
And again, more updates to the locales.

Merathilis [12-09-16 - 17:55]
And again, more updates to the locales.
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/english.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/english.lua
index 0459b5c..3b0698a 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/english.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/english.lua
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ L["S&L: Misc"] = true
 L["OOR as Bind Text"] = true
 L["Out Of Range indication will use keybind text instead of the whole icon."] = true
 L["Checked Texture"] = true
-L["Highlight the button of the spell with areal effect untill the area is selected."] = true
+L["Highlight the button of the spell with areal effect until the area is selected."] = true
 L["Checked Texture Color"] = true
 L["Transparent Backdrop"] = true
 L["Sets actiobars' backgrounds to transparent template."] = true
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/german.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/german.lua
index f9972ca..3c1f42b 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/german.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/german.lua
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Fortfahren?]]
 L["SLE_INSTALL_SETTINGS_ADDONS_TEXT"] = [[Dieses wird ein Profil für diese Addons erstellen (wenn aktiviert) und zum erstellten Profil wechseln:


 --Config replacements
 L["This option have been disabled by Shadow & Light. To return it you need to disable S&L's option. Click here to see it's location."] = "Diese Optionen wurde durch Shadow & Light deaktiviert. Um siw wieder zu aktivieren musst du die S&L Optionen deaktivieren. Klicke hier um zu den Einstellungen zu gelangen."
@@ -119,59 +119,59 @@ L["S&L: Backgrounds"] = "S&L: Hintergründe"
 L["S&L: Misc"] = "S&L: Verschiedenes"

-L["OOR as Bind Text"] = true
-L["Out Of Range indication will use keybind text instead of the whole icon."] = true
-L["Checked Texture"] = true
-L["Highlight the button of the spell with areal effect untill the area is selected."] = true
-L["Checked Texture Color"] = true
-L["Transparent Backdrop"] = true
-L["Sets actiobars' backgrounds to transparent template."] = true
-L["Transparent Buttons"] = true
-L["Sets actiobars buttons' backgrounds to transparent template."] = true
+L["OOR as Bind Text"] = "OOR als Text"
+L["Out Of Range indication will use keybind text instead of the whole icon."] = "Außer Reichweiten Indikator wird nun den Tastaturbelegungstext anstatt das Symbol benutzen."
+L["Checked Texture"] = "Gedrückte Textur"
+L["Highlight the button of the spell with areal effect until the area is selected."] = "Hebt die Taste von Flächenzaubern hervor bis das Zielgebiet ausgewählt wurde."
+L["Checked Texture Color"] = "Gedrückte Textur Farbe"
+L["Transparent Backdrop"] = "Transparenter Hintergrund"
+L["Sets actiobars' backgrounds to transparent template."] = "Setzt den Aktionsleisten Hintergrund transparent."
+L["Transparent Buttons"] = "Transparente Tasten"
+L["Sets actiobars buttons' backgrounds to transparent template."] = "Setzt die Aktionsleisten Tasten transparent."

-L["Average"] = true
-L["Not Enchanted"] = true
-L["Empty Socket"] = true
+L["Average"] = "Durschnitt"
+L["Not Enchanted"] = "Nicht verzaubert"
+L["Empty Socket"] = "Leerer Sockel"
 L["KF"] = true
-L["You can't inspect while dead."] = true
-L["Specialization data seems to be crashed. Please inspect again."] = true
-L["No Specialization"] = true
+L["You can't inspect while dead."] = "Du kannst nicht inspizieren während du tod bist."
+L["Specialization data seems to be crashed. Please inspect again."] = "Spezialisierungsdaten sind wohl gecrashed. Bitte erneut inspizieren."
+L["No Specialization"] = "Keine Spezialisierung"
 L["Character model may differ because it was constructed by the inspect data."] = true
 L["Armory Mode"] = true
-L["Enchant String"] = true
-L["String Replacement"] = true
-L["List of Strings"] = true
-L["Original String"] = true
-L["New String"] = true
-L["Character Armory"] = true
-L["Show Missing Enchants or Gems"] = true
-L["Show Warning Icon"] = true
-L["Select Image"] = true
-L["Custom Image Path"] = true
-L["Gradient"] = true
-L["Gradient Texture Color"] = true
-L["Upgrade Level"] = true
-L["Warning Size"] = true
-L["Warning Only As Icons"] = true
-L["Only Damaged"] = true
-L["Gem Sockets"] = true
-L["Socket Size"] = true
+L["Enchant String"] = "Verzauberungsstring"
+L["String Replacement"] = "String Ersetzung"
+L["List of Strings"] = "Liste von Strings"
+L["Original String"] = "Originaler String"
+L["New String"] = "Neuer String"
+L["Character Armory"] = "Charakter Armory"
+L["Show Missing Enchants or Gems"] = "Zeigt fehlende Verzauberungen oder Sockel"
+L["Show Warning Icon"] = "Zeigt Warnungssymbol"
+L["Select Image"] = "Bild auswählen"
+L["Custom Image Path"] = "Benutzerdefinierter Bildpfad"
+L["Gradient"] = "Verlauf"
+L["Gradient Texture Color"] = "Verlaufs Textur Farbe"
+L["Upgrade Level"] = "Upgrade Stufe"
+L["Warning Size"] = "Warnungsgröße"
+L["Warning Only As Icons"] = "Warnung nur als Symbol"
+L["Only Damaged"] = "Nur beschädigte"
+L["Gem Sockets"] = "Edelstein Sockel"
+L["Socket Size"] = "Sockel Größe"
 L["Inspect Armory"] = true
-L["Full Item Level"] = true
-L["Show both equipped and average item levels."] = true
-L["Item Level Coloring"] = true
+L["Full Item Level"] = "Volles Itemlevel"
+L["Show both equipped and average item levels."] = "Zeigt angelegtes und durchschnittliches Itemlevel"
+L["Item Level Coloring"] = "Itemlevel färbung"
 L["Color code item levels values. Equipped will be gradient, avarage - selected color."] = true
-L["Color of Average"] = true
-L["Sets the color of avarage item level."] = true
-L["Only Relevant Stats"] = true
-L["Show only those primary stats relevant to your spec."] = true
-L["SLE_ARMORY_POINTS_AVAILABLE"] = "%s Point(s) Available!!"
-L["Show ElvUI skin's backdrop overlay"] = true
+L["Color of Average"] = "Farbe vom Durchschnitt"
+L["Sets the color of avarage item level."] = "Setzt die Farbe vom Durchschnitts-Itemlevel"
+L["Only Relevant Stats"] = "Nur relevante Werte"
+L["Show only those primary stats relevant to your spec."] = "Zeigt nur primäre Werte die relevant für deinen Spec sind."
+L["SLE_ARMORY_POINTS_AVAILABLE"] = "%s Punkt(e) Verfügbar!!"
+L["Show ElvUI skin's backdrop overlay"] = "Zeigt ElvUI-Skin Hintergrund Overlay"

-L["You Are Away From Keyboard for"] = true
-L["Take care of yourself, Master!"] = true
+L["You Are Away From Keyboard for"] = "Du bist nicht an der Tastatur für"
+L["Take care of yourself, Master!"] = "Pass auf dich auf, Meister!"
 L["SLE_TIPS"] = { --This doesn't need to be translated, every locale can has own tips
 	"Don't stand in the fire!",
 	"Elv: I just utilized my degree in afro engineering and fixed it",
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/russian.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/russian.lua
index 8e4f456..48a92a9 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/locales/russian.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/locales/russian.lua
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ L["S&L: Misc"] = "S&L: Прочее"
 L["OOR as Bind Text"] = "Вне радиуса на назначнии"
 L["Out Of Range indication will use keybind text instead of the whole icon."] = "Индикация о слишком далекой цели будет окрашивать текст назначенной клавиши вместо всей иконки."
 L["Checked Texture"] = "Текстура выделения"
-L["Highlight the button of the spell with areal effect untill the area is selected."] = "Пдсвечивает кнопку с эффектом по области пока не будет выбрана точка применения."
+L["Highlight the button of the spell with areal effect until the area is selected."] = "Пдсвечивает кнопку с эффектом по области пока не будет выбрана точка применения."
 L["Checked Texture Color"] = "Цвет выделения"
 L["Transparent Backdrop"] = "Прозрачный фон"
 L["Sets actiobars' backgrounds to transparent template."] = "Делает фон панелей команд прозрачным."
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/options/actionbars_c.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/options/actionbars_c.lua
index 5a19278..0b0f670 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/options/actionbars_c.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/options/actionbars_c.lua
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ local function configTable()
 				order = 2,
 				type = "toggle",
 				name = L["Checked Texture"],
-				desc = L["Highlight the button of the spell with areal effect untill the area is selected."],
+				desc = L["Highlight the button of the spell with areal effect until the area is selected."],
 				disabled = function() return not E.private.actionbar.enable or (LibStub("Masque", true) and E.private.actionbar.masque.actionbars) end,
 				get = function(info) return E.private.sle.actionbars.checkedtexture end,
 				set = function(info, value) E.private.sle.actionbars.checkedtexture = value; E:StaticPopup_Show('PRIVATE_RL'); end,