
Deconstruct now aknowlages artifact relics and quest items needed to be DEed as legit targets

Darthpred [09-02-16 - 11:42]
Deconstruct now aknowlages artifact relics and quest items needed to be DEed as legit targets
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/professions/deconstruct.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/professions/deconstruct.lua
index e1795f3..0ed8dc3 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/professions/deconstruct.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/professions/deconstruct.lua
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ local ActionButton_ShowOverlayGlow, ActionButton_HideOverlayGlow = ActionButton_
 local AutoCastShine_AutoCastStart, AutoCastShine_AutoCastStop = AutoCastShine_AutoCastStart, AutoCastShine_AutoCastStop

 Pr.DeconstructMode = false
+local relicItemTypeLocalized, relicItemSubTypeLocalized
 Pr.ItemTable = {
 	--Various lockboxes
@@ -60,6 +61,10 @@ Pr.ItemTable = {
 		["45991"] = true, --Bone Fishing Pole
 		["45992"] = true, --Jeweled Fishing Pole
+	--Quest dis
+	["Quest"] = {
+		["137221"] = true, --Ravencrest sigil
+	},
 Pr.Keys = {
 	[T.GetSpell(195809)] = true, -- jeweled lockpick
@@ -148,9 +153,10 @@ function Pr:ApplyDeconstruct(itemLink, spell, r, g, b)

 function Pr:IsBreakable(link)
+	if not link then return false end
 	local name, _, quality, ilvl,_,_,_,_,equipSlot = T.GetItemInfo(link)
+	local item = T.match(link, 'item:(%d+):')
 	if(T.IsEquippableItem(link) and quality and quality > 1 and quality < 5 and equipSlot ~= "INVTYPE_BAG") then
-		local item = T.match(link, 'item:(%d+):')
 		if E.global.sle.DE.IgnoreTabards and equipSlot == "INVTYPE_TABARD" then return false end
 		if Pr.ItemTable["DoNotDE"][item] then return false end
 		if Pr.ItemTable["PandariaBoA"][item] and E.global.sle.DE.IgnorePanda then return false end
@@ -158,7 +164,7 @@ function Pr:IsBreakable(link)
 		if Pr.ItemTable["Fishing"][item] and E.global.sle.DE.IgnoreFishing then return false end
 		if Pr.BlacklistDE[name] then return false end
 		return true
-	end
+	end
 	return false

@@ -193,16 +199,22 @@ end

 function Pr:DeconstructParser(...)
 	local item, link = self:GetItem()
+	local class, subclass = select(6, T.GetItemInfo(item))
+	if not link then return end
 	local itemString = T.match(link, "item[%-?%d:]+")
 	local _, id = T.split(":", itemString)
 	if(item and not T.InCombatLockdown()) and (Pr.DeconstructMode == true or (E.global.sle.LOCK.TradeOpen and self:GetOwner():GetName() == "TradeRecipientItem7ItemButton")) then
-		if (Pr.DEname and lib:IsDisenchantable(id) and Pr:IsBreakable(link)) then
-			r, g, b = 1, 0, 0
-			Pr:ApplyDeconstruct(link, Pr.DEname, r, g, b)
+		if Pr.DEname then
+			local normalItem = (lib:IsDisenchantable(id) and Pr:IsBreakable(link))
+			local isArtRelic = (class == relicItemTypeLocalized and subclass == relicItemSubTypeLocalized)
+			if normalItem or Pr.ItemTable["Quest"][id] or isArtRelic then
+				r, g, b = 1, 0, 0
+				Pr:ApplyDeconstruct(link, Pr.DEname, r, g, b)
+			end
 		elseif Pr.LOCKname and lib:IsOpenable(id) and not Pr.BlacklistLOCK[item] then
 			r, g, b = 0, 1, 1
 			Pr:ApplyDeconstruct(link, Pr.LOCKname, r, g, b)
-		elseif(Pr.SMITHname or Pr.JEWELname and lib:IsOpenable(id)) then
+		elseif((Pr.SMITHname or Pr.JEWELname) and lib:IsOpenable(id)) then
 			r, g, b = 0, 1, 1
 			local hasKey = HaveKey()
 			Pr:ApplyDeconstruct(link, hasKey, r, g, b)
@@ -297,7 +309,7 @@ function Pr:InitializeDeconstruct()
 	if not E.private.bags.enable then return end
 	local function Hiding()
 		Pr.DeconstructMode = false
@@ -305,11 +317,12 @@ function Pr:InitializeDeconstruct()

-	-- hooksecurefunc(B, "CloseBags", Hiding)
 	_G["ElvUI_ContainerFrame"]:HookScript("OnHide", Hiding)

 	_G["GameTooltip"]:HookScript('OnTooltipSetItem', Pr.DeconstructParser)

+	relicItemTypeLocalized, relicItemSubTypeLocalized = select(6, GetItemInfo(132342))
\ No newline at end of file