
Not using lib for now. It's pointless with the current state of things.

Darthpred [10-24-14 - 20:37]
Not using lib for now. It's pointless with the current state of things.
So seriously, there's no way to tell your region client side (C) Sortokk
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/core/toolkit.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/core/toolkit.lua
index e8b5647..0850061 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/core/toolkit.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/core/toolkit.lua
@@ -164,12 +164,20 @@ end
 hooksecurefunc(E, "UpdateAll", UpdateAll)

 function SLE:GetRegion()
-	local pid = BNGetInfo()
-	local rid = select(5, BNGetToonInfo(pid))
-	local region = select(6, lib:GetRealmInfo(rid))
-	SLE.region = region
-	if not SLE.region then SLE.region = format("An error happened while processing your realm. Please report error id, realm and the region you are playing to |cff1784d1Shadow & Light|r authors! Error id: %s. Realm: %s", rid, E.myrealm) end
+	-- local pid = BNGetInfo()
+	-- local rid = select(5, BNGetToonInfo(pid))
+	-- local region = select(6, lib:GetRealmInfo(rid))
+	local rid = GetCurrentRegion()
+	local region = {
+		[1] = "US",
+		[2] = "KR",
+		[3] = "EU",
+		[4] = "TW",
+		[5] = "CN",
+	}
+	SLE.region = region[rid]
+	if not SLE.region then SLE.region = format("An error happened. Your region is unknown. Realm: %s. Please report your realm name and the region you are playing in to |cff1784d1Shadow & Light|r authors.", E.myrealm)  end
+	-- if not SLE.region then SLE.region = format("An error happened while processing your realm. Please report error id, realm and the region you are playing to |cff1784d1Shadow & Light|r authors! Error id: %s. Realm: %s", rid, E.myrealm) end
 	if dev == "" then dev = SLE.Dev[SLE.region] end
 	if not dev then