

Darthpred [09-12-16 - 07:06]
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.txt b/CHANGELOG.txt
index 020c0f9..dccd64a 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -2,15 +2,21 @@ v3.14
 - Added an option to disable QuestGuru skin. Skin is now disabled by default.
 - World quest statusbar is now skinned.
+- Added button spacing for minimap buttons bar, also added backdrop style option for it
+- Added some coloring options for location panel
 - Time played datatext will not error on mouseover.
 - Fixed merchant skin randomly complaining about item quality.
 - Nameplates now should not get confused when you have vahicles/NPCs in your party.
 - Fixed databars not respecting hide in combat option
+- Fixed rendom error of faction being not faction in rep bar
+- Attempt at fixing portal dropdown sometimes not allowing spells to be casted
-- Logic to filter weapon enchants warning was changed. Note the warning on artifact while it is ilvl 750 is intended.
+- Logic to filter weapon enchants warning was changed.
 - Deconstruct mode now recognises artifact relics and some quest items as legit targets for DE. Also it now knows Legion has new ores and herbs.
 - A lot of option groups now have tabs instead of dropdowns
+- Player being in order hall is now more reliably checked
+- Minimap alpha option was removed due to it causing "map blackout" when indoors. Thanks Namekal for paying attention to this after years of people not even mentioning they were changing that option when reporting this bug.

 v3.13 08/29/2016
 A number of files were deleted in this release. We would suggest to manually remove S&L's folder and install it again instead of just auto updating.