
think bigwigs will be ok from now on

Darthpred [06-27-15 - 13:52]
think bigwigs will be ok from now on
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/uibuttons.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/uibuttons.lua
index e26209c..f91930b 100644
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/uibuttons.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/uibuttons.lua
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ function UB:AddonSetup(menu)

 	menu:CreateDropdownButton("Addon", "DBM", L["Boss Mod"], L["Boss Mod"], L["Click to toggle the Configuration/Option Window from the Bossmod you have enabled."], function() DBM:LoadGUI() end, "DBM-Core")
 	menu:CreateDropdownButton("Addon", "VEM", L["Boss Mod"], L["Boss Mod"], L["Click to toggle the Configuration/Option Window from the Bossmod you have enabled."], function() VEM:LoadGUI() end, "VEM-Core")
+	menu:CreateDropdownButton("Addon", "BigWigs", L["Boss Mod"], L["Boss Mod"], L["Click to toggle the Configuration/Option Window from the Bossmod you have enabled."], function() LibDBIcon10_BigWigs:Click("RightButton") end, "BigWigs")
 	menu:CreateSeparator("Addon", "First", 4, 2)
 	menu:CreateDropdownButton("Addon", "Altoholic", "Altoholic", nil, nil, function() Altoholic:ToggleUI() end, "Altoholic")
 	menu:CreateDropdownButton("Addon", "AtlasLoot", "AtlasLoot", nil, nil, function() AtlasLoot.GUI:Toggle() end, "AtlasLoot")