
Actually why the hell this shit was global? O_o

Darthpred [09-09-13 - 22:56]
Actually why the hell this shit was global? O_o
diff --git a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/install/install.lua b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/install/install.lua
index ac167f7..0af061b 100755
--- a/ElvUI_SLE/modules/install/install.lua
+++ b/ElvUI_SLE/modules/install/install.lua
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ function E:DarthSetup() --The function to switch from classic ElvUI settings to
 	if not E.db.movers then E.db.movers = {}; end
 	if not E.db.loclite then E.db.loclite = {} end

-	layout = E.db.layoutSet --To know if some sort of layout was choosed before
+	local layout = E.db.layoutSet --To know if some sort of layout was choosed before

 	if SLE:CheckFlag(nil, 'SLEAUTHOR') then
 		E.db.hideTutorial = 1