
Min version 5.8

Darthpred [03-23-13 - 11:02]
Min version 5.8
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/ElvUI_SLE.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/ElvUI_SLE.lua
index 425cc39..0b92ea5 100755
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/ElvUI_SLE.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/ElvUI_SLE.lua
@@ -1,169 +1,169 @@
-local E, L, V, P, G, _ = unpack(ElvUI); --Inport: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB, Localize Underscore
-local SLE = E:NewModule('SLE', 'AceHook-3.0', 'AceEvent-3.0');
-local UF = E:GetModule('UnitFrames');
-local DTP
-local EP = LibStub("LibElvUIPlugin-1.0")
-local addon = ...
-SLE.version = GetAddOnMetadata("ElvUI_SLE", "Version")
-E.SLEConfigs = {}
-function SLE:Tutorials() --Additional tutorials
-	table.insert(E.TutorialList, #(E.TutorialList)+1, L["To enable full values of health/power on unitframes in Shadow & Light add \":sl\" to the end of the health/power tag.\nExample: [health:current:sl]."]);
-function SLE:ConfigCats() --Additional mover groups
-	table.insert(E.ConfigModeLayouts, #(E.ConfigModeLayouts)+1, "S&L");
-	E.ConfigModeLocalizedStrings["S&L"] = L["S&L: All"]
-	table.insert(E.ConfigModeLayouts, #(E.ConfigModeLayouts)+1, "S&L DT");
-	E.ConfigModeLocalizedStrings["S&L DT"] = L["S&L: Datatexts"]
-	table.insert(E.ConfigModeLayouts, #(E.ConfigModeLayouts)+1, "S&L BG");
-	E.ConfigModeLocalizedStrings["S&L BG"] = L["S&L: Backgrounds"]
-	table.insert(E.ConfigModeLayouts, #(E.ConfigModeLayouts)+1, "S&L MISC");
-	E.ConfigModeLocalizedStrings["S&L MISC"] = L["S&L: Misc"]
-function SLE:LootShow()
-	local instance = IsInInstance()
-	LootHistoryFrame:SetAlpha(E.db.sle.lootalpha or 1)
-	if (not instance and E.db.sle.lootwin) then
-		LootHistoryFrame:Hide()
-	end
-function SLE:ChatPos()
-	if not E:HasMoverBeenMoved("LeftChatMover") and E.db.datatexts.leftChatPanel then
-		if not E.db.movers then E.db.movers = {}; end
-		if E.PixelMode then
-			E.db.movers.LeftChatMover = "BOTTOMLEFTUIParentBOTTOMLEFT019"
-		else
-			E.db.movers.LeftChatMover = "BOTTOMLEFTUIParentBOTTOMLEFT021"
-		end
-		E:SetMoversPositions()
-	end
-	if not E:HasMoverBeenMoved("RightChatMover") and E.db.datatexts.rightChatPanel then
-		if not E.db.movers then E.db.movers = {}; end
-		if E.PixelMode then
-			E.db.movers.RightChatMover = "BOTTOMRIGHTUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT019"
-		else
-			E.db.movers.RightChatMover = "BOTTOMRIGHTUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT021"
-		end
-		E:SetMoversPositions()
-	end
-E.UpdateAllSLE = E.UpdateAll
-function E:UpdateAll()
-    E.UpdateAllSLE(self)
-	E:GetModule('BackGrounds'):UpdateFrames()
-	E:GetModule('BackGrounds'):RegisterHide()
-	DTP:Update()
-	DTP:DashboardShow()
-	DTP:DashWidth()
-	if E.private.unitframe.enable then
-		UF:Update_CombatIndicator()
-	end
-	E:GetModule('UIButtons'):UpdateAll()
-	E:GetModule('RaidMarks'):Update()
-	E:GetModule('Farm'):UpdateLayout()
-	SLE:ChatPos()
-function SLE:Reset(all, uf, dt, bg, mark)
-	if all then --Reset All button
-		E:CopyTable(E.db.sle, P.sle)
-		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_1"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_2"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_3"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_4"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_5"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_6"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Top_Center"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Bottom_Panel"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Dashboard"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Pet Battle AB"])
-		E:ResetMovers("PvP")
-		E:ResetMovers('RM')
-		E:ResetMovers(L["UI Buttons"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Bottom BG"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Left BG"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Right BG"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Actionbar BG"])
-	end
-	if uf then
-		E.db.sle.combatico.pos = 'TOP'
-		E:CopyTable(E.db.unitframe.units.player.classbar, P.unitframe.units.player.classbar)
-		E.db.sle.powtext = false
-	end
-	if dt then
-		E:CopyTable(E.db.sle.datatext, P.sle.datatext)
-		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_1"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_2"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_3"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_4"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_5"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_6"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Top_Center"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Bottom_Panel"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Dashboard"])
-	end
-	if bg then
-		E:CopyTable(E.db.sle.backgrounds, P.sle.backgrounds)
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Bottom BG"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Left BG"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Right BG"])
-		E:ResetMovers(L["Actionbar BG"])
-	end
-	if mark then
-		E:CopyTable(E.db.sle.marks, P.sle.marks)
-		E:ResetMovers('RM')
-	end
-	E:UpdateAll()
-function SLE:BagSearch(itemId)
-	for container = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do
-		for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(container) do
-			if itemId == GetContainerItemID(container, slot) then
-				return container, slot
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function SLE:Print(msg)
-	print(E["media"].hexvaluecolor..'S&L:|r', msg)
-function SLE:GetOptions()
-	for _, func in pairs(E.SLEConfigs) do
-		func()
-	end
-function SLE:Initialize()
-	--Showing warning message about too old versions of ElvUI
-	if tonumber(E.version) < 5.63 then
-		E:StaticPopup_Show("VERSION_MISMATCH")
-	end
-	EP:RegisterPlugin(addon,SLE.GetOptions)
-	DTP = E:GetModule('DTPanels')
-	if E.private.unitframe.enable then
-		self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED", UF.Update_CombatIndicator);
-	end
-	self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD', 'LootShow');
-	if E.db.general.loginmessage then
-		print(format(L['SLE_LOGIN_MSG'], E["media"].hexvaluecolor, SLE.version))
-	end
-	DTP:DashboardShow()
-	SLE:Tutorials()
-	SLE:ConfigCats()
-	SLE:ChatPos()
-	SLE:RegisterCommands()
+local E, L, V, P, G, _ = unpack(ElvUI); --Inport: Engine, Locales, PrivateDB, ProfileDB, GlobalDB, Localize Underscore
+local SLE = E:NewModule('SLE', 'AceHook-3.0', 'AceEvent-3.0');
+local UF = E:GetModule('UnitFrames');
+local DTP
+local EP = LibStub("LibElvUIPlugin-1.0")
+local addon = ...
+SLE.version = GetAddOnMetadata("ElvUI_SLE", "Version")
+E.SLEConfigs = {}
+function SLE:Tutorials() --Additional tutorials
+	table.insert(E.TutorialList, #(E.TutorialList)+1, L["To enable full values of health/power on unitframes in Shadow & Light add \":sl\" to the end of the health/power tag.\nExample: [health:current:sl]."]);
+function SLE:ConfigCats() --Additional mover groups
+	table.insert(E.ConfigModeLayouts, #(E.ConfigModeLayouts)+1, "S&L");
+	E.ConfigModeLocalizedStrings["S&L"] = L["S&L: All"]
+	table.insert(E.ConfigModeLayouts, #(E.ConfigModeLayouts)+1, "S&L DT");
+	E.ConfigModeLocalizedStrings["S&L DT"] = L["S&L: Datatexts"]
+	table.insert(E.ConfigModeLayouts, #(E.ConfigModeLayouts)+1, "S&L BG");
+	E.ConfigModeLocalizedStrings["S&L BG"] = L["S&L: Backgrounds"]
+	table.insert(E.ConfigModeLayouts, #(E.ConfigModeLayouts)+1, "S&L MISC");
+	E.ConfigModeLocalizedStrings["S&L MISC"] = L["S&L: Misc"]
+function SLE:LootShow()
+	local instance = IsInInstance()
+	LootHistoryFrame:SetAlpha(E.db.sle.lootalpha or 1)
+	if (not instance and E.db.sle.lootwin) then
+		LootHistoryFrame:Hide()
+	end
+function SLE:ChatPos()
+	if not E:HasMoverBeenMoved("LeftChatMover") and E.db.datatexts.leftChatPanel then
+		if not E.db.movers then E.db.movers = {}; end
+		if E.PixelMode then
+			E.db.movers.LeftChatMover = "BOTTOMLEFTUIParentBOTTOMLEFT019"
+		else
+			E.db.movers.LeftChatMover = "BOTTOMLEFTUIParentBOTTOMLEFT021"
+		end
+		E:SetMoversPositions()
+	end
+	if not E:HasMoverBeenMoved("RightChatMover") and E.db.datatexts.rightChatPanel then
+		if not E.db.movers then E.db.movers = {}; end
+		if E.PixelMode then
+			E.db.movers.RightChatMover = "BOTTOMRIGHTUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT019"
+		else
+			E.db.movers.RightChatMover = "BOTTOMRIGHTUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT021"
+		end
+		E:SetMoversPositions()
+	end
+E.UpdateAllSLE = E.UpdateAll
+function E:UpdateAll()
+    E.UpdateAllSLE(self)
+	E:GetModule('BackGrounds'):UpdateFrames()
+	E:GetModule('BackGrounds'):RegisterHide()
+	DTP:Update()
+	DTP:DashboardShow()
+	DTP:DashWidth()
+	if E.private.unitframe.enable then
+		UF:Update_CombatIndicator()
+	end
+	E:GetModule('UIButtons'):UpdateAll()
+	E:GetModule('RaidMarks'):Update()
+	E:GetModule('Farm'):UpdateLayout()
+	SLE:ChatPos()
+function SLE:Reset(all, uf, dt, bg, mark)
+	if all then --Reset All button
+		E:CopyTable(E.db.sle, P.sle)
+		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_1"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_2"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_3"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_4"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_5"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_6"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Top_Center"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Bottom_Panel"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Dashboard"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Pet Battle AB"])
+		E:ResetMovers("PvP")
+		E:ResetMovers('RM')
+		E:ResetMovers(L["UI Buttons"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Bottom BG"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Left BG"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Right BG"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Actionbar BG"])
+	end
+	if uf then
+		E.db.sle.combatico.pos = 'TOP'
+		E:CopyTable(E.db.unitframe.units.player.classbar, P.unitframe.units.player.classbar)
+		E.db.sle.powtext = false
+	end
+	if dt then
+		E:CopyTable(E.db.sle.datatext, P.sle.datatext)
+		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_1"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_2"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_3"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_4"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_5"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["DP_6"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Top_Center"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Bottom_Panel"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Dashboard"])
+	end
+	if bg then
+		E:CopyTable(E.db.sle.backgrounds, P.sle.backgrounds)
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Bottom BG"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Left BG"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Right BG"])
+		E:ResetMovers(L["Actionbar BG"])
+	end
+	if mark then
+		E:CopyTable(E.db.sle.marks, P.sle.marks)
+		E:ResetMovers('RM')
+	end
+	E:UpdateAll()
+function SLE:BagSearch(itemId)
+	for container = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do
+		for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(container) do
+			if itemId == GetContainerItemID(container, slot) then
+				return container, slot
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function SLE:Print(msg)
+	print(E["media"].hexvaluecolor..'S&L:|r', msg)
+function SLE:GetOptions()
+	for _, func in pairs(E.SLEConfigs) do
+		func()
+	end
+function SLE:Initialize()
+	--Showing warning message about too old versions of ElvUI
+	if tonumber(E.version) < 5.8 then
+		E:StaticPopup_Show("VERSION_MISMATCH")
+	end
+	EP:RegisterPlugin(addon,SLE.GetOptions)
+	DTP = E:GetModule('DTPanels')
+	if E.private.unitframe.enable then
+		self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED", UF.Update_CombatIndicator);
+	end
+	self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD', 'LootShow');
+	if E.db.general.loginmessage then
+		print(format(L['SLE_LOGIN_MSG'], E["media"].hexvaluecolor, SLE.version))
+	end
+	DTP:DashboardShow()
+	SLE:Tutorials()
+	SLE:ConfigCats()
+	SLE:ChatPos()
+	SLE:RegisterCommands()
\ No newline at end of file