTwo == currencyValues.currMaxTypeTwo and currencyValues.currTypeTwo > 0 then
-		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeTwoText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
-	else
-		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeTwoText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	if currencyValues.currTypeOne ~= nil then
+		if currencyValues.currTypeOne == currencyValues.currMaxTypeOne and currencyValues.currTypeOne  > 0 then
+			--EMA:Print("SetRed")
+			currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeOneText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
+		else
+			--EMA:Print("SetWhite")
+			currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeOneText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+		end
-	if currencyValues.currTypeThree == currencyValues.currMaxTypeThree and currencyValues.currTypeThree > 0 then
-		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeThreeText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
-	else
-		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeThreeText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	if currencyValues.currTypeTwo ~= nil then
+		if currencyValues.currTypeTwo == currencyValues.currMaxTypeTwo and currencyValues.currTypeTwo  > 0 then
+			currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeTwoText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
+		else
+			currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeTwoText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+		end
-	if currencyValues.currTypeFour == currencyValues.currMaxTypeFour and currencyValues.currTypeFour > 0 then
-		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFourText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
-	else
-		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFourText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	if currencyValues.currTypeThree ~= nil then
+		if currencyValues.currTypeThree == currencyValues.currMaxTypeThree and currencyValues.currTypeThree  > 0 then
+			currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeThreeText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
+		else
+			currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeThreeText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+		end
-	if currencyValues.currTypeFive == currencyValues.currMaxTypeFive and currencyValues.currTypeFive > 0 then
-		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFiveText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
-	else
-		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFiveText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	if currencyValues.currTypeFour ~= nil then
+		if currencyValues.currTypeFour == currencyValues.currMaxTypeFour and currencyValues.currTypeFour  > 0 then
+			currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFourText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
+		else
+			currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFourText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+		end
-	if currencyValues.currTypeSix == currencyValues.currMaxTypeSix and currencyValues.currTypeSix > 0 then
-		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeSixText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
-	else
-		currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeSixText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+	if currencyValues.currTypeFive~= nil then
+		if currencyValues.currTypeFive == currencyValues.currMaxTypeFive and currencyValues.currTypeFive  > 0 then
+			currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFiveText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
+		else
+			currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeFiveText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+		end
+	end
+	if currencyValues.currTypeSix ~= nil then
+		if currencyValues.currTypeSix == currencyValues.currMaxTypeSix and currencyValues.currTypeSix > 0 then
+			currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeSixText:SetTextColor( r, v, v, a )
+		else
+			currencyFrameCharacterInfo.TypeSixText:SetTextColor( r, g, b, a )
+		end
 	currencyFrameCharacterInfo.GoldText:SetText( EMAUtilities:FormatMoneyString( currencyValues.currGold ) )
 	--currencyFrameCharacterInfo.GoldText:SetText( GetCoinTextureString( currencyValues.currGold ) )
diff --git a/Modules/Quest.lua b/Modules/Quest.lua
index fba295d..4ff0375 100644
--- a/Modules/Quest.lua
+++ b/Modules/Quest.lua
@@ -1264,11 +1264,11 @@ function EMA:DoSelectActiveQuest( sender, questIndex )
 	if EMA.db.mirrorMasterQuestSelectionAndDeclining == true then
 		EMA.isInternalCommand = true
         EMA:DebugMessage( "DoSelectActiveQuest" )
-		if C_GossipInfo.GetNumActiveQuests() > 1 then
+		--if C_GossipInfo.GetNumActiveQuests() > 1 then
 			C_GossipInfo.SelectActiveQuest( questIndex )
-		else
-			EMA:EMASendMessageToTeam( EMA.db.warningArea, L["AM_I_TALKING_TO_A_NPC"], false )
-		end
+		--else
+		--	EMA:EMASendMessageToTeam( EMA.db.warningArea, L["AM_I_TALKING_TO_A_NPC"], false )
+		--end
 		EMA.isInternalCommand = false
diff --git a/Modules/QuestWatcher.lua b/Modules/QuestWatcher.lua
index 8f8561b..3ecfdc3 100644
--- a/Modules/QuestWatcher.lua
+++ b/Modules/QuestWatcher.lua
@@ -992,8 +992,10 @@ function EMA:GetQuestReward( itemChoice )
     local questIndex = EMA:GetQuestLogIndexByName( questJustCompletedName )
     --local title, level, suggestedGroup, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete, frequency, questID, startEvent, displayQuestID, isOnMap, hasLocalPOI, isTask, isStory = GetQuestLogTitle( questIndex )
     local info =  C_QuestLog.GetInfo( questIndex )
-	EMA:DebugMessage( "GetQuestReward after GetQuestLogTitle: ", info.questIndex, questJustCompletedName, info.questID )
-	EMA:RemoveQuestFromWatchList( info.questID )
+	if info ~=  nil then
+		EMA:DebugMessage( "GetQuestReward after GetQuestLogTitle: ", info.questIndex, questJustCompletedName, info.questID )
+		EMA:RemoveQuestFromWatchList( info.questID )
+	end

 function EMA:AddQuestWatch( questIndex )