
Remove errors in combat option. Elv added that

Darthpred [03-23-13 - 11:01]
Remove errors in combat option. Elv added that
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/config/profile.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/config/profile.lua
index f047bed..c88758d 100755
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/config/profile.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/config/profile.lua
@@ -1,258 +1,255 @@
-local E, L, V, P, G, _ = unpack(ElvUI); --Inport: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB
-P['sle'] = {
-	--Autoloot
-	['lootwin'] = false,
-	['lootalpha'] = 1,
-	--Auto release
-	['pvpautorelease'] = true,
-	--Background frames
-	['backgrounds'] = {
-		['bottom'] = {
-			['enabled'] = false,
-			['trans'] = false,
-			['texture'] = "",
-			['width'] = E.screenwidth/4 + 32,
-			['height'] = E.screenheight/6 - 13,
-			['xoffset'] = 0,
-			['yoffset'] = 0,
-			['pethide'] = true,
-			['template'] = "Default",
-		},
-		['left'] = {
-			['enabled'] = false,
-			['trans'] = false,
-			['texture'] = "",
-			['width'] = E.screenwidth/10 - 4,
-			['height'] = E.screenheight/5 + 11,
-			['xoffset'] = 0,
-			['yoffset'] = 0,
-			['pethide'] = true,
-			['template'] = "Default",
-		},
-		['right'] = {
-			['enabled'] = false,
-			['trans'] = false,
-			['texture'] = "",
-			['width'] = E.screenwidth/10 - 4,
-			['height'] = E.screenheight/5 + 11,
-			['xoffset'] = 0,
-			['yoffset'] = 0,
-			['pethide'] = true,
-			['template'] = "Default",
-		},
-		['action'] = {
-			['enabled'] = false,
-			['trans'] = false,
-			['texture'] = "",
-			['width'] = E.screenwidth/4 + 32,
-			['height'] = E.screenheight/20 + 5,
-			['xoffset'] = 0,
-			['yoffset'] = 0,
-			['pethide'] = true,
-			['template'] = "Default",
-		},
-	},
-	--Caster Name
-	['castername'] = false,
-	--Character Frame Options
-	['characterframeoptions'] = {
-		['itemlevel'] = {
-			['enable'] = true,
-			["font"] = "ElvUI Font",
-			["fontSize"] = 12,
-			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
-		},
-		['itemdurability'] = {
-			['enable'] = true,
-			["font"] = "ElvUI Font",
-			["fontSize"] = 12,
-			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
-		},
-	},
-	--Combat Icon
-	['combatico'] = {
-		['pos'] = 'TOP',
-	},
-	--Datatexts panels
-	['datatext'] = {
-		['dp1'] = {
-			['enabled'] = false,
-			['width'] = E.screenwidth/5,
-		},
-		['dp2'] = {
-			['enabled'] = false,
-			['width'] = E.screenwidth/5,
-		},
-		['top'] = {
-			['enabled'] = true,
-			['width'] = E.screenwidth/5 - 4,
-		},
-		['dp3'] = {
-			['enabled'] = false,
-			['width'] = E.screenwidth/5,
-		},
-		['dp4'] = {
-			['enabled'] = false,
-			['width'] = E.screenwidth/5,
-		},
-		['dp5'] = {
-			['enabled'] = false,
-			['width'] = E.screenwidth/4 - 60,
-		},
-		['bottom'] = {
-			['enabled'] = false,
-			['width'] = E.screenwidth/10 - 4,
-		},
-		['dp6'] = {
-			['enabled'] = false,
-			['width'] = E.screenwidth/4 - 60,
-		},
-		['chatleft'] = {
-			['enabled'] = true,
-			['width'] = 396,
-		},
-		['chatright'] = {
-			['enabled'] = true,
-			['width'] = 396,
-		},
-		['dashboard'] = {
-			['enable'] = false,
-			['width'] = 100,
-		},
-	},
-	--DT Options
-	['dt'] = {
-		['friends'] = {
-			['combat'] = false,
-			['hideFriends'] = false,
-			['sortBN'] = 'TOONNAME',
-			['tooltipAutohide'] = 0.2,
-			['totals'] = false,
-		},
-		['guild'] = {
-			['combat'] = false,
-			['hideGuild'] = false,
-			['sortGuild'] = 'TOONNAME',
-			['tooltipAutohide'] = 0.2,
-			['totals'] = false,
-		},
-	},
-	--Error messages
-	['errors'] = false,
-	--Exp/Rep Bar
-	['exprep'] = {
-		['explong'] = false,
-		['replong'] = false,
-	},
-	--Farm Module
-	['farm'] = {
-		['active'] = true,
-		['size'] = 30,
-		['autotarget'] = false,
-		['seedor'] = "TOP",
-		['quest'] = false,
-	},
-	--LFR options
-	['lfrshow'] = {
-		['enabled'] = false,
-		['ds'] = false,
-		['mv'] = false,
-		['hof'] = false,
-		['toes'] = false,
-		['tot'] = false,
-	},
-	--Minimap Module
-	['minimap'] = {
-		['enable'] = false,
-		['coords'] = {
-			['display'] = "SHOW",
-			['middle'] = "CORNERS",
-		},
-		['buttons'] = {
-			['anchor'] = "NOANCHOR",
-			['size'] = 24,
-			['mouseover'] = false,
-		},
-	},
-	--Power text on classbars
-	['powtext'] = false;
-	--Raid marks
-	['marks'] = {
-		['enabled'] = false,
-		['growth'] = "RIGHT",
-		['showinside'] = false,
-		['size'] = 18,
-	},
-	--UI Buttons
-	['uibuttons'] = {
-		['enable'] = false,
-		['size'] = 17,
-		['mouse'] = false,
-		['position'] = "uib_vert",
-	},
-	--Loot
-	['loot'] = {
-		['quality'] = "EPIC",
-		['chat'] = "RAID",
-		['auto'] = true,
-	},
-P.chat.editboxhistory = 5
-P.auras.perRow = 19
-P.datatexts.panels.DP_1 = {
-	['left'] = '',
-	['middle'] = '',
-	['right'] = '',
-P.datatexts.panels.DP_2 = {
-	['left'] = '',
-	['middle'] = '',
-	['right'] = '',
-P.datatexts.panels.DP_3 = {
-	['left'] = '',
-	['middle'] = '',
-	['right'] = '',
-P.datatexts.panels.DP_4 = {
-	['left'] = '',
-	['middle'] = '',
-	['right'] = '',
-P.datatexts.panels.DP_5 = {
-	['left'] = '',
-	['middle'] = '',
-	['right'] = '',
-P.datatexts.panels.DP_6 = {
-	['left'] = '',
-	['middle'] = '',
-	['right'] = '',
-P.datatexts.panels.Top_Center = 'Version'
-P.datatexts.panels.Bottom_Panel = ''
-P.unitframe.units.player.classbar.xOffset = 0
-P.unitframe.units.player.classbar.yOffset = 0
+local E, L, V, P, G, _ = unpack(ElvUI); --Inport: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB
+P['sle'] = {
+	--Autoloot
+	['lootwin'] = false,
+	['lootalpha'] = 1,
+	--Auto release
+	['pvpautorelease'] = true,
+	--Background frames
+	['backgrounds'] = {
+		['bottom'] = {
+			['enabled'] = false,
+			['trans'] = false,
+			['texture'] = "",
+			['width'] = E.screenwidth/4 + 32,
+			['height'] = E.screenheight/6 - 13,
+			['xoffset'] = 0,
+			['yoffset'] = 0,
+			['pethide'] = true,
+			['template'] = "Default",
+		},
+		['left'] = {
+			['enabled'] = false,
+			['trans'] = false,
+			['texture'] = "",
+			['width'] = E.screenwidth/10 - 4,
+			['height'] = E.screenheight/5 + 11,
+			['xoffset'] = 0,
+			['yoffset'] = 0,
+			['pethide'] = true,
+			['template'] = "Default",
+		},
+		['right'] = {
+			['enabled'] = false,
+			['trans'] = false,
+			['texture'] = "",
+			['width'] = E.screenwidth/10 - 4,
+			['height'] = E.screenheight/5 + 11,
+			['xoffset'] = 0,
+			['yoffset'] = 0,
+			['pethide'] = true,
+			['template'] = "Default",
+		},
+		['action'] = {
+			['enabled'] = false,
+			['trans'] = false,
+			['texture'] = "",
+			['width'] = E.screenwidth/4 + 32,
+			['height'] = E.screenheight/20 + 5,
+			['xoffset'] = 0,
+			['yoffset'] = 0,
+			['pethide'] = true,
+			['template'] = "Default",
+		},
+	},
+	--Caster Name
+	['castername'] = false,
+	--Character Frame Options
+	['characterframeoptions'] = {
+		['itemlevel'] = {
+			['enable'] = true,
+			["font"] = "ElvUI Font",
+			["fontSize"] = 12,
+			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+		},
+		['itemdurability'] = {
+			['enable'] = true,
+			["font"] = "ElvUI Font",
+			["fontSize"] = 12,
+			["fontOutline"] = "OUTLINE",
+		},
+	},
+	--Combat Icon
+	['combatico'] = {
+		['pos'] = 'TOP',
+	},
+	--Datatexts panels
+	['datatext'] = {
+		['dp1'] = {
+			['enabled'] = false,
+			['width'] = E.screenwidth/5,
+		},
+		['dp2'] = {
+			['enabled'] = false,
+			['width'] = E.screenwidth/5,
+		},
+		['top'] = {
+			['enabled'] = true,
+			['width'] = E.screenwidth/5 - 4,
+		},
+		['dp3'] = {
+			['enabled'] = false,
+			['width'] = E.screenwidth/5,
+		},
+		['dp4'] = {
+			['enabled'] = false,
+			['width'] = E.screenwidth/5,
+		},
+		['dp5'] = {
+			['enabled'] = false,
+			['width'] = E.screenwidth/4 - 60,
+		},
+		['bottom'] = {
+			['enabled'] = false,
+			['width'] = E.screenwidth/10 - 4,
+		},
+		['dp6'] = {
+			['enabled'] = false,
+			['width'] = E.screenwidth/4 - 60,
+		},
+		['chatleft'] = {
+			['enabled'] = true,
+			['width'] = 396,
+		},
+		['chatright'] = {
+			['enabled'] = true,
+			['width'] = 396,
+		},
+		['dashboard'] = {
+			['enable'] = false,
+			['width'] = 100,
+		},
+	},
+	--DT Options
+	['dt'] = {
+		['friends'] = {
+			['combat'] = false,
+			['hideFriends'] = false,
+			['sortBN'] = 'TOONNAME',
+			['tooltipAutohide'] = 0.2,
+			['totals'] = false,
+		},
+		['guild'] = {
+			['combat'] = false,
+			['hideGuild'] = false,
+			['sortGuild'] = 'TOONNAME',
+			['tooltipAutohide'] = 0.2,
+			['totals'] = false,
+		},
+	},
+	--Exp/Rep Bar
+	['exprep'] = {
+		['explong'] = false,
+		['replong'] = false,
+	},
+	--Farm Module
+	['farm'] = {
+		['active'] = true,
+		['size'] = 30,
+		['autotarget'] = false,
+		['seedor'] = "TOP",
+		['quest'] = false,
+	},
+	--LFR options
+	['lfrshow'] = {
+		['enabled'] = false,
+		['ds'] = false,
+		['mv'] = false,
+		['hof'] = false,
+		['toes'] = false,
+		['tot'] = false,
+	},
+	--Minimap Module
+	['minimap'] = {
+		['enable'] = false,
+		['coords'] = {
+			['display'] = "SHOW",
+			['middle'] = "CORNERS",
+		},
+		['buttons'] = {
+			['anchor'] = "NOANCHOR",
+			['size'] = 24,
+			['mouseover'] = false,
+		},
+	},
+	--Power text on classbars
+	['powtext'] = false;
+	--Raid marks
+	['marks'] = {
+		['enabled'] = false,
+		['growth'] = "RIGHT",
+		['showinside'] = false,
+		['size'] = 18,
+	},
+	--UI Buttons
+	['uibuttons'] = {
+		['enable'] = false,
+		['size'] = 17,
+		['mouse'] = false,
+		['position'] = "uib_vert",
+	},
+	--Loot
+	['loot'] = {
+		['quality'] = "EPIC",
+		['chat'] = "RAID",
+		['auto'] = true,
+	},
+P.chat.editboxhistory = 5
+P.auras.perRow = 19
+P.datatexts.panels.DP_1 = {
+	['left'] = '',
+	['middle'] = '',
+	['right'] = '',
+P.datatexts.panels.DP_2 = {
+	['left'] = '',
+	['middle'] = '',
+	['right'] = '',
+P.datatexts.panels.DP_3 = {
+	['left'] = '',
+	['middle'] = '',
+	['right'] = '',
+P.datatexts.panels.DP_4 = {
+	['left'] = '',
+	['middle'] = '',
+	['right'] = '',
+P.datatexts.panels.DP_5 = {
+	['left'] = '',
+	['middle'] = '',
+	['right'] = '',
+P.datatexts.panels.DP_6 = {
+	['left'] = '',
+	['middle'] = '',
+	['right'] = '',
+P.datatexts.panels.Top_Center = 'Version'
+P.datatexts.panels.Bottom_Panel = ''
+P.unitframe.units.player.classbar.xOffset = 0
+P.unitframe.units.player.classbar.yOffset = 0
 P.unitframe.units.player.classbar.offset = false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/english.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/english.lua
index acb4a6e..9eda664 100755
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/english.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/english.lua
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ L["LFR Lockout"] = true
 L["Show/Hide LFR lockout info in the time datatext's tooltip."] = true
 L["PvP Auto Release"] = true
 L["Automatically release body when killed inside a battleground."] = true
-L["Errors in combat"] = true
-L["Show/hide error messages in combat."] = true
 L["Pet autocast corners"] = true
 L["Show/hide triangles in corners of autocastable buttons."] = true
 L["Loot History"] = true
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/russian.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/russian.lua
index 99e27e6..7cfa3ff 100755
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/russian.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/russian.lua
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ L["LFR Lockout"] = "Состояние ЛФР"
 L["Show/Hide LFR lockout info in the time datatext's tooltip."] = "Отображать/скрывать информацию о сохранении ЛФР"
 L["PvP Auto Release"] = "Автоматический выход из тела"
 L["Automatically release body when killed inside a battleground."] = "Автоматически выходить из тела на полях боя."
-L["Errors in combat"] = "Отображать ошибки в бою"
-L["Show/hide error messages in combat."] = "Показать/скрыть сообщения об ошибках в бою"
 L["Pet autocast corners"] = "Автокаст питомца"
 L["Show/hide triangles in corners of autocastable buttons."] = "Показать/скрыть треугольники в углах кнопок с автоматически применяемыми заклинаниями питомца."
 L["Loot History"] = "История добычи"
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/errors/errors.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/errors/errors.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index 12b1a73..0000000
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/errors/errors.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-local E, L, V, P, G, _ = unpack(ElvUI); --Inport: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB
-local M = E:GetModule('Misc')
-function M:ErrorFrameToggle(event)
-	if event == 'PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED' and not E.db.sle.errors then
-		UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent('UI_ERROR_MESSAGE')
-	else
-		UIErrorsFrame:RegisterEvent('UI_ERROR_MESSAGE')
-	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/errors/load_errors.xml b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/errors/load_errors.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 45ca3d1..0000000
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/errors/load_errors.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Script file='errors.lua'/>
-	<Script file='options.lua'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/errors/options.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/errors/options.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index 64e4002..0000000
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/errors/options.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-local E, L, V, P, G, _ = unpack(ElvUI); --Inport: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB
-local function configTable()
-E.Options.args.sle.args.general.args.errors = {
-	order = 3,
-	type = "toggle",
-	name = L["Errors in combat"],
-	desc = L["Show/hide error messages in combat."],
-	get = function(info) return E.db.sle.errors end,
-	set = function(info, value) E.db.sle.errors = value; end
-table.insert(E.SLEConfigs, configTable)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/load_modules.xml b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/load_modules.xml
index 7269209..4e0b990 100755
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/load_modules.xml
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/load_modules.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
-	<Include file='install\load_install.xml'/>
-	<Script file='options.lua'/>
-	<Script file='pvpmover\pvpmover.lua'/>
-	<Include file='autorelease\load_autorelease.xml'/>
-	<Include file='backgrounds\load_backgrounds.xml'/>
-	<Include file='characterframe\load_characterframe.xml'/>
-	<Include file='chat\load_chat.xml'/>
-	<Include file='datatexts\load_datatexts.xml'/>
-	<Include file='equipmanager\load_equipmanager.xml'/>
-	<Include file='errors\load_errors.xml'/>
-	<Include file='exprepbar\load_exprepbar.xml'/>
-	<Include file='farm\load_farm.xml'/>
-	<Include file='imports\load_imports.xml'/>
-	<Include file='loot\load_loot.xml'/>
-	<Include file='marks\load_marks.xml'/>
-	<Include file='minimap\load_minimap.xml'/>
-	<Include file='raidutility\load_raidutility.xml'/>
-	<Include file='tooltip\load_tooltip.xml'/>
-	<Include file='uibuttons\load_uibuttons.xml'/>
-	<Include file='unitframes\load_unitframes.xml'/>
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+	<Include file='install\load_install.xml'/>
+	<Script file='options.lua'/>
+	<Script file='pvpmover\pvpmover.lua'/>
+	<Include file='autorelease\load_autorelease.xml'/>
+	<Include file='backgrounds\load_backgrounds.xml'/>
+	<Include file='characterframe\load_characterframe.xml'/>
+	<Include file='chat\load_chat.xml'/>
+	<Include file='datatexts\load_datatexts.xml'/>
+	<Include file='equipmanager\load_equipmanager.xml'/>
+	<Include file='exprepbar\load_exprepbar.xml'/>
+	<Include file='farm\load_farm.xml'/>
+	<Include file='imports\load_imports.xml'/>
+	<Include file='loot\load_loot.xml'/>
+	<Include file='marks\load_marks.xml'/>
+	<Include file='minimap\load_minimap.xml'/>
+	<Include file='raidutility\load_raidutility.xml'/>
+	<Include file='tooltip\load_tooltip.xml'/>
+	<Include file='uibuttons\load_uibuttons.xml'/>
+	<Include file='unitframes\load_unitframes.xml'/>
\ No newline at end of file