

Darthpred [03-04-14 - 00:29]
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/english.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/english.lua
index 3f04a49..e287aa3 100755
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/english.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/english.lua
@@ -77,9 +77,11 @@ L["Show Background Image"] = true
 L['Background picture'] = true
 L["Custom"] = true
 L['Font'] = true
+L["Show Item Level"] = true
 L["The font that the item level will use."] = true
 L["Set the font size that the item level will use."] = true
 L["Set the font outline that the item level will use."] = true
+L["Show Durability"] = true
 L["The font that the item durability will use."] = true
 L["Set the font size that the item durability will use."] = true
 L["Set the font outline that the item durability will use."] = true
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/russian.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/russian.lua
index 1b2038a..7023f18 100755
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/russian.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/russian.lua
@@ -77,14 +77,16 @@ L["Show Background Image"] = "Фоновое изображение"
 L['Background picture'] = "Фоновое изображение"
 L["Custom"] = "Своя"
 L['Font'] = "Шрифт"  --L['Fonts'] is localized in elvui but not Font
+L["Show Item Level"] = "Показывать ур. предметов"
 L["The font that the item level will use."] = "Шрифт уровня предметов."
 L["Set the font size that the item level will use."] = "Размер шрифта уровня предметов."
 L["Set the font outline that the item level will use."] = "Граница шрифта уровня предметов."
+L["Show Durability"] = "Показывать прочность"
 L["The font that the item durability will use."] = "Шрифт прочности предметов."
 L["Set the font size that the item durability will use."] = "Размер шрифта прочности предметов."
 L["Set the font outline that the item durability will use."] = "Граница шрифта прочности предметов."
 L["Enchanting"] = "Зачарование"
-L["Show Enchant"] = "Текст чар"
+L["Show Enchants"] = "Текст чар"
 L["Show the enchantment effect near the enchanted item (not the item itself) when mousing over."] = "Показывать эффект чар около предмета при наведении курсора в ту область."
 L["Show the enchantment effect near the enchanted item"] = "Показывать наложенные чары рядом с предметом"
 L["Show Warning"] = "Предупреждения"