
Move bags to bags :D

Darthpred [10-16-16 - 09:16]
Move bags to bags :D
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index cf1aa64..0000000
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-local SLE, T, E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...))
-local SB = SLE:NewModule("Bags", 'AceHook-3.0')
-local Pr
-local B = E:GetModule('Bags')
---GLOBALS: hooksecurefunc
-local _G = _G
-local C_NewItems = C_NewItems
-function SB:UpdateSlot(bagID, slotID)
-	if (self.Bags[bagID] and self.Bags[bagID].numSlots ~= T.GetContainerNumSlots(bagID)) or not self.Bags[bagID] or not self.Bags[bagID][slotID] then
-		return;
-	end
-	local slot = self.Bags[bagID][slotID];
-	slot.shadow:Hide();
-	E:StopFlash(slot.shadow);
-	if (slot:IsShown() and C_NewItems.IsNewItem(bagID, slotID)) then
-		SB:StartAnim(slot);
-	end
-	if not Pr then Pr = SLE:GetModule("Professions") end
-	if not Pr.DeconstructionReal then return end
-	if Pr.DeconstructionReal:IsShown() and not slot.hasItem then
-		B:Tooltip_Hide()
-		Pr.DeconstructionReal:OnLeave()
-	end
-function SB:UpdateReagentSlot(slotID)
-	local slot = _G["ElvUIReagentBankFrameItem"..slotID];
-	if not slot then return end;
-	slot.shadow:Hide();
-	E:StopFlash(slot.shadow);
-	if (slot:IsShown() and C_NewItems.IsNewItem(bagID, slotID)) then
-		SB:StartAnim(slot);
-	end
-function SB:StartAnim(slot)
-	if not slot.flashTex then
-		SB:HookBags(nil, slot)
-	end
-	slot.flashTex:Show();
-	slot.flashAnim:Play();
-	slot.glowAnim:Play();
-function SB:StopAnim(slot)
-	slot.flashTex:Hide();
-	slot.flashAnim:Stop();
-	slot.glowAnim:Stop();
-function SB:HookSlot(slot, bagID, slotID)
-	if bagID == REAGENTBANK_CONTAINER and E.private.sle.bags.transparentSlots and not slot.SLErarity then
-			slot.SLErarity = true
-			B:UpdateReagentSlot(slotID)
-	end
-	slot:HookScript('OnEnter', function()
-		if (SB.db.lootflash) then
-			C_NewItems.RemoveNewItem(bagID, slotID);
-			SB:StopAnim(slot);
-		end
-	end);
-	slot:HookScript('OnShow', function()
-		if (SB.db.lootflash) then
-			if (C_NewItems.IsNewItem(bagID, slotID)) then
-				SB:StartAnim(slot);
-			else
-				SB:StopAnim(slot);
-			end
-		end
-	end);
-	slot:HookScript('OnHide', function()
-		if (SB.db.lootflash) then
-			C_NewItems.RemoveNewItem(bagID, slotID);
-			SB:StopAnim(slot);
-		end
-	end);
-	slot.flashTex = slot:CreateTexture('flashTex', 'OVERLAY', 1);
-	slot.flashTex:SetBlendMode("ADD");
-	slot.flashTex:SetTexture(.7, .7, .7);
-	slot.flashTex:SetInside();
-	slot.flashTex:SetAlpha(0);
-	slot.shadow:SetAlpha(0);
-	local flashAnimGroup = slot:CreateAnimationGroup("flashAnim");
-	local flashAnim1 = flashAnimGroup:CreateAnimation("Alpha");
-	flashAnim1:SetChildKey("flashTex");
-	flashAnim1:SetFromAlpha(0);
-	flashAnim1:SetToAlpha(1);
-	--flashAnim1:SetSmoothing("IN");
-	flashAnim1:SetDuration(0.2);
-	flashAnim1:SetOrder(1);
-	local flashAnim2 = flashAnimGroup:CreateAnimation("Alpha");
-	flashAnim2:SetChildKey("flashTex");
-	flashAnim2:SetFromAlpha(1);
-	flashAnim2:SetToAlpha(0);
-	--flashAnim2:SetSmoothing("OUT");
-	flashAnim2:SetDuration(0.2);
-	flashAnim2:SetOrder(2);
-	slot.flashAnim = flashAnimGroup;
-	local glowAnimGroup = slot:CreateAnimationGroup("NewItemGlow");
-	glowAnimGroup:SetLooping("REPEAT");
-	local glowFlash1 = glowAnimGroup:CreateAnimation("Alpha");
-	glowFlash1:SetChildKey("backdrop");
-	--glowFlash1:SetStartDelay(0.4);
-	glowFlash1:SetDuration(0.8);
-	glowFlash1:SetOrder(1);
-	glowFlash1:SetFromAlpha(1);
-	glowFlash1:SetToAlpha(0.4);
-	local glowFlash2 = glowAnimGroup:CreateAnimation("Alpha");
-	glowFlash2:SetChildKey("backdrop");
-	glowFlash2:SetDuration(0.8);
-	glowFlash2:SetOrder(2);
-	glowFlash2:SetFromAlpha(0.4);
-	glowFlash2:SetToAlpha(1);
-	slot.glowAnim = glowAnimGroup;
-function SB:HookBags(isBank, force)
-	local slot
-	for _, bagFrame in T.pairs(B.BagFrames) do
-		for _, bagID in T.pairs(bagFrame.BagIDs) do
-			if (not self.hookedBags[bagID])then
-				for slotID = 1, T.GetContainerNumSlots(bagID) do
-					slot = bagFrame.Bags[bagID][slotID];
-					self:HookSlot(slot, bagID, slotID);
-				end
-				self.hookedBags[bagID] = true;
-			elseif self.hookedBags[bagID] and force then
-				for slotID = 1, T.GetContainerNumSlots(bagID) do
-					if force == bagFrame.Bags[bagID][slotID] then self:HookSlot(force, bagID, slotID) end
-				end
-			end
-			for slotID = 1, T.GetContainerNumSlots(bagID) do
-				slot = bagFrame.Bags[bagID][slotID];
-				if slot.template ~= "Transparent" and E.private.sle.bags.transparentSlots then slot:SetTemplate('Transparent') end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if (_G["ElvUIReagentBankFrameItem1"] and not self.hookedBags[REAGENTBANK_CONTAINER]) then
-		for slotID = 1, 98 do
-			local slot = _G["ElvUIReagentBankFrameItem"..slotID];
-			self:HookSlot(slot, REAGENTBANK_CONTAINER, slotID);
-		end
-		self.hookedBags[REAGENTBANK_CONTAINER] = true;
-	end
-function SB:Initialize()
-	self.hookedBags = {};
-	if not SLE.initialized or not E.private.bags.enable then return end
-	function SB:ForUpdateAll()
-		SB.db = E.db.sle.bags
-	end
-	SB:ForUpdateAll()
-	local BUpdateSlot = B.UpdateSlot;
-	local SBUpdateSlot = SB.UpdateSlot;
-	for _, bagFrame in T.pairs(B.BagFrames) do
-		local UpdateSlot = function(self, bagID, slotID)
-			BUpdateSlot(bagFrame, bagID, slotID);
-			if (SB.db.lootflash) then
-				SBUpdateSlot(bagFrame, bagID, slotID);
-			end
-		end
-		bagFrame.UpdateSlot = UpdateSlot;
-		local BUpdateReagentSlot = B.UpdateReagentSlot;
-		local SBUpdateReagentSlot = SB.UpdateReagentSlot;
-		local UpdateReagentSlot = function(self, slotID)
-			BUpdateReagentSlot(bagFrame, slotID);
-			if (SB.db.lootflash) then
-				SBUpdateReagentSlot(bagFrame, slotID);
-			end
-		end
-		bagFrame.UpdateReagentSlot = UpdateReagentSlot;
-	end
-	self:HookBags();
-	hooksecurefunc(B, "Layout", function()
-		self:HookBags()
-	end);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags/bags.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags/bags.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf1aa64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags/bags.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+local SLE, T, E, L, V, P, G = unpack(select(2, ...))
+local SB = SLE:NewModule("Bags", 'AceHook-3.0')
+local Pr
+local B = E:GetModule('Bags')
+--GLOBALS: hooksecurefunc
+local _G = _G
+local C_NewItems = C_NewItems
+function SB:UpdateSlot(bagID, slotID)
+	if (self.Bags[bagID] and self.Bags[bagID].numSlots ~= T.GetContainerNumSlots(bagID)) or not self.Bags[bagID] or not self.Bags[bagID][slotID] then
+		return;
+	end
+	local slot = self.Bags[bagID][slotID];
+	slot.shadow:Hide();
+	E:StopFlash(slot.shadow);
+	if (slot:IsShown() and C_NewItems.IsNewItem(bagID, slotID)) then
+		SB:StartAnim(slot);
+	end
+	if not Pr then Pr = SLE:GetModule("Professions") end
+	if not Pr.DeconstructionReal then return end
+	if Pr.DeconstructionReal:IsShown() and not slot.hasItem then
+		B:Tooltip_Hide()
+		Pr.DeconstructionReal:OnLeave()
+	end
+function SB:UpdateReagentSlot(slotID)
+	local slot = _G["ElvUIReagentBankFrameItem"..slotID];
+	if not slot then return end;
+	slot.shadow:Hide();
+	E:StopFlash(slot.shadow);
+	if (slot:IsShown() and C_NewItems.IsNewItem(bagID, slotID)) then
+		SB:StartAnim(slot);
+	end
+function SB:StartAnim(slot)
+	if not slot.flashTex then
+		SB:HookBags(nil, slot)
+	end
+	slot.flashTex:Show();
+	slot.flashAnim:Play();
+	slot.glowAnim:Play();
+function SB:StopAnim(slot)
+	slot.flashTex:Hide();
+	slot.flashAnim:Stop();
+	slot.glowAnim:Stop();
+function SB:HookSlot(slot, bagID, slotID)
+	if bagID == REAGENTBANK_CONTAINER and E.private.sle.bags.transparentSlots and not slot.SLErarity then
+			slot.SLErarity = true
+			B:UpdateReagentSlot(slotID)
+	end
+	slot:HookScript('OnEnter', function()
+		if (SB.db.lootflash) then
+			C_NewItems.RemoveNewItem(bagID, slotID);
+			SB:StopAnim(slot);
+		end
+	end);
+	slot:HookScript('OnShow', function()
+		if (SB.db.lootflash) then
+			if (C_NewItems.IsNewItem(bagID, slotID)) then
+				SB:StartAnim(slot);
+			else
+				SB:StopAnim(slot);
+			end
+		end
+	end);
+	slot:HookScript('OnHide', function()
+		if (SB.db.lootflash) then
+			C_NewItems.RemoveNewItem(bagID, slotID);
+			SB:StopAnim(slot);
+		end
+	end);
+	slot.flashTex = slot:CreateTexture('flashTex', 'OVERLAY', 1);
+	slot.flashTex:SetBlendMode("ADD");
+	slot.flashTex:SetTexture(.7, .7, .7);
+	slot.flashTex:SetInside();
+	slot.flashTex:SetAlpha(0);
+	slot.shadow:SetAlpha(0);
+	local flashAnimGroup = slot:CreateAnimationGroup("flashAnim");
+	local flashAnim1 = flashAnimGroup:CreateAnimation("Alpha");
+	flashAnim1:SetChildKey("flashTex");
+	flashAnim1:SetFromAlpha(0);
+	flashAnim1:SetToAlpha(1);
+	--flashAnim1:SetSmoothing("IN");
+	flashAnim1:SetDuration(0.2);
+	flashAnim1:SetOrder(1);
+	local flashAnim2 = flashAnimGroup:CreateAnimation("Alpha");
+	flashAnim2:SetChildKey("flashTex");
+	flashAnim2:SetFromAlpha(1);
+	flashAnim2:SetToAlpha(0);
+	--flashAnim2:SetSmoothing("OUT");
+	flashAnim2:SetDuration(0.2);
+	flashAnim2:SetOrder(2);
+	slot.flashAnim = flashAnimGroup;
+	local glowAnimGroup = slot:CreateAnimationGroup("NewItemGlow");
+	glowAnimGroup:SetLooping("REPEAT");
+	local glowFlash1 = glowAnimGroup:CreateAnimation("Alpha");
+	glowFlash1:SetChildKey("backdrop");
+	--glowFlash1:SetStartDelay(0.4);
+	glowFlash1:SetDuration(0.8);
+	glowFlash1:SetOrder(1);
+	glowFlash1:SetFromAlpha(1);
+	glowFlash1:SetToAlpha(0.4);
+	local glowFlash2 = glowAnimGroup:CreateAnimation("Alpha");
+	glowFlash2:SetChildKey("backdrop");
+	glowFlash2:SetDuration(0.8);
+	glowFlash2:SetOrder(2);
+	glowFlash2:SetFromAlpha(0.4);
+	glowFlash2:SetToAlpha(1);
+	slot.glowAnim = glowAnimGroup;
+function SB:HookBags(isBank, force)
+	local slot
+	for _, bagFrame in T.pairs(B.BagFrames) do
+		for _, bagID in T.pairs(bagFrame.BagIDs) do
+			if (not self.hookedBags[bagID])then
+				for slotID = 1, T.GetContainerNumSlots(bagID) do
+					slot = bagFrame.Bags[bagID][slotID];
+					self:HookSlot(slot, bagID, slotID);
+				end
+				self.hookedBags[bagID] = true;
+			elseif self.hookedBags[bagID] and force then
+				for slotID = 1, T.GetContainerNumSlots(bagID) do
+					if force == bagFrame.Bags[bagID][slotID] then self:HookSlot(force, bagID, slotID) end
+				end
+			end
+			for slotID = 1, T.GetContainerNumSlots(bagID) do
+				slot = bagFrame.Bags[bagID][slotID];
+				if slot.template ~= "Transparent" and E.private.sle.bags.transparentSlots then slot:SetTemplate('Transparent') end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if (_G["ElvUIReagentBankFrameItem1"] and not self.hookedBags[REAGENTBANK_CONTAINER]) then
+		for slotID = 1, 98 do
+			local slot = _G["ElvUIReagentBankFrameItem"..slotID];
+			self:HookSlot(slot, REAGENTBANK_CONTAINER, slotID);
+		end
+		self.hookedBags[REAGENTBANK_CONTAINER] = true;
+	end
+function SB:Initialize()
+	self.hookedBags = {};
+	if not SLE.initialized or not E.private.bags.enable then return end
+	function SB:ForUpdateAll()
+		SB.db = E.db.sle.bags
+	end
+	SB:ForUpdateAll()
+	local BUpdateSlot = B.UpdateSlot;
+	local SBUpdateSlot = SB.UpdateSlot;
+	for _, bagFrame in T.pairs(B.BagFrames) do
+		local UpdateSlot = function(self, bagID, slotID)
+			BUpdateSlot(bagFrame, bagID, slotID);
+			if (SB.db.lootflash) then
+				SBUpdateSlot(bagFrame, bagID, slotID);
+			end
+		end
+		bagFrame.UpdateSlot = UpdateSlot;
+		local BUpdateReagentSlot = B.UpdateReagentSlot;
+		local SBUpdateReagentSlot = SB.UpdateReagentSlot;
+		local UpdateReagentSlot = function(self, slotID)
+			BUpdateReagentSlot(bagFrame, slotID);
+			if (SB.db.lootflash) then
+				SBUpdateReagentSlot(bagFrame, slotID);
+			end
+		end
+		bagFrame.UpdateReagentSlot = UpdateReagentSlot;
+	end
+	self:HookBags();
+	hooksecurefunc(B, "Layout", function()
+		self:HookBags()
+	end);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags/load_bags.xml b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags/load_bags.xml
index f1e0823..f76cfb2 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags/load_bags.xml
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/bags/load_bags.xml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 <Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
+	<Script file="bags.lua"/>
 	<Script file="artifactpower.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/load_modules.xml b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/load_modules.xml
index cdccdfb..6a24bd6 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/load_modules.xml
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/load_modules.xml
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 	<Script file='auras.lua'/>
 	<Script file='backgrounds.lua'/>
 	<Include file='bags\load_bags.xml'/>
-	<Script file='bags.lua'/>
 	<Script file='baginfo.lua'/>
 	<Script file='blizzard.lua'/>
 	<Include file='chat\load_chat.xml'/>