
Other install tweaking and removing unused shit

Darthpred [10-17-14 - 16:03]
Other install tweaking and removing unused shit
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/core/commands.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/core/commands.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 90457e5..0000000
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/core/commands.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(ElvUI);
-local SLE = E:GetModule('SLE');
-local split = string.split
-local Message = ''
---The list of authorized toons
-local Authors = {
-	["Illidan"] = {
-		--Darth's toon
-		["Darthpred"] = true,
-		--Repooc's Toon
-		["Repøøc"] = true,
-		["Repooc"] = true
-	},
-	["ВечнаяПесня"] = {
-		--Darth's toons
-		["Дартпредатор"] = true,
-		["Алея"] = true,
-		["Ваззули"] = true,
-		["Сиаранна"] = true,
-		["Джатон"] = true,
-		["Фикстер"] = true,
-		["Киландра"] = true,
-		["Нарджо"] = true,
-		["Келинира"] = true,
-		["Крениг"] = true,
-		["Мейжи"] = true
-	},
-	["Spirestone"] = {
-		["Sifupooc"] = true,
-		["Dapooc"] = true,
-		["Lapooc"] = true,
-		["Warpooc"] = true,
-		["Repooc"] = true,
-		["Cursewordz"] = true,
-	},
-	["Andorhal"] = {
-		["Dapooc"] = true,
-		["Rovert"] = true,
-		["Sliceoflife"] = true
-	},
-	["WyrmrestAccord"] = {
-		["Kìtalie"] = true,
-		["Sagome"] = true,
-		["Ainy"] = true,
-		["Norinael"] = true,
-		["Tritalie"] = true,
-		["Myùn"] = true,
-		["Nevaleigh"] = true,
-		["Celenii"] = true,
-		["Varysa"] = true,
-		["Caylasena"] = true,
-		["Arillora"] = true,
-		["Dapooc"] = true,
-	},
-	--Normal PTR
-	["Anasterian(US)"] = {
-		["Dapooc"] = true,
-	},
-	["Brill(EU)"] = {
-		["Дартпредатор"] = true,
-	},
-function SLE:Auth(sender)
-	local senderName, senderRealm
-	if sender then
-		senderName, senderRealm = string.split('-', sender)
-	else
-		senderName = E.myname
-	end
-	senderRealm = senderRealm or E.myrealm
-	senderRealm = senderRealm:gsub(' ', '')
-	if Authors[senderRealm] and Authors[senderRealm][senderName] then
-		return Authors[senderRealm][senderName]
-	end
-	return false
-function E:sleCommand(flag, channel, target, output, text, wtarget, presenceID)
-	if not SLE:Auth() then
-		SLE:Print('|cffFF0000Access Denied|r: You need to be authorized to use this command.')
-		return
-	end
-	if channel ~= 'BNET' then
-		if target == (nil or "")then
-			SLE:Print('|cffFF0000Error|r: You need to set a unit to execute command.')
-			return
-		end
-	end
-	if channel ~= 'BNET' then
-		if text == (nil or "") then
-			SLE:Print('|cffFF0000Error|r: You need to actually send something in your message.')
-			return
-		end
-	end
-	if channel ~= 'BNET' then
-		Message = target
-	else
-		Message = " "
-	end
-	if flag == 'SLE_DEV_SAYS' then
-		if output == 'WHISPER' and (wtarget == (nil or "")) then
-			SLE:Print('|cffFF0000Error|r: You need to set a whisper target.')
-			return
-		end
-		Message = Message.."#"..output.."#"..text
-		if output == 'WHISPER' then
-			Message = Message.."#"..wtarget
-		end
-	else
-		Message = Message.."#"..text
-	end
-	if channel ~= 'BNET' then
-		SendAddonMessage(flag, Message, channel, target)
-	else
-		if not presenceID then
-			SLE:Print('|cffFF0000Error|r: No bnet friend selected, stupid.')
-			return
-		end
-		presenceID = tonumber(presenceID)
-		BNSendGameData(presenceID, flag, Message)
-	end
-	SLE:Print('|cff00FF00Success|r:  Command executed.')
-local function SendRecieve(self, event, prefix, message, channel, sender)
-	if event == "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" then
-		if sender == E.myname.."-"..E.myrealm:gsub(' ','') then return end
-		if (prefix == 'SLE_DEV_SAYS' or prefix == 'SLE_DEV_CMD') and SLE:Auth(sender) and not SLE:Auth() then
-			if prefix == 'SLE_DEV_SAYS' then
-				local user, channel, msg, sendTo = split("#", message)
-				if (user ~= 'ALL' and (user == E.myname or user == E.myname.."-"..E.myrealm:gsub(' ',''))) or user == 'ALL' then
-					SendChatMessage(msg, channel, nil, sendTo)
-				end
-			else
-				local user, executeString = split("#", message)
-				if (user ~= 'ALL' and (user == E.myname or user == E.myname.."-"..E.myrealm:gsub(' ',''))) or user == 'ALL' then
-					local func, err = loadstring(executeString);
-					if not err then
-						SLE:Print(format("Developer Executed: %s", executeString))
-						func()
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if prefix == 'SLE_DEV_REQ' and SLE:Auth(sender) then
-			local message = UnitLevel('player')..'#'..E.myclass..'#'..E.myname..'#'..E.myrealm..'#'..SLE.version;
-			SendAddonMessage('SLE_DEV_INFO', message, channel)
-		end
-	elseif event == "BN_CHAT_MSG_ADDON" then
-		if (sender == E.myname.."-"..E.myrealm:gsub(' ','')) then return end
-		if prefix == 'SLE_DEV_REQ' then
-			local _, numBNetOnline = BNGetNumFriends()
-			for i = 1, numBNetOnline do
-				local presenceID, _, _, _, _, _, client, isOnline = BNGetFriendInfo(i)
-				if isOnline and client == BNET_CLIENT_WOW then
-					--local messageS
-					local message, ID = split("#", message)
-					if message == 'userlist' then
-						message = UnitLevel('player')..'#'..E.myclass..'#'..E.myname..'#'..E.myrealm..'#'..SLE.version;
-					elseif message == 'slesay' then
-						message = "SLEinfo"..ID
-					end
-					BNSendGameData(presenceID, 'SLE_DEV_INFO', message)
-				end
-			end
-		elseif (prefix == 'SLE_DEV_SAYS' or prefix == 'SLE_DEV_CMD') and not SLE:Auth() then
-			if prefix == 'SLE_DEV_SAYS' then
-				local _, channel, msg, sendTo = split("#", message)
-				SendChatMessage(msg, channel, nil, sendTo)
-			else
-				local _, executeString = split("#", message)
-				local func, err = loadstring(executeString);
-				if not err then
-					SLE:Print(format("Developer Executed: %s", executeString))
-					func()
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-local f = CreateFrame('Frame', "DaFrame")
-f:SetScript('OnEvent', SendRecieve)
-function SLE:RegisterCommands()
-	E:RegisterChatCommand('slesays', 'sleSays')
-	E:RegisterChatCommand('slecmd', 'sleCommand')
-	E:RegisterChatCommand('sletarget', 'sleTarget')
-	E:RegisterChatCommand('slechannel', 'sleChannel')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/core/communicate.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/core/communicate.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03c34c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/core/communicate.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+local E, L, V, P, G = unpack(ElvUI);
+local SLE = E:GetModule('SLE');
+local split = string.split
+--The list of authorized toons
+local Authors = {
+	["Illidan"] = {
+		--Darth's toon
+		["Darthpred"] = true,
+		--Repooc's Toon
+		["Repooc"] = true,
+		["Repooc"] = true
+	},
+	["ВечнаяПесня"] = {
+		--Darth's toons
+		["Дартпредатор"] = true,
+		["Алея"] = true,
+		["Ваззули"] = true,
+		["Сиаранна"] = true,
+		["Джатон"] = true,
+		["Фикстер"] = true,
+		["Киландра"] = true,
+		["Нарджо"] = true,
+		["Келинира"] = true,
+		["Крениг"] = true,
+		["Мейжи"] = true
+	},
+	["Spirestone"] = {
+		["Sifupooc"] = true,
+		["Dapooc"] = true,
+		["Lapooc"] = true,
+		["Warpooc"] = true,
+		["Repooc"] = true,
+		["Cursewordz"] = true,
+	},
+	["Andorhal"] = {
+		["Dapooc"] = true,
+		["Rovert"] = true,
+		["Sliceoflife"] = true
+	},
+	["WyrmrestAccord"] = {
+		["Kitalie"] = true,
+		["Sagome"] = true,
+		["Ainy"] = true,
+		["Norinael"] = true,
+		["Tritalie"] = true,
+		["Myun"] = true,
+		["Nevaleigh"] = true,
+		["Celenii"] = true,
+		["Varysa"] = true,
+		["Caylasena"] = true,
+		["Arillora"] = true,
+		["Dapooc"] = true,
+	},
+	--Normal PTR
+	["Anasterian(US)"] = {
+		["Dapooc"] = true,
+	},
+	["Brill(EU)"] = {
+		["Дартпредатор"] = true,
+	},
+function SLE:Auth(sender)
+	local senderName, senderRealm
+	if sender then
+		senderName, senderRealm = string.split('-', sender)
+	else
+		senderName = E.myname
+	end
+	senderRealm = senderRealm or E.myrealm
+	senderRealm = senderRealm:gsub(' ', '')
+	if Authors[senderRealm] and Authors[senderRealm][senderName] then
+		return Authors[senderRealm][senderName]
+	end
+	return false
+local function SendRecieve(self, event, prefix, message, channel, sender)
+	if event == "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" then
+		if sender == E.myname.."-"..E.myrealm:gsub(' ','') then return end
+		if prefix == 'SLE_DEV_REQ' and SLE:Auth(sender) then
+			local message = UnitLevel('player')..'#'..E.myclass..'#'..E.myname..'#'..E.myrealm..'#'..SLE.version;
+			SendAddonMessage('SLE_DEV_INFO', message, channel)
+		end
+	elseif event == "BN_CHAT_MSG_ADDON" then
+		if (sender == E.myname.."-"..E.myrealm:gsub(' ','')) then return end
+		if prefix == 'SLE_DEV_REQ' then
+			local _, numBNetOnline = BNGetNumFriends()
+			for i = 1, numBNetOnline do
+				local presenceID, _, _, _, _, _, client, isOnline = BNGetFriendInfo(i)
+				if isOnline and client == BNET_CLIENT_WOW then
+					--local messageS
+					local message, ID = split("#", message)
+					if message == 'userlist' then
+						message = UnitLevel('player')..'#'..E.myclass..'#'..E.myname..'#'..E.myrealm..'#'..SLE.version;
+					elseif message == 'slesay' then
+						message = "SLEinfo"..ID
+					end
+					BNSendGameData(presenceID, 'SLE_DEV_INFO', message)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+local f = CreateFrame('Frame', "DaFrame")
+f:SetScript('OnEvent', SendRecieve)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/core/core.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/core/core.lua
index cd93862..e802b60 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/core/core.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/core/core.lua
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ SLE.version = GetAddOnMetadata("ElvUI_SLE", "Version")
 local elvV = tonumber(E.version)
 local elvR = tonumber(GetAddOnMetadata("ElvUI_SLE", "X-ElvVersion"))
 E.SLEConfigs = {}
 --SLE['media'] = {}

 function SLE:MismatchText()
@@ -246,6 +247,5 @@ function SLE:Initialize()
-	SLE:RegisterCommands()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/core/install.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/core/install.lua
index fc1212f..d8e5a77 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/core/install.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/core/install.lua
@@ -1083,15 +1083,8 @@ local function RepoocSetup() --The function to switch from classic ElvUI setting
 	if AddOnSkins then
 		E.private["addonskins"] = {
 			["Blizzard_WorldStateCaptureBar"] = true,
-			["EmbedOoC"] = false,
-			["DBMSkinHalf"] = true,
-			["DBMFont"] = "ElvUI Font",
-			["EmbedSystemDual"] = true,
-			["EmbedLeft"] = "Skada",
-			["EmbedRight"] = "Skada",

@@ -1102,506 +1095,509 @@ local function AffinitiiSetup() --The function to switch from class ElvUI settin
 	-- layout = E.db.layoutSet  --Pull which layout was selected if any.
 	pixel = E.PixelMode  --Pull PixelMode

-	--Profile--
-	E.db.general.autoRepair = "GUILD"
-	E.db.general.bottomPanel = false
-	E.db.general.backdropfadecolor.b = 0.054
-	E.db.general.backdropfadecolor.g = 0.054
-	E.db.general.backdropfadecolor.r = 0.054
-	E.db.general.valuecolor.b = 0.819
-	E.db.general.valuecolor.g = 0.513
-	E.db.general.valuecolor.r = 0.09
-	E.db.general.threat.position = "LEFTCHAT"
-	E.db.general.vendorGrays = true
-	E.db.general.topPanel = false
-	E.db.movers.DP_6_Mover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM03"
-	E.db.movers.ElvUF_PlayerCastbarMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM097"
-	E.db.movers.ElvUF_RaidMover = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT440511"
-	E.db.movers.LeftChatMover = "BOTTOMLEFTUIParentBOTTOMLEFT021"
-	E.db.movers.ElvUF_Raid10Mover = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT449511"
-	E.db.movers.BossButton = "TOPLEFTElvUIParentTOPLEFT622-352"
-	E.db.movers.ElvUF_FocusMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-63436"
-	E.db.movers.ClassBarMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-337500"
-	E.db.movers.SquareMinimapBar = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-4-211"
-	E.db.movers.ElvUF_TargetMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM278200"
-	E.db.movers.ElvUF_Raid40Mover = "TOPLEFTElvUIParentTOPLEFT447-468"
-	E.db.movers.ElvAB_1 = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM059"
-	E.db.movers.Bottom_Panel_Mover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0273"
-	E.db.movers.ElvAB_4 = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-413200"
-	E.db.movers.AltPowerBarMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-300338"
-	E.db.movers.ElvAB_3 = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM26427"
-	E.db.movers.ElvAB_5 = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-26427"
-	E.db.movers.ElvUF_Raid25Mover = "TOPLEFTElvUIParentTOPLEFT449-448"
-	E.db.movers.PetAB = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-4-433"
-	E.db.movers.ElvAB_6 = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0102"
-	E.db.movers.ShiftAB = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT41421"
-	E.db.movers.ElvUF_PartyMover = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT449511"
-	E.db.movers.TotemBarMover = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT41421"
-	E.db.movers.ArenaHeaderMover = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-210-410"
-	E.db.movers.ElvUF_PetMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0230"
-	E.db.movers.Top_Center_Mover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-2644"
-	E.db.movers.BossHeaderMover = "BOTTOMRIGHTElvUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-210435"
-	E.db.movers.ElvUF_PlayerMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-278200"
-	E.db.movers.ElvAB_2 = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM025"
-	E.db.movers.RightChatMover = "BOTTOMRIGHTUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT021"
-	E.db.movers.MMButtonsMover = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-214-160"
-	E.db.movers.ElvUF_TargetTargetMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0190"
-	E.db.movers.DP_5_Mover = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT4327"
-	E.db.gridSize = 110
-	E.db.tooltip.style = "inset"
-	E.db.tooltip.visibility.combat = true
-	E.db.hideTutorial = true
-	E.db.chat.timeStampFormat = "%I:%M"
-	E.db.chat.editBoxPosition = "ABOVE_CHAT"
-	E.db.chat.lfgIcons = false
-	E.db.chat.emotionIcons = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.tank.enable = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.boss.portrait.enable = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.boss.portrait.overlay = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.boss.power.width = "inset"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.horizontalSpacing = 1
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.debuffs.xOffset = -4
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.debuffs.yOffset = -9
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.debuffs.anchorPoint = "TOPRIGHT"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.debuffs.clickThrough = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.debuffs.useBlacklist = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.debuffs.perrow = 2
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.debuffs.useFilter = "Blacklist"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.debuffs.sizeOverride = 21
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.debuffs.enable = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.rdebuffs.size = 26
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.invertGroupingOrder = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.name.text_format = "[namecolor][name:veryshort]"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.name.position = "TOP"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.power.enable = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.power.width = "inset"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.power.position = "CENTER"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.customTexts = {}
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.customTexts['Health Text'] = {}
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.customTexts['Health Text'].font = "ElvUI Pixel"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.customTexts['Health Text'].justifyH = "CENTER"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.customTexts['Health Text'].fontOutline = "MONOCHROMEOUTLINE"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.customTexts['Health Text'].xOffset = 0
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.customTexts['Health Text'].size = 10
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.customTexts['Health Text'].text_format = "[healthcolor][health:deficit]"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.customTexts['Health Text'].yOffset = -7
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.healPrediction = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.width = 50
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.growthDirection = "UP_LEFT"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.health.frequentUpdates = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.buffs.xOffset = 21
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.buffs.yOffset = 25
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.buffs.anchorPoint = "BOTTOMLEFT"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.buffs.clickThrough = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.buffs.useBlacklist = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.buffs.noDuration = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.buffs.playerOnly = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.buffs.perrow = 1
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.buffs.useFilter = "TurtleBuffs"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.buffs.noConsolidated = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.buffs.sizeOverride = 17
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.buffs.enable = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.height = 43
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.verticalSpacing = 1
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.raidicon.attachTo = "LEFT"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.raidicon.xOffset = 9
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.raidicon.yOffset = 0
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid40.raidicon.size = 13
-	E.db.unitframe.units.focus.power.width = "inset"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.target.portrait.overlay = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.target.aurabar.enable = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.target.power.width = "inset"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.target.power.height = 11
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.debuffs.countFontSize = 13
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.debuffs.fontSize = 9
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.debuffs.enable = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.debuffs.yOffset = -7
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.debuffs.anchorPoint = "TOPRIGHT"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.debuffs.sizeOverride = 21
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.debuffs.xOffset = -4
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.growthDirection = "LEFT_UP"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.numGroups = 6
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.roleIcon.enable = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.healPrediction = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.power.height = 8
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.enable = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.yOffset = 28
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.anchorPoint = "BOTTOMLEFT"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.clickThrough = true
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.useBlacklist = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.noDuration = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.playerOnly = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.perrow = 1
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.useFilter = "TurtleBuffs"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.noConsolidated = false
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.sizeOverride = 22
-	E.db.unitframe.units.raid.buffs.xOffset = 30
-	E.db.unitframe.units.focustarget.power.width = "inset"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.pet.power.width = "inset"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.targettarget.power.width = "inset"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.player.debuffs.attachTo = "BUFFS"
-	E.db.unitframe.units.player.portrait.overlay = true
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-	E.db.unitframe.colors.transparentHealth = true
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-	--Global--
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-	E.global.unitframe.aurafilters.Blacklist.spells['Recently Bandaged'].priority = 0
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-		-- else
-			-- E.db.movers.ElvAB_3 = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM26027"
-			-- E.db.movers.ElvAB_5 = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-26027"
-			-- E.db.movers.Bottom_Panel_Mover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM2604"
-			-- E.db.movers.Top_Center_Mover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-2604"
-		-- end
-		-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_PlayerMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-278200"
-		-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_PlayerCastbarMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0100"
-		-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_TargetMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM278200"
-		-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_TargetTargetMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0190"
-		-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_FocusMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-63436"
-		-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_PetMover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0230"
-		-- E.db.movers.ElvAB_1 = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM060"
-		-- E.db.movers.ElvAB_2 = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM027"
-		-- E.db.movers.DP_6_Mover = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM04"
-		-- E.db.movers.LeftChatMover = "BOTTOMLEFTUIParentBOTTOMLEFT021"
-		-- E.db.movers.RightChatMover = "BOTTOMRIGHTUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT021"
-		-- E.db.movers.PetAB = "RIGHTElvUIParentRIGHT00"
-		-- E.db.movers.ArenaHeaderMover = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-210-410"
-		-- E.db.movers.BossHeaderMover = "BOTTOMRIGHTElvUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-210435"
-		-- if layout == 'dpsCaster' or layout == 'dpsMelee' or layout == 'tank' then
-			-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_PartyMover = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT4200"
-			-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_Raid10Mover = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT4200"
-			-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_Raid25Mover = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT4200"
-			-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_Raid40Mover = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT4200"
-			-- E.db.movers["BossButton"] = "CENTERElvUIParentCENTER-413188"
-		-- else
-			-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_PartyMover = "BOTTOMRIGHTElvUIParentCENTER-213-90"
-			-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_Raid10Mover = "BOTTOMRIGHTElvUIParentCENTER-213-90"
-			-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_Raid25Mover = "BOTTOMRIGHTElvUIParentCENTER-213-90"
-			-- E.db.movers.ElvUF_Raid40Mover = "BOTTOMRIGHTElvUIParentCENTER-213-90"
-			-- E.db.movers["BossButton"] = "CENTERElvUIParentCENTER-413188"
-		-- end
-		-- if GetScreenWidth() < 1920 then
-			-- E.db.movers.ElvAB_4 = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-380200"
-			-- E.db.movers.ShiftAB = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT38221"
-			-- E.db.movers.TotemBarMover = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT38221"
-		-- else
-			-- E.db.movers.ElvAB_4 = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-413200"
-			-- E.db.movers.ShiftAB = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT41421"
-			-- E.db.movers.TotemBarMover = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT41421"
-		-- end
-	-- end
+	E.db["movers"] = {
+		["DP_6_Mover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM03",
+		["ElvUF_PlayerCastbarMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM096",
+		["ElvUF_RaidMover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT440511",
+		["LeftChatMover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTUIParentBOTTOMLEFT021",
+		["ElvUF_Raid10Mover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT449511",
+		["BossButton"] = "TOPLEFTElvUIParentTOPLEFT622-352",
+		["ElvUF_FocusMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-63436",
+		["ClassBarMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-337500",
+		["SquareMinimapBar"] = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-4-211",
+		["ElvUF_TargetMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM278200",
+		["ElvUF_Raid40Mover"] = "TOPLEFTElvUIParentTOPLEFT447-468",
+		["ElvAB_1"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM059",
+		["ElvAB_2"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM025",
+		["ElvAB_4"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-413200",
+		["AltPowerBarMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-300338",
+		["ElvAB_3"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM25425",
+		["ElvAB_5"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-25425",
+		["MMButtonsMover"] = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-214-160",
+		["ElvUF_PlayerMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-278200",
+		["ElvUF_TargetTargetMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0190",
+		["ShiftAB"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT41421",
+		["RightChatMover"] = "BOTTOMRIGHTUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT021",
+		["TotemBarMover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT41421",
+		["ArenaHeaderMover"] = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-210-410",
+		["DP_5_Mover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT4327",
+		["Top_Center_Mover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM-2543",
+		["BossHeaderMover"] = "BOTTOMRIGHTElvUIParentBOTTOMRIGHT-210435",
+		["ElvUF_PetMover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0230",
+		["ElvAB_6"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM0102",
+		["ElvUF_PartyMover"] = "BOTTOMLEFTElvUIParentBOTTOMLEFT449511",
+		["Bottom_Panel_Mover"] = "BOTTOMElvUIParentBOTTOM2543",
+		["PetAB"] = "TOPRIGHTElvUIParentTOPRIGHT-4-433",
+		["ElvUF_Raid25Mover"] = "TOPLEFTElvUIParentTOPLEFT449-448",
+	}
+	E.db["gridSize"] = 110
+	E.db["tooltip"] = {
+		["style"] = "inset",
+		["visibility"] = {
+			["combat"] = true,
+		},
+	}
+	E.db["chat"] = {
+		["timeStampFormat"] = "%I:%M ",
+		["editBoxPosition"] = "ABOVE_CHAT",
+		["lfgIcons"] = false,
+		["emotionIcons"] = false,
+	}
+	E.db["unitframe"] = {
+		["units"] = {
+			["tank"] = {
+				["enable"] = false,
+			},
+			["party"] = {
+				["horizontalSpacing"] = 1,
+				["debuffs"] = {
+					["sizeOverride"] = 21,
+					["yOffset"] = -7,
+					["anchorPoint"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+					["xOffset"] = -4,
+				},
+				["buffs"] = {
+					["enable"] = true,
+					["yOffset"] = 28,
+					["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+					["clickThrough"] = true,
+					["useBlacklist"] = false,
+					["noDuration"] = false,
+					["playerOnly"] = false,
+					["perrow"] = 1,
+					["useFilter"] = "TurtleBuffs",
+					["noConsolidated"] = false,
+					["sizeOverride"] = 22,
+					["xOffset"] = 30,
+				},
+				["growthDirection"] = "LEFT_UP",
+				["GPSArrow"] = {
+					["size"] = 40,
+				},
+				["buffIndicator"] = {
+					["size"] = 10,
+				},
+				["roleIcon"] = {
+					["enable"] = false,
+					["position"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
+				},
+				["targetsGroup"] = {
+					["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOM",
+				},
+				["power"] = {
+					["text_format"] = "",
+					["width"] = "inset",
+				},
+				["customTexts"] = {
+					["Health Text"] = {
+						["font"] = "ElvUI Pixel",
+						["justifyH"] = "CENTER",
+						["fontOutline"] = "MONOCHROMEOUTLINE",
+						["xOffset"] = 0,
+						["yOffset"] = -7,
+						["text_format"] = "[healthcolor][health:deficit]",
+						["size"] = 10,
+					},
+				},
+				["healPrediction"] = true,
+				["width"] = 80,
+				["name"] = {
+					["text_format"] = "[namecolor][name:veryshort] [difficultycolor][smartlevel]",
+					["position"] = "TOP",
+				},
+				["health"] = {
+					["frequentUpdates"] = true,
+					["position"] = "BOTTOM",
+					["text_format"] = "",
+				},
+				["height"] = 45,
+				["verticalSpacing"] = 1,
+				["petsGroup"] = {
+					["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOM",
+				},
+				["raidicon"] = {
+					["attachTo"] = "LEFT",
+					["xOffset"] = 9,
+					["yOffset"] = 0,
+					["size"] = 13,
+				},
+			},
+			["raid40"] = {
+				["horizontalSpacing"] = 1,
+				["debuffs"] = {
+					["enable"] = true,
+					["yOffset"] = -9,
+					["anchorPoint"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+					["clickThrough"] = true,
+					["useBlacklist"] = false,
+					["perrow"] = 2,
+					["useFilter"] = "Blacklist",
+					["sizeOverride"] = 21,
+					["xOffset"] = -4,
+				},
+				["rdebuffs"] = {
+					["size"] = 26,
+				},
+				["growthDirection"] = "UP_LEFT",
+				["health"] = {
+					["frequentUpdates"] = true,
+				},
+				["power"] = {
+					["enable"] = true,
+					["width"] = "inset",
+					["position"] = "CENTER",
+				},
+				["customTexts"] = {
+					["Health Text"] = {
+						["font"] = "ElvUI Pixel",
+						["justifyH"] = "CENTER",
+						["fontOutline"] = "MONOCHROMEOUTLINE",
+						["xOffset"] = 0,
+						["yOffset"] = -7,
+						["text_format"] = "[healthcolor][health:deficit]",
+						["size"] = 10,
+					},
+				},
+				["healPrediction"] = true,
+				["width"] = 50,
+				["invertGroupingOrder"] = false,
+				["name"] = {
+					["text_format"] = "[namecolor][name:veryshort]",
+					["position"] = "TOP",
+				},
+				["buffs"] = {
+					["enable"] = true,
+					["yOffset"] = 25,
+					["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+					["clickThrough"] = true,
+					["useBlacklist"] = false,
+					["noDuration"] = false,
+					["playerOnly"] = false,
+					["perrow"] = 1,
+					["useFilter"] = "TurtleBuffs",
+					["noConsolidated"] = false,
+					["sizeOverride"] = 17,
+					["xOffset"] = 21,
+				},
+				["height"] = 43,
+				["verticalSpacing"] = 1,
+				["raidicon"] = {
+					["attachTo"] = "LEFT",
+					["xOffset"] = 9,
+					["yOffset"] = 0,
+					["size"] = 13,
+				},
+			},
+			["focus"] = {
+				["power"] = {
+					["width"] = "inset",
+				},
+			},
+			["target"] = {
+				["portrait"] = {
+					["overlay"] = true,
+				},
+				["aurabar"] = {
+					["enable"] = false,
+				},
+				["power"] = {
+					["width"] = "inset",
+					["height"] = 11,
+				},
+			},
+			["raid"] = {
+				["debuffs"] = {
+					["countFontSize"] = 13,
+					["fontSize"] = 9,
+					["enable"] = true,
+					["yOffset"] = -7,
+					["anchorPoint"] = "TOPRIGHT",
+					["sizeOverride"] = 21,
+					["xOffset"] = -4,
+				},
+				["growthDirection"] = "LEFT_UP",
+				["numGroups"] = 8,
+				["roleIcon"] = {
+					["enable"] = false,
+				},
+				["healPrediction"] = true,
+				["power"] = {
+					["height"] = 8,
+				},
+				["buffs"] = {
+					["enable"] = true,
+					["yOffset"] = 28,
+					["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+					["clickThrough"] = true,
+					["useBlacklist"] = false,
+					["noDuration"] = false,
+					["playerOnly"] = false,
+					["perrow"] = 1,
+					["useFilter"] = "TurtleBuffs",
+					["noConsolidated"] = false,
+					["sizeOverride"] = 22,
+					["xOffset"] = 30,
+				},
+			},
+			["focustarget"] = {
+				["power"] = {
+					["width"] = "inset",
+				},
+			},
+			["pettarget"] = {
+				["power"] = {
+					["width"] = "inset",
+				},
+			},
+			["pet"] = {
+				["power"] = {
+					["width"] = "inset",
+				},
+			},
+			["player"] = {
+				["debuffs"] = {
+					["attachTo"] = "BUFFS",
+				},
+				["portrait"] = {
+					["overlay"] = true,
+				},
+				["classbar"] = {
+					["detachFromFrame"] = true,
+					["enable"] = false,
+				},
+				["aurabar"] = {
+					["enable"] = false,
+				},
+				["power"] = {
+					["width"] = "inset",
+					["height"] = 11,
+				},
+				["buffs"] = {
+					["enable"] = true,
+					["noDuration"] = false,
+					["attachTo"] = "FRAME",
+				},
+				["castbar"] = {
+					["width"] = 399,
+					["height"] = 25,
+				},
+			},
+			["boss"] = {
+				["portrait"] = {
+					["enable"] = true,
+					["overlay"] = true,
+				},
+				["power"] = {
+					["width"] = "inset",
+				},
+			},
+			["arena"] = {
+				["power"] = {
+					["width"] = "inset",
+				},
+			},
+			["targettarget"] = {
+				["power"] = {
+					["width"] = "inset",
+				},
+			},
+			["assist"] = {
+				["targetsGroup"] = {
+					["enable"] = false,
+				},
+				["enable"] = false,
+			},
+		},
+		["statusbar"] = "Polished Wood",
+		["colors"] = {
+			["auraBarBuff"] = {
+				["b"] = 0.0941176470588236,
+				["g"] = 0.0784313725490196,
+				["r"] = 0.309803921568628,
+			},
+			["transparentPower"] = true,
+			["castColor"] = {
+				["b"] = 0.1,
+				["g"] = 0.1,
+				["r"] = 0.1,
+			},
+			["health"] = {
+				["b"] = 0.235294117647059,
+				["g"] = 0.235294117647059,
+				["r"] = 0.235294117647059,
+			},
+			["transparentHealth"] = true,
+			["transparentCastbar"] = true,
+			["transparentAurabars"] = true,
+		},
+	}
+	E.db["datatexts"] = {
+		["minimapPanels"] = false,
+		["fontSize"] = 12,
+		["panelTransparency"] = true,
+		["panels"] = {
+			["DP_3"] = {
+				["middle"] = "DPS",
+			},
+			["RightChatDataPanel"] = {
+				["right"] = "Skada",
+				["left"] = "Combat/Arena Time",
+			},
+			["DP_1"] = {
+				["middle"] = "Friends",
+			},
+			["DP_5"] = {
+				["middle"] = "Friends",
+			},
+			["LeftChatDataPanel"] = {
+				["right"] = "Haste",
+				["left"] = "Spell/Heal Power",
+			},
+			["RightMiniPanel"] = "Gold",
+			["Top_Center"] = "WIM",
+			["Bottom_Panel"] = "Talent/Loot Specialization",
+			["DP_6"] = {
+				["right"] = "Gold",
+				["left"] = "System",
+				["middle"] = "Time",
+			},
+			["DP_2"] = {
+				["middle"] = "Attack Power",
+			},
+			["LeftMiniPanel"] = "Time",
+		},
+		["font"] = "ElvUI Font",
+		["fontOutline"] = "None",
+		["battleground"] = false,
+	}
+	E.db["actionbar"] = {
+		["bar3"] = {
+			["buttonspacing"] = 1,
+			["buttonsPerRow"] = 3,
+			["alpha"] = 0.4,
+		},
+		["bar2"] = {
+			["enabled"] = true,
+			["buttonspacing"] = 1,
+			["alpha"] = 0.6,
+		},
+		["bar5"] = {
+			["buttonspacing"] = 1,
+			["buttonsPerRow"] = 3,
+			["alpha"] = 0.4,
+		},
+		["bar1"] = {
+			["buttonspacing"] = 1,
+			["alpha"] = 0.6,
+		},
+		["stanceBar"] = {
+			["buttonsPerRow"] = 1,
+			["alpha"] = 0.6,
+		},
+		["bar4"] = {
+			["enabled"] = false,
+			["point"] = "BOTTOMLEFT",
+			["alpha"] = 0.4,
+			["buttonsPerRow"] = 6,
+			["backdrop"] = false,
+		},
+	}
+	E.db["general"] = {
+		["autoRepair"] = "GUILD",
+		["bottomPanel"] = false,
+		["backdropfadecolor"] = {
+			["b"] = 0.054,
+			["g"] = 0.054,
+			["r"] = 0.054,
+		},
+		["valuecolor"] = {
+			["b"] = 0.819,
+			["g"] = 0.513,
+			["r"] = 0.09,
+		},
+		["threat"] = {
+			["position"] = "LEFTCHAT",
+		},
+		["topPanel"] = false,
+		["health"] = {
+		},
+		["BUFFS"] = {
+		},
+		["vendorGrays"] = true,
+	}
+	E.private["general"]["normTex"] = "Polished Wood"
+	E.private["general"]["chatBubbles"] = "nobackdrop"
+	E.private["general"]["glossTex"] = "Polished Wood"
+	if AddOnSkins then
+		E.private["addonskins"] = {
+			["Blizzard_WorldStateCaptureBar"] = true,
+			["EmbedSkada"] = true,
+			["EmbedalDamageMeter"] = false,
+			["EmbedSystemDual"] = true,
+			['EmbedLeft'] = 'Skada',
+			['EmbedRight'] = 'Skada',
+		}
+	end
+	E.private["skins"] = {
+		["addons"] = {
+			["EmbedSystemDual"] = true,
+			["EmbedMain"] = "Skada, Skada",
+			["EmbedalDamageMeter"] = false,
+			["TransparentEmbed"] = true,
+		},
+	}
+	E.private["sle"]["inspectframeoptions"]["enable"] = true
+	E.private["sle"]["characterframeoptions"]["enable"] = true
+	E.private["theme"] = "default"

@@ -1694,7 +1690,7 @@ local function SetPage(PageNum)

 	elseif PageNum == 4 then
 		f.SubTitle:SetText(L["Shadow & Light Layouts"])
-		f.Desc1:SetText(L["You can now choose if you want to use one of the authors' set of options. This will change the positioning of some elements as well of other various options."])
+		f.Desc1:SetText(L["You can now choose if you what to use one of authors' set of options. This will change not only the positioning of some elements but also change a bunch of other options."])
 		local word = E.db.layoutSet == 'tank' and L["Tank"] or E.db.layoutSet == 'healer' and L["Healer"] or E.db.layoutSet == 'dpsMelee' and L['Physical DPS'] or E.db.layoutSet == 'dpsCaster' and L['Caster DPS'] or NONE
 		f.Desc2:SetText(format(L["SLE_Install_Text2"], word))
 		f.Desc3:SetText(L["Importance: |cffFF0000Low|r"])
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/core/load_core.xml b/ElvUI_SLE/core/load_core.xml
index 015cd78..3da0dae 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/core/load_core.xml
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/core/load_core.xml
@@ -1 +1 @@
-<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
	<Script file='modules.lua'/>
	<Script file='core.lua'/>
	<Script file='media.lua'/>
	<Script file='toolkit.lua'/>
	<Script file='commands.lua'/>
	<Script file='staticpopups.lua'/>
	<Script file='install.lua'/>
	<Include file='installer\load_install.xml'/>
	<Script file='elvprot.lua'/>
	<Script file='test.lua'/>
\ No newline at end of file
+<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
	<Script file='modules.lua'/>
	<Script file='core.lua'/>
	<Script file='media.lua'/>
	<Script file='toolkit.lua'/>
	<Script file='communicate.lua'/>
	<Script file='staticpopups.lua'/>
	<Script file='install.lua'/>
	<Include file='installer\load_install.xml'/>
	<Script file='elvprot.lua'/>
	<Script file='test.lua'/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/core/toolkit.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/core/toolkit.lua
index 9d89487..f03f9b5 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/core/toolkit.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/core/toolkit.lua
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ function SLE:SettingTable(t, s, root)

 function SLE:ImportTableReplace(msg)
 	if not string.find(msg, "E.db") and not string.find(msg, "E.private") and not string.find(msg, "E.global") then
 		return nil
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/options/dev_c.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/options/dev_c.lua
index 85a815b..07dc2e9 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/options/dev_c.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/options/dev_c.lua
@@ -178,136 +178,6 @@ if SLE:Auth() then
-				devcommand = {
-					order = 4,
-					type = "group",
-					name = "Commands",
-					args = {
-						header = {
-							order = 1,
-							type = "header",
-							name = "Developer commands execution GUI",
-						},
-						desc = {
-							order = 2,
-							type = 'description',
-							name = "The GUI for executing old /slesays and /slecmd without typing all the shit mannually.",
-						},
-						flag = {
-							type = 'select',
-							name = 'Addon message type',
-							order = 3,
-							get = function() return flag end,
-							set = function(_, value)
-								flag = value
-							end,
-							values = {
-								['SLE_DEV_SAYS'] = 'S&L Says',
-								['SLE_DEV_CMD'] = 'S&L Command',
-							},
-						},
-						channel = {
-							type = 'select',
-							name = 'Addon message channel',
-							order = 4,
-							get = function() return addonChannel end,
-							set = function(_, value)
-								addonChannel = value
-							end,
-							values = {
-								['GUILD'] = 'Guild',
-								['INSTANCE_CHAT'] = 'Instance',
-								['PARTY'] = 'Party',
-								['RAID'] = 'Raid',
-								['WHISPER'] = 'Whisper',
-								['BNET'] = 'BNet',
-							},
-						},
-						bnetlist = {
-							type = 'select',
-							name = 'BNet List',
-							order = 5,
-							disabled = function() return addonChannel ~= 'BNET' end,
-							get = function() return bnetP end,
-							set = function(_, value)
-								bnetP = value
-							end,
-							values = function()
-								SLE:GetBNetInfo()
-								return bnettesttbl
-							end,
-						},
-						target = {
-							order = 6,
-							type = 'input',
-							width = 'full',
-							name = 'Unit to send message to',
-							disabled = function() return addonChannel == 'BNET' end,
-							get = function() return addonTarget end,
-							set = function(_, value)
-								addonTarget = value
-							end,
-						},
-						message = {
-							order = 7,
-							type = "group",
-							name = 'Message',
-							guiInline = true,
-							args = {
-								channel = {
-									type = 'select',
-									order = 1,
-									name = 'Output channel (S&L Says only)',
-									disabled = function() return flag ~= 'SLE_DEV_SAYS' end,
-									get = function() return output end,
-									set = function(_, value)
-										output = value
-									end,
-									values = {
-										['GUILD'] = 'Guild',
-										['INSTANCE_CHAT'] = 'Instance',
-										['PARTY'] = 'Party',
-										['RAID'] = 'Raid',
-										['SAY'] = "Say",
-										['YELL'] = "Yell",
-										['WHISPER'] = "Whisper",
-									},
-								},
-								message = {
-									type = 'input',
-									order = 2,
-									width = 'full',
-									name = 'Message to send/Script to execute',
-									get = function() return text end,
-									set = function(_, value)
-										text = value
-									end,
-								},
-								whispTarget = {
-									type = 'input',
-									order = 3,
-									width = 'full',
-									name = 'Whisper target (S&L Says with whisper only)',
-									disabled = function() return (flag ~= 'SLE_DEV_SAYS') or (flag == 'SLE_DEV_SAYS' and output ~= 'WHISPER') end,
-									get = function() return wtarget end,
-									set = function(_, value)
-										wtarget = value
-									end,
-								},
-							},
-						},
-						submitbutton = {
-							type = 'execute',
-							order = 8,
-							name = "Execute command",
-							desc = "Unleash the chaos!!!",
-							func = function ()
-								SLE:Print('Trying to execute this command...')
-								E:sleCommand(flag, addonChannel, addonTarget, output, text, wtarget, bnetP)
-							end,
-						},
-					},
-				},
 				devdiaggroup = {
 					order = 5,
 					type = "group",